Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 13 Nov 1896, p. 5

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Nov. 18 LISTOWRL | MOLESWORTH. On Monday evenin open meeting of the Womese F a Foreign Missionary Society will be nee? in the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. Mac- kenzie, of Orangeville, ait addre the: gheeting. « Also cellent music wi Ly Ao age by the "shai Monday evening, Noy. 23, a sight school will be opened. Those desirous of uttending should hand in eir namesat once. Already a good number have joined. Mrs. Robt. Armstrong intends leaving for Manitoba on Saturday of this week, A car load of goods foilows her on Monday in charge of Albert Armstrong. Miss Maggie McKee is at present visiting friends in Wellesley. Mrs. James Crookshanks, who was visiting in this vicinity, returned to her home M, Melee, who was judge at the Wellesley plowing match, bas return- ed, and reports a good match. MONKTON. Miss Annie Scott has returned after visiting her brother at Corbetton for over a month. A party of hunters from Mitchell re a few duys hunting in this vicin- They sneceeded in bagging quite an number ofrabbiis and partridges, Julius Horn has disposed of his driver to Dr. Douglas, of Atwood. The cheese factory closes down for the season this week. W. Wythe has left to visit friends at Norwich, after which he purposes taking a trip to Engiand. Miss Fanny l'eatherstone 1s visiting friends in Atwood. It ix our snd duty this week to chronicle the death of Mr. Hurlburt, and Mrs. Ruttley, of rind both well known in this vici Miss Olive "eat Sneduy Wilson with friends in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. James Blair have been on the sick Jist for the lust week, but we are glad to state that they are re. covering. GOWANSTOWN. Mrs. Humphrey Bender, of the sixth Wallace, passed away to her final rest on Friday last after suffering consider- able pain from that fatal disease, dropsy/ Her remains were interred in the @erman Evangelical cemetery. She leaves behind her besides her busband six children, three sons and three danghters, to movrn her loss. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Knight were visiting at the home of her parents last Sunday. The Mennonite services are still continuing this week aud are seeming- y successful. Thomas Greer has been having a nightly visitor ut his chicken coop de- stroying quite a number of fowl. He resolved to investigate and was sur- prised to find the visitor a skunk. He was despatched in short order. The Forsters of the locatity of New- idge have been recently repairing their ball andto meet expenses they held a tea-meeting last Thursday night. It being stormy the crowd did not turn out as the expected. Only $38 was yealize A shooting sent will take pince at the Gowanstown on Thursday' 19th inst., for turkeys, geese, ete. WALLACE Winter has given notice that it is coming. 'Lhe ground is covered with a thin layer of snow, but is to be hoped it will disappear, ns itis rather carly for the adveut of vold weather. Jobu Creighton sen. has disposed of his stock and implements and retired from farmiug. His son John takes the pluce. Mr. Creighton deserves a few years of rest in his declining years. He has been vue of the iocemnet farm- ers of this section of country Mr. J. B. Munroe "~ been re-eu- gaged to teach 8S. S.No. 6, Wallace. During his short time here he has shown himself to be a very eftlicient teacher, aud the trustees have shown wisdom in securing his services for auother year W. and 4. "Schneider have just com- pleted a handsome dwelling house. They erected a very commodious bank barn, and their buildings are second to none in the township. Report 8. 8. No. 2 for October ; percentage of total marks given. Sen. IV.--Maggie Opper 85, Jno. Snyder 65. Sen. L ie Ferguson 74, ee 73, Hannah Snyd Biebn Wesley wee 48, Johu Wenzel IIL.---Emma Wenzel 72, Willie Odbert 64, Lizzie Zmn 51. "Sen. Il.--L. Alexander 91, L. Reid 87, L. Good 79, Ep. Opper 88, Jno. Mundel 75. Jun. Il.