7 ore = Dy. Wt. FB. Merrtit. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYERS#= _ A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQU L. Statement of a Well Known Doctor " $ Sarsaparilla |s Withont an equol msn od-purifier and Spring medicine, ani cannot have praise cnough. Ihave watcheit effects in chronic cases, where other nent was of no avail, and have bee: nator fe fied at the results. No other blo wl medic ene that I have ever used, and I have tried ail, is se thorough in its action, {4 so mar y ky gy cures as 3 HH. F Mera, 5 ier <a Saal Ave rs Pills for r liver and bovcels. nonn's KIDNEY PILLS fail'd to cure any kidney ailment : If so, we want to know it. Over a million boxes sold without 2 single complaint [CINE CO. us0. THE pons wEDIh ) WEARING ye TRUSS By avew ss ice recently part a and y CHAS. CLUT j;RUPTURE jane CURED WITH NO INCONVENIENCS WITHOUT-TRUSS CHEAP BY MAIL »' Your name to us means contort to you, A Post Card will do Age of person or case immaterial. pewwuwuer 134 Kimo St. West TOR ONTO ---- Canada PYNY- PECTORAL § Positively Cures i COUGHS and COLDS ina singly short time. an a sci- j entiéc certainty, and true, soothing and healing in | i ] w.c, MeCompax & Som Qe, : Creag rere oe Pectoral cured Mrs. i G. McComber of ! i Mr. J..H. , Chemist, ai po saad St., Toronto, writes: 2 & general cough snd lung syTu a Large Bottle, 2 Cts: : DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lrp. Sole Proprietors - ONTREA ] | 28 : ; ] ) For Twenty-six Years. y DUNN'S Ban THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND FARM WATER FER WORSE. Good Thing Where "Rattan Is Limited and Irreguisa>. A supply of water in « prime neces- sity, and the matter of raising and dis- tributing - artificially is of first im- jally where' rainfall is I began early this spring to supply my garden, lawn, tte.. with water artificially, A reservoir 60 by 60 feet was constructed by exc vating to a depth of three feet an VR POTTED eas Rr , 3) spout #ib plus; e an eetow pipe, rb inches; f, hose bib cocks g, trough which carries "water lute pon making a bank of the earth 'with that taken from the inside. This holds suf- Water in abundance is found in the valley of the Arkansas, at a depth of about six feet. A 10-inch lron casing galvanized and punctured 50 as to admit water, was sunk in the Bravel to a depth of 15 feet. In this a pump was placed with 5-Inch cylinder, the steck projecting about six feet above the surface of the ground. Over this was placed a 20-foot windmill mounted on 2 40-foot tower. Since its erection there has always been suf- ficient wind to keep it running rapidly, and the pond can be filled at the rate of 1000 gallons per hour. In order to secure pressure for distributing water about the house and barn, watering trees, flowers, grass, running a foun- tain, washing buggies, watering stock, ete., 2 stand pipe system Was con- structed. I secured 26 feet of 10-inch siuivanized casing, bolted it to the top of the pump stock, had a plug fitted to 'row Into the spout of the pump, fas- toned a 21-2-inch waste pipe on the riside of the larger pipe, tapped the inp stock 10 inches above the sur- ice, and the preblem was solved. With foot head I secure enough pres- nre to throw a stream of water 1) to s feet high and 25 to 30 feet hor' -nt- uly. If grass and flowers will grow on 'he banks of a fish pond, it will not 'niy be useful but will be a thing of auty. I expect to stock it with fish 's soon as the United States fish car omes this way. The arrangement of he reservolr and pump Js shown in he I ing illust n.--Orange fu:cdd Farmer. Running Buffalo Clover. This plant, which is being introduced ato Ontario, Is a native of thé prairie RUNNING BUFFALO CLOVER, (Trifolium stoloniferum.) listricts of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. As will be seen from the iustration, its habits of growth is somewhat trailing and vine-like, while the blossom resembles in shape the plorsom of the alsike clover. Buffalo clover has been tested to some extent by experiment stations, anid without decisive results, and its actual value as a cultivated crop remains to be determined.