ee a pe ee Tite SRP oe see a rer ST ne Vol. 9 STRATFORD, DEC. 4, 1931 ) F- No. 27 SAVE THE DAYLIGHT Why all this fuss about the daylight saving by-law? From the warning and dark fore- bodings regarding this by-law, which have come from various sources in the city, one would almost be led to believe that the electors were being asked to build a fence around the city or sign over the city hall to out- side interests. What they are being asked to do as a matter of fact, is to express an op- inion on a measure which has_ been successful in Toronto, Guelph, Kitch- ener, Hamilton and practically every town east of Kitchener. They are not being asked to endorse daylight sav-| ng as a year-around measure, not} even for the Summer months. They are being asked to give it a trial for two months of the year. If the by-law carries, and Stratford citizens find that they do not like daylight saving, there need be no daylight saving next year. If they do like it, and the chances are about ten to one that they would if they gave it a trial, they could increase its duration next year if they so wished. One of the arguments which has/! been advanced against daylight sav- | ing for Stratford is that it will cause | confusion .in the minds of people wishing to do business here. With Toronto and most of the cities east of here on fast time, and London vot ing on it this year with every indica} tion of the by-law being carried there, it is difficult to see how daylight sav ing here could possibly cause as muc confusion as if Stratford remains o Z CONSIDERABLE ENTHUSIASM SHOWN BY RATEPAYERS The candidates have made their ap- peals to the electors, and now all that the relief committee, explained remains is for Stratford electors to name their representatives for coming year. At a largely attended|has been extended by citizens meeting in the city hall on Wednesday | farmers from the district around the night 16 candidates addressed the el- the ectors. While the addresses varied consid- was anxious to do his or her best for Stratford if elected. Mayor Moore, who is running for al- derman for next year, told the electors | that he wished to correct an impress- ion which might have been left--that there was but one opinion in this year's council. There were many Op- inions advanced. His worship assur- ing them, the committees had sat un- til nearly midnight. Ald. F. E. Ingram, chairman of the Board of Works committee, admitted that the past year had been a difficult one. He wus viad-to--be_able to say within its estimate -however. Ald. N. R. Fiebig gave an account cemetery, fire hall and market com- of his stewardship as chairman of the mittee. He told of the work which has been done at the city hall, fire hall 'and cemetery.In connection with the the late S. Lamont. ed the gathering, and often, in solv-| that the Board of Works would ~ be> Ald. R. A. McDonald, chairman of the 'workings of this busy committee. He |commended the co-operation which and | city, é | Ald. W. E. Goodwin expressed his 'faith in the work which has been done erably, one idea which was expressed | by the former industrial commission- by every candidate was that he or she er. Stratford had been put before the eyes of ten thousand firms in the Un- ited States which were considering locating in Canada, he pointed out. Ald. Arthur Partridge, as a new 'man last year, was not a committee chairman. He sreved on three of them | however. If re-elected, he promised to serve the city to the best of his ab- | ility. Milton Goetz thanked 'had nominated him for Mayor and 'those who had nominated him for al- derman. His name would be found on the aldermanic ballot, he said. He urg- ed voters to look over their ballots | before marking them. O. J. Kerr, candidate for council, i recommended the formation of a citi- | zens' committee to attend the council }meetings at least once a month. It would result in closer contact and co- 'operation between citizens and coun- 'cil, he felt. (Continued on page 4) those who, Ex-Ald. John Meldrum was unable latter work; he paid a fine tribute to to be present owing to illness, but Sense and Nonsense As long as the ice lasts on Ontario Street, there is no danger of any tour- ists getting through Stratford without stopping. - a * To make it interesting, some per- son should offer some sort of a prize for thé most graceful curve and tail spins . b * * What's the matter with this sent- ence: One by one the candidates for aldermen arose before the audience at the city hall on Wednesday night, and expressed their views on daylight sav- se * * * Ex-Ald. Peter Wahl drew a laugh when he urged the electors to start at the bottom of the ballot and read up. You see, Mr. Wahl's name happens to be the last on the ballot. * * * If all this activity at the airport persists for the coming year, the far- mers in that vicinity are going to be looking for another place to park their cows. * * The Howie air services people of Toronto have inquired regarding the possibilities of erecting 2 hangar there, and they seem sincere. It is no- ticeable that the airport committee of the City Council has acted cautiously in the mater. They want assurance that there is no joker on the deck, and they can scarcely be blamed in view of the disappointments which have al- ready been experienced in connection with the airport. * * * Standard time. Knowing that all! these other cities are on fast tim 2 is it reasonable for outsiders to kno that Stratford has been unable t overcome petty prejudices agains daylight saving and has failed to fal in line with a move which is becom ing general in most of the larger cen tres in the province. Another argument against dayligh saving has been that the C. N. R dispelled by the announcement of C. Sealy, superintendent of the shops that the shops could easily adopt day. light saving if the by-law were car. ried, The children will be having thei Summer vacation during the time that daylight saving is being asked here. There can be no objection from that direction. When you go to the polls on Mon- day, go there with your mind made up to give daylight saving a trial for two months. Vote for the by-law, and you will be casting a vote for more sports during the two months, more sunshine for the factory worker and a little less expense to yourself in the way of lighting costs. SSS SS Bridge = See the i i f} i Yj t\ j j j 4 Week-End Floor lamps, 2 and 3 light type with silk or parchment shades. parchment and silk shades. Table lamps, Boudoir lamps, reading lamps, and radio lamps. A small deposit will hold an article for Sale lamps, metal stand, Cellon, m while our stock is complete. Xmas Eve delivery. 9 oft en Lh aye ESSN H' DRO CHOP Tel. 460 ERE ervice issupreme The airport is one municipal project in which Stratford is just one jump ahead of the one and only Toronto. Although there are many private air- ports in Toronto, the Queen City does not possess a municipal airport. * * * The Toronto fliers have put up & million reasons why there should be one, but as yet the port has not been forthcoming. STRATFORD MERCHANTS WHO MEET TORONTO COMPETITION The other day we saw a lady in the China Hall from Toronto. whom we knew very well. In a jocular way we asked her if she was taking some of Stratford's merchandise to Toronto. That is just what I'm doing, she re- plied. I can get much nicer things in this store than in Toronto. So much for Bradshaw's. Tuesday evening when "Bill" White left the copy for this week's advertisement in our of- fice he casually remarked that he was going to Toronto to-morrow. On business or pleasure? This time I'm going on business, answered Mr. White. We got a nice order from there the other day, so I'm taking the trip with our driver to-morrow to de- liver the goods. ae We often here about Stratford peo~ ple buying out of town, but here we are only citing two of the many cas- -- es where people out of town come ~ to buy goods in Stratford. == ae Aaa! THEATRE The Best in Talking Pictures NOW PLAYING STAN OLIVER LAUREL ** HARDY in "PARDON Us" "The Ruling Voice" MONDAY -- TUESDAY Elissa Landi -- Lionel Barrymore "The Yellow Ticket' Powerful in its dramatic action. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Double Feature Program "Beloved Bachelor"<u" -- AND-- 'TheseCharmingPeople'_|