'THE STRATFORD MIRROR AUTO CLEANER SAVES YOU Just To Handa-- ; Specials In 1931 Radios This 7-tube WX Screen Grid Radio Full Dynamic Speaker is a beautiful Radio VERY Low PRICE re Easy Terms $15 Cash, balance in This attractive Radio is of Low- Boy type, faced with the choicest highly figured walnut and high- lighted. It is unexcelled in quality of workmanship, material and fin- ish. The design is very similar to illