wat Page 6 / _THE STRATFO RD MIRROR Wy : THE STRATFORD MIRROR feYOU Mirror Fashions ie Dmitri Demonstrates His Camera Skill SIX INCH SERMON REV. ROBERT H. HARPER NOW is the time to Join the erin Regt, mm RF, Beauty For The Bride Weddings are more popular than ever and many readers are writing me i Rios Fie = {Ses ' Lesson for July 6: Acts 16: 6-15. Golden Text: Acts 16: 9. ; In the Third Quarter we learn; through the Acts, the Epistles and j 'Revelation how Christianity reached } Out into many parts of, the Roman The Gospel Is Taken Into Europe. ; : F eh ;empire. Today we see how it en- for some advice, because every bride | : i pg bye a eae desires to look her best. Here is a hak a ; F Hi ppl sive Ps uct de gehugelbage sere and secure preliminary training to fit you for ! special beautifying regimen for those | of you who are planning for your "Day of Days." Get your permanent three weeks ahead. Your hair should then lose its "newness" and become soft and natural-looking for The Day. To make doubly sure, .-have one or two shampoos. Halo shampoo is the very thing to give your hair a soft and glossy appearance. For two weeks before the bridal day, devote ten minutes daily to these treatments: (1) At bedtime, wash your face with warm water and gentle palmolive soap. Rinse with cold water, then pat in three-purpose cream; (2) using this same cream, , Mark on a second missionary jour- 'ney, Barnabas separated from SPaul, took Mark and left for {Cyprus; Paul then chose Silas as a ;companion and set out to visit the } 'churches which had been founded in Asia Minor. At Lystra he was !joined by Timothy. ; In time they came to Troas, near pthe site of ancient Troy. There Paul had his vision of the man of ¢Macedonia. Soon he and his com- pany, including Luke, who it seems joined Paul at Troas, reached Eu-, rope and came to Philippi. There they rested until the Sabbath; then went out to a place of prayer hy | the river, as the lesson tells. ' How different was Paul's entry! into Macedonia compared with the } recent coming into that country of} any branch you wish to join for Active Service. RECRUITS WANTED Apply THE ARMORIES -- STRATFORD and is showing them the correct angle for a picture of Ernie Neiderer, well known Swiss mountain guide of Jasper, and little Dickie Johnston, of Minneapolis, who is with the party. Inset shows. Dickie close up, all decked up as a mountain climber. Dickie had a great time on' Ivan Dmitri, one of the world's greatest color photographers, demonstrates his uncanny skill at Mount Edith Cavell. Dmitri has a party of camera enthusiasts at Jasper Park Lodge from various parts of Canada and thirteen states in the United startling! Avoid extremes. On your wedding eve, apply a facial, then pat in some three-purpose cream. States. In this picture he is seen, crouched in the centre, after he has called the proper timing and exposure to a few of the 34 members of the party the trip to Mount favorite with the party Edith Cavell and is a great' * Why Not Have the Best 40,000,000 RASHERS A YEAR! From Britain's Table Scraps 000,000 of them a year. a million armed men! And how | different the long results! In band perspective of the ages Paul will! continue to loom larger than Hitler and the cross will be lifted on high when the swastika is in the dust. As a conqueror Hitler cannot be: compared with Paul. In a little! less than three centuries, the gos- pel having survived 10 bloody per- spend five minutes nightly. in knead- ing, stroking and patting your face; (3) Apply a good face mask twice a week; my booklet gives several ex- cellent facials. One week before. Apply lotion to your hands generously and without stint. You do want your hands to be smooth and dainty, don't you? Scott,Crane And on your Wedding Day, because you're bound to be 'jittery,' don't for- get to use a deodorant cream to ban- COMPANY ish perspiration odor. Carry out these treatments and INSURANCE . REAL ESTATE you'll go up to the altar feeling -- and looking -- your most charming self. Write direct for personal advice and enclose four one-cent stamps for INVESTMENTS Phones--633 1418 2413J Radio Reception ? For Expert Service Call my Beauty booklet. Address: Miss Barbara Lynn, Box 75, Station B., Montreal, Que. Two days before: give your hair a DOV n ; ! last going-over. Give your