™ ~ THE STRATFORD MIRROR t aa B "s tata.) STRATFORD AND PERTH COUNTY CENTENARY AND D BOYS REU Clean Up! Paint Up! Decorate! Fill Up the Pantry! Registration of Visitors all day at City Hall. Aviation Meet, City Ajir- Saturday,. July 30th port, | o'clock, 40 Planes. Horse Races -- Baseball -- Softball. % Soldiers' Memorial Service at 2.30. Special Services in all Churches. Sunday, July 31st ------ Mass Meeting in Lakeside Park, 8.30. Choir of 200. 10 o'clock----WORLD'S CHAMPION SWIMMERS in Lakeside Park.-- Young, Vierkoetter, Nelson, Spondor, Platt. Monday Morning -- RODEO Whippet Races, Horse Races, Acrobatics at Agricultural Monday Afternoon Grounds. FOOTBALL -- BASEBALL -- SOFTBALL. BAND TATTOO and FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE, FIRE WORKS--Lake- side Park. At 10 o'clock--JITNEY STREET DANCE. PARADE -- LADIES' SWIM -- CONCERT. LIONS CLUB FROLIC AT CASINO. Monday Evening Tuesday, August 2 Wednesday Aug OE ROTARY - FARMER PICNIC and OLD TIME DANCING. ' . : Final Night. Street Dance. BIG MIDWAY EVERY DAY AND NIGHT! a te ae a = a saranraprns BODY OF UNKNOWN MAN |Can Avonton Institute 'N. ZEALAND READY FOR PREFERENCES Would Increase Margin of Preference For British | Goods (By CANADIAN PRESS) OTTAWA, July 21.--New Zealand _is prepared to go further with tar- iff preferences, Rt. Hon. J. G. Coates, leader of the delegation from that portion of the British Empire informed the Imperial Eco- nomic Conference today. "We will proceed by reducing where possible the rates of duty on British goods, and in certain cases "we will increase the rates on for- eign goods. This will increase the margin of preference for British goods. Moreover," said Mr. Coates, "as an earnest of our desire to fa- cilitate commerce generally, Wwe will reduce also the general or non- preferential rates on many other imports upon which we are pre- pared to reduce the corresponding British rates." Mr. Coates said that it was the earnest desire of New Zealand that the United Kingdom would be able to increase the preferences already granted on empire products, and to consider the feasibility of extend- ing them to products not now in- cluded. New Zealand was partic- ularly interested in meat and meat by-products. Members and Friends Enjoy Out- ing; Mrs. Ferguson Honored by Associates; Softball Feature Members of the choir of Knox Presbyterian Church and_ their friends to the number of about forty-five enjoyed a picnic*in Bay- field on Wednesday. The after- noon was spent revelling in the pleasures afforded by the popular resort. A pleasing little event took place during the supper hour when Mrs. Hugh Ferguson was presented with a gift in recognition of her perfect attendance at all church services for nine consecutive months. The president, R. L. Don- aldson, performed the honors. Much interest was taken in the softball game staged in Jowett's grove, the married men captained by Forrest Campbell, defeating the single men's team with Donald Jackson as captain. Later the picnickers gathered about a beach-fire and joined in a jolly sing-song. Joe Wright Is Beaten In Henley Sculling Event ST. CATHARINES, Ont., July 21 (CP)--In a smashing upset, W. Rutherford; Jr., Princeton, today defeated Joe Wright, Toronto, for- mer diamond sculls.winner, in the quarter-mile dash at the Canadian Henley. Knox Choir Picnic | Held At Bayfield | Let Us Serve You JULY CLEARANCE SALE For Saturday =z Special Prices on Girl's Wash Dresses Girl's Percale Frocks Correct for play-time wear. Smartly styled from printed percales or plain linens. Siz- attractively patterned mater- es from 7 to 14 years. 79 ials. Sizes from 7 1 99 Each e to 14 years e Girl's Cool Voile Dressés In a smart collection of patterns, ranging from pin dot to large floral effects. Featured in several attractive styles for girls from 10 to 14 years. 1 55D 2 95 These are reg. 1.95and 2.95 value He and fale ALL REDUCED This sweeping clearance in- cludes our entire stock of girls' satisfaction. White with col- dresses. All lines not other- ored trims. Sizes 7 to 14 wise. advertised will be sold years. at a reduction 20 Of, values e) O CLEARANCE SALE PRICES in all Sections Every department in the store is included in this July Clear- ance. Special prices prevail on Silks, Wash Goods, Linens Cottons, Corsets, Lingerie, Gloves, Hosiery and Access- ories.