Late Conrad Pfeffer Was Highly Esteemed The sudden death of Conrad E. Pfeffer, on Sunday afternoon came as a distinct shock to a wide circle of friends and acquaintances in the city and where he was born, and had spent the younger years of his life, Mr. Pfeffer had resided in the city for the past 25 years. He was a member of the firm of the Pfeffer Coal and Lumber Company. . Born in Phillipsburg, North East- hope, 1859, the deceased man spent his youth in that district, Later moved to Tavistock where he spent a number of years in the lumber busi- ness there with his uncle. Leaving Tavistock he came to Stratford and had resided here ever since, Besides being a well-known _ busi- ness man Mr. 'Pfeffer had been a devout member and worker in the Centennial Evangelical Church here. Always a fine Christian and a respected member of the church, he had. formed many life-long friends, | Surviving are hig widow, formerly Anna Schlemmer of East Zorra, Ox- 'ford County, and two brothers and two sisters. The brothers are Louis of Listowel, and George of Drayton, and the sisters, Emma Pfeffer of Tav- istock and Mrs. Misner of the city. The funeral services were held at his late -- residence, 234 Wellington street on Wednesday afternoon, In- terment was made in Avondale Ceme- tery. Have Your EAVETROUGHING looked over, Call STRATFORD _ HEATING SERVICE 11 Ontario Street, Stratford. Day Phone 388 Night Phones: 2312 or 828-F. the surrounding district | he | THE STRATFORD MIRROR DOC'S CORNER "Your Majesty,' said the canibal king's chief, "there is among the pris- _oners a native of Scotland." | "Good," said the dusky monarch. "Serve him sizzling hot from the | { hot Scotch tastes like." * * * | A elass of recruits were being put , through an examination in first aid work. It came Pat's turn to answer. | "Now Pat," said the instructor, '"sup- posing a man was to fall down in a 'drunken fit, how would you treat Dim?" "Baith,. sir," said Pat, "I wouldn't treat him at all, I'd consider he had had enough." * * * About the only voice some _ hus- 'bands have in the management of the home is the invoice. ; oe A young man from the south of |England went to spend his holidays | with friends in Yorkshire. He caught a cold traveling and was confined to bed. His hostess thought she would give her visitor a treat during his confinement so she made a York- shire pudding and took it upstairs. "Just try this," she said, "it'll shift | your cold." | Going upstairs later she | "well, have you eaten it up?" -- | "Haten it? Eaten it?" gasped the visitor; "No, I'm wearing it on my asked. | chest." * oe Om A denizen of Dead Man's Gulch had ridden into town to do some ship: ping. "Anything else, sir, today? asked the assistant, mapping up the annual pair of he-man's ranch socks. "How about a suit of pyjamas?" "Young feller," came the reply, "1 ain't no social-rounder. When night comes I go to bed." ae * * None of us expected to live to see the day when a bride's hope chest would contain a muzzle and a box of dog biscuits. * * * Sandy: "I'm rather put aboot. I kin marry a wealthy widow whom I dinna love, or a puir lass whom I love ower much. What shall I dae?" Angus: "Well, mon, I advise ye tae listen tae yer heart an' marry the lass ye love." 'proiler. I've often wondered what a' CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES incr Erie and Downie Streets, Stratford Good News to Shoppers ! Basement * om argain Counter OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY SAVINGS! SAVINGS!! SAVINGS!!! So enthused have we become, and so enthused are the customers, that we are opening the Basement Bargain Counter for All Day Saturday. Be waiting at 9 a.m. to get your share of the SAVINGS! SAVINGS!! SAV- INGS!!! Unless you have visited our Basement Bar- gain Counter you cannot visualize the savings that are being offered. Such assortments -- but they're in lim- ited quantities -- including 'Real Silk Hose, Gloves, Remnants, Tea Cloths, Women's and Misses' 'Dresses, Children's Wear, Men's and Boys' Wear, Table Lamps, Silver-plated Ware, Garden Tools, and a host of other things -- and all are marked at prices that spell SAV- INGS. To receive your share, shop promptly at 9 a.m. on Saturday. You'll not be disappointed. _ CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES use "Flow did you ever lose track of Junior?" frantically asked the mis- tress. "Why didn't you speak to a policeman at once.' "T did," replied the maid, "in fact I was speaking to a policeman when IL missed him." ~~~ Saturday Specials Sandy: "Ye're richt, Angus, I will marry the puir lass." Angus: "In that case, would ye mind giein me the address of the Stratford Cartage |} | s * * * We Move Pianos, Safes Mr. T. R. B. Robertson, head of the dF it assessment department of Hamilton, an urniture announced that property owners in By courteous and reliable men. that city may improve their properties PHONES: without fearing a raise in assessment. P, J. Sinclair This will be welcome news and might Freight Sheds............. be applied in other cities. This would Office help out the unemployment to some extent for in these times many a 'property owner is somewhat reticent about painting or otherwise beautify- ing their property for fear of an _ in- crease in the already heavy taxes. If You Want To Dance TO SNAPPY MUSIC TRY SCHNIDER BROS. ORCHESTRA At The Avon Casino TUESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, 9 to 12 - The World Moves . . So Do We 2204 Sosy ANSOe 837 26 ALBERT ST. GASOLINE AND OILS Come and enjoy a good dance. Jitney Dancing. Cool Summer Dresses On Sale at, each ci. eee $5 Featured are washable Summer Crepe of superb qualities. Cool light and dark toned voiles -- and plain crepes. White and colors. Sizes 16 to 44. Spring Coats and Suits a. DO each . Less than half-price -- but we never carry left-overs. Coats are unlined tweeds -- chongas and diagonals. Limited number only at this low price. Misses' sizes. 36 Only Smart Summer Frocks, for Friday, $3 (2 | any oe In this group you will find Em- pire Silks, Pebble Rays and Silk Piques. New Summer styles. Guaranteed washable fabrics. Sizes 16 to 44. Buy and save. 25 Cool Summer Hats, On Sale at, L 5c each .... These are sample lots -- pur- chased specially --- hence choice value for Friday shoppers. Feat- ured are panamas, novelty straws, sport hats. In white GIRLS' WASH DRESSES. On Sale at, each:......... 0. @ O60 eo 6 nd colors. ee ee ee In plain linenes or printed percales -- choice quality washable mater- ials -- cleverly styled -- neatly trimmed. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Kiddies' Socks in plain and fancy top, style, assorted colors. Reg. to 29c. 2 Cc Saturday Children's Black Bathing Suits, all wool, flash style, $1 00 a Special J. J. Crosier & Co., Ltd. 97 Ontario Street Phones 101-J, Main Floor 101-W, Second Floor