'4 Listowel VOL rena -NO. : 3 LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCT 16, EO. HAWKINS tt 74 PROPRIETOR esc - icKee eng Riera a a. ae ae. oe aa. ae oe oe ee : Is the business in whicn we arc engaged atpresent. \Vith the axé of competition we have cut our prices down and smashed all previous records into fragments, We did it with the axe of low prices. The old record is all battered out of shape. The new one invites your most careful attention. Wedo not care how closely you scan our goods, we know their worth, we know that our patrons secure better bargains here than can be had elsewhere. Will you come and see ? 24 lbs, Extra Standard Granulated Sugar $1.00 i 6 Bars of Surprise Soap.......+e+.... 25 ; * Cans of Corti fot... 60000 errrer 25 j r 13 Bars of Electric Soap for. 25 ; Heavy Flannelette, nearly y ard wide for.. 5 ' Sold elsewhere for 10 cents i Ladies Corsets with five clasps only.. 25 i 18c Grey Flannel now yoing at.... 123 is surprising the people most is the way we sell DRESS GOODS AND MANTLES 9 No Such Stock, no Such Prices, no Such Qualities in Listowel, Harriston, Brussels, Palmerston or Atwood as we can show you. Postively, Martles at just one half price. i' ~NEW FALL MILLINERY om All the Ladies in town and surrounding cour- try are now interested in what we are doing in New Millinery. Miss WELS 5 commodating manner have alwavs friends. Carson & McKee BARGAINS. yon SALE OF FURNI- TURE FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS. All kinds of But what Se Cl eal Se ee 5 e fy : is certainly' capturing the business. Her ability as a trimmer and her ac- made for her a host of Everything marked below cost. i" Furaiture, Pictures, Picture Moulding, ' n fact everything in the furniture line. Come and secure { RGAINS at your own prices for CASH ONLY. | UNDERTAKING. Satistaction guaranteed, no cxtra charge for embalming. Come and see our prices before purchasing elsewhere. t : ae HERMISTON'S ous sax WALLACE STREET BRIDGE, GO TE 3S. GEES ee For your Fall and Winter Goods Special values in Dress Goods, Dress Flannelettes, W rapper Goods, Serges, Cashmeres, Etc. Ladies Vests, good values, ; specal line at 25¢..each, Ladies Wool Hose special value 25¢. : per pair, Ladies Cashmere Hose. special value 25c. per pair, Gents' Socks, large range job lot at roc. per pair, Gents 4 Underclothing, Top Shirts all prices, Boots and Shoes all sizes 4 in Heavy and Fine lines, Give us a call, we can suit you. 4 Every pair bought right and marked at a very close margin. Rubbers all sizes and different styles. Family Groceries Complete. Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Canned Goods, High Clas € tereal Foods fr sh reliable. DCOFFEES. ae _yot_ use Jape n TEAS AND Japan Tea uncolored --_ a . per poun extra strength at 40c. per po - con. war hak --Ou Shave Coy lov at 50c. per pound will please vou, vad ane cae scone a its superior . Fad and Rav or, other lines in Black Teas at 40 and 25c. per pound, as we import large quantities of Tea we can, give speciay otations to purchasers 'of 5, 10, 20 and 60c. a pound caddies. to ghow goods. Ev erybody i invited. -- una vour Sifting, only le. per Extra che at delicious No eoubiet ' 7 his. i. Lorne Campbell is visiting in S.CEF. TOWN TOPICS. Beavtirvn Indian summer weather Toronto. Mr. A. J. Collins of this staff, spent Sunday in Milverton. Miss M., Tuttle, of Mt. Forest, spent a few days visiting friends in-town. Mr. Ed. Tatham of Guelph spent |} Sunday in town, the guest of ins broth- er William. 24 Ths best Gramolated sugar for $1, at J. H. MeDonatd A meeting ¢ of Christ Church Literary Society will be held this 8 o'clock sharp. Mr. and Mis. John Bamford re- turned home on Monday after spend- ing a week in Detroit. Rev. Mr. Bowlby of Hawilton, eupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday last Gavin Fiemrine, brother of M. MeD Fleming, left tewn last week to pursue his studies in 'Toronto. Mr. tor, lins been home from 'Toronto, a week or two, on his holidays. telegraph opera- for Jerry Watson, Mrs. Oukley of Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Phillips, wife of the head muster of our High School, Mr. J. C. Breithaupt of Berlin, head of the Breithaupt Leather Co., was in town for a day or two this week. Mn. Godfrey of Elora, has been spending the past week in town, the guest of his son, W. Godfrey, G. T. R. agent Mr. Patton of London, was the guest of Misses Gibbs a few days ago. He over from London on_ his wheel. Mrs. W. H. MeCutcheon, of Dublin, spent Sunday in town, visiting her sis- rode ter, Mrs. Jus, Montgomery, Havelock |. street. Tue young people of the ee church School intéid fi concert in the