THE STRATFORD MIRROR CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES unares Erie and Downie Streets, Stratford. Store Hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, until 9.30 p.m. Phone 2500 for all Departments. Saturday Is Hosiery Day at the C.D.S. Special! Women's Real Silk Hose An extra special offering of women's lovely full fashioned hose, that will enable you to buy half a dozen pairs and there will never be a murmer from the budget -- the price is so low. "SECONDS,"' in sheer chiffon weight silk to the top, and in semi-service weight silk to the garter welt. A wide choice of Spring shades. Sizes 8% to 10 in the lot. Pair oo. --Main Floor Women's Real Silk Chiffon Hose Knit from fine threads, in a sheer chiffon weight silk to the picot top. Every pair is full fashioned and of first quality. Finished with the popular narrow panel heels. The new style correct cradle foot is an important feature of this hose. A wide choice of New Spring shades, including tahiti, smoketone, : grey brun, nassau, pepper and reve. Sizes 84 to 10 in the lot. 1 OEE gaat Sigh aah: oat ON aR: = RP hte, ere lige Susi ciees Peatrada se x EE Ko oss bcs Tube ee --Main Floor Boys' Knicker Hose Boys' heavy cotton knicker hose in three-quarter length, with fancy checked patterns in grey and brown shades, with turn down cuffs. Sizes 7 to 8% in the lot. -- Main Floor Children's Cotton Hose partner. good?" 3 4 Sg ' Men's Fine Socks Mens Work Socks Saturday 39c Knit from serviceable cotton and rayon Serviceable everyday work socks, knit from Pair ........-..0... threads in a host of attrac- good quality grey wool yarns, ; tive check and block patterns with white heels, toes and Knitted from good quality cotton on ground colors of blue, snug fitting tops. A good yarns, full length leg style, in 2 and 1 grey, fawn and brown. Sizes medium size. Buy a quantity ribbed knit. Sizes 6 to 10 in the 10 to 11%. Saturday, pair... at this price. Saturday, pair lot, with fawn brown and _ black --Main Floor --Main Floor shades. Saturday, pair 39c. --Main Floor @ CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES anom "How did you enjoy the city ban- |""Didn't enjoy it a bit." but, as bad luck would have it, I sat ' quet last night?" asked the junior; "Sorry to hear that--wasn't the food next to a cross-eyed lady and she ate enough, off my plate all the time." ] O pe Day The senior partner grimaced. | "Yes the food looked good dl eS: > 4 Z Saturday I love children. They do not prattle of yesterday; their inter- ests are all*of today... I love "Yesterday," the fellow sighed, "14 ight Specials sti"nshe inci" | eric Forced Out Sale 49 .- had a frightful time. My fingers Bath Towels were all thumbs. e flunked. Just | 100 Dozen Great big 50c Bath Towels, extra heavy, we et ee ee re ' have been running them at 45c during omr down six points and more. The baby | S J O 2 : . ay pe sale. 4 dozen only sold Saturday éried all night. Some bozo bent my | weet, ulcy ranges Night eae ee at ry ; fenders up -- we nearly had a fight. On Sale Saturday Jones came in and told me that he Night mS 7 30 Rush | 5 Boys' Pullovers couldn't pay his bill. I'm overdrawn; | re © the bank called up. I sure went! Basement Price, doz... Boys' School Pullovers, V-neck or roll con VW" | a ' sizes 4 years to 14 years, all our best $1. through the mill. Be here at 7.30 as only 100 dozen will be S AEH Se ahi Be : te ee : sold. Half Price Saturday Night 50¢ ley-grinning ghost which, dead and | ok . i . ai Seas gone, comes back to haunt a happy | Men's Better Work Shirts human host; spook that clanks its futile chains across the halls of Now; a skeleton, a mummy-king before | 10 dozen, wonderful assortment Coat Shirts in this lot, some $1.50 extra heavy navy twill of Past is sung, and gone its pain 5 dozen Boys' Tweed Bloomers. This is 4 union tweed and will give extra wear. Sizes : hirts. , 1.25 whose throne we bow. Funeral dirge | _ 1 00 6to 12 years. Reg. 1.20. 8 ; Saturday Night s..2.0......c0p<.-.e0s0e ® Gitdae Brig Us yf ics oie Cc Boys' Bloomers and sorrow, and all that's left you is TODAY, for there is no tomorrow. Work Caps ee ee You've probably worn the famous Kroma Our best 79c line, rollers guaranteed, good ee ee ee ee Work Caps, union made, of best materials,-- heavy cloth, one edge slightly damaged, cam Discard the doubts of yesterday and you've paid 750. ES be cut to 32 in., 33 in., or 34 in. 3 Cc live this day's full length, Saturday Night ........<cé..0- ---- « 59e Saturday Night Rush Price............ Forget regret and retrospect, just trouble do not borrow, but tend your Ht Woollen Mills S Start worrying to- to re morrow! Cream Window Blinds 78 Ontario St.