Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 6 Nov 1896, p. 1

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£ . Cloaks. Listowel Standard VOI. XIX - YO. 40. LIST: WEL, ONTARIO -- Sax Be Re BN, ARIDAY, NOV, 6: 1896. A. 8ST. GEO. HAWKINS Epitok AND PLKOPRIETOK Carson & [icKee LEADE say, ; AN D J ACKETS We want you to see them, novelty, beauty and _original- ity go hand in hand here with prices uniformly lower than you expect. We collect the very newest. Few understand the magnitude of the task of collecting a great stock of Only a few mer- chants are willing to learn the bnsiness. . FALL - Wool to the simplest effects in people to whom a dollar is as nowhere else. brightest Millinery, room in this locality, ? and Decidedly the best Millinery so the people DRESS - RSHIP. We have the lergest, smal CHARM of New Millinery is here GOODS A great parade ranging from High Novelties in Silk and the quietest materials for you a dollar or sometimes more. More to see here than anywhere else in Listowel, a half hour spent atthe counter will teac cription, h more than columns of des- READY-MADE CLOTHING. A good deal of noise is made about new fall Overcoats in some quarters ,but take our adv you buy. Very special. ice f6r once andsee ours before ALL OVER THIS. STORE AV Paar t the tron tron ghia constitutes § revi 24 Ibs. 100 Coppers. Carson & McKee THE-GOLDEN LION. arietymetyte 'LEADERSHIP." Extra Standard Redpaths Granulated Sugar for Telephone 71, GO TO- * J. S. Gee's FOR BARGAINS. Dry Goods. Men's Caps reduced from Boys' Caps reduced from 2 Sealette Caps selling off All Wool Underciothing all prices. Ua Men's Top Shirts all prices Boys' Underclothing all HOSIERY all sizes. Ladies Cashmere and Hez | at cost. vd A tn sizes. ivy Wool 25¢ a pair. Quantity of Remnants marked away down. Heav y Tweeds all reduced, BOOTS & SHOES.-- All sizes, several lines, mu Cost. aasiscsiniciin Le New SUbine Freel aml Beli tte, A Pure Ceylon Black New Japan a aa Kindly give oar 'Te Bring in your + Butte or, 'Eu Tea, no econ TD POEE order j se they will we and "Poultr must be cleared out. st be cleared out at or below Raisins, New Currants, New Figs, Cannea better in the market fer quality and flavor. ust arriy " ates at 10, 20, 25 and 40c a Ib please yo Joffees,» Cocoas and Chocolates. yand secure some of the bargains we offer. J. S. GEE. WANTED--A Good Farm oo in exchange for Town Property a~ purt pay Apply to ie, American Hotel. ranttord HOUSE FOR SALE. Cesforeabie. dwelling house in Listewel, con arcs located, fitted with furnace am! gas Food aa ge alee erat trees, un- failing 8 the premises. Corner falling sPwiffiome streets. Easy terms, Enquire of the undersigned, Ly ' \ | | H | In Wallace, Perth County, acres, 85 moder cultivation, 5 acre Pn Ba bush, 2 nae we ng wells. prime fruit bearing . 2 pein (new! brick ago arg nk ba nar, another ho ONSE OF n ¥ i : yet at woe "4 retiring, "ae his is one oF 'ne late ponneto farme "ot the Town- ahi RETR ou deslri mar Paes hase mone ot Mp 'er farther. partic: alarp ap i bs P DARLIN G af KLEWRTT. wa Nace Siree ny te 0 * r { dora Se eitors. sie aif rod oe eratd thats FARM FOR SALE \® TOWN TOPICS. Mn. Geo. Clare of Preston was in town yesterday. Mrs. David Roy has been visiting friends at Durham. Maras. Drury of Toronto was visiting frionés in town last week. 24 Ths best panties sugar for $l, at J. H. MeDonatii 'Tiavaats match for turkeys and other fowl is announced to take place: at the rifle range to-day. "Mrs. Alex. Morrow met witb a pain ful accident one day last week, having fractured her arm by a fall. Tur services on Sunday evening in the Evangelical church will be con- ducted in the English language. Mr. George Hess, collector of cus- toms, , Stratford, spent Sunday in town, the guest of his