Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 6 Nov 1896, p. 6

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LISTOWEL STANDARD. ¥ "¢ s \ . 6 - 2 ---------- JORNNIEIS FeSAY: ~ A LESSON aoe THE WEAE. > An pe Circumstance in an Up-to- Do you see that locomotive © Mosdern School, engine standing on the side: track ¢ Johnnie tenet he had a bonanza Somethng has broken down about it. when he found- an. essay on the horse There is nota hiss of steam from its ong seme of the old and yeliow pa- valves ; it is still and cold as u dead erst that his father had ster whale on a beach ; it can't draw atrain; | httic years before. He care etuir, yt all it can't even move itself. Now, tell! the early production, which proved to me. Do you believe that any amount ee ee ihoniee 4 et cn an oe eat 4 3 3 of tinkering aad ace ae hg at it school, this is what he read: would muke it go ? Not a i Noth- "The horse is a very useful animai. ing on earth will fake it .go except] without him it would be hard to do steam in the boiler, and even that) yusiness or make money. He hauls won't unless the engine is in order. | stage coaches in the country and street avery ay knows that, you say Do} cars in some of the large cities. He they ? en why don't they act on en on pa vlan = a ee a here nto the wilderness and on to the £ thi principle in every case where it with people in covered wagons. He is applies sie very gentle and runs threshing ma- Here is such a case. Writing Com-) onine gee pulls all kinds of loads, He ceruivg his wife, a gentleman says | also carries folks on his back, and they "Tn the autumn of 1880 my wife 'fell could not get about witheut him unless into a low, desponding state through | they rode mules or drove oxen. family bereavement. Her appetite times families go visiting several hun- was poor, und no food, however light, | dred miles away from home, and it - vd with her. After eating she had the horse that takes them there an Beret back again. -- cost a good deal ebtvess at the chest, anda bed : pain and tig now because there are more of them sense of fulness as if swollen around! \ontea than can be bought. The--" the wnist. She was much troubled} Teacher," shouted a little fellow with tlutulence, and had pain at the | with excited face and furiously snap- heart and palpitution. At times she} ping his fingers, "that hain't right. Was 80 prostrated thatshe wasconfined | Horses is dirt cheap. My pap bought to her room for days together, nnd had | @ g00d one for $10, and now he's been canvassing to see if he can't give it barely strength to move ane" **At first she consulted a doctor at Tolks don't make journeys with Ferry Hill, but getting worse, she@/ horses no more, and street cars is run went to see a physician at Neweastle. | by 'lectrie'ty," criticised another juve- The lutter gave her some relief, but} nile. "And the railroads carries the still she did not get her strength up ;, mails and lots of ches muke all thei: and after veg wader his treatment _ trips on bicycle: for six months she discontianen goiug Pa mee pri standing noo a tohim. Better and worse, 80€ CON) the teacher asked him aes he got his tinued to suffer for over a year, WheD | jgeas for that essay and' Johnnie; looked she heard of Mother Seigel's Curative | as though he had been painted red. Syrup. She began taking it, and soon "That composition has been stolen," her appetite revived and "er food ib she Pistia ape 'atoutl asia her strength. In a short time s n't neither," 'stoutly retorte was anit new woman. Since that |Johnnic. "My papa don't steal. Then ly twelve years ago) I} PAPers up stairs is older than he Is, an time (now nearly Rc told sue f milekt have sage of 'em * have always kept this medicine in the |] \wantea an be man 'nough to house, and if any of my family ail any- make trouble when I tell him you said thing a few doses puts us right irs | that essay of his'n was stole truly(Signed) George Walker, Grocer, &c. Ferry Hall, near Durham, October The Lovers' Stratagem. 25th, 1893. "Know that fellow in there?" asked We call attention -- to those | 4 young man of the Washington Star words in Mr. Walker's lecter which are Ww (ag: 'nodding his head toward the printed in italics. 