aod : : se i or ; : ; r) ¥ ¢ * t = - 4 7 ' : LISTOWEL Oct. 30 : ¥ 00; = rt = ewercor~ WPnSOT IA 3: Ce) aR Postilia. RHYMES IN SEASON, Whom it may Concern. DIFFICULT QUEST'ON. Rye t th summer we i | eee Sweetly blew the breezes, Sad to sve the. oye: Bore DISTRESS 18 THE BACK~ DISTUKUSD SLEEP - ete uko iat tie tSpry.| a > : peng Happy hummed the bees, su el lic ot those on bold, CURED gh ene u¥ bubo's Fon (gt ter | - ies + Swine ee es.> Clustering a dark mass , All starving by the shore si - if t - | Up among the trees. ---W axbington Star. Berlin, Oct. 10 (Special) --These kea,wet RN, : 2 They told me salt alr Would enre baldness, es ites Look--the honey--master ut that'« a delusion and snare; curred bere reer os Pie it ahs _-- Pointed with a look-- vor the girls whom I met xt the seaside i qaianey Se muy he hive the swarmers Eacn wanted a lock of my air! Buspected kidney trouvie," prumjpaiy, 4b tue ; eo e "loft ts a --Cleveland 'plain Dealer. oulwet--Lhis was in the Gusev wr A. KE. ose a lofty no . z Ferguson, who on being 1alerview et -- ' ae ; y a I avons 1 abe prosdly seit. Thad been sutfering lor some tinue with re - r under in pags an ' Rut now my heart hus made a choice, distress in the buck, uersousices and uis- unday calin I'm only 16 to 1." turved sleep. Butrediing in the paper one Hallowed Sunday hindered-- --Detrolt Free Press. | Gay the articuiary of a case Very wlch Like Chime-bells calm aweke, * Oh, what do I care for foolixh atyle, my own I deexled to use -Duaus Bidiey So let them feer and sco Pius and procured one box Being ie ped Byt she sought her br: $1er My 'xtra hat tay ee the old ash-plte-- by the tirat 1ew doses 1 continued cvakiy, All his skill to play, --Cleveland Plain Dealer. anus I hud used two "toxes with the happy ust then was di '1 result of a pertect cure ; "He j nel -- ei stant An Athletic Break mat, ane - Sam Pitcher's prescription for Infants - ; . . | nu. Liec> (nins neither Opium, Mcrphine nor Searcely turned from gaziug A man must ke able to support his ety ate nce, 16 Sec Deeosines = "eran Ere we looked again, "family dr else remain a bachelor. _ mite . ait = . = ts - ¥ ' ° ' + ron S Sy Bk hit went the swarmers A meeting of the provincial synod of | (sist > ' oothing "a yori and Caster od Aspirations vain. . : : . ut i . ui. its guarantce is thirty ycars' use the church of England has been calied| "Quite rich' eit s y r . : 7 Bigs? . iathers. Castoria dest Trees displeasing faney-- for Noy. 11 for the election of u Bishop, to or. . . fevhers. Cast ys Worms and allays . ---- it he the ae ; of Algoma. "at dere' . Susivvtia prevents vomiting Sour Curd, Sent them where we know not ; ) a "as lhe -- Miva cssaie * 'oli : io thay fout thule Hees, ' A Minto furmep, has beaten the four- |eourse, we sw he 3 OU at wad Wind Colic. Castoria relicves : " pound potato of Duncan McMillan, of ut technically i aes tec'... 4 troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Estee setaee te ane lenaen b y sending Ove weigu>Nocervupted the query editor. Crstoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach . i ds to "Sure O our longings. longings, bune office. . "Sure? Of course I'm eure. 1 anid bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Caé= ime will! not efface. x would you refer to them' toria is the Children's Panacea--the Mother's Friend. Foc Dyspepsia and Liver Cowpluint-you "Oh, If you're so dea " aie ci . Children gone to Heaven, have a printea guarantee on every bottles of | . ° ; : oe . e're not going to dispute you, fu ° Babies sweet recalled, Shiloh» Vitalizer It gever taiss to cure. onght to take al! the paunatonit , Castoria. pic Sent us for a little-- Mother (indtructing ber little son's | consideration." | * *Custeria fs an excellent medicine for chil- " Costortet cue Sweeter joys installed Te --wW ' devotions) --And now, Willie, pra "TL have!" thundered the query ++! dren. Mothers have repeatedly told meof its | y recommend it wns nugh Boy--We had scrambled eggs g fv Ee, PEAY ' : i as superior toany prescription : Ae for breakfast. for grdvdma's safety. Wilhe--Does| "If you can advance any reas np good effect upon their children." known to me."