THE STRATFORD MIRROR "Sense and Nonsense'"' A calf and twelve pigs were born in the live stock pens during the fall fair. We wonder if the directors col- lected entry fees for this stock. Dee aes A car owned by Pat Wheal struck a cow on the highway near Kitchener the other night. Yes, Mr. Wheal was at the wheel. ; : - * * * The Automatic Products. plant was like a pig pen when a couple of in- dustrialists called to inspect it recent- ly, the City Council was told. If that's the case, we'd suggest that a packing company might be interested in it. A weight makes wrong guesses guesser more in women's weights|q birthday party on Sunday to mark The Centennial Church Welcomes Former Pastor Centennal Evangelical Church held than he does in men's. He certainly|the 43rd anniversary of the founding would if he took the women's word for| of the Sunday School. it. * * oo A fluctuation is the upward or the downward movement (mostly down ward) in teachers' salaries. There's one institution in the city that's now back to a concrete bottom --the Lions' Club swimming pool. The Fall Fair left a bad taste in the mouths of a small group of people -- the judges of the fruits and pickles. The birthday was fittingly observed, as events of this kind should be observed. The congregation of the church and mem- bers of the Sunday School welcomed back a former pastor, Rev. I. M. Moyer, now of. Hespeler. Mr. Moyer was the third pastor of Centennial Church, coming to this city more than 33 years ago, and re maining for four years. Those four years, he told his congregation on Sunday, were among the happiest of his mlnistry. = muscles. In Planning Your Diet, Remember. . Milk supplies minerals which helps to build sound bones and teeth. The proteins of milk form strong The vitamins of milk promote growth and build resistance to disease. The pasteurization of milk gives you protection against contamination. * * * Use . -Silverwood's Safe Milk Silverwood's Stratford Dairy, Limited Phone 770 tute loaf. Forming Laxative. 56 Huson Street THERE IS ONLY ONE DR. JACKSON'S Roman Meal Bread Baked and Sold in Stratford It must have the genuine Dr. Jackson wrapper or it is a substi- Imitations are bound to be offered to housewives, but only the genuine Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal Bread is the Alkali- Baked only in Stratford by T. V. B. Bread Co. Phone 2345 Entertainment _AND HOW! is the exclusive mission of GEORGE WESTBROOK and his entertainers Providing rhythm you simply can't resist. A song that suits. A dance that delights, and all at reasonable rates. Phone 1365 for engagements. Tel. 1062w 133 Grange A. F. McCarthy CARPENTER WORK and General Repairing Estimates Cheerfully Given. harming in rich tapestry effects and unworthy papers for all fom purposes. armonious color treat- ment. Mies it a point to come in and nspect these truly excep- tional values. elightful, soft-toned bed- D) room papers hat reflect the utmost in i refinement & they are only 25c a roll. et us show you the won- derful values . vailable in remnant lines. We have made rastic reductions to clear these high-grade amasks, plasters, semi- D plains and stipples. ~LTD. 43 Downie St. Phone 1715 ies HEARD IN COURT . Magistrate: "Are you a _ religious man?" Witness: "Yes, sir." Magistrate: "Familiar Bible?" Witness: "Well, rather. I'll bet I've with the kissed it 50 times in court." By buniev T. EN BURNING GENIUS WHEN BALLADS WILL NOT BALLAD. THE WISE MAN TAKES THE MIDNIGHT OIL AND MAKES HIMSELF A SALAD -- INSCSLES FISHER UR. WILL NOT BURN, | oa 219 Ontario street. The last Jolly Jingles drawing was won by Olive Davidson, Call at The Mirror office Saturday morning, Olive, and get your tickets for the Majestic. - their sister, Mrs. John Bart, Brant THE STRATFORD MIRROR Personal Mention | Gordon Russel of Galt is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mur- ray, John street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young have returned to their home, Birmingham street, after spending a vacation in Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. A. Cousineau and Mrs, W. Cousineau of Montreal are visiting street. Mrs. J. GC. Morlock, Waterloo, Ont., is visiting