--London Free Press. Ashantee Kam. The te animal shown in the tketch (copied from the Mark-Lane THE QUEEN'S ASHANTEE RAM. Express) is an Ashantee ram, imported from Africa and presented to Queen Victoria by Major Donovan Army Service Corps, ae now kept at dl Windsor farm. The p is called rempeh," and is said foe ee ag a very docile and friendly disposition. Grit tor Growing roulas e@ have noticed that growing fowls use mee grit than the fully developed birds. Something the half grown chicks will leave théir dinner to get at 's 2 basket of grit, while the older fowls re- quently been the case that the little se a Tt ane A a ] "THE FAIRY ANG: THE BURR, A pueatnet bend with prickly fur, he tC Ke antumn aay was iteard to say, ' 123 ebee: "iow dad am Or run or leap or hop, K but on ag tree, m always doomed to sto: "The birds ard bees Pont on the trees, g to roam, me or can leave lenfy, tree- teie'h A fa small, who'd chanced to Overheard this fretfu 7 talk; ook k her head anit cently sald: n 2 ou, Which "wilt, I do? peat name it and 't "tls done nm cried the burr: "I'd © be a beast and run." niweh tiie A ie mouth an Four legs, uae tall, ne feet, = agree). 'nd the "A pe reupine, complet ' ven We: One, Lighting a tire With Ice. friends you can try it--after a lttle Private practice behind the Take a piece tle it into the shape of a disk and with the palms of your hands melt its two sides convex, thus giving the form of a double convex lens, or burning glass, This you should do with considerable accuracy, and you may have to praz- pls some time before you can accom- plist Ss them so that they will be @ piece of light paper or tinder. , blaze will burst up at once. The experiment werks well only when the sun is very bright Pietures of a song. Not content with taking pictures of & man's skeleton while he's alive and well, a clever experimenter now says t and "God Save the Queen," just as they come from the singer's throat. Indeed, such perfect are obtained that the voice of a te accuracy as to its quality and range without hearing it-- merely by inspecting a series of photo- | ihe knife steady. In graphs. First thing we know Prof. Hallock, for that is the experimenter's nam "Home, Sweet Home," o doubt they'll be so beautiful that they'll fair- ly bring the tears to our eyes, can take pictures of "Annie { oe 11. The Terror {hand near the ame, | that you could seize it quickly in case will be exhibiting pictures of Patti's | 1. So ST ee SOME QUEER TRICKS. Odd Wavs in Which -- Youngsters Amuse Themselves. To balance a cup of coffee on the ith the aid of a few ac- cessories w hich are readily at hand the trick we be made comparatively sim- ple. cork, a fork--these are all the raat necessary, only do not for- get tO have on hand a little adroit- ners. ° Put a cork of proper size into the handle of a cup of coffee so that it not so tightly as to ru n the other, inclining the end of the -- toward the under side of the The center of gravity being thus lowered, place your cup upon the point of a knife, and you will find by experi- ment, the exact point where it will hold itself in equilibrium. The under SOME QUEER TRIC KS, of Housekecper Ic cullar candlestick 3, The jay uot. 4. The Problem of the Three Matche: side of the cup usually being aan you must keep the hand that uld do better me handle of the fork, 9 f the danger of a fa Perhaps if you want to be entirely , Sure of your morning coffee you would ) better _ it before making your first when one of our girls wishes a position | experim with an opera company choir all she'll have Wrap up a photograph of her volce in a bit of paper and send jt off to the committee Six Donkeys and Seven." In Turkey professional story-tellers g0 about gayly dressed in waistcoat shrug their |! shoulders, gesticulate and make faces to impress their hearers. This is one 2f the fables that a famous story-teller relates. One day a wealthy man called upon Nasartin Hodja to ask him how much he would charge to educate his son. "Three hundred piasters," said the Hod fa. "What are you talking about?" ex- claimed the man, "That is too much. I can buy six donkeys for 300 plasters." "That is well said," answered Nasar- tin, "but if you buy six donkeys with your 300 plasters Instead of educating your son you will be master of seven donkeys, including your son.' Caught an Huge Bird, Two NeW York boys, August and Willle Schramm, were out making a playhouse in the back yard of their home, when a huge, long-legged bird fell, flapping at their feet. August at strike out with Its wings and bill until August could hold it no longer. Tho moment he go and {it atarted to fiy Willie seilzed It and here was a other desperate fight, the bird uttering a wild cry that sounded Hike an ex: cited alarm clock. Finally the