STRATFORD MIRRO Vol. 9 STRATFORD, MAR. 25, 1932 No. 43 There Are Other Days, But Easter Is the Day From Charlottetown to Victoria, Canada will go on parade on Easter Sunday, "if the weather be favorable." That "if the weather be favorable" will bring a twinge of apprehension and anxiety to many a fair maiden-- yes and to many a would-be escort too, For Easter is the day for display- ing new clothing. There are other days, but Easter is in a class by itself. If the weather prevents a fashion parade on Easter Sunday there will be no other day on which to defin- itely mark the advent of the new clothing season, Easter is earlier this year, but Milady is not easily dis- mayed. New York may have its Fifth Av- enue parade, with countless thousands of well-dressed and not so well-dressed men and women; Atlantic City has its boardwalk; Toronto has its Sun- nyside, but Stratford maidens and their companions would be quite sat- isfied' were the weather to permit a stroll along Ontario Street. It's the same in every city, town or village on the continent. Every hamlet has _ its own Fifth Avenue and its own edition of the fashion parade. Fashion experts decree that the suit will be Milady's Easter outfit in every parade from Manhattan to Poodunk Creek, but the fashion experts may not be allowing for chilly winds of which are liable to make parading in a suit quite uncomfortable even on Easter Sunday. Stratford ladies real- ize that and most of them will have made provision in their new Spring outfit for one of the snappy Spring coats which are being shown this year, : But to get back to suits--to quote the fashion experts again, the suits this year are not to be the suits of yesteryear--jacket, blouse and_ skirt, but every first and second cousin of the suit we have known. In offering this year's suits, the designers have kept in mind the fact that all females who may want to wear suits this year will not be between the ages of! sev- enteen and twenty-five. This year's suits have been designed for women of all ages. And a word about hats--a woman will wear her new hat on Easter Sun- day regardless of whether or not she is able to wear her new Spring cloth- ing. A well-known writer recently commented on this fact. Why was it that a woman would wear a straw hat with a fur coat, he wanted to know. This year's hats are enough to e¢x- cite the admiration of any woman. As usuai Stratford stores have scored in the selection of hats which have style and individuality. and which are nevertheless moderately priced. They are brimful of style and color ~and will add the right touch to your Eas- ter costume, whether or not you are able to wear your new wardrobe. While the ladies are worrying over their new outfits, the men are busy too. More quietly perhaps, but just as effectively, they are keeping an e€x- perienced eye on the clothing which is being shown by Stratford mer- -chants. The polo coat has invaded the men's field, and should be popular. There are hundreds of other models in gray and brown. Brown should be popular this Spring. And as for suits --it's many a moon since Stratford merchants were able to offer such an extensive range of snappy tweeds and flannels, They're down in price too this year. A man's hat is just as im- portant to his costume as Milady's hat is to her costume. Remember that slogan--"Look at your hat--every- body else does." jars . : eae . ie . © © >= 0 yy q ( fol ze AJESTI THEATRE The Best in Tatking Pictures FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NANCY CARROLL in "Wayward" GEORGE O'BRIEN in 'Gay Caballero' WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY BUCK JONES in "Riding For Justice" -- LOIS MORAN in "Wien In Her Life" MONDAY -- TUESDAY CONSTANCE BENNETT "lady With A Past" with David Manners Ben Lyon