at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Geo. E. Smythe, 72 Princess street. * * * Miss Grace Hamilton, Brittania "street, has returned to Windsor to resume her duties as physical director and mathematical teacher in the Ken- nedy Collegiate. : eR Sie Miss Catherin Hanlon, R.N., of the staff of the Buffalo City Hospital, spent the week-end with her parents, Me and Mrs: RR. J. Manion; «Ross street. Taking care of the sick seems to agree with Miss Catherine. Her former school chums were indeed 'pleased to see her. ee ere The members of the A. Y. P. A. of St. James's Church, commenced the MEN'S | FINE SHIRTS 719¢c BARGAINS At Fall season with a jolly corn and | weiner roast held Monday night at} Black Creek. A large number at-| tended and a very enjoyable time sdewe spent. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Welsh who | have been holidaying in Stratford and | other parts of Ontario for the past | two months left Tuesday for motor) to return via New York for their} home in Hollywood, California. While | in Stratford they were guests of Mrs. L. Herbert Alexander, Wellington | street. Mrs. Welsh, is deserving of | much credit for the success she has | achieved in the movie world. | Mrs. W. J. McLeod, of Toronto, who | would probably be better known in| Stratford as Miss Minnie Baxter, and | her fine young sons, Joe and Wilfrid, | were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. A. W. Moore, Arlington Apart- ments. Her many friends were in- deed pleased to see Mrs. McLeod again. ee Mrs. H. E. Wadsworth, of Dorset, Ont., is visiting at her parental home, 330 Queen street. Previous to her marriage she had a most successful career as a professional nurse, and then her name owas Miss_ Lizzie Baker. She has the kind of disposi- tion that makes her friends happy. EIGHTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September Twenty-fifth REV. BRUCE HUNTER, B.A., D.D., President London Conference will be the speaker for the occasion, and MADAME WINIFRED LUGRIN-FAHEY, well-known vocalist, will contribute musical numbers. MUSICAL RECITAL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 26 a ee MADAME LUGRIN-FAHEY Tickets for Supper and Recital, 40c. For Recital only, 25c. NicTavish Store BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES 74 95 22 Wellington St. SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY FOR MEN BARGAINS FOR BOYS SWEATER 98c PENMAN'S PREFERRED SHIRTS & DRAW- $1 19 ERS. Reg. $1.50 a MEN'S WORK PANTS -- Our best: $1.95 pants. $1 5S Dark patterns ......... = Men's FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS -- Great big heavy weight. 85 ec All sizes 59c SHIRTS -- {Sc Reg. $2.00 MEN'S OVERALLS. Bl ie 1.45 MEN'S FANCY r4 see ic AUTO RUGS -- All $2 95 pure wool. Reg. $4 F MEN'S WORK COATS -- Roll collars. All sizes NU WAY BRACES-- Reg. 75c . MEN'S WORK Extra quality MEN'S OXFORDS $2.45 MEN'S FINE PULLOVERS -- Fancy colors. All sizes MEN'S JUMBO , SWEATER COATS.; -Red. or $1.95 black. Extra heavy $4.00 value. or rey MEN'S PYJAMAS-- $1 39 Broadcloth. All sizes a WORK SOX--Dark grey 21 -- good weight Cc MEN'S $1.95 FINE SHIRTS-- Collars 5 1.4 MEN'S FANCY CORD attached BRACES. Reg. 39c, pair 2aC REG. 75c BLACK CASHMERE SO -- Sizes 10%, 11, Bo 11% ... Cc FINE BOOTS. $4.00 Black $2.95 MEN'S quality. only NicTavish Store 22, Wellington Street BOYS' BALBRIGGAN UNDER- BOYS' CAPS. SCHOOL BOYS' BLOUSES. SCHOOL BOYS' Reg. 75c. All Reg. $1.00, sizes fa SHIRTS -- 55 G for 19¢ BOYS' LONG TWEED om ee WEAR. Short sleeves, By SHOLt ALAWETS eevsgeneernegeineneen 4 Cc SCHOOL BOYS' SWEATER COATS, OYS' SWEATER COATS. for Heavy ei $1.19 BOYS' SCHOOL HOSE. 19¢ Heavy black cotton REG. $1 BOYS' JER- 19¢ Reg. $1.25 BOYS' SEYS, fancy patterns. BLOOMERS. Good [weeds FINE ALL WOOL (9c 29c BOYS' BRACES, extra quality. Reg. 45c, 35 BOYS' OVERALLS. blue 69c fee ee C or black, reg. $1 ' BOYS' ALL WOOL MACKIN- i Er: ToS @ ianiencapaaa a BOYS' GOLF HOSE BOYS' SILK POLO 29 SHIRTS, white or sand Cc 39c BOYS' UNDERWEAR, Pen- man's 71 Combinations, 95 c Reg. $1.50 BOYS' UNDERWEAR -- Pen- man's' MBreferred Combinations Neat tweeds ALL WOOL WIND- Smart $1 BOYS' BREAKERS. Plaids BOYS' OXFORDS Phone 2291-F. Gond uate ; $1 4: )