- J. J. Crosier & Co., Ltd. Smart Tub Dresses Better dresses, that will give splendid service. Styled from White Wash Styles Styled from, English Silk-O- Sheen, that will give splendid 97 Ontario Street Phones 101-J, Main Floor "101-W, Second Floor ea ee ree RECOVERED AT FALLS 1. What great event occurred dur-| [77] H ave Spea ker. ing the Old Boys' Reunion of 1914? NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. July | 2, How many members are there , from the Niagara river at Lewis- on the City Council? Board of Edu- Young People of Gould's to be In- ton today. Some persons who view- cation? vited to Present Play; Dona- ed the remains thought they might 3. On what date did the first sol- tion Made The Avonton Women's Institute be those of Nikolai Semenoff, | qiers leave Stratford to serve in the decided at Wednesday's meeting to Cleveland, noted Russian dancer, $ who was reported to have plunged Great War to death over the Horseshoe Falls 4. Who was the man who was| have a speaker from the Institute -- several weeks ago. Coroner W. L. |Mayor when the first men went over-| for the Blind, Toronto, address 2 Draper does not believe the body |seas, and who was again Mayor to| meeting some time in the near fu- is that of Semenoff. welcome them home? ; : ture. A: request will also be sent The body is that of a man about : 40 years old, five feet, seven inches 5. In what year was the Public} the young people of Gould's to pre- tall and 'weighing about 145 pounds. Utilities Commission formed? | sent their play, "Lena Rivers" in Positive identification will be dif- 'GF hat yea as A. B. Man- : ficult, the coroner said. A pair of | gon nae G ¥ ee f rt Avonton in August. The sum of high laced black shoes and a bow HMI eee ER Ree €] five dollars was voted towards the Public Utilities Commission? Household Science Council. tie were the only clothing on the body. 7. In what year was the old city Current events were brought by hall burned? -- Miss Grace Wallace. A paper on e [ MN a i} . ff ! §. WhO. wae she ore Mayor of! "Necessity for Rest" was given by IF You SEE OUR SHOWCASE | Stratford after its incorporation as Mrs. James Strathdee. Mrs. C. B. a city? Mathison and Mrs. James L. Mur- you will readily know we can make 9. When was the gas department| ray demonstrated on making pota- FOR 3.00 an excellent photograph of your itaken over by the city? és nutes home and family. We can arrange | 10. In what year did Stratford win There were 20 members and one Remember my new address-- opposite St. Paul's Church with your next suppl HE ICE WAS THIN ae oO Srl) INL LES Bt OUDLEY |. T FISHER oR. AND THE SKATES WERE SHARP WILLIE'S NOW LEARNING > JO PLAY ON A HARP. * of business or social stationery -- it will be to your advantage to give {us your order. In every particular we can serve you well. FORMERLY $5.50 Let us brighten up old desiqns if you want to catch this year's dollars. | Our craftsmanlike printing attracts and its use always gives a distinct pleasure. shee Suits aaceetion to oy its first Senior O.H.A. Championship? |- visitor present and the roll call work you need, (Answers on last page) was responded to with "The name THE ROGERS STUDIO | of a tree from Canadian forests." 83 Downie St. Phone 1096-m Upstairs == apenas ans Supreme Court Judges Wage Battle For Lives TORONTO, July 21.--Hon. F. E. Hodgins and Hon. J. F. Orde, jus- British Boat Is Seized By U.S. Coast Patrol 'U5 By Appointment Phone 127 MARIE GORDON PARTY WISHES TO INVEST some capital and services ina reliable going business; re- tail preferred. Replies con- fidential to Box H, Mirror. tices of the Ontario Court of ap- peal, ill at their homes here, are still in a serious condition, it was reported today. Justice Hodgins, however, was said to be'"a little better," and Jus- tice Orde was "holding his own" in a satisfactory manner, BOSTON, July 21.--Seizure dur- ing the night of the British schoon- er Grace Marie off the Maine coast, near Seguin light, was re- ported to-day. The seizure was made by the coast guard patrol boat Active, which will bring the schooner to Boston. 123 Ontario St. The Fletcher Johuston. Press Publishers of "The Stratford Mirror" Stratford, Ont. M. Dempsey, 181 Water St., is the winner ©1822 _UNIVERS94 FEATURE & SPECIALTY CO.' of last week's 'Jolly Jingles'