'You ean pick then oho water clerk in a corner drug out ata glance. They show how fully No, the writer didn't know him, but he understands where human strength | he had patronized the soda fountain a comes from--that it comes from di- | number of times during the summer. gested food and not from any medi- | "Who is he?" cines the doctor or any one else can "Well, I don't remember his name give us. Let us have no mistake or a "ue eT a - t 0 ov confusion of mind on this important ni What 1 ain Gad ins Weve wih Out point. - in Mount Pleasant, and went out For example, Mre. Walker was ill} there ast Sunday night, and while with indigestion and dyspepsia. Her | citting on the porch with the young symptoms, and how she suffered, er | iady this fellow came up. I was intro- husband tells us. The disease de- | duced, but wasn't enough interested stroyed her wer to obtain any | to catch the name; the only thing that strength from food, and Nature sus- interested me wes the probable length snded her appetite in order that she of his stay there, and I was very anx- pen PI jous on that subject. But he didn't might uot make bad, worse by eating gcem to be in any hurry what could only ferment in the stomach | «Finally, in desperation, I remarked and fill her blood with the resulting | that it was getting late--it was only poisons. The only =-- of wat ei gn had better be setting a state of things must be pain anc ome. e said he was just thinking = alin oO which, continued | the same thing, and he w ould keep me long enough, must end in absolute eS Mi pic Rg hair prostration and certain death. chad ty'see the con wek.m, ao t could ' Well, then, she failed to getup her] eer pack on the hill with that girl strength under the treatment of either | again. At Seventh street he turned to doctor. Why ? Simply because the | me and ask medicines they gave her-- whatever "How tar do you go" they may have been--did not cure the To the end of the line; I Hve near torpid and intiamed stomach. If they ar a age rn cs sn wae vt had cured it then she would have got sei aedat wank eaed tna dace Sahin j up her strength exactly as she after- I] started toward the Capitol, deter- wards did when she took Seigel's! mined to slip back in a few minutes-- Syrup. But the trouble is this :| when he was out of sight--and go out Medicines that will do this are rare. | Fourteenth street again, and within If the doctors possessed them they | ten minutes I was on the cars going would use them, and cure people with them, of course other Seigel' Syrup is one of these r rare and effective medicines. If there 1s another as good the pubtie has not yet been made ac- quainted with the fact. But even the Syrup deen tet mpart strength jit) 1s not so-called "tonic," there is no such thing. If (the Syrup) cures the dia- case, drives out the poison, repairs the machine. Then comes the appetite (all of itself) and digestion and strength, ou see the order--the sequence. Yea, : Well, please bear itin mind. The mecha- nics set the engine in order ; then the stoker gets up the steam. And of the human body--the no- blest of all machines--Mother Seigel's Syrup is the skilled mechanie. Dr. Bryce,secretary of the Provincia Board of Health, has returned to To- ronto from St. Thomas, where he has been investigating the outbreak of diphtheria. He summoned the mem- bers of the local board. Before he got through with oe an concluded there apparen t was a marked ignorance of the 'medical "Health Act, aud in a general way told them that unless some change was made in the manner of their methods towards stamping ont the disease the eud of the trouble was afar off. The Board had shown a little too much good nature, and hereafter there must be a strict compliance with the Act, or there would be very little showing in the way of stamping out diphtheria. The custom of permitting public fun- / erals must cease and hereafter patients must be isolated for twenty-one days. In case of failure to comply with the "act he recommended prosecution. Dr. Mary Irwiu,gdaughter oj J. W. Irwin, of Clinon, doubtless the young- est lady doctor in Canada, being only 21 years of age, has started on her long e dical Missionary. At Glasgow che meets an associate mis- sionary, Miss Dr. Carr, and they then continue hs journey to Ceylon to- ether. toward Mount Pleasant once more "When the car got to the corner near the girl's house I jumped off and start- ed up the walk. I could see there were tuvo sitting on the porch, a male and @ female, but it was. too dark to recog- nize the male unti: I reached the foot the stens, "It was that durned soda squirter!" einige amir A sure 'beat Bella--What can I do to bring the Count to my feet? onna--Drop a nickel on the floor. A Hint. Big Man (turning around)--Can't you fee anything Little Man. (pathetically)--Can't a streak of the stage. Big Man (sarcastically)--Why, then, I'll tell you what to de, Ieep your eyé on me and laugh when I d».