son-in-law, Mr. John Gabel. Tne Sunday school of the Evangeli- cal church have decided to have their Christfhas entertainment ou Christmas night, Dee. 25th. Tar: Kickapoo Medicine and Concert Co. left town yesterday after giving entertainments four nights in the town hall, to not very profitable houses, -- Miss Ila Barber, of Listowel, sang at the King's Daughters' concert last Friday eveniug. Miss Da Barber has an excellent voice and was greatly ap- preciated,--The Windsor Jimes. Mn. W. Godfrey, G. T. R. agent here, left this week on a holiday trip to Toronto aud Detroit. Mr. J. W. Core, relieving agent, is looking after the station in Mr. Godfrey's absence. Mr. J. A. Hacking. Reeve, and 1. Sanderson have goreto Muskoka to join the hunting party from this town. Messrs. John Livingstone jr. and G. S. Kidd also left for Muskoka, on Tues- day A Bsavutirun Saow.--Mr. 8.8, Jen- . nings,. nea he ae. in. \ Pot 'bidom these ei doiers will be well rg- payed for calling and seeing them. He has an excellent variety and is pre- pared to fill orders, Exvecrion Rerurns.---Much interest was taken inthe U. 8. Presidential elec- tion returns, which were received here by wire on Tuesday evening, anT the announcement that Mr. McKinley, the honest movey candidate, was elected gave general satisfaction. Mr. Edgar Hayden has commenced the erection of his new house on the corner of Main and McDowell streets. Tt will be a modern frame structure, the desigh being quite attractive. Purcell & Hay are building the stone foundation, and Bamford Brea, will do the carpenter work. Hauiowe'en Pranxs.--The small boy was out in force on Hallowe'en, and a general mixing up of gates and other boyish pranks were indulged in. Boys should, however, not extend their uniicensed fun beyond Hal- 1 n, and such prauks as the piacing 'tions across sidewalks on dark us into trouble if found ont. wlts is liable to get them Tre new English church bas been making good progress the last week or two, the stone work on the front ele- vation and tower being almost finished. With open weather the transepts and charcle gables will be built up next week. A considerable portion of the roof is already on and yeaterday the slaters, Brown Bros, of Brantford, ar- rived and commenced work. Spec Tevernone Noticr.--A new Subscribers Directory is being pr -- by the Company for the year local manager is prepared giv e an inducement to those desirous to have a Telephone placed into their primises and have their names placed onthenew directory. Prompt action in the matter is necessary if you wish to avail yourself of a speciel induce- ment which only holds good to new subscribers. Call at once on J. H.Gun- ther, manager. Mr. Chas. Brothers of Stratford was in town on Saturday. Mr. Brothers is the possessor of a couple of old pieces of colonial paper money issued during the reign of George II. ch isa fifty shilling note, printed in black :.a pale red colored paper. The bills b «e beep in possession of Mr. Broth«:s' father, Mr. Montazuma Brothers of Brotherston, for 'years, haying been handed down to him. Mr. Brothers was offered $100 for the bills the other aes ; Thr Free Press; Mr. D. of Listowel, of the well known fi "D. & W. Lamont, musical in- dmgent dealers, when in Chesley iast weekpsold to Mr. James Halliday one of orris pianos, a beautiful in- str t, of splendid tone and finish. It fthe same grade as one sold to Ladygmberdeen at Ottawa. Ber Eaters.--I wish the public tok that I havé made arrange- me ith Mr. C. G. Berger, V. §8., to i all cattle Longht by me, and thatMMD-animals uffected with lumpy jaw neers or¢ther diseases will be slal d. I feel that the public shouga-be protected in this matter and am ined that my customers will not @ offered diseased meat. A. Forrcu. G@NG ro Rossuakd, B. C.