church on the annie of Thanksgiving day. A number of the town teachers are attending the Teachers' Convention at Stratford, and their pupils are having a holiday yesterday and to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of Melbourne have -beeu the guests of their son, Rev. W. pastor of Knox ehurch, during the past week. Mr. aud Mrs. J. E. Brook are spending a couple of weeks with Dr. and Mrs, Hay ' Mr. Brook is still somewhat indisposed. Anrurr Mr. B. B. Sarvis, left for Fort William this week, Cooper, in Ehnira. Sarvis, son of where we understand he 'hasan good situation in view in a hardware store. A snow fence, ten feet high, is, being erected along the Climie farm by the G.T. R. This is one of the worst spots for drifting on the Kincardine branch. Mi. A. PF. MaeLaren, M. P., was in attending the cheese fair, nul looked aone the worse for his cold shades town yesterday, sojourn at Ottawa in the 'ec of the Opposition." , Mr. MeMillan, divinity the Western University, condacted the student at services in the parish room of Christ Chureh on Sunday last. Services will be held as usual on Sunday next. Tue '*Mock Parliament" by the ladies of Knox chureh in Me- Donald's Music hall on Friday evening, 23rd inst., promises to be highly enter- taining. The programme appears in another column. to be given John Fahey, the Montreal ex-detect- ive, who wits serving a term of fourteen years in St. Vincent de Paul penitenti- ary for the famous Grand Trunk rob- bery, was pardoned on Saturday by the Govervor-General. Fahey ia in very poor health. It is learned that the conference on Saturday between Lord Salisbury, Mr. Joseph Chanberlain, and Sir Julian Pauncefote on the Venezuelan question was very satisfactory, and it is hoped that an agreement will be reached with the United States before the end of the month. P Bricgapizr Marcetts from Londo, assisted by Adj. Taylor, will conduc: a great half night of prayer at the 8. A. Barracks, on Friday night, Oci. 161., at the close of the Musical Melee, commencing at 9.44 p. m. All friends are heartily invited to xttend and take part and enjoy these special meetings. ere evening at |: ac- fee oS on tay 'aii ove pana ts Eas Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury and - *rimate of All England, was stricken rith apoplexy during divine service in fhe Hawarden Church on Sunday orning and died almost immediately, walis death occurring at 11.45 a. m. Auction Sane.--Mr. W. J. Tughen bf Elma has rented his farm to Mr. bates and is removing into Trow- ridge. He will sell off his farm stock jad implements on Tuesday, Oct. 27th, fhe sale to take place on the farm, lot Bin the 4th concession. T. K. Hay Fill be auctioneer. Tux funeral of the infant child of tr. Wm. H. Garliner took place on anday afternoon from the residence of 8 grandparents, Mitchell road, to the d cemetery, and was largely attend- The litile one bad been in poor alth since the death of his mother wera year ago. PMnr. and Mrs. J. A. Hacking were in : i ntreal this week attending the an- Mal banquet of the Ticket Agents' ABsociation. Mrs. Hacking is taking inthe excursion of the Association to St John, Halifax, points of interest. téturned to town. ' 'Hywengau.--The residence of Mrs. MG A. Kettlewell, Main street east, was Tuesday evening the of au aed event, Mr. Dunean Me- zie jr., being united in marriage ah the attractive young widow. Rev. fr. Durkee officiated. The wedded couple will reside in Toronto. Boston and other Mr- Hacking has scene 'Evanceuist" Hastings held a meet- ing in the town hall on Monday even- ifg; which was but slimly attended. A pood @eal of specuiation was in- ih. as to who the so-caljed evan- really is, a report having got d that he is a brother of Chatelle, he resembles semewhat B MisstonaRins In ONE Famoizy. age Macklin, of Stratford, Sortir-west, a Rermial farewell on Friday night. It is only a few days ago since Dr. Daisy Matklin, a sister, left for China, to en- gag*in missionary work, and n third member of the family, a brother, been in China for some time. Pay Smant Brius.--One hundred dollars started on Monday morning on has its errand of liqnidation will pay a thousand dollars before Saturday night Try it! It will help your creditor and give him the means to help hi8 neigh- bor and his neighbor's and cheer, comfort and employment to hundreds of idle delphia Record. neighbor, brine people. -- Phila- Tuanksetvinc Day.