nails a tianity shared with Constantine the | manicure, and do remember, nothing throne of the Caesars. ; ' There are two types of clubs, those in which each member owns a pig and those in which all pigs are owned co-operatively. Although the former secutions, the cross was lifted above the Roman eagles and Chris-} TOP FAVORITE 22 Downie St. Pattern 8893--Always the favorit style. The classic shirtwaist dres Britain's householders, laughing at Hitler's threats to starve them into submission, are joining Pig Clubs in Dale's Radio Service All Makes--All Work Guaranteed which members keep their pigs main- ly on household and garden waste. type, with arrangements for mutual] insurance and other services, was in which American women wear seasd | ture place in the Church that the | It was prophetic of woman's fu-; < In less than a year, over 800 of these Stratford MIRROR Comic after season is presented in a simpl first eat tiie eee was a wom-.. i ith top ope an. Let Lydia be a shining exam-! convertible collar style wi op op ple of faith?hnd, Bodd wes as the! to 'the waist and a skirt with an im | womanhood of America today. | verted pleat formed in the fron RED ae panel. Make it in gingham, cham bray, broadcloth, seersucker, cotton shantung, silk crepe. Pattern No. 8893 is in sizes 14 to 2 40, 42 and 44. Size 16 requires 3% yards of 36-inch fabric. The sey chart, sent to you with the patter gives complete directions for cutting and sewing this style. past years a feature of English village life, the co-operative club is a wartime innovation. This is essentially a domestic scheme, and not more than four pige are kept per member. Two of them may be killed for household consump- tion and the other two are sold to . the Ministry of Food to go into the ¥ general pool. Thus Britain's small pigkeepers are not only supplying their own bacon needs from the scrops they collect but they are contributing a useful amount of additional meat to the nation's By MAC ARTHUR 208 Nile St. clubs have been formed, and 30,000 pigs, representing about 1,500 tons of bacon, have been produced largely on food which would otherwise have been wasted. If all the bacon were sliced into rashers it wolud give 40,- ~- HUH? -ER-ER-WAD JA "© PAYS TO READ THE MIRROE SAY, DEAR? | DON'T THIN YOUR TROPHIES ARE VERY INTERESTING To MES. GRimBO! PLACE AT TH' LAKE OF TH' WOODS - EITC -ETC -- Invisible Soling This new method for Rubber Stamp larder. makes shoes look The minister called on the Jones' || Paper a like new! | e : ' home one Sunday afternoon and little |} poywn : Service Willie answered the bell. ner No Bumps ' No Nails |. "Pa ain't home," he announced. "He No Ugly Joints | Send 15 cents in coin (for each pattern desired) together with your NAME, ADDRESS, PAT-. TERN NUMBER and SIZE. PATRICIA DOW -PATTERNS went to the golf club." The minis- ter's brow darkened and Willie has- tened to explain. "Oh, he ain't gonna play any golf, THE FIRST ONE IS THE BRIDGE HAND MRS.KIBITZ CLAIMED | COULDNT MAKE 1(LUB ON, BUT | MADE A GRAND SLAM... THAT \ For Service, Satisfaction *) AFTER ALL,WE SHOULD TRY and Money-Back fi (THINK OF ENTERTAINING HER== Automatic Daters EN Sih hia AMS ONS TE Aa Wee zs. we Vln ee ee RS ee St Ls OP ee RNSSET TE Fi cc me - pie Stet i : Hi H not on Sunday. He just went over y au | V Boe e302 Stencils for a little game of stud poker, sir." || 206 W-lith St, New York, Nam Guarantee "SUPPOSE | EXHIBIT MY fi aP aicestcengn 3 page Fe 10S TRY LOLLECTION " -B-BUT, ae tie Wd Pep a ag5D) IDN'T KNOW SIX E66S-HU/MPH-| MADE IT a Pie ao Ink and Ink Pads Superior Shoe Re air HAD A COLLECTION.) | WITH ONLY TWO/ PLACE Y Attention Soldiers i The ambitious, social-climbing wif : p ' . of a small merchant returned from OUR ORDERS WITH Before leaving have a photo- party one afternoon and remarked t J. J. DuCHARME Th FI graph of yourself taken at pad e decabitaty oot this atternill We Call For and Deliver e Fletcher Johnston Press ROGERS STUDIO || enc rand that T have a vocabulary onlin eee ies Phone 115 Friends will appreciate this last- a neieggie 2 Saadeh, 123 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. ea Vigne wee chandise, said, "Yes, my dear, you 83 Downie St. Phone 1096m vocabulary appears to be small, bu a ' - O heavens, the turnover!" READ THE MIRROR ADS. 3 Se ae ane ae er mae OE