--Ed. uudwig 55, Howe 40. Jvbu Zinn 35, Harry Zinn 30. LEBANON. Owing to the disagreeable weather very little work has been going on during the pnot few days. 'The tile drain passing throngn this pluce has been completed at 1 Several persons in this vicinity have been commenting on the work and hold that the six-inch tile will not be sufficient outlet for the water. We think our friends are nut considering the matter properly. surplus water in the spring will flow over the sort of drain is 52, been that after the rush was over a large amount of water lay in the cel- lars of the houses in the village, and this underdrain will remove that and al] will be satisfactory. A €-inch tile will carry away an enormous amouut of water and we think that all has been done that could be done in this case. Kincade, our village merchant, as been seriouely ill during th> past hus been sor Medical attendance has been rendered him, and it is reported that he is suffering ts inflammation of the sto hi He is on 'the mend, however, an we ash for his immediate recovery. James Moffat, who has been ailing for some months, is at present very ill. Mr. Moffat has patiently borne a great deal of severe pain and the entire ar gg arsenal spmpathize with him and hope t he may speedily get well. Miss Wright, Glenallan, is teaching music in this vicinity Miss Brandon, of. Hollen, has a music class here. She gives instru- mental and vocal training MILLBAN K teuithot Not the of the weather and dark Be the 'first concert was a great success, did program was rendered. Cameron proved himself again a friend to all Darkness or rain cannot in- commode where his presence can make sunshine and happiness to others. The program owing to the short notice and time fur preparation consisted en- tirely of well known residents of the viemity: Opening explanation, Rey. Mr. W right ; greeting glee, Millbank Glee Club ; vocal duet, Misses Martha and Emma Hall ; violin and accompani- ment, W. J. Stewart and Roddie and N recitation, Miss Mand | :giee, (Some Day [ll Wauder Back Again) Glee Clab ; 'Seotch song, Roddie Ross; address, Rev. J. W. Cameron ; mouth organ solo, Frank Deirk ; vocal duet, Misses M. and E. Hall; glee (Ise Gwine Kack to Dixie), Glee Club; recitation, Miss Maud Miller; song, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Nicklin; Dutch reading, William and Henderson ; violins, Mossrs. Stewart Ross and Nellie Ross; concluding re- yale Rev. J. W. Cameron, Miss Lizzie McKee was leader of the Glee Club and Miss Maggie McKee accom- panist. The announcement was made of the next concert to take place on Friday a, when{Thomas Magwood, X P. » has kindly consented to oceupy the chair. Thase wishing to take part kindly send in names. The annual supper of the Orange- men took place at the lodge room, con 9, Wellesley, when a sumptuous menu followed was by an address by County Master Dickson and others, which made avery happy social and enjoy- able evening pass too quickly away. Chas. Sergisou was in town on Satur- day. D. B. Grieve, Dr. James Johnson and Mr. Strong, all recent sufferers, are doing nicely at preseut. The farmers talk boastingly of hold- ing their wheat in expectation of see- ing ita dollar a bushel. We have a recollection of some not long ago who were nippod ut the gume. Mayor 'Torrance, of Milverton, rotund of figure and with pleasant amile, greeted his many friends here in company with Dr. Egbert. The tax collector: has been paying his annual visit. ELMA COUONCI The municipal council of the town- ship of Elma met in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, Nov. 2nd. Members, all present, Minutes of last regular aud special meetings read and signed. he report of the Engineer for lart- ridge drain repairs read. Moved by Mr. Merryfield, seconded by Mr. Hammond, that the report of 1. 