--Nugaets. see Home From the Oeenn. was real thoughtful of you to ny shelis home," aid her "Because I had to shell out every- thing 1 had to get you here!"--Atlanta Constitution. . Her Vretere "What does this mean Jane?" asked the lady of the house. "I distinctly told you to fry 'these oysters." "But 'em stewed, I allus prefers mum, fur my own eatin'." From Bad to Worse. "Say, Chumpey, what in the deuce made you have your hair cut 80 short?" "Because my girl said I looked like » foothna'l plaver. Now she says I look ike a prise fighter." ane a- el bein, sect of yeictly veaetabl © laxative an tives medicines, and are cure for Live: oe plaint, Gonstipahios," 'Sick Hi Head ache, Right Hon. aud Right Rey. Fred- erick Temple, D. D., Bishop of Lon- don, - Provincial Dean of Canterbury, and Dean of the Chapel Royal, has been appointed Archbishop of Canter bury and Primate of all England, to succeed Right Hon. and Most Rev. Edward White Benson, who died sud- denly at Hawarden, Oct. 11. A MERCHANT Testirigs.--Gentler you how good have "Toned Hagyard's Ya ow ane family alone several bad cases. and my customers now recognize its arent value. They seem to refer it to all others, C. Ct JRMIER, Wholesale and Retail grocer, Canaan Station, N. B Li-Hung-Chang has been made Minister of Foreign Affairs, and sim- ultaneously with his appointment an Imperial edict orders him to be punish- ed for presuming to enter the precinets of the ruined Summer palace whiie visiting the Dowager Empress. A Ramway Manacer Sayrs:--In re- ply to your question do my children tise 'to taking Scott's Emulsion, say No} on the contrary, they are fond of it and it keeps them pictures of ealth. For Dy spepsia and Liver eden wer gor have a printec guarantee on every bott f Shiloh s yea r It never fails to cure. Ir SaveD Ovr Cutup.--My little daughter, three und a half years old, suffered three years with Eczema. Her little body was covered with the itching rash, and doctors did no good. Four boxes of Chase's Ointment have entirely cured and saved our child. Her skin is clear and not a sign of rash is . be seen. Andrew Aiton, Hartland, N. B. Mr. Aiton is one of thousands Denefited by this unfailing cure for piles and skin diseases. Cuase's , Kipney-Liver Pruns.-- Chase's Pills have gamed popularity | because they are a specific for the uric acid condition, prevent Bright's dis- ease, cure Rheumatism and all Catarrh- al conditions of the Kidneys and Bladder. They do this because they possess remarkable alterative, tonic and diuretic properties, exerting a wonder- fully soothing influence on irritated or inflamed mucous membranes of the kidneys or bladder. Oue pill a dose. 25a box. The cheapest medicine in the world. Tonacco Heakt.--Much heart and nerve weakness is caused' by undue use of tea, coffee, or tobacco ; palpitation, nervouspess, irritability, excitibllity, lack of confid etc., are sure symptoms. i and Nerve Pilis bring ready relief;< steadying the nerves and regulating the hoart. They are a truc heart and nerve ived, here is... no virtue in the nasty taste of cod-liver oil. Then why take it clear? breaks the oil in- to drops so small that you can Beet taste it, RE CURE VSENTERY SRAM PS:, CuoLera NFANTUM SIR CHARLES TUPPER | PIN SKETCH OF ONE ©. THE FATHERS OF CONFEDcHA. 