--Thursday, No- veinber 26th, has been decided upon the Dominion Government Thanksgiving day. The week later than last year, and fats npon the same United States observes as Thanksgiving day, namely, the foruth Thursday in No- vember. The change was made in conformity with the wishes of the Montreal Board of Trade. by as date is a day sas the ALance Traxsaction in Eaus,-- The largest - transaction in eggs that hus been made for some time in Mout- real, says the Trade Bulletin, was a purchase by a leading dealer of 50,000 dozen, consisting of 25,000 dozen of held fresh and 25,000 dozen of choice fall stock, at 12c. per dozen for the lot. The market has a "r® and np- ward tendency owing to the large quantity that has been shipped to Eog- land. Guelph Mercury, Oct. 10: The clerks in the Grand Trunk freight of- fice are not feeling very jubilant over & move that was made Iast Monday night. Mr. Mille was sent down from London to take the position of head clerk. H. Walker was shoved back to the next clerkship, and all the junior clerks got a set-back, till it came to the last one to be taken on, N. Little, and he got exactly two minutes' notice that his services were not nepecet any longer. Me. J.C. Mouner and fate" of allace left yesterday morning for itish Columbia, where they intend to reside. Mr. Mollet's sale on Tues- day Was attended by the largest crowd of people that has been seen at an auction salein this neighborhood for manyaday. The stock, furniture, etc. brought good prices. T. E. Hay weilded the hammer. - "Hon. and Most Rev. Edward White| Rey. who has oe appointed rector of Christ | Church, and Mrs. Jeanes, were in town j yesterday making preliminary arrange- ments for removing here. 'hey were very favorably impressed with Listowel, and especially with the beautiful new church which is in course of erection. Rev. Mr. Jeanes will assume his duties here on Sunday, 25th inst. James Monraomery of the STANDARD staff, received a telegram Wednesday evening from his uncle in Fairgrove, Mich., stating that his father, James Montgomery sen., of this town, who has been visiting his brothers in Michi-, gan, had had a paralytic stroke, and there wag slight hope of his recovery. The son left on Thursday by the after- noon train for Fairgrove. Hvnon Lay Workens' Convention. The annual Convention of. the Lay Workers and $.S. Teachers of the Diocese of Huron, ,will be held tnis year on the 28th and 29th October, at Clinton. The Bishop of Huron will preside, and also deliver an address on 'Chareh Choirs." an interesting one, The programme is Clinton is bent on leaviny nothing nndove in the of entertuinment. Mr. John Ransford is the local secretary. way Writs Issvep.--Acting under iu- structions from the township of Ellice, the law firm of MePhersou & Davidson of this city, says the Stratford J/era/d, has caused writs to be issued against the townships of Mornington, Elma aud Logan to compel them to pay their share of costs incurred in the Maitland drain litigation. The total costs were in the neighborhood of $11,000. Of thie amount Elma is asked to eon- tribute the snug little sum of $3,554,45, Logan $934.73 and Mornington $144. - i ao Listowen Tanexr Asnoap.--Miss M. Bolton and Mr. Walter McCutcheon of this tewn took part at a concert given by Geo. W. Cline and others in Fnesels recently: "On the pro- gramme was Miss Bolton of Listowel, who possesses an excellent soprano voice, under perfect control, did her part capitally. Mr. McCutcheon of Listowel, in both solo and quartette showed his fine bass voice to advantage. role. good He promises well in this Goyer to INGERsoLL.--Mr. Nathaniel Tilt left town on Mpnday for Ingersoll, where he has taken a position with Mr. R. W. Elliott, proprietor of the Chron- icie, as canvassing agentand collector for thatjournal. On Suturday evening Mr. Tilt was given a he "arty send-off by the brethren of Listowel lodge I. O. O. F , he having been one of the most active members of the lodge, and will bé much missed both by the Oddfellows and citizens generally. He nape | him the good wishes of the many frieuds whom he has made during his length- ened residence in Listowel. His family, we understand, is also removing to Ingesroll. Youna Conservatives.