1). Bolton. engineer re\the Vartridge drain repairs as now read be adopted, Carrie Moved by Mr. Hammond saeon -- by Mr. Rothwell, that By-law No. for the re pairing of Pactra Aen ae now provisionally adopted and that he authorized to serve a said by-law on the Reeve the said By-law be ening of Logan and that also printed and a canpy served on each party assessed. Carr Moved by Mr. Merryfield see -conded, ly Mr. Jackson, that the Reeve buy tickets from the G.T.R. and send Mrs. MeNair to her people near King xta- te when she is willing to go. Car- Moved by Mr. Merryfield, seconded by Mr. Hammond that the the cleaning out of the { 9d wood fram the Gilkinson drain © om +¢.il- net's place to cedar drain and have the same done as soon ity possible. Carried. Moved by Mr. Merryfield, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, that the Reeve and fr. Hammond see A. Horn In the cleaning of the Maitland river and find out What his trouble is, which he = yaye and Wm. R. "Scott with regard to the ir to this council re Ellice drain which they say overflows thelr Carried. Mr. Merryfield, rai > Ratepayers -- the I Maltiand deain (in Elma) to mao this Counell at Atwood in 'die Agricultural Hall, on a day appointed by the Reeve for that purpose to consider the claim made by Ellice Township against this t of 83,500 re Carried. » seeonded, y Mr. Merryfield that the first De- puty Reeve and Clerk be appointed to examine the petition in connection With the agreement with Railway Co. re proposed Hanna municipal drain culvert and to compare the same with Engineer's assessment and roll to as- certain whether said petition is suf- ficiently signed, at the earliest pos- sible ¢ 'arr Moved by Mr -- field, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, that as the council o Filice has appointed the ilth Nov. meet the Ellice, oe and Morning- ton Councils in Stratford to consider thei claims made by Ellice against the sald to »woships that the Reeve ;: Messrs Jac Cad to meet the said ascertain the lowest sum Sllice Council would accept on their claim, and report the same to this Council next meeting, when we will have notified our ratepayers to be present to consider the matter. Carried, ov by Mr. Hammond, seconded, by Mr. Jackson, that By-law No. 355 nas now read be finally passed -Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Rothwell seconded by Mr. Hammond, that orders be issued for the following accounta, viz k, $2.24, gravel; G. Hutchineon, $12 gravel ; W. H. cee gravelling, $3.50, culvert E mw and ersaine . spbell 25c, + ree natverk: W. + repairing W. Sohet tts sso repairing two cuiverte and planking bridge and $2.25, repalr- ing two bridges and gravelling con. 4; R. Porterfield, $1.75, repairing ap- promo to bridge; J.+MecNeil 31. ch balance gravel --e od W. Ham a culvert gravel; P. 2.50" gravelling gravel ' we $7.25, cleanin drain con. 12, and cleaning s portion " Wilson drain $, 9.50 R. 3. Pelton $15, balance on printing ac- ovane, and #2, | printing - notices re le well #1. 25, y J ose work Partridge "rains J. MetIn- re $1.20, -- plank and stone pis vel roac . Donaldson $e, gravel; J. B. heetites $LO, cleaning outlet to Higgins award: J. en, $16.50, grav elling and work of te 3 tine- » repairing T LE jeld $22.64, lumber; A Quipp y Maitland bridge ; vo, Wor pairing cuivert; J. work on gravel road : D. Keillor $4 grading con. 17; FE. Broughton $1. ma repairing culvert con. 16 repairing culvert con. it; A SLSOO work LE As Quipp S2.50, repairing Maitland bridge : Ps bat 'ourt $4 cleaning logs, brush, etey con 14; J. Seott $1.25 ditelting ane make road sideroad 14 and 14; . Morris sOn, treasurer ¢ Reneallienl" MeKay Society ¢ balance of rent of hall i896 D. MeInt; 313.50, gravelling gravel rond; D. ie ae S10, l- W.M In $22.52, Hinge TLEEM; til e; EF Bt ees -artridge drain ; of siderog 5Oe., gravelling ; postage stationary, from Sept. 16th, to date $9 for cards for notices Boyle drain and $4 Pcie i jurors list and expenses to a. a Towland $4, making i list; V Kelly 36.75, culverts ; W. R. Erkes' xine 85.50 tlie; Bs Adair, S2 spreading gravel bounda Moved by Mr. Hammond pal se hy Mr. Rothwell that the council do now adjourn to meet again in Agricultral Hall at the call of the Reeve. Carried. T. } ULLARTON, Clerk. siainiaia Wantec. To manufaetire ¢ ue or is *t nein id nied ci os. tlie canto raigued a up to one oe clock rliy t 4th of November, a8 . fafarmeations part to