'is baan Career in bhin Owain saercens Beoti« und itis Subsequs - i ve Larger cea -Some Charactcrisiiy > The iife of Str Charles Tupi Gib. EtG, IS Lu ' to all read: ng Garudiun can the ' 4 History iu tie oS ey un he succeeded in harmoniz "ini Er sihad i tions and forming compact and united province. As one of the de- he was aw surviving Sir Charles Tupper Fathers of Confed- Emplasizes a eration. Since Con- Polut. federation, whether In the House of Commons at Ottawa, or a; High Com- Vv ; erted for the development ne benefit of fis beloved Dominion. It is not the lot of public men, even in the last de cade of the nineteenth century to meet with the unalloyed approbation of the whole of his fellow-countrymen, but even those who politically differ from Sir Charles and who in some instances disapprove his methods from his aims. must give for his great ability, and his whole- souled desire to serve his country. Of commanding presence, gifted with a varied vocabulary, and rapid, easy utterance, a quick perception, vivacity in retort, he is by nature a man who must attract and hold atten- tion whenever he desired to take a leading part, whilst his powerful mem- ory and intellect pre-ordained him 4 leader of men. Sir John A, Mac- donald, who rarely made mistakes. quickly perceived this, and, finding the use he ec of his abilities various sections of e Doininion, after Sir Charles had ably filled many positons in the Dominion Government, appointed him High Commissioner in England. This positon gave, perhaps, greater scope for his power than even a port folio. Virtually the Canadian am- bassador tu the Imperial Court enjoyed al] the powers and privileges of an en- voy plenipotentinry and his record shows that he used them wisely, whilst Canadians visiting in England always found him ready and willing to assist them in any way, and treat them with @ greatest urbanity and hospitality. He left Canada in 1883 In ali the power and vigor of his years, and re- turned in i896 In the ripeness of age. hale and hearty, for, NMke Jacob, "his sight is not dimmed, mor is his natural strength abated." One of the first signs he gave on his return to active politics, of the ful- his powers Tu ae oe n tlie Hetort eous, Sir Charles Tupper with which, after having been absent from Parliament for thirteen years he regained his familiarity Parliamen- usage and , Sir Charles Tupper -nuses for ¢ Reply. The session was a stormy one, but it served to give ample demonstration of the indomitable iron will of which Sir Charles is the possessor. Indeed, since his return to the House, career has widened the same From the first day that he took Fis seat he never wavered in his purpos¢. opponents selves in their worst light, and gaining every advantage he could. On the dissolution, Sir Charles again showed his immense pluck and enerzy. The events of January had discredited a large section of the Cabinet with the people, and Sir Mackenzie Bowell's re- signation left two inharmonicus halves of th e Cabinet, alge ne leader, Sir harles scaapted in situation, he combined th iv- on cam- paign in which re fought a allant fight .* which many a ounger wl w ould have Sir Charles Ee a shru Denoune Onpanent." ee Houge, Sir Charles is always a_ striking figure, cammanding in presence, his st'll black and comely person show few ments he is advancin k In re- tort, vested In all he foils. of debate, and ready of resource, he never fails to Impress the House,whilst his tenavi- ous and well stored memory enables him to easily marshal an immense ar- ray of facts and fizures when requis.te --Aluntreal Star hn' Far Cot ow". A German roche bexed one of his pupils on the ear and the father of Lise Ley, who said that his son had been rendered deaf by blow, took him a doctor to get a certificate of deaf- ness so that he could collect dim n the course of the examination the doctor tried all kinds of noises, and the boy, a sturdy poueetes of 12, remain- The doctor "The whole ear seem but I can't see very well inside. me a knife to cut the ear off." lightning the boy rushed from the office, yelling as if the doctor had tried all his instruments 90 b Gt me peat Infants: ana Chik. e: >THERS, Do Tiateman's Drops, God most remedies for tote are You K: = 'a Cordial, many 8% composed of opitisn oF tc : nov that opium and hi Cyl ' Do You Know that in t 4 ' not permitted to sell hice Without labeliug them-poisons? Do You Know that you should not Do You Know that Cactoria is th De You Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a! di is published with every bottle ? permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ? tof of the famcas Dr. Samuel Pitcher. * of all other remedies for children combined f That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold tina Do You Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, b