THE STRATFO RD MIRROR A TOAST Fiere's to tireless little feet Tripping blithely down the way, Dancing with a rhythm sweet In the happy fields of play! tere's to busy little hands (Gh, so often shaming ours), Building castles in the sands, Berry-stained or full of flowers! Here's to merry little hearts, Innocent and full of song; Strangers yet to all the smarts Of a world where much is wrong! Here's to little eyes that shine And a wealth of love express As they gaze in yours and mine, Filling us with happiness! Here's to those that love us most-- Little daughters, little sons; Those of whom we proudly boast-- Here's to our dear little ones! SEND IT IN If you have a bit of news, Send it in; Or a joke that will amuse, Send it in; A story that is true, An incident that's new, We want to hear from you. Send it in; Don't wait a month to do it, Send it in; Don't let 'em beat you to it, Send it in; es Something serious or a jest, Just which ever you like best, The Editor will do the rest, Send it in. THE STRATFORD MIRROR * Announcement MIRROR ADVERTISING BRINGS RESULTS We wish to draw your attention to the fact that we have 'moved from the store we formerly occupied on 66 Shake- speare St. and are now doing business at 153 Nile St. We will be pleased to see all our old cus- tomers and friends at our new place of bus- iness and invite those who it may not have been our privilege to serve: ~ Give us a trial order. Mrs. J. Earnshaw The Fletcher Johnston Press for fine Job Printing -- HEADQUARTERS School Supplies SEE OUR BIG VALUES IN SCRIBBLERS AND NOTE BOOKS | Pat's Bookstore Phone 296 83 Downie Come To Ns The Fair &% , MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 'Sept.21, 22.23 1931 Stratford and Perth County TH CONSECUTIVE FALL FAIR PARTRIDGE SANITARY -& HEATING ENGINEERS Stratford and Toronto Plumbing, Heating, Sheet -Metal Work and Roofing 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 és ij SPECIALS HORSE RACING--TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Children's First Aid Competition . Tug-of-War---Ellice- vs«North Eashope' Horse Shoe Pitching Contests ae a GREATER SHOWS - Women's Institute Exhibits THE PLEASURE OF LIVING Is often marred with an un- comfortable pair of shoes. You may have one or more pairs of old shoes that can be repaired -- 'sand made to look almost like' new, by our repair men. ter TRY THE SUPERIOR WAY Superior 'Repair Shop _1r1gjOntario St, Phone 94 Barn S L. COOK -PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN 110 Downle St. Phone: 175 {we don't lost noding." * #* ee ta ete aus eager J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533-F Gordon Bik. _ WM.-ANDERSON, Sec'y-Treas. "Doc's Corner' x act the silliest, seems to be a neck and | neck affair. a * * Angry Widow (after learning her -husband had left her nothing)--I want you to take 'Rest in Peace' off that tombstone I ordered yesterday. can't do that, but I can put something underneath." * Widow--All right, put "Till I Come." ee ae ; It's easy enough to be pleasant | With a lass, and a glass and a song, who can smile * * says here that a woman in Omaha has just cremated her third husband. the way? Some of us can't get one and | other women have husbands to burn. = * * Man wants but little here below, He isn't hard to please; But woman, bless her little heart; Wants everything she sees. x *" * WAY BACK WHEN When corsests Were casings When all of the lacings Made breathing a bit of adventure-- Eyebrows were untrammeled Bad girls were enameled And powder and rouge brought grave censure--_ When petting was sinful And you had a bin full Of ruffles and bustles--well 'say-- When the sight of a stocking Was ever so shocking Just what made' the "Gay Nineties" gay? * uk " * ca a "That cat of yours kept me 1wake all night,' said the new boarder. Hd By 9 Me said the landlady, I suppose you want me to have him destroyed." "No," replied the boarder. "I was only going to suggest that you L, have him tuned." ie * & A bigamist is a man who lets his wives accumulate instead of scrapping the old one ere! time he tries a new model, Ed tk * "Tkey," said Cohen, "Pizness is rot- ten. Vot about a nice little fire, eh?" "No," said Ikey, scornfully, "that's old stuff." "Ve'll haff a good burglary, and then if the insurance company don't pay up, * Women should make good members of a fire department, because they wear both the pumps and the hose. * & * > = "Folks, said the colored preacher, "the subject of my sermon dis evenin' am Liars." How many in de congrega- tion has read the 69th chapter of Mat- thew?" : : | The race between the young flapper |' and hér boy friend to see wnich can Stonecutter--'"I'm sorry, madam, I But the man worth while, is 'the guy When his mother-in-law tags along. ' Mrs. Reed (with newspaper)--- It Miss Willing--Heigho! Isn't that just Nearly every Hand in the audience 4Was raised immediately. "Dat's right," said his reverence. "You is just de folks I want to preach to. Dere is no 69th chapter of Mat- thew." * *x* A story is: told of a local Scotch lad who called at the C. N. R. station tick- et office. ""How much is it to Kitcher.- er?" he asked. Clerk (angrily)--"T've told you three times already, it's,ninety cents. Boy--"I know that, but its ma wee brither here: He likes to see you come to the hole. Tt reminds him of. the Zoo." * * * In days of old When knights were bold' And sheet-iron trousers wore, They lived in peace, For then a crease Would last ten days or more: In those old days They had a craze For cast-iron shirts--and wore 'em! And there was bliss Enough of this: The laundry never tore 'em! AT OUR SHOWROOMS MAY BE SEEN THE LATEST DESIGNS IN PIANOS, RADIOS and PHONOGRAPHS Located now at KENNER'S BOOKSTORE 76 Ontario Street HEINTZMAN & CO., LTD. For our tuning or repair depart- » Ment Phonel7o Jas. Anthony, Manager The World Moves .. So Do We Stratford Cartage We Move Pianos, Safes and Furniture By courteous and reliable men. ~ PHONES: ® P. F. Sinclair ene Freight Shed" pa te Win set --- ioe Office 837 26 ALBERT ST. GASOLINE AND OILS ~~ Stewart Sérvice Station Falstaff and Nile Streets SHELL GASOLINE AND OILS CIGARS, CIGARETTES and TOBACCO Ice Cream, Pop, Confectionery TRY OUR HOT DOGS Stewart's Service Station. ANTHRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke CORNISH COAL CO. PHONE 4 4 DR. N. J. HISCOX L.D.S., D.D.S. Bank of Commerce Building Stratford --= Dentistry in all branches 'Evenings by anpoisiaents PHONES--Office 2355, Res. 1649-3 © DOWN & FLEMING - Funeral Service Rooms ~ 94 Ontario St. : Phone 314 Mr. eee 306; Mr. Fleming 'sil Have Your HEATING PLANT looked over, Call STRATFORD HEATING SERVICE ~ 11 Ontario Street, Stratford. Day Phone 388 ; Night Phones: 2312 or 828-F. én For Corns and Callouses DR. JOHNSTON'S Callous - Off A 25¢ box of Callous-Oft will dis- solve the hardest corn or callous without leaving the slightest ap- pearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe stores or sent direct post paid for 25c from aboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company Stratford, Ont. . On Sale at all Drug Stores