--The tion of officers of the Young Conser- vative Association took place on Tnes- day evening, und after a lively ballot the following officers were declared elected by Mr. H. W illoaghby. retarn- ing officer: F. R. Blewett, Hon. President ; John McKeever, President ; Geo. Stevenson, Ist Vice-President ; Vic. Bamtord, 2nd Vice-President ; Ben McCormick, 3rd Vice-President ; Fred Hees, Recording Secy ; Art Bin- ning, Secy ; Benj. Treasurer. An excellent concert followed the elee 'tion, the pro- grame being supplied by members of the Associaticn. The Young Conser- vatives will meet in the club room on Tuesday ev ening next, elec- Corresponding Rothwell jr., when a debate will take place on the Silver question, just now agitating the U. 8S. Every- body is invited to attend. Rosert Born died of consumption a the residence of his father, Pine Street, last Sunday, after along illness, He was a printer, and learned the busi- ness in the CHamrion office. He was employed for some years by the pub- lisher of the Uxbridge Journal, who, like all who know him, thought very highly of him. His. Jast engagement was in the Campton office, but ho had to cease work a little over a year ago on account of failing health. He was amemb.orof Zeredatha Lodge, No. 220 A.F& A. M., and was buried - o, Tuesday with Masonic honors by the | B Of -the--Listowel | t6 talent the Post says : bone: Little, Mis Crich. brethren of St. Clair Lodge, No. 135, Ws Jeanes of Thorndale, with whom he had sat frequently as a visitor. Rey. Mr. Mahaffy conduct- ed the religions services and W. Bro. R. Coates read the Masonic funeral ritual.-- Milton Champion. Diep ar a Goop Onp Ace.--Mrs. Sara Wood, relict of the late James Wood, passed away rather suddenly on Wednesday morning 14th inst., at the ripe age of 82 years and7 months. Her death took place at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Andrew Morris, Main street east, where she had made ker home since her husband's decease about five yearsago. For some time past she had b usable to go abou without aesisfance, but had enjoyed fairly good health up to the last, ing retire the Aight previous feeling as well a 1. In attempting to rise Wednesday morning her bead bent over and she expired shortly after while being supported by her daughter, Miss S. Wood. The deceased was a native of Lancashire, England, and was oe daughter of the late Robert Smith of Beruley, civil engineer. At the nge of twenty years she was married to James Wood of the same county, anid together vier her hnsband and futher came out » Cauada over sixty years ago. The fumily were among the first settlers in West Gwillumbnury, e ounty of Simcoe, where the decease "d avd her husband continned to reside for fifty-one years, and were among the most re spected residents of the township. During the McKenzie rebellion both Mr. Wood und his father-in-law, Mr. Smith, on part on the side of the loyalists. Nin children were born to them, of ame the following are still living : Mr, Robert Wood, who vccupies the home- oe in West Gwillimbnry ; Mr. Frank Wood. .Principal of the Port Hope Model School ; Mr. J. Smith Wood, who resides in Manitoba ; ; Mrs. Beli of Gwillinbury ; Mrs. Coulson of Mani- toba ; rs. 'Thos. .McDowell and Miss 8S. Wood of this town. Some ten years ago the old couple removed to Listowel, and about five years ago their nearly three score years of mar- ried life was broken by the death of Mr. Wood. Ths remains of deceased were taken to Bradford esterday mori D ine je, muey al being .arrs hay- church comceres rae ners, both the deceased and her late usband having been life-long members of the Anglican church. MOCK PARLIAMENT. By the Ladies of Listowel, in Mo- Donald's Music Hail, on Friday even- ing, Oct. 23rd 1896, commencing at8 o'clock, in aid of the Presbyterian church. Admission to all parts of the hall 25cts PROCEEDINGS. a address by Miss Mollie MecDon Part "Feie--Feemfen's reception of Deputations of Men esking = the Franchise be extended to Pant Seconp--Debate on he Bill to enable Widowers and Bachelors to vote for the members of the Legisla- ture. Nays. Miss V. Clayton, Miss M. Stevenson, Miss C. Rothwell, Miss L. Draper. Pant Tuirp--Qunestions by Members, Notices of Motions Receiving of Petitions, Introduction of New Members. Part FourtH--Debate on the Bill to tine marriageable 30 years of age AYES. Ayks. Miss Welch, Nays. Mise M. Sill, Miss N. Rothwell, Miss S. Little, Miss J. Ford, Miss C. Gibbs. Miss IL. Morris. PERSONNEL OF THE HOUSE. Speaker--Mrs, R. Thompson, Bruce. Clerk--Miss Tassie. Dept. Clerk-- Miss F. Stevenson. Sergeant- -at-Arms--Miss J. Stevenson. Premier--Mrs. Ed. Brook, N. lington. Prov. See.---Mrs. J. Thompson, York, Prov. 'Treas.--Mrs. J. H. Rolls, Peterborough. Minister of Crown Lands-- Miss Crich, Hamilto Minister of "Public Works--Miss H. ittle, London Education--Miss Sil, bh Minister al Agricaltur--Miss Welch, Lender of " Opposition--Miaé i, on, Leeds. '\ Whips, Government-- Miss Roy. Opposition--Miss Is. Draper. MEMBERS. . Miss E. Hemsworth, Renfrew ; Miss Fordyce, Grenville ; Miss J. Ford, Grey ; Miss C. Gibbs, Middlesex ; Miss orris, iss, Little, Clay- Miss C. Rothwell, Simcoe ; Miss Rothwell, Welland ; Miss E. ; Miss Seburger, Amy Purcell, Miss Mollie McDonald, B: ---- Ada Thompson and * de Save the Queen. bachelors above Kent ; Miss Heppler, Priuce Baiward j . ,