bid was conquered and the boya took ft t» the Central Park zoo. At first no one knew what it was, but a naturalint finally classifled it as a South Ameri- can bittern. It had evidently started nérth on its vacation, but waa over- or in a church | to do will be to! In spite of its it perfectly supported the was in all points of use- simplicity, candle, and 'fulness quite the equal of any candle- i iehowaad stick going. Only you must know the little dodge of preparing the candle. }Xou have only to pierce the end of a le with a nail, but you must take eh that your nail is of just the ht to carry the candle en- 'ciel ee water; that Is to say, the water must be just even with the top of the candle without wetting the base light the wick, and you may safely wager that In spite of the unfa- vorable element into which it is piung- ed, your candle will burn to the very cad. This seems extraordinary at iy but a little reflection will make e rea- son of it clear. You see, ing shertens the candle and so seems likely to bring the wick fn with the water, on the other hand, the welght of the candle is diminished in just the same -proportion and so as- 'ends, Httle by Uttle. I have often vainly tried to analyze, "specially on the national holidays, why it is that boys find a b more amusing than all combined. I only _-- that they do; that to touch off a non, to hear the tear which paeene | nervous people, to ee a ball spin into the air with the caplaity of lightning, and to watch the consequent fecoll is the greatest to produce these effects in the most First procure at any drug store the two little packages of powder that are used in making seltzer water, Then tnke an empty bottle of thick glass Ike the one indicated in the illustra- tion, and fill it about a third full of Dissolve in this water the bi- rbonate of seda contained in one of come with exhaustion just as ft flew like little packages, and put the powder over New York city. It will be kept in the zoo. e two boys are very proud of thelr catch. Paper Fish That Will swiin, one can make a paper fish that will swim with a palr of scissors. Draw on paper the picture of a fish, as ahown in the cut. Then cut a channel from the tail nearly to the head (b), a round opening should be made (2). Place the fish In a tub or pal! of water side down and drop into the head o the channel (a) a few drops of sewing- SWIMMING PAPER FISH. machine of]. At once the fish will be- gin to swim in the most remarkable way, the motion being caused by the spreading of the oll through: the chan- nel (b), If the channel be slightly bent (c) the fish will swim in a circl The College Boy Makes a Joke. Ss we gotter stand up, Maria," be no cheers fer us to set Im is a fresh young college boy se up and proposed to his comrades th*- they give "Three cheers for Uncle Si. ° --Harper's Round Table. No Little Dog There. "How did you find your little 4¢; when you got home from the country, Polly "Didn't find him "Why, was he et tz" He'd 'growed up to be a big s Round Table. of the other (tartaric acid) into a card rolled up Into the form of a cylinder. Plug up one end of this little cylinder with a wad of blotting paper, and sus- vend your cartridge thus made to the @@rk of the bottle by means of a pin to which a thread is attached. Force this cork with {ts little attach- ment well into the bottle, your artillery charged, All 1 pencils placed parallel upon the table. The water at once penetrates the tube of pastebord, dissolves the tartaric acid, and the carbonic acid gas sudden- ly produced forces the cork out with @ violent explosion, while the effect of reaction the bottle rolls back upon the lead pencils, imitating exactly the recoll of a piece of artiller Some time when you want to enter- tain your friends after dinner, propuse thé problem of the three Make a slit In the end of ont match, and after slightly sloping with a knife the end of a second match in- troduce it into the opening of the first in such a way as to form an acute an gle. Now stand them up on the table as indi- to lift In the air with Its aid the three others all together The solution of it is tiara in the illustration: ust lean the fourth mateh lightly nto the angle formed Now lift into the air and the others will come with It, two «n one side and one on the ether.