* A the iin ites : Me ; they should be referred to | ol Di. G. C. Oscoop Il. A. Ancuen, M. D. ARonIes FAs tim ther, | New Boy--Scrambled eggs? she want a bike, too ? ey S Pekereee Ee i ny tt a ae " ER, Ms Agonies the nours, Tough Boy--Yes, mother cooked an . way, Gre shee: sou oe. a ; asnhiomimeeen TELE SERA Eg Recon, Bi Es And the months connt nioanings, | eg and we all scrambled for It. Mamma, I saw a dog to-day that had and let me go 'on with my work." *Pualindhkis tiated earoaity tolhdalbtines uf apie sth aan: Prayers he sigh devours, ouly three legs. Wer "he *t you awfully W el said oe acs nil which I ani acquainted. - I hope the day-is not | ment have spoken highly of their experi- . ; Easy Wuy Out of it. surry for him? No, he had one more and del meri y d figure it re far distant when mothers willconsiderthereal | ence in their outside practice with Castoria, ' 'EDWARD WHITE BENSON, - * ' Of 'course the typical woman of thiy | Jeg than I had. : ee Sone, ee Interest of their children, and use Castoriain- | and although we only hare among our : day and generation is logical and busi- |) | lived downstairs and the boy liv i stad of the variousquack nostrums which are | medical supplies what is known as regular Now the great ee ness-like to the last degree, and the Johuny---I think I know why corn | the tloor above, and the fire starts | ying their loved ones, products, yet we are free to confess that the Goes so sudden! ' .| particular woman in the heliotrope and | grows on a cob instead of ina pod, | the basement. Consequently, tt si ; morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful | merits of Castoria bas won us to look with Re-read we his Etties, ; _ | brown silk awaist, who came into the | Papa--Why ? #Johnny--Because a ahora -- Pag Aron aed se aha agents down their throats, thereby sending | favor upon it." Hived Chriftology.. : bank the other morning was an} pod wouldn't hold so, much corn. ~ RE LOR E-SERIES ce Ser them & - _ Usrrep Hosrrrat axp Disrxxaany, exception. She advanced to the receiv- ba hans , died Da. J. F. Kevcmxnor, s Boston, Mass, » 4 Clear-called, prayer- wrap going ing teller's window in the luxurious While some cows were passing the Why, when near junt va ee Conway, Ark. | Arurw C, Surfa, Prez, : . Struck him what tan room set apart for her ang her sisters, |-louse one of them lowed-- O, | Youns man ceas o be 'junior,' didn't . Too intense the lon and ye -- an afternoon tea smile | mamma ! exclaimed Clara, one of'the *Uia-~ids yo ' The Centaur Company, Ti Murray Street, New York City. . * 4 on -the te r. . For the future bliss " . 2 ecbereny o keke" ae wate. aweetee, 1? blew. Wich one was it ? "and if he did he was not John Jones, - WM. MORRIE. "saying that I had overdrawn my ac-| Thecheese branding vill was dis-| J¥. ge ae ee " Wan it . m so awfully sorry, and I | cussed at last Ingersoll market, but no ae way & fbacal Sook ak "of ena, . ee ae . as it thna the poet hope it hasn't put you to any Incon- | decision was arrived at. The question a query editor is always right, and' it Who had sung su well, "venience. e = aa Sung--and Huctiawedl ten nuely The teller gasped while she fumbled will be taken up again. / ee mace you say that--" ; ST RAI GHT AS AN ARROW To the ineffable ? { at her silver-mounted reticule opinion Wag against compelling makers The chairman of the delegation o I've made out a check for depos- | to put on any brand except the simple bat gi and a paper-weight struck the] , Fict:ons cease sustain us it," 'she went on amiably,. passing a | Word 'Canadian." The buyers especial- | wall. Then the delegation retired, w ~ = z For the solid ground ; slip 4 Of tae over the window, ly ure strongly opposed either to the the query peg) kicked artis agelmen "But, madam--Mrs. Blank," expostu- | registration of factories by numbers or | B® Teem and declared that ey sets Truth is true in tiction te mea . man who tried: to play him