--AndI am @fering my whole stock of general D. 8, Clothing, Gents Furnish- in loots and shoes, and' Groceries, am > vyer $22,000, at sweep- ing prices, and some agood way velommeost, for cash only, This is a en = sale and no humbng. Onur stog one of the finest selected stocks in, Htowel to-day. Sule will com- met. Tuesday Nov i0. Our store will@@@-closel Nov. 9, marking down g - find on Tuesday Nov. 10 we our doors wide open to every- ~ Save your money until then. ; J. M. Scunpern. EAScHobn ENTERTAINMENT. - The Hi. y hool Literary Society is to be ¥@Ongratulated upon the snecess whieh: attended the entertainment si min McDonald's Music hall on Tagaday evening. Its eifurts to give ony itizens an intellectual treat are to bew@mmended, and we trust will be reyept Mr. Grenville Kleiser's ret 'and delineation of Dickens' cha gin 'David Copperfield" were ma aks urd more than. sustained BSB reader. and the big hearted fisherman Péggoty: Mr. Kleiser's bumorous seléctions®were a fitting chmaxto a- r ally exctilent entertainment. Portu jp Huron Deytists + Merr + Wessrs.° ¥. M. Bruce and J. J. Fos- ter, flentisg of this town, attended a eeting of the dentists of Perth and Biron, held at Mitchell last week, at whith nan asociation was formed and tig, followmg officers elected: Hon. President, »r. J. B. Willmott, Toron- to;President, W. M. Bruce, Listowel; Ast Vice President, J. S. Jerome, iougpea 2nd Vice*President, E. H. idt, Stratford; Secretary-Treasurer, A. J, Irwin, Wingham; Executive Com mittee, Messrs. Roberts, St. Mary's; Cro#l, Stratford; Agnew, Clinton; @urnbull, Goderich. Committee of Arbitrati Messrs. Bruce, Clinton; Irwin, Wingham; and Lake, Mitchell. Committee on Fees -- Messrs. Croil and Hamilton, of Stratford; Belden, of Sea- forth; Anderson, of Exeter;and Bruce, of Clinton. The object of the associa- tion is to promote scientific study in the profession, to give help and advice, and to promote good will among the pro- fession. The next meeting will be held in Stratford. HGIH SCHOOL SPORTS. In spite of the rains Friday morning the afternoon turned out fine and the various events of the High School Sports were brought off in good style the contests were keen throughout and created much interest among the spectators. The attendance of school children was large but the games: did not lave as large a patronnge from the public and parents as they deserved. The resuits are given be- € e a" SENIOR: EVENTS.--100 yds dash, 1, A. Little, 2, R. Long; Standing high jump, 1, T. Vipond, 2, A. Meyers; Vaulting --_ Re 1, R. Long, 2 2, G. 12 Ib. hammer, 1, . Little, OI R. Lone: I mile run, 1, a ¥ . ; Running hop, McFadden, 2, E. Vipond ; Standing broad jump, i. A. ee 2, R, Long ; Three-legged race , R. Long and E. Kidd, 2, W. McDowell A nd A. Carson ; ce, 1, J. Ford, 2, EL Kidd; Cross-country race, 1, J. Bea atty ; Tug of war, between Forms 11 and 11, 1, Form 111. GIRLS EVENTS.--Club ar ineieg, 1, Mias Jessie Hay, 2. Miss Winnie Brad- waiking, 1, Miss E- Thompson, 2, Miss Pear! Sproule. gst EVENTS.--100 yds dash, 1, 5 at Com, but refnaed it. ictal hiatal Runaway.--What might have been aserions runaway accident occurred on Munday morning. Mr. J. W. Scott, accompanied by Miss Scott, had driven out to his farm in Wallace, and when near the railway crossing on their return to towu, the coupler of the buggy came out and the horses, a spirited pair, started to run with the front wheels. The occupants were thrown out of the buggy on the road, Mias Scott being badly shaken up, but otherwise escaped injury. Mr. Scott, who hung on tothe lines, was thrown on his face and received some cuts and bruises about the nose and eye. His omnes from more serious injury was le,as he gged for some distance before letting go of the lines. The horses, with the front part of