--Chi- cago Inter Ocean. BARGAINS, SLAUGHTERING - BARGAINS. SALE OF FURNI- TURE FOR THE NEXT 6O DAYS. Everything marked below cost. All kinds of Fur terry iure tu v, n fact everything in the furniture. line. ritures, Picture Moulding, Come and secure BARGAINS at your own prices for CASH ONLY. WIE U; {LUE Satistaction guaranteed, no RTAKING. extra charge for embalming Come and see our prices before purchasing « elsewhere. ot HERMISTON'S oxo ssax WALLACE STREET BRIDGE, Phosphodine has been u: almost hopeless--cases that had been treated by the most talented physi ' Wood's Phosphodin6,--7%e Great English Remedy. Is the result of over 25 years treating thousands of cases with all known drugs, until at last we have discovered that will effect a & prompt an Sexual Dedility, Abuse or Excesses, Nervous Weakness, Em Worry, Excessive Use of Opium, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Stimulants, all of which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's is, Mental successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed = S--_--_--_-- over the gravo--but with the continued and persevering use of} had been given up todie, were Trestored to manly vigor and health--Reader you need not despair--no mat- ter who has given you upas incurable~the remedy is now within your reach, by its use you can be restored to a life of usefulness and 5; by mail free of "Pamphlet free to any address. wood Phosphodine, these cases that Price, one package, $1; six One will please, siz guuranteed to cure. happiness. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont-, Canada. |__After Taking. © Wood's Phosphodine Is sold by responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i a n,m, | 80 SUCH THING AS OLD AG To those whe use South American Nervine A Lady of 80 Years Permanently Cured by this Wonderful Medicine. Three Doctors said "Old Age was Her Complaint" and Gave Her Up--Three Bottles of Nervine Gave Relief--Twelve Bottles Curea Absolutely. MRS. JOHN Wordsworth speaksof "An old age 'serene and bright, and lovely asa Lap- Jond night." And elsewhere this same rwriter talks of '* An old age, beautifal and frea" These are conditions tthat come to the man or woman, though 'their years may border close on to a cen- tury, when inthe enjoyment of good jhealth. In fact it is difficult to think of some of the old men and wemen on tha stage of life to-day as old people, there seems to be such a perennial youthful- nessabout their every movement and act t Does someone tell us that cases like this must be the exception and not the role with those who have approached to or gone beyond the allotted thrée score years and ten? Not so, if they have be- come acquainted with the virtues con- tained in South Americin Nervine. Be- fore usin this sketch is the picture of Mrs. John Dinwoody, of Flesherton, Ont, a resident of that town for forty years. person in the town and country side around 1s perhaps better known than this lady, and none more highly esteemed. Three years ago it wis her sad lot to loose a daughter who had been all the world to her. The shock sustaned hy this event completely broke up the system of Mra Dinwoody. 'She sup:-sed herend had come. She doctored for one year with three doctors, and they gave ber case up, saying that it Bold by J. Livingstone DINWOODY, Ont. Flesherton, was one ofold age and no ene, nor any| medicine could do her good. Made off the kind of atuff that gives beauty toage atany time she did not despair, She was influenced to try Nervine S took three bottles, ind. this was sufficient to show her that her end was notyet From these sho obtained relief. She pers' sovered, and in all tok twelve bottles of the nedicine, with the result that she is to-day con pletely cured of that break- ing-up of the system that threatened her three years ago There is nothing wondorfal in the fact that Mrs. Dinwoody would proclaim to the thousands of old people through- out this broad land, tht with old age does not necessarily come decline, decrep- itude and disease Why sheuld we not live into the eighties and nineties, and "ross the border of the century ? South American Nervine, whether the person be young or old, cots at the nerve centers, and«when they are kept in pro- per condition 'the system is as well able to withstand disease at eighty as a With this prospect in view w the pleasares of family, friends and so- ciety, and taken part in wetching the marvelous progress «nd developments cf these closing days of a wonderfal cen- tury, which marks as not the Jeast of its wonderful disovveries, the discovery of South American Nervine Jr. Druggist Listowe).