THE STRATFORD MIRROR dorable ummer Dresses In all the New Pastel colorings SLEEVELESS 7 88 $9 95 WITH JACKETS For street and sports wear these dresses are truly smart. fi Passing of Highly Esteemed Citizen From Pasture Field To Fine New Golf Course The death of ee pin pte ton at his home on Cale onia street | From cow pasture to golf course in amis 2a littia area iigids Sit 44 the on Tuesday came as a distinct shock THE STRATFORD MIRROR "Sense and Nonsense" ae SI 0.00 Eugene ' Now that May 15 is safely past, Rupils of a school near Tavistock hockey star will no longer have tojare unable to attend school because phe locked in when they retire for the|the wind storm on Monday tore off | night. part of the roof. The country kid ermanent : ace St always did get the breaks. Jackie Vrooman seems to claim that ake most precious of privileges which ig Perhaps the men who failed to turn Contest Closes June 28th stor f th 1 'that if to the hundreds of local residents fe) e popular municipa fe) : : = : tite iy ¥ | who knew him as a friend and valued course on Norfolk Street. The season) _. ; ' : ' , | citizen. Mr. Hamilton had been ill which has just opened promises to be | ; | for only a few days. the most successful yet for the city-| : The deceased was a native of El- Owned course, and certainly the course is in a condition which invites patron- age more than ever before. ma Township, having been born in' the vicinity of Listowel in October of 11873. He asc th son of the late The fairways of today are a far cry me. Bes ae re : ; | John and Mary Hamilton, highly re- from the rough swaths which had | ; A beens cut: in the hayfield of a little spected pioneers of that district. Mr. Constant Hamilton had Stratford more than two years ago. : " J ii ; d | for : cor ears. fe) rolling, cutting and _ levelling have|"" inore Thana. BCore Dh yer |the past number of years he had been resulted in wide, level fairways for all | employed by the R. M. Ballantyne generally conceded to the female of the human race -- he can change his|™unity garden had heard about the mind. ; | potato canker and had thought that % it was a contagious mouth disease. a Probably it's a case of far-away . rh Sed Fo sweaters look greener. * * * A idemi ; : ; measles. In poker -- es Agee of ee bottle pilfer. terms we would say-- "A full house, -- + = has. broken out. in. Woodstock bat all: spots" S nine hole hich being played. | s which are- red. | That should be ful si : regarded 'as 9: cheer- al oO : + : 4 _| Company where he was popular with sign -- evidently the people are ne can scarcely visualize the greens | Walon of today as the holes which were dug | vain employers and panoRtates. im the sod and for lack of a better | ligion he was a Presbyterian, and was weara|> member of the Board of Manage- |ment of Knox Presbyterian Church. | ees per resided in teen cases of ; JUST DO. THIS -- CALL ATE.* MARIE GORDON'S BEAUTY SHOP 112 DOWNIE STREET (REAR OF HAP'S BARBER SHOP) beginning to pay the milkman again. : on which two youths will roller skate ewe es across; Canada. That's not exactly ee B é A ee oe a oe getting im shape loyalty to the CNR: : ; q ago. At present all the greens are tin | ae sath payee in the|- ; Seer . good shape except number one and | The funeral was held on Thursday Sg f patzan e past week or| Judging from the success of a num- ~ six. The new green on number cin ta | afternoon. Rev. G Rowand, pastor hint? Mat oa aa seem so long ago ber ot Feat magazine canvassers . _ | of Knox Church, officiated at the ser-| s the day for taking, Who visited the city this week, all Interment was made in Avon-| <oming along nicely, but some diffi- | of the long underwear. this country needs to drum up busi- pen Sacteae ahenes: hoe S52 ness and pull out the depression is the proper catch of grass on number more saleswomen, mame were called greens two Fashioned from fine quality pure silk canton crepes that will tub satisfactorily all season. In plain vices. shades and in smart color combinations. dale Cemetery. | and either madame or one of her assistants will explain how you may be the lucky one. one. This same Bud is going to show The new drainage system which was The work will be done with as much care and at- tention as though we were getting the cash for doing the work. In fact, we employ only exper- ienced beauty specialists. HERE ARE OUR SPECIAL LOWER PRICES Marcel Finger Wave Manicure, Massage and Shampoo ........ 35C Picial Treulincat 20¢ Permanent Wave, $2.50 and up For Appointment Telephone 127 or 1282 splash this year. The local boy @ real threat this year. * * * a parts of the city however. SATURDAY SPECIAL By Request MAPLE WALNUT LOAF If you like real walnuts i seas : : : this Saturday Special, hepa awet te "Obe r seeueaiie Don't forget an ample supply of tasty tarts, bare cartel "ee ee see ees eee eoeeaeereereeeaeaseeeeseenene bd Better order early for your favorites. T. V.B.. DAIRY BREAD Truly pamed because it is so rich i : ch in butterfat and gi you the nourishment which is so essential. tse Wee worth: 2.2 ii eg Bt PS oa sec dss ** Qe v. B.BREAD Co. | 56 Huron St. cookies and pies. Phone 2345 ginekte, and he has shown enough to, convince his manager that he will be | Plots for the purpose of making fertilizer tests are being chosen near the