for a suck- om BD Bearings beaming sound. jeted the teller, "this--why, this ls @| to branding the month of manufacture er would oot live Se aalt pf ik. af Asai - oy * 6 sherk, on. us: ron the theese. The exceptions among wAuRTES And the small woman in heliotrope € ome - mnt os By ODg | Post. .TO THE MARK. ° -- and brown was quite indignant that them were very few. ne WHOIS ques- A Frivnilty Grestine Fictioners h ige cravings, her simple plan for restoring her credit tion will be Aredhel out at the dairy --_ Por ri di -- a -In all diseases that affect humanity there is ' i . net w succe " a nvention next winte bd : = . = Re ine SR ope lena cons" se eaviaimes. ae she sme' | ome weak link in the chain of health, some spot Ts 1€ tall, tall fame-tree, cpmiean && a oe © Topsace SAKT.-- Much hear' " the d ently in the wake of the de- | ° Yesterday's evbut en they wouldn't take' their eatannte, ecient! opr ioe aoe otto parting visitor. that is the seat of the trouble. It may 'be the liver, bd own - a AUPE due o .. «@ - , - ; | , "Ww Lu, you just said a minute Went--aud yet we linger, A Mountula Don Fiche. coffee, or tobacco ; palpitation, ReCVONSSeSs) ago, Ww hen she came in, that you were it may be the stomach; perhaps it 1S the bowels or ee ee "7 was out in the mountalie this irritability, excitibllity, ge meee lad a to see her," mildly remarked nh "" the kidneys; most likely it is the blood. Burdock Men ure men the fleeting, ¢ summer," said a departmental clerk to | t., are sure symptoms. ilburn's Heart ussa Not their blessed works. a Washington Star reporter. "At the | and Nerve Pills bring ready relief, by | ,, "Well, what if I did?" she snapped Blood Bitters goes straight to that spot, strengthens Life-fruits, name a-lacking, | Rouse Where | I boarded there were | steadying the nerves and regulating the | J iuyer | "Pert me fo mect her WED) the weak link in the chain, removes the cause of the } . ; ea-lacking, _ 'twenty or thirty ashington people. : 7 Precious, dainty, nice One day.a mountaineer came up to the | HOt. They are s true heart and mere Mt you kissed her, too. Was that! - disease, and . restores health, because it acts with i Pose us ; now there sparkle porch where we were all seated, drag- - Names for Paradise ging a dog that seemed very loath to : Yes, 12 was. Ghe'd have thought cleansing force and curative power upon the stomach, move. A short distance behind him ee ee tee ee Ae Ft lever: kidneys, bowels and blood. Joun Howe Syew. was another man, aiso pulling a dog . : wanted to find out just what she came = Waliace, Oct. 20th, 1896 alon: - | over for such a day as this. It was to With good red blood health is assured, without « a "Gentlemen," said the first man ee ce we at on di rtain to come and Burdock -- arrive.. 'these hyre dawgs air th' aut pe jena lei ian pam Rien it IS€ase is ce 1 Fag . enest eTown in th' mounting. We'uns could Bo e : The Best Way of Planting Bulbs hev a bet on 'em an' we're gwine ter 8 thine alse on oak ae sepia we a ®L.000 QITTERS ' hev th' fight in th' stable yander. It'll ny . be 2 After ordering your bulbs set about | je the derndest bout yo" ail ever seed. it was al! about the children's toys is the only remedy that will positively remove all stting 2 = Sn r . 5 1 . ' a m stre e e oO ore getting SARE a a a ee ee ee er ue, 15 prettier things than ber chitdren have.| blood poisons. In ulcers, abscesses, scrofula, scrofu- potihem. As good a svil as any is eee aad ' from the he ke r there were a door and u window. A| Walk through an old dense | mth way she spoke." = | fous swellings, skin diseases, blotches, old sores, etc., ove composed of ordinary garden loam, | ring was de 4 the dogs th Y saath mats nila us eure mp a 1 pate ee E - ee pa forest and you see nothing but | wanted to --e out w get got, panne sne B. B. B®should be applied externally, as well as taken , : cir . she other a wanted to show me what jot. equal parts, One-third sand may seem od ctrasat the eee the other made trees, and in spring a host of Don't you know now? It was tg crow