THE STRATFORD MIRROR "~ | corps td tt - CORNER », U/ a re [ Address all letters to Miss Dear Miss St. John,-- Iam a High School girl. I am plain looking and rather shabbily dressed. A very pretty, stylishly-dressed _ girl - has taken me up recently. She coaxes me to go places with her, Before she began to notice me I had a good time in my own way. But when I am with her I always feel awkward, and every- one seems to leave me out in the cold. The other girl attracts everyone es- pecially boys. I am about this, Would it be very rude for me to refuse to go out with her? She does not seem at all fond of me, but Answers will appear the week following your euguiry very unhappy | | ' THE STORE OF QUALITY Ina St. John, Mirror Office. | jter we are married and getting our | meals at a boarding house. Our little | home is all ready, but I am not strone {enous to get meals and work all day in an office. My friends all say I am foolish to marry a delicate man, pro I am considered pretty and popu- |dar. What do you think of my decis- \ion? ~----- RAY. , Answer: | If you love the young man Ray you peur, never be happy unless you niatry him. You will have more fun helping | him keep the wolf from the door of They've BRAND-NEW >- GOLD STRIPE and Uhey'ce ae SHEEREST 7 SHEER CHIFFONS ee pers 5 E. Crossley Hunter Found St. Peter. | a Difficult Subject to Photograph an assia, "wnat are the station, Mr. Hunter [nie?" The clype of. the class told ther that Johnnie had a pin, "Bring it here," and the talebedrer brough t the pin to the teacher's desk. Pres- ently Johnnie, was ordered to stand| ie Mek up and read, but he got very red and a kept his seat. "Why don't you stand Two years ago, Rev. Ernest Crossley Hunter, curly -Leadec cleric of Carlton Uniteq church, Toronto, toured Eurupe as leader of a group of about 35 young peo- ple, with the Passion Play at Ober ammergau as the high spot of their seven weeks abroad. Some interesting taleg are told of this famous son of a famous sire, his father being beloved by Canadians everywhere, a genera- tion ago, as-a member of the evan- gelistic "team" of Crossley and Hunter. Now this dynamic son captures capacity crowds and holds them spellbound on Sunday evenings in the century-old church | at Toronto's midtown crossroads. While in Oberammergau with his group of United church young men and young women, Rev. "Ernie" Hunter took advantage of every opportunity to learn of the historic background behind the Ba- varian peasants who stir the world each decade with their dra-} matic presentation of the story of the passion, trial and crucifix- ion of the Christ. The morning after the play, as the group was wending its way -- camel ---- Of Interest ae | READ THE MIRROR "ADS." : ie toward spied the "Pete" of the play _run- ning through the market place. "J. must have a picture of Peter!" shouteg the camera - clenching cleric to his companions, as he- dashed: in pursuit of the peasant player. : ed y ~ Swiftly van "Peter" and as swiftly followed E. C. Hunter, bowling over pedestrians in his eagerness to "snap" the man who - had thrilled them on the yester ~ ay. at A few moments later he return- up and read?" ed, with the light of eatistantion -|hauds up ma breeks." eae, Pee in his eyes. "I got him--a dandy : ene" . : og a eae = eee snap!" he exclaimed in great glee. Se = _ Decorating ont. Patine ES - Upon the return of the par a | FOR A GOOD CLE : PAPER - " ee tt HOW. -GQON BETA ging and ting call C. 7 fell Canada, Mr. Hunter had his films developeg for the lantern slides which he uses in connection with his now famous lecture on "Ober- ammeregau--the Place, the Play, the People." ; Imagine his surprise, as well as chagrin, at beholding the photo of "Peter'--revealing a pair of. aid flying coat tails srreaming in the f wind and no sign of the "impul- gauche!" you 9" "Please, ma'am," said the embarrass- ed Johnnie, "ye've taen the pin that | jing Moderate | Extremely respectable old lady (no- ticing the unsteady behaviour of an intoxicated man): Intoxicated man (affably): "Shplen- thanksh--how goesh it with # FUNERAL SERVICE WHITE FUNERAL SERVICE -- ae and Co., 80 Ontar' asked the teacher. Night calls, 376. WINDOW BLIND CLEANING--Up- © holstering, floor