city, according to a report from ane Department of Agriculture. That is not the cause of the odor which has been bothering residents of cer- con . . . + siderable improvement in the big SN ts is Stratford teams the résults of last Saturday. The baseball and lacross teams came through with wins, and the football team broke even. * * * Lefty Philips played the Frank Mer- riwell stunt by waiting until every- body's nerves were frayed before he obliged by tapping out the necessary Herbert Homuth, 25 Caledonia Street, Wins Theatre Tickets for Last Week's "Jolly Jingle Drawing " f BY DUmEY\ T "AWAS Ti THOUGHT THAT THINGS WERE Q@OMIN il WHEN NELLIE KISSED ME AT THE oo WHEN N one Sete ee ener LINE WE WORLD W AND HOW | WISH I'D KNOWN aloe -- HAT | WAS BAIT FOR OTHER MEN ---- xcLeES FISHER JR. should play all their games on Saturday, judging by - suggestion that some of the unem- ae put down last Fall has worked won- ders on the course. Play was possible have been possible without the new drains. The drainage system will con- tinue to be of immense benefit all through the season, especially if there should be heavy rains this Summer. The new nine holes are being seed- ed down at the present time. A crop of grass will be covered with a crop of oats, and when the oat crop is har- vested in the Fall, it is expected that a good catch of grass will be revealed, By next year the new nine holes should be in good condition, and the city will have a splendid eighteen- hole course. Too much credit for the condition of the course can not be given to Fred Cook who has had the interests of the course at heart ever since it was op- ened. The golf course committee of the City Council, of course, can be thanked for the progress which has been made, for it rested in their hands whether or not any effort should be made to improve the course. The response from the citizens of Stratford has been such that the Coun- cil need feel no doubt as to the en. dorsation of their efforts. Community Garden Planted This Week The community, garden is being planted this week. It is expected that about 150 bags of potatoes will | this year much earlier than would is considerable work to be done, | ployed men who are might be asked to do a little work in| the city parks for their relief orders. | receiving relief | according to the Parks Board, which | will not be done unless the relief | men do it. | | | LOCAL MEN TAKE OVER GAS STATION Albert "Peanut" Gingras and Clar- ence 'Dutch" Meier have leased from | the Cities Service Company, the Gas | and Oil Station at 520-24 Erie street. This station will reopen to the pub- lic under the new management on) Monday, May 23. Gingras and eG are well-known to the sporting frater- | nity in Stratford and District, having | been members of Stratford Hockey | teams for a number oi years; and are prepared to give the best of service at their new Station. "Who Buried the Cat?" Council Wants To Know Port Elgin, May 19. | HE VILLAGE Council has a perplexing problem to solve. | It concerns a bill for 50 cents, the charge for buying 2 dead cat ordered removed off the street by Reeve Cameron. When the bill came before the Council for pay- ment no action was taken, be- cause three persons are claiming the. above amount for carrying out the burial service. In the meantime the question is the be planted in the tracts on Delamere Avenue and in Avalon Park. Things | have not been going so smoothly, | according to the City Engineer, as the | unemployed men do not seem to take kindly to the idea of planting pota- toes. The Unemployed Association has promised co-operation in the mat- ter, however. Park Board 'Makes Suggestion _ The Parks Board has advanced the most talked of in Council circles. Prince In Role of Guide For Group of Tourists WINDSOR, Eng., May 19 (AP) The Prince of Wales played guide to a group of tourists today. The Prince escorted visiting Argentine students through Windsor Castle, outlining its history and pointing out its many treasures. He kept his party amused with remin- castle. iscences of his boy hood in the | Panama Hats for Summer Smooth, glazed Panamas have the call for warm $2 50 . . . . a summer days. Come in tailored styles with wide droop brims. Ornamented with colored ribbon sag Et Beatie eee eee. Sa Ska scoweumh seater $2.95 KNITTED SUITS FOR STREET AND SPORTS WEAR From $7.95 te $25.00 Here's a special pre-holiday display of the country's smartest knitted suits; two and three-piece garments created from the fin- est yarns. Ideal garments for sport and travel wear. We invite your inspection. Holiday Accessories-- Gloves, Hose, Scarfs, Berets, smart new summer creations, smartly fashioned yet moderately priced. Jj. J. Crosier & Co., Ltd. Phones 101+J, Main Floor 101-W, Second Floor 97 Ontario Street J. §. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533-F Gordon Bik. Charles T. Newell Registered Optometrist 184 Wellington St. Phone 204 Entrance through Roche's Jewelry Store). Get Your Copy Now 'May Queen" and her attendants; the cast of "The Tempest"; Col- fegiate and School Cadets -- all these photographs were taken by THE ROGERS STUDIO 83 Downle St. Phone 1096-m For Sale or Rent Heintzman & Co. Louis V design Piano for sale or-to rent --a wonderful bargain. Phone 1365. Upstairs mmm READ THE MIRROR "ADS."