internally according to directions. like 'too much of a good thing," but it | "Thar they go,' shouted one of the things will shoot from the | ov at t's it. is it? Why, bless your : : en: 'foller 'em. gentlemen ef ¥ . that's it, is it? Why, bless your = --_---- is not. Nowhere in the world are a Nagel a centemen, Rey = ground. These did not ap- dear Seart. Lu, her husband is over | 3 better Sulbs grown than in Holland, | jooked at. They're jest takin' a run fer | P@ar before because every | head and ears in debt! He had to! ili -xercise ' "1y ££ ac ' et those diamonds." whose soil ix nearly all sand. Better entree, an' when they git back th thing was not favorable for Re fe ee avec credit as in ey rei «dies 7] 'aveule , out come off, We'll ge an' bring 'em = bulbs can b town in clear sand, | jock when they Kit enouzh warmet their growth. good as his?""--New York Herald. d : . 4 properly fertilized, thau inthe richest} up Then they left, and I guess the Scott's Emulsion of Cod- Cook's Cotten Root Compeai: | Too Smart for the City Folks. Manufacturen by T* Cook Co., Win visu, 0 i a¢ dogs are still running, as the fight has - not come off." liver Oil, with Hypophos- It is very important that the manure Her Dream Came: True. phites, prevents consumption iouid haat F . When Gen. Vane was quartered in because it keeps the system anonid be old. resh manure isharm-|g gmall town in Ireland he and his in such good diti that ful to all bulbous plants, ont or in| lady were regularly besieged whenever . n § condition a doors. I should advise the growing aie oe eae eee ee things are not favorable for of several bulbs in the same pot. The | vided with a fresh tale of distress. The the growth of the germs of effect is more pleasing because of the | Charity and patience of tha two distin- that disease. Cod-liver oil greater mass of color in a limited space. pr ry aundeetind Unie teunee's makes rich . blood; and the Three or four Hyacinths, Tulips or | powers of invention. One morning they | hypophosphites strengthen were accosted as usual, but with the nerves. of soils without sand. Mix your com- post well, and have it fine and mellow. ' = Detroit, : sich , Whie wn 'the hour , very lady : ed to tuclose t tw: age stamp: a her addre. . Wee in 4 Samjule , and sult pascicufars i sete we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. Daffodils may be grown successfully "Me an' the boys was workin' 'roun' . . following new plan of attack: . j in a seven-inch pot. Half a dozen "Ah, yer honor, succiss to yer hon- the madlcal profeaton or twenty endorsed b the bee-hives, when one of them there { ene d Ruy oe ian, 35 Jena or Crocuses or Soowdrops will be re-{|°TS honor and yer ladyship's honor. Fr doctor~) te because it Is always | dressed-up city gais comes up to the | nued pracrice treating diseases of @ . 'sed sll -- ) his av all mornin's. For didn't I faiatable "siwaye unitorm always contains | fence an' she sez: "You have a nice i women, has r5° f the office. and quired to fi u six-inch pot. Three or} gream last night that yer ladyship gite eet eee eliver Oil and Hypo- | a 5e-e-ary, sir.' 'No, ma'am,' sez I, 'I |& chn be anes by letter or in four average-size bulbs of the Bermuda | me a pound of tay and yer honor give ai see soe '9 roa eo slzes. a -- from the | ree THE c- Ok COMPAR, : i , ' s size may enoug! h is roun' here comes from the ' 2 Lily can be grown in a ten-i af ES pound av tobaccy! h or your | there as , Boo . ward id = ji a aie pe "But, my good woman," said the gen- sough or belp your baby city,' sez I. "Harper's Weekly. m 3--." 