finishing pes 'paint--- . e charges. George H. Cole, 107 Regent St. Phone 1192. -- i | jett. Phone 1308M. Baeza ROOMS AND BOARD . Dear me. How | 250M WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD-- -- 's _.In home centrally located. Steam heated, well lighted and For particulars apply Box Office. : 4 ™ =" Te "4 a sive disciple." eid ie : ae "Peter" had been a bit too quick ' for this camera Hunter! or Returning home from Sunday school | A candidate is a man who thinks -- the other morning a local lad told his parents he had been singing about | because he wants a job working for "Armored Christian Soldiers." you should consider him important you. ome To Farmers -------- <~ "TAKING THE AIR" | in comfort! | It is scary easy to 'take the ait" on your porch all summer long in seclusion and comfort after it is equipped with re Porch Shades, Porch Rugs and Furni- , S Nearly 40,000 men are employed in agricultural implement plants; in France. ane : A pet goat at Trimdon Grange;| England, is rearing two lambs' which have been left motherless-; she coaxes me to go out with her. your cottage than you would have 3 CONSTANCE. idling in a mansion married to a man Answer: ;you do not love. a ze By all means stick to your ola | But be sure you do love him en- | friends, Constance. "All is not gold ,OUgh to prevent regrets, for they are - that glitters." The girl in question is fatal to happiness, using you to set off her own beauty € _and style. Enjoy yourself in your own | = *..2 _ circle, and let the selfish girl go her | Dear Miss St. John,-- own way. We are a young couple who have Ina St. John. |Some very bad habits. We both smoke, , * e & ate = gamble' and drink some. Now Dear Miss St. John,-- |a dear little third person has come to | Tam in love with a splendid girl. |OUr house. He is just a year old and Apparently she has only one fault. I Ur dearest wish is to see him avoid | notice that her word is law at her all these faults and bad habits. We home. She tells her mother what to | Want him to stay good as he is now. : have for dinner, and orders her Dad Please tell us is it impossible to do _ around too. I do not like this as I these things and teach our boy not to i ee -- | was brought up on the opposite plaa. do them. What can we do ab sit ; : <. ' Canadian production of tobac-. Do you think she will b "b | mci Y Sunda valu at sat SO: poche e a "bossy" | YOUNG PARENTS <P FO nds valued at $7,177,540. _. wife? I must say that she is never ar- Answer: : es d oie pitr ; . i* ill be grazed near The) 3 Sa ary with me. If the boy loves you as he naturally par manitoba. prior to shipment! ,does--you are his pattern. He will pverseas via sa ee tA |copy all route, if present plans fo oiche- ; Se af you do. What Mama and Dad- enacts in Southern Saskatche-| : I do not think you need worry Jim. kad 0 will be good enough for him. Te t is the mahner i which your sweet- i ee as are his God. So there Tt is reported that a number of heart was reared that is the trouble. |}% CM/Y one thing to do. Live as vou Norfolk County farmers yew She has been taught to consider her- want your little son to live when he pxperiens. i" pe heli : self ahead of the house. Some children |'% 8™OWN up. peter S 3 are despots because their parents jump at their first cry when they are . ' - ee } still babies and continue to allow them to tyrannize over the household as) Pa 5 eile -+ SILK FROM TOP TO TOE .., Canadian farm flocks of hens and chickens increased by §,325,71 000 between 1930 and 1931, . the! annual statistics for the iatter| year showing 4 total 61,572,000 for these classes of poultry- Tia SE John. The filmiest stockings, of tissue-weight chiffon. Silk from top to toe, even the san- dal foot and the garter top, with garter pro- tection, of course, because they're Gold Stripe. Ask for them, Style 324--they're just $1.00 An attempt is being made at the London zoo to hatch, in an oases tor, penguin eggs flown 8,000 miles from South Africa. pa \ Only eight per cent of the gradu-| ates Of the Institute of Agricus- ture, Hertfordshire, England, nave forsaken the land for other pur- suits, according to the institute's | GOTHAM OLD STRIFE, "Beautiful Silk Stockings 4] nett Se ree See ene J ture. VUDOR