issued igh Dr. Pitcher and his eee to use the word " Castoria" and its formula, and that to imi them is a state pri Do You Know that one of the reasons cast werhating his governmen' protect s because Castoria had been p tob Do You Know that 35 average cents, or one cent a dose? be kept well, end that > J harmless? doses of Castorin are furnished for 35 D> You a oar anbpanens preparation, your chldren may The fao-tiapile signatnro o Well, theso things are worth knowing. They are facts. Letters Come. ~~ Letters come day by day telling us been cured of dys- pepsia, that person of Bad Blood, and another of Head- of Biliousness, and yet others of | various complaints of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood, all through | the intelligent use of Burdock Blood | Bitters. it is the voice of the people recog- nizing the fact that Burdock Blood Ritters cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood. ? YT. G. Ludlow, 334 Colborne Street. Gr: atford, Ont., says: g During sever years prior to 1886, my wife was sick all the with violent headaches. Her head wis so hot that it felt like burning Sirs was weak, run down, und so could hardly do anything, so nervous that the least Night or day she could not rest and tite was a misery to her. I tried all kinds «licines and treatment for her but she steadily grew worse until I bought six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters from . Stork & Son, of Brampton, Ont., for woich T paid $5.00, and it was the best wvestment I ever made in my life. Mrs. Ludlow took four out of the six bottles-- 'here was no need of the other two, for those four bottles made her a strong, heaithy woman, and removed every ail- ment from which she had suffered, and she-enjoyed the most vigorous health, That five dollars saved me lots of money in medicine and attendance thereafter, and better than that it made home s comfort to me. time te att Her. We. Hees ~adies Faworitel at Cook's Cotton Root Compou_* ang age by Tt: * Cook Co., Windsor, Ort. ¢ ae Detroit, Mich., is the y known safe, reliable 2s ot - 2-2 Oe" this is requested to ry indy who two? , with her addres:" fos "vee Sain ' and full particulars, which we will é send by return mail in plain, sealed age old physician, 3§ years con- " Precl practice tréating diseases of i women, has charge of the office. and n be consulted by letter <, in Address our main offi £-- COOK COMPANY, ) Boom 3 No. 253 ae Ave, be person, ( ' ( ( ( ' e ' ( ' ( : ¢c ( ( ( ta Cook's Cotton Root Compou s|@i is oa fa all a rept whclenalt } and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One ) Dollar per box. =¢ oa, ae Wanted--An Idea = ace et Write 3} S Saar 44 WED! oot et sO ne S028 eens Acie. rite 'Washington, D. C., for the 1 and list of two bundred inven , Children Cry for that this person has" ' ache, still another A Pitcher's Castorla. Custom - Tailoring, Dyeing | --AND-- Cleaning Works | IT take pleasure te annonces te » cue friends | peaner Ctysevent that L have returns au Strate | for! Mexpttint greatly improved in health, and uve opened shep in nty bonse ou Willion Street PSoutho une bloek from Baptist Chareh, whe ' in vell made and est style and his Dy veg and ' nile dyed. Irn m Voreyares to give sutisin vid Gloves and Fe, athe ere oh nari ind miuldyed and he new. Goole r per ex- ipress. eclarges paid on parcels one way, Ge jealiendd fer - aut i live ie Your patronage solic Wo. STEPHAN, Sewivg Machine Oils and Needles Kept | constantly on hate nods to any part of the town. t Almost a Ho; eless Case. A Terrible nor Day. 'ough. Wo Rost Night Given ren up by Doctors, A LiFE SAVED BY TAKING AYER' S CHERRY PECTORAL | | ye "sago, Icaughta ate coll, \ ° eset at terrible cough t " ie hy: ay « Jer aul or night. r we «ing over me to th thelr et a be seated to my case hopeless, he The doc- s began to take, and ¥ "1e rag Thad et tey the ahs at) firmly bellev: that ack nag Pectoral saved m ar Mit . Warp, 8 Quimby Avs. Ayer § 'Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT _ ae Cheese- maker Wanted, To mantfacture cheese fo! bei 'aia of 1807 Hebei will be a euclios apply to the Secretar: ry. oe tender not necessarily acer Pets H. COG aut Put retary. 38e. Molesworth, Qet. 17, 1896. Children Cry for 2itcher's Castorla.

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