THE STRATFORD MIRROR - No Winner For Last Week's Puzzle Each of the many contestants made the same mistake. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 2 a. ee b 8 < Try again! oe) 65 bo HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL (Cont.) 1-An emperor of Peru/48--Point of compass 5--Cease 9-To bend forward 10---Male singing voice . 12--Foot-like organ 13--Musical drama 15-Appendage of something 17--Portion 18---Point of compass (abbr.) 19-Prefix. Before 21-Exists 22-Loaded 24-Indefinite article 25--Poisonous snake 27-A title 28---End 30--The mother of all mankind 31---Narrate 33-Shows to be true 35---Atmosphere 36-Time period 37--Formed hollows in 40--Removed the weeds 43---Suffix. Like 44--Has been 46---Greek god of the woods 47-Mistake (abbr.) 49-To happen again 51-Augustus (abbr.) 52-Girl's name 54--Black sticky substance 55-A doctrine 56---River in Poland 58-Tired 60-A unit 61-A fabulously rich man 63-To make glossy 65--Lacerated '66---A row VERTICAL 1--Pronoun 2-Negative 3-Call of the dove -- 4-To come into view 5--City thoroughfare 6---Chinese plant 7-Ahead &--Kitchen utensil 9~--Series \11-Knoek gently 12-Squad 14-Final she 16--Heroic 17-Falsifier VERTICAL (Cont.) 20---U nits 22--Recline 23--Pinch 26--Flat dish 27---Scatter 29---To dress with the beak 30-Elude 32-Small island in inland waters 34---Raw metal . 37--Leaning tower 38---Entries in an account 39-A patriotic society of U. S. (abbr.) 40-Tumult 41--Rub out 42-The middle ear 45-Bristly 46-Truest 50-Vehicle 53-A variety of sweet ~ potato 55--Writing fluid 57-An insect egg - 58--Hinder '59-551 (Roman) 60-Over (Poet.) ' 62--Accomplish 64-Electrical Engineer (abbr.) Easy on the eyes and easy to clean f dhset att, 3 Fe Carton of 6, $1.40 IY BRO CHOP Tel. 480 E R E Gervicessupreme The Best Place To Buy Your Fruits and Vegetables Naval Oranges 25c to 50c doz. First-class No. 1 ne Per bag... bi cebess Carpe ROC Try a Sasso Olive Oil fer the sickroom. Vergine Oil for table use. Classic Fruit Store 89 Downie S&. Phone 2441 The most discouraging thing about trying to save the world is the dis- covery that the world doesn't care a hoot whether it is saved or not, PLAY PRESENTED TO AID WELFARE BUREAU As a result of the presentation of "George In a Jam" by the Juliet Home and School Association in the City Hall on Wednesday night the treasury of the Community Welfare Bureau will be augmented by a sat- isfactory sum the amount of which has not yet been definitely an- nounced. This farce-comedy with its many ludicrous situations was staged by a clever group of players whose tal- ented performance won well-merited applause from the audience, which was afforded an excellent evening's entertainment and was at the same time contributing tothe very worth- while cause. Much of the success of the play is due the eforts of Lorne Jasper who directed the play. In the inter- mission periods enjoyable musical numgers were given by Wilbert Syl- vester, The cast of the lows: é Jim Gray, a youthful guardian, Roy Hudson; Missy Brown, his mut- inous ward, Olive Conway; George Forbes, another ward of his, George Coleman; Odessa, the colored cook, Mrs. W. Veale; Jack Carson, Geor- ge's bosom friend, Danny Fookes; Nellie Morrow, a_ school teacher, Cora McCliennan; Sara Jane Lark- ins, a rustic heiress, Francis Spence; Ma Larkins, her 1aother, Mrs. W. J. Coleman; Pop Larkins, Sara's father. Mr. J. Cousins; Zeke Stebbins, a rural '"detecative, " Fred Chapman. play is as fol- 'SPORTING GOODS LEVY CALLED TAX ON YOUTH | Opposition a Revenue Bill is Heard in U. S. Senate < WASHINGTON, April 21--(AP)-- The levy on sporting goods carried in the new revenue bill was called a tax on youth yesterday by witnesses who brought to the United States Senate finance committee their Op- pcsition to various taxes carried in the measure. Opposing the sporting goods tax, Julian W. Curtiss, of New | York City, representing the A. G. Spalding Company, said 'most of the goods we manufacture vo largey to the youth of the country," and the tax would harm their physical develop- ment. Since the bill proposes to tax also gate receipts, Curtiss said, "'it seems to me to be a case of double taxation." Import levies on lumber and for- est products were sought by a dele- gation from the northwest. - Special Sale English Porcelain Cups and Saucers with 3 gold line decoration 10c For Cup and Saucer SEE WINDOW J L BRADSHAW China Hall 'self," observed the Sunday FU ae viIMia|-|4lzim DIM|7I1| wD rImM|4iDi>lz 4IZI>P IMIS e]z|-|>l4imlo wl<|>lolm|a a Answer to last week's puzzle PARTRIDGE SANITARY & HEATING ENGINEERS Stratford and Toronto Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work and Roofing 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 123 Ontario St. Let Us Serve You with your next suppl In every particular we can serve you well. Let us brighten up old desiqns if you want to catch this year's dollars. Our craftsmanlike printing attracts and its use always gives a distinct pleasure. LLS The Fletcher Johnston Press Publishers of "The Stratford Mirror" of business or social stationery -- it will be to your advantage to give us your order. Stratford, Ont. Mr. Down, 308 DOWN & FLEMING Funeral Service Rooms 94 Ontario St. Phone 314 Mr. Fleming, 311 "Doc's Corner -------------- eS ~ cpg ------ a a "You ought to be ashamed of your- teacher severely to the small girl, who | had obviously omitted to wash her | |fact that day. "Look at your little | brother; see how nice and clean he ia' The little girl sniffed. "Well," she re-| plied: "It's his birthday." * * * If an apple a day keeps the doctof | laway and an onion a day keeps ev- 'erybody away, isn't there something |to keep the first of the month away? x * * Why is it that if you buy under- | wear too large it won't shrink; but lwhen you buy it just the right size it | always shrinks? | ee _ Life is something like a laundry. 