1, 253 Wood Ave., Eben E. Rexford jin Ladies' Home | eral, "don't you know that dreams go ' Mich. Journal. by contraries?" a Safe Advice a Detroit, "Sure, then," replied the ready "apropos of lightning rods,' said the ~ ta Cook's : totton Root Compound tongue, "it must be yer honor that 1 oldest man of the company. "I remem- CURED PERMANENTLY -- by sil inte wholesale ' ; goin' to give me the pound av tay, an' ber along in the '60's, when the light- a an inthe Dominion Cameis Break Their Hearts. yer ladyship that wil) cive me the ning rod fever raged, that a good wo- , BY TAKING i nap and € United States fur One - pound av tobacey." man in our town bullt a nice house, Dollar , ; Asa matter of fact, and in apite of She got the value of the dream, but refused to have @ lightning rod put j a ~ a its having carried Mohammed in four on because she thought she should trust er Ss t S leaps from Jerusalem to Mecca, seven The Usual Custom. in Mijeabecoige oe = r emilesan hour is the camel's limit "She was very much afraid o e C | . > estered Dor cai it Maintain this rate over two aig coon, bat pee eal cat equa i "I Meher tronhied a long time with sick sustom Tailoring, Dyeing: , ° mee <5 ; Le agen Wet It was usually accompani = ' hours." Its usual speed is five miles them until the second year, which was wiih severe pains in the temples, Lipson -AND-- . an hour--a slow pace beyond which it unusually stormy, and then she laid of Cullens and tenderness ih 6 ne eye, a : . a . is dangerous to urge it, lest, as Asiatics the who'e matter before her minister. lands aed teet Gout ae tongue oat, Cleaning Works. . say, it might break its heart and die He was a Httle a man, with stomiaeh. 1 tried a good many remedies ' literally onthe spot. When a» camel a squeaky voice, and he heard her s pel ccommended for this comphilnt; but it 0 is pressed beyond this speed, und is of fear of the danger on pee -- wag not until 1 I take pleasnre to announce to my many friends 7 se bellof that she should trust P H and customers that I have rem Strat. spent, it kneels down, and all the niellog on the other, and gave a cnretul Began Taking ford Hospital greatly improved in health, and wolves i * Asia will' not 'make it budge - est 'imate ef both. A . Pill have openesl sbep Ne cor) on Willis Street ain. The camel remains where it HAS A RECORD me . vews petitio er's ills South, one DI ; h, Then he grve her a very peutic bit trust that all whe wish to have «a well made and kneels, and where it kneels it dies. A or . of finally He told her to go home aud tha€ 1 received Ansiline' tke gon Siting or wae fuk me. Latest style a : ° ore mn gut fire under.its nose is useless. 40 YEARS OF SUCCESS H have a lightning rod put on her house nent benent. A single ne oft these ate ii n conudetion 2 I have marted a Dyeing and iT 1S A SURE GURE and then trust to Providence. This she did the work for me. Cleaning Works. Cotton aud nection goods dyed. ; immediately acted upon, and the good. On. mp headaches, "adn, we we ae Me "inl Gigeee nd Bistue 1 clap feaned I dyed a : thers seve yes ane ' Considerate. woman never knew that the rod agent a t vio ike new. Goods 'received d forestalled her and offered a liber- ' "i Pi gelapiet sac Aare ce ~ commission to the pastor for his AYER S PILLS | \esca for nad tt cere i fe any part of the town, assistance in settling her mind."--De- Awarded Modal at World's Fair our patronage so!) . ------------------------ / Wn. STEPHAN. troit Free Press. & 4yer's Sarsaparilla is the Best.) "'Of course I'm a friend of the work- ah' Dy - . . tat ' 9% a8 P mesg r. oorly--This ere wall ol} fa ing man," said the aspiring politician. down ef ye don't fix it, th' cracks are "Then why don't you work occas | enormous. ionally yourself ? 2?" asked: one of his ; ree right. I'll have it pa- Desperate Measures Necessary ' |° Sewing Maehine Oils and Needles kept bered at on : "What a wide-awake young fellow constautly on band auditors. A . Barter is," said Alice ee : : ' $ "Oh, that's si } h. Idon't ei " " - a hh ae. chert on "How far will a cro w fixcin-® day, Wanted--An Idea Zz soe Sosnded saith. too wite-swake," | he Ohiidren Cry for 1 |' wish to crowd some mcre deserving | Eph Chi ' Pome gew We dren Cry for man out ofa job." "'Cord'ng to ho y fields a called at our house he stayed till ; \ ieee ts on de route, boss eas Oe? | sare Washtneice. Se metre and then pape bed to set the burglar Pitcher'sCastoria. citonere Castoria. - ; : , ; . ' r \ ae a mm ee \ - {> x , . : ' : , Ri ot : % ' : a :