the buggy attached, came iuto town at a runaway speed, and were suddenly bronght to ahalt by dashing aguinst the telephone pole at the Bank of Hnmil- ton ccrner, The crowd which quickly gathered, expected to find one or both of the horses killed, but neither were much the worse when extricate] from the broken harvess aud buggy LECTURES AND VIEWS, Mr. Hugh RKuewel, of Montreal will giver two of his mast interesting lec- cures in the Congregational church ou Monday and Tuesday, Noy. i6th and i7th The subjects will illus- rate--Scottislr life and Scanery,-- The Highlands of ' Around Windsor i scenes Mr. Rus erful stercoptican showing re. alistic views nearly covering a curtain i8 feet square, Ww yt defined and artistic- eyed colored. » lever of the "Land o' Cakes' wlio miss a se lectures, The Montreal Witness says :--"Mr. Russell has ev bentley. 'aarel nelther troible nor expense to make his lan- tern a complete success, as in every detail it cannot be surpnssed In Can- ada, the views being beautifully col- oted and strikingly true to nature." The Star says Mr useell's enter- tainments are always looked forward toi as one of the treats of the season. Se, or two for 25c¢ COUNCIL MEETING . 'anne Noverfiber meeting of the cont sheet ong ois tie hal being ans Oe 'fter the clerk had read ; of the last meeting, the ree made a statement of action on t atson jaw sult. He ha called a emerg- ency meeting on Bin 20th Oct at rs w which nearly al to accept Mr. Watson's proposition but an offer was made to him that the council next summer build the suit and pay his casts. Mr. Wateon did not except this offer, but offered to withdraw suit if council would pay all costs. The following accounts were then read = referred or dealt with St. Geo. Hawwkics, printing and advertising, $87; G. Rains, printing, Us . Climie, printing, $45.00; x iE. Terhune, back taxes, $30.00); » bac zilliax property was referred to Fin- The council agreed to -- om the Davidson Street bridge to ex- amine the extras claimed by Mr. Hel- ey and pass same. A discussion followed c offer but no action was erhune was then read and aabbted y-iaw No, 276 to authorize the treasurer to accept and act upon the list of back taxes given in by ee than adjourned till Thursday night num nae of the members met Tues- day morning and examined the extra work claimed by contractor Helmka on the Davidson Street bridge and de- cided to allow the claim. The first contract price #225, extras to contractor see £9. The filling has cost about SLO yo cost of bridge and filling whos $4380, here is some more filling and Eravelling to ba dodne to make everything safe. the Neila MONKTON. Mr. and Mrs. James Colquhoun, Mitchell, spent Sunday in the village. We jeased to say that Tha Stewart was snecessful in getting his appeal and is now entitled toa first- class certificate. Congratulations, Jim. *. My. Hamilton will oceupy Knox ehiareh pulpit for the next two Sunda, John --_ field and family, and Mrs. Willford and family, of Palmerston, visited relatives -- Sunday last. W. Marshall, Atwood, has the contract of ate the new parson- age. This building when completed will be one of the finest houses in the village. Mrs. T. Gowan and family of Cre- more, are visiting at C. H.. Merry- field's. E. Raich and Miss Amelia Bambert visited friends in this vicinity on Sun- day las' John D. Merryfield has returned from Mitchell. Mrs. Pake is ---- her daughter, | Mrs. (Dr. ) McKenzi vie McRobb is 5 still on the sick x Our enterprising tailor, J. Ullner, has hal quite an addition 'pat t io his shop undis now ready to on se apprentices. ELMA. Following isthe report of U.S. S. Ay ae and Wallace. Maximum 100 M. Hanna 87, O. Gordon 85, M. ells 84, G. Bulmer 83, A Daum 79, B. Kells 78, G. Gomph 75, H. Cumberland 75, J. Gordon 