'You get out of it what you put in, but somewhat the worse of wear. * * * ) Madam (to Chinese man-servant): | After this, when you enter my_ bed- room, please knock. I might be dress- ing- Chinaman--Me don't need knock. Me allays lookee in keyhole first. * * * | And why did you beat up this sales- man?" asked the judge of the accus- |, ed iceman. School | been near this end of the jname of the wine waiter who has not table all lev ening. * test Little Mary had been taught polite- 'ness, One day when the minister call- ed, Mary, awaiting a pause in the con- versation, remarked: "I hear we soon are to have the pleasure of losing | you." * * * | Today I met a charming miss And from her lips I took a kiss, | She said: "Remember it is Lent," 'And I at once grew penitent. '"Oh, I'll return the kiss to you," \I said, and promptly gave her two. Said she: "You are so penitent, I'm glad I mentioned it was Lent." * * * A candidate is a man who thinks }you should consider him important | because he wants a job working for you. * * * The foreman reported that the jury i all except one standing for acquittal. The judge reproved them saying that lthe case was a very clear one, and remanded them to the jury room for further deliberation. "And if you don't reach an agree- ment before evening,' the judge add- "For alienation of affections," re-, ed, "T will have-twelve suppers sent | plied the defendant. "He sold Bridget ;Nolan's missus one av thim electric ' fee-boxes." For Corns and "asceane DR. JOHNSTON' Callous - Off A 25¢ box of Callous-Off will dis- solve the hardest corn or callous without leaving the slightest ap- pearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe stores or sent direct post paid for 25¢c from aboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE Perhaps you have something for &5 ' Lg Two colored men were discussing family relations. : "Yes," said Mose, "I can trace my relations back to a family tree." "Chase 'em back to a family tree? said Rastus. "No--trace 'em, trace 'em." 9" things dat lives in tres--birds and | feathers on you." ee, eee | political platforms. ca * & ing to one local housewife, is the fel- | low who sells tombstones. +... 8°48 salied at the door this year, accord- | The ship was sinking, and the pass- | engers and crew were lined up on | deck awaiting the order to take to the "Well, there-ain't but two kinds of | monkers--and you shu' ain't got no | | One of the cheapest kind of build- | ing material is that usually used in About the only peddler who has not jin to you." "May it please your honor," spoke _|up the foreman, "you had better make it eleven suppers and one bundle of; "» hay. Phone 171 We make your old clothes look like new! . Suits Pressed Suits French Cleaned and Pressed Ladies' -Dresses Cleaned and Pressed For Prompt, Courteous ~ Reliable Service MURRAY CLEANERS AND DYERS 148 St. Patrick St. The World Moves .. So Do We Stratford Cartage We Move Pianos, Safes and Furniture By courteous and reliable men. PHONES: P, J. Sinclair .. Freight Sheds Office 26 ALBERT ST. GASOLINE AND OILS 'was able to agree upon a_ verdict, 110 Downle St- L. COOK PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN Phone 176 It's Seldom, If Ever that anyone regrets having an old pair of shoes resoled, when we do the work. ---Modern Equipment °* --Best materials --Prompt service ---Good Workmanship AXl PHONE 6G PHONE City Calls 1 or 2 passengers 25c ROY HUEHNERGARD For "Special Theatre Service" Phone 616 adults 10¢ Children 5c are reasons why people bring their shoe repairing to our store. Superior Repair Shop J. 8. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533-F Gordon Blk. | sales. sale and you cannot show it to your prospective customer. We can photograph it for you and you can show the article in a photo- graph. In fact, photographs help Try. usfor all work you need. THE ROGERS STUDIO 88 Downie St. Phone 1096-m iboats. Suddenly, above the noise of ithe wind and the shouting of orders, 1 | there rose an anguished voice: "Des anybody vant to buy a_ nice |new kit of golf clubs-- cheap " Ce eee / | At a public dinner a mah a long way down the table would insist on pro- / : ' jnot on the toast list, the chairman ~ READ THE MIRROR "ADS." 'allowed him to proceed. "My toast is that of "Our Absent Friends," he said, "coupied With the 119 Ontario St. Phone 941 PETER & SYLVESTER Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Heating _ Electric Phone 219- COAL ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke CORNISH COAL CO. Phone 44 12 Ontario St.