mah} teres SPs eee ns As ab : i pote sal teins a) THE STRATFORD MIRROR ews Budget From The This photo, from a German source, proves that the Nazi forces are not placing full reliance on Panzer units, especially in those places where early rains have turned the roads into an oozy marsh, making the use of tauks impractical. Horses are being used in such cases, as shown above. For Corns and Callouses JOHNSTON'S pLLouUs -O p DOES THE TRICK yo AND DOES IT QUICK! SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES G Get a box today at the low price of 25 cents Mobray House, Norfolk LACE FROM BEER Is Helping to Pay For The War Beautiful hand-made lace from the cottages of England's country villages is the latest fashion among American women. In the tiny Devonshire village of Beer, where lace-making. has been carried on for 400 years, orders from the United States are helping the in- habitants to keep going in wartime. Many of these lace-makers, as skil- ful as any in the world, are over 80 years of age. Mrs. Ida Allen, who has been in the craft for 50 years, has made lace for the present Queen, Queen Mary and Queen Alexandra. A forebear of hers made the lace for Queen Victoria's wedding dress. It cost £1,000. Side by side with the cottage branch of this industry, the great modern lace mills of Nottingham continue despite the war to create new de- signs for overseas. From the United States and Canada comes a demand for the tailored edged, double-border curtains by the pair in small, neat effects and fancy Tuscan grounds, Fisher nets, in a heavy combina- tion weave, strongly woven, are being made for Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, while the Far East is being sent cheap coloured nets by the yard, mainly in cotton. ' Mosquito and filet nets are made for Palestine and for Egypt, where there is also a ¥ig demand for "tour- de-lits", a cheap form of drapery used by the natives. --s SHEEP'S MILK CHEESE Being Made by British Farmers With Help of Czechs Czecho-Slovak refugees are helping Britain to get cheese from sheep's milk. They have had experience of ewe-milking in Czecho-Slovakia which used to export 2,000 tons of ewe's milk cheese a year. The making of this novel cheese has become practicable by the inven- tion of a new milking machine just Buy Up-To-The-Minute Clothes In This Modern Store With Pay Down What You Like and the Balance As You Like % Id Lan Written Especially for The Mirror by Robert Williamson, Street, London, W. C. designed in Britain, and, after experi- ments at the Northamptonshire Farm Institute, 400 ewes a day are now be- ing milked by it. The ewes are put in pens in units of six and milking is done at a pulsation speed of 100 per minute. During the milking the milk is aut- 'omatically transferred to one of two churns, either of which can be emp- tied without affecting the main va- cuum pump. British farmers are now to be en- couraged to milk their ewes, if only for a short period after weaning the lambs. In both butter fat and curd, ewe's milk is nearly three times as rich as cow's milk and each ewe could provide between 1 Ib. and 21 lbs. of curd a week for at least four months of the year. There are so many ewes in Britain that the people could, it is estimated, get as much cheese from them as they ate before the war and still leave some over for export. sere ene Patna ed en eel Send 15 cents in coin (for each pattern desired) together with your NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- TERN NUMBER and SIZE. 206 W. 17th St, New York, N Mirror Fashions | | THE STRATFO RD MIRROR 'SIX ial INCH SERMON REV. ROBERT H. HARPER Overcoming the Adversary. _Lesson for September 2]: R i 12: 17-123: 15% Ou. cnn Golden Text: Revelation 12: 11. WAR IN- HEAVEN -- what a headline that would make for a present communique! "There was war in heaven" in the long ages past and it would depress us to read of it now had the issue been differ- ent. Michael and his host of an- gels prevailed over Satan, repre- sented as a dragon with seven heads, and his evil angels. Page the pacifist--if the angels made war in heaven against evil, we can do the same here on earth. The paci- fist finds in Revelation no support for his contention that it is wrong to fight those who are drenching the earth with human gore. The place of Satan and his an- gels, after Michael had finished with them, was not '"'found any. more in heaven." Never since have they set foot there and they will not again, for the reign of Satan has been broken--by the cross on mara i by st in heaven, and ows "that h short time." Sa Pan _ Let us echo the rejoicing heard in heaven over Michael's victory. The outcome of that war in heaven has a direct bearing upon the pres- ent world situation. Tidings of Na- poleon in the ashes of Moscow brought depression to Paris but ju- bilation to London. Tidings of. events in the Capital of God's king- dom strengthened the suffering saints of John's time. And those tidings should now strengthen the distressed everywhere, In the long view the righteous have nothing to fear. The power of evil has been broken. The good will prevail. Re- new your faith in the Eternal Good. ness and the moral government of the world, knowing that the Adver. sary will be overcome. Special... For Men's Work Boots BILTRITE CORDSOLES WILL NOT SLIP! EXTRA LONG WEARING For Service, Satisfaction and Money-Back Gnarantee Superior Shoe Repair J. J. DuaCHARME™ We Call For and Deliver Phone 941 113 Ontario St. PATRICIA DOW PATTERNS Spit oo This picture shows one of the Kulfulter--on Norway's arctic island of Spitzbergen. zbergen Ta ken by Reich RRR TRS ee ee .eading coal corporations--Norske London claims that seaborne British and Norwegian troops attacked the island and rendered the northern archipelago's valuable coal mines unfit for Ger- man use. Native mine workers and families were brought to England. PROFANITY FINES HELPS THE QUEEN'S FUND Moncton, N.B., September 18 -- Not that railwaymen are any more addict- ed to profanity than the ordinary run of mortals, but the Queen's Canadian Fund received, a rather unexpected contribution recently from a Canadian National train crew who undertook to fine themselves every time they ut- tered a swear word. By mutual con- sent it was agreed that any member of the crew who made use of a pro. fane word while in the van would place a penny in a receptacle set aside for the fund. The last weekend on which the crew reached their term- inal, the receptacle was full to over- flowing -- it contained nine dollars: and fifty-six cents -- which went to | aid victims of German bombs in Brit- ain. Scott, Crane COMPANY INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones--633 1418 2413J 22 Downie St. CSET EE. Doubly Delicious... Try our Double Rich Malted Milk, for a real palate-sensa- tion. Try one, for Malted Milk at its most --- most in nourishing food value, most in sheer thirst quenching de- liciousness! You will say this reminder was a real ser- vice. Your only criticism may be -- that we should have stressed our Double Malted Milks, sooner ! DIANA RESTAURANT John Tatulis, Prop. Tel. 2578 95 Ontario | THE HOUSE OF HAZARDS MIRROR comic DARLING, I'M GOING TO HIRE A 'MAN TO RE-SURFACE THIS LAWN....1T LOOKS LIKE A ROLLER COASTER ( SHE DOESNT SEEM \ TO REALIZE WE HAZARDS ARE MEN "LL FIX OUR LAWN.... YOU MARRIED A HE-MAN, ert Seeesons, *, ° o A-M-M - a i] CAW SEE THERE «. SWILL BE A SLIGHT ; DELAY ee ee Peroersee s . "\'D DISGRACE TH' NAME IF | C-COULDN'T EVEN-- WH-E-W-T-T-TAKE CARE OF- A --L-L-L L-L-LITTLE L-L-L-A-W-N by Sat Gi {DID YOu 'PHONE' For met J YA-AH- BUT SpE SC LEILA sti See BE QUIET... DON'T Nea cowe LET TH WIFE ie his are "HEAR YA.. il % Cig GBs 4 AG v5" % By MAC ARTHUR| :