PORCH SHADES _|| The best porch shade for larger spaces, complete with $9 3910 + age an a Wid GOVICS Ab y. csccve Fics eadee asesen=s bonds oes cootenecuperdes'™ JIM ALONG. - Answer: The Bore Rebuked A loud and objectionable bore had been talking for hours about himself " and his achievements. "Tm a self-made man, that's what I am -- a self-made man," he said. "You knocked off work too soon,' came a quiet voice from the corner. Farm workers wages were maintained at the old scale at this} year's hiring markets in Scot; land. Ina St. John. ' ; ie i ; Special Bamboo Porch Shades, $3.50 up | "Poultry raisers in the Nerne In widths 5 ft., 6 ft., 7 ft. and 8 ft. civiagnetrostviversevemaereresererere OOOOp 4.25, 5.00, 5.75 jands are storing immense ayia Bi bers of eggs to await better prices: SCREEN THE PORCH AT LITTLE COST a a 45c and 50c yd. |} - 'long as they remain under the parent- pie al roof-tree. One can scarcely blame | - the girl for the weakness of her par- ) e Phone 171 : ill-, We make your old clothes ps have been ki South Monmouth-: g farmers: Awning Duck, gay colored stripes ...... --- A Wise Fool A benevolent old lady was paying So many lam ed by dogs im Ue peccved eens seersovesteres ents. If you take a firm stand in your look lik F ) ike new! visi i i England, that (sav qeneiewnny own home she will be glad to give the Suits Pressed .000.0...0e..:... Ps meee oi ee Ora certain, men: ee sete Bs shotguns are patrol- $2.00 "ets a . ; first place of authority into your ae ae Cleaned and 2 se 4 ia w #6 a had endowed. pS es, Bes Smid pets # ling fields at night. He Porch Rugs, 4 ft. x 7 Pe io Le deeneets .....95¢ 6 & x 9 ft. oe PP ee ecccesceecees voter : : j - "hands. Of course there is no such | Pressed «..-.0--0..... cose. 1.00 te er ene eee ey oie oe in is considering the pur™ : r . : thing in the ideal household. The aoe em ome Cleaned youthful-looking inmate fast asleep oe of Argentine wheat on the Give your porch floor that touch of color and comfort, F -- : 4 COSCO? is Hy S03 $1.25 u i h OIFFUERS is of exchange of goods. 7 - band and wife are equal in authority. | For Pro = ee eecepa is pee ; ° : $2.50 Es sae Ina St. John ) Giese "Why aren't you working with the| Whatever the mode you wish-- The honey industry' in one en Heavy quality Grass Rugs, 4 ft. x 7 ft. 6 SEROUS jo icee cov dyesevedqocsssavesteoees seats a eae Pe " . oe ° : " Br s : Bs ean a MR eM A Pe ogee ee eae eee ses eH Er te <7 i et vi i oe ie * * * | MURRAY rest, my boy?" asked the old lady |Harrison Beauty Parlor operators expected 1? ipocum £08 the treat- iss 6 ft. x 9 ft.---- ie a a e tartly. : will help you achieve it. Trai ; ¢ honey, recently developed Og he ' ie Dear Miss St. John,-- CLEANERS AND D e it. Trained in ment of honey, Ontario 3 ard, cut to measure of oe YER "I'm crazy," id an- | the most r : under the auspices of the and Matting by the yard, : 'eee I expected married in March, 148 St. Patrick § = €, ewes ee a eee aed Paes s department of agriculture- Cocotex Rugs BS : Te ' but my ! ident , eat aie the latest equipment available, the - es ene my lover was hurt in an accident | [aaa "But surely cra ene Harrison Beauty Par ees i Wellington County is alfalfa con- zy peop can y Parlors is ready a scious. R. H. Clemens, the Agri- : : ' t cultural Representative, says tha 12,000 acres in that County were seeded to alfalfa this spring: phon 4 merchant» alone sold over 2 bags. 2 ; ? Seog x mS re finite . edi ke E 4 'and he is not well yet. The doctors |= say that he must give up the work he is trained for and take up some- thing lighter. He offered me my free- work?" argued the other, pointing to |®"4-willing to perform almost any some of the toilers. miracle you can ask for your hair. J. S. R U h) S E L L _"Maybe," replied the youthful-look- The rates are very reasonable. Simply dom for it will be some time before ing one, "but I ain't as crazy as that." phone 483 for an appointment. Registered Archi | 1 he makes good at a new! f k. areas itect es Sel i I love him dearly oe I te iat Phone 1533-F Gordon Blk. = <= Harrison Beauty Parlors me Sovton PO || READ THE MIRROR "ADS.") 12 ses - = ~ 3 se - on = ee % -- . Be os ag ESS teks : : ES si ca of keeping my position for a while af- | --