the & . tender not necessarily acce arts i. y- m on For further The lowest GG MLIN mans Arh. Molesworth, Get. 17, 1806. WE AIM "sar Regarding the QU ANTITY as wellas the QUALITY of Goods AS BUYS Consequently we will valle what everybody needs this time of year, at the follow- ing very Low Prices Pure Lard toc Ib. Qlean Currants 6c Ib. Good Raisins 6c Ib. 3 Ibs Soda Biscuits 20¢. Round Steak ze tb. Sirloin Steak Sc Ib. Rib Roasts 6c |b. Boiling Meats 4 to 5c Ib. As we value our reputa- tion, you can rely upon being used squarely, WM. Mc°KEEVER. JUST FOR FUN! CABINET PHOTOS 5. M. SMITHS $1.50 Per Dozen for a week from the date of this issue. Will givea Cabinet Photo FREE to any lady or gentieman years of age or over. S. M. 55 SMITH. ART STUDIO. GRADUATE Miss MacFarlane Bh ANTFORD Young I eaed College. intends giv ving lesso! Art Needle Work, Crayon Drawing, Pastelle, Ot and China Paints ng. STUDIO over Wa, SPEARS' STORE. Opening from September lat t 5th. sa are cordially invited to call or inapect wor c. R. MacPARLANE. McGillivray Dry Goods and Groceries Mantles Selling as well as ever and plenty more here to pick from, all New Stylish Goods, every garment imported direct from Germany. *They go like this until sold ; $4.50 Mantle or Cape tor $3. a , ae 5.50 i s ry 4. l 3 6 co at oe "a 4 Ye) Furs... _ Ladies Capes in Woe Seal, Astrachan, Sable, Grey Lamb, Electric Seal and Eng- fh Coney. Ladies Collars, Muffs and Gauntlets. We po- sitively guarantee to save you 25% on every article. Gents' Underwear Special clearing of Fine Imported and Canadian Un- derwear, Sizes--38, 4o & 32 in fine Scotch Lambs Wool, regular $5 for $3.75 suir. Size, 38 and go H avy Scotch Shirts and Drawers, regular $3 50 for 270. Size 4o and 42, Extra Heavy Scotch Knit Shirts, double breast and black, rey- ulagiia,75 for $2 suit. M. McGILLIVRAY SELLING OUT Or marking goods away aown, does not -always prove that There is the place where the CHEAPEST and BEST CLOTHING is to be found. No. 45 Wallace Street is acknowledged as the only good Clothing House town and tnat there is where the cheapest and best Clothing is sold. in We are the only Manufac- turers of Ready-Made Clothing in Perth county. Have you seen our WINTER QVERGOATS ? This is where the BIG CRY Overcoats is heard. Remember the place, Had Tin Call : Repsirin g promptly atcendecdi to, Amer Not Forbidden F ruit. it been in the Garden of Eden Eve would certainly have requested Adam to get the household necessities from it We have Trade, viz: COOKING STOVES. in stock more temptations than ever for Fall COAL STOVE ware, Lamp Goods, &c. ind examine before purchasing elsewhere. RS. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Main St. - Next door to Hacking"s Drug Store, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fittings, Furnace work, &¢ ican and Canadian Coal Oil and lit, ity. - DO YOU SEE-- OUR WINDOW ? ITS A LAMP WINDOW. A Window, that if every Lamp in it was filled with oil would light Listowel better than if you had Electric- There are Lamps of every description : Hanging Lamps. Vase Lamps. Hand Lamps Hall Lamps. Library Lamps. Bedroom Lamps And every other kind of Lamps. Don't forget to call and see our Lamps, and get our prices, which are away down. Adolph & Bonnett, (SUCCESSORS TO R. MOORE,) Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Main St. Bridge, N. B.--We also sell the very best American and Canadian Coa! Oils to fill these Lamps. Plumbing, Gas We Supply Hiverything in the STOVE, FURNACE," TINWARH TRADE. *itting and Hot Water Heating a Specialty BROOKS & ALEXANDER, STOVE AND FURNACE MEN, MAIN ST. BRIDGE, LISTOWEL, if i ; LISTOWEL WOOLLEN MILLS, "$F , FURS ALL PRICES. { Far heap Sen Fin Larsen teeiing RR al ak al Wildfang___ . Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock of Winter Suits And Overcoats in TOWN. Calland see. M Wildfang, Sign of the Elephant. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. ULSTEHRS $5.00. Lacicialeai ainsi efit econo LY badiehngenn basen legen best a ag PALIT. PANTS $1.00. 4 * Me

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