70, RB. Neuart 68, P. Smith 64, M. Gompf 64, D. Landerkin 63, B. Neuart 62, R. Moore 67, U Neuart 56, Edith Neuart 5° E. Coghlin 55, W. Fallis 47, W. Heard 46, B. Leslie 45, G. Gordon 44, Alice Neuart 39, Amos Neuart 31, W. Faulkner 27, W. Cogblin 27, L. Kargues 25, H. a 18, R. Gordon 16, Elwood Neuart 1 ELMA. J. Weatherhead, of Guelph, is visit- 'ing friende and relatives in Atwood and vicinity, Mr. Weatherhead is a bro- ther of Mrs. Allan Neshitt. Geo. Adams, 8th con., ,is visiting friends in Mitchell. Jno. Morrison, sr., cheesemaker, of Newry, received the sweepstakes gold medal donated by the Windsor Sait Works. The medal, whic sat isu very handsome one, is valued at $ Newry factory has sold fas cheese for a good price. Shipraents will be made this week FE. Vallance has seenred a situation as teacher in n section hear £+ rest. Mrs. C. J, Wyan, Atwood, has had a severe attack of illness, but is slightly improved at lie of writrayg. Richard ielund, whe has been on the sick list, has recovered. BRITTON. John Blair's sale, which came offjon Friday last, proved a success. Every- thing went fairly well. The Misses Quinn. of Listowel, paid nt flying visit to our village last week, Samuel Johnston speut Sunday on the 12th line of Elma. A concert is being arranged to be held here in the near future. It will be looked forward to as the greatest treat of the season. . Benj. Johuson, jr., of Carthage, Samnel Petrie and Samuel MeCourt, 10th and 11 of Elma. called on the 4th line Sunday Jast. Thos. Alexander, of ah firm of Brooks & Alexander, Listowel, accom- panied by his Deitiecinteas J. W. Rolls, of .the Arlington. h 'The Elma 'ox "Morni factory shipped a cheese oe week, Miss Nancy Moorehead, of Listowel, viived here last wee amuel McCanley has started a ouerte millhere. We hope this will make things quite lively in ourvillage through the winter. James Moorehead and Wm. E, Alexander and sister Mina spent Sun- day in Milverton. Eaton 2 chee: large amount 'of MORNINGTON. The Council met at Donnelly's Hall, Newton, on the 2nd November, accord- ing to adjournment. Present Reeve and Messrs, Trim tell The minutes of last regular meeting und a special meeting were read and signed. 'The Clerk lmd_ be- fore the Council-an account from Me- Pherson & Davidson which was laid over to next meeting at the request of the Reeve. 'The Reeve was authorized to issne the following orders :--D, Hymers $10, graveling on Elma town- line, Mornington share, do. $19.44, graveling on side line 3 and 4, con. 8 ; R. W. Scott $2.32, for graveling ; J. Widenheimer $82, filling in approach at Millbank bridge ; Jas. McNeil $4.40 for gravel; (Mr. McCloy took his seat.) A, Urquhart $37.79, for plank ; Mrs. D. Kroff $6, gison $69.56, for iron roads and bolts for Millbank bridge: C. Schwint $1.50, for gravel ;S. Hanly 75 cts., overseeing gravel contract on Wellesley townline, Mornington share ; E. 2 ar- tin $3.50, for culvert on Elma line, Mornington share ; (Mr. Nisklia took his seat.) G. Kerr $30, cleaning ont diteh ; 3 H. Sage $10. 50, for cul- Mornington ditch on Ellice townline ; A. '$100, for.twenty eight oak spiles for Millbank bridge ; J. Lintick $1, hew- ing timber for Millbank bridge : A. Urquhart $25, for plank ; W. 39.25, for rapairing cygvert ; R. tick $47, for furnishing and driving spiles on 5th line ; Wm. -True an in- digent $3.09, taxes and road work re-. funded ; A. Curtis $2, for boy watch- ing gates at gravel pit ; M. "MacBeth $32, .for printing. Moved by Mr. McCloy seconded by Mr. Trim that the Clerk be instructed to notify the Engineer to run the line. between lots and 10, con. 1 d 2--Carried. The Council adjourned to meet again in the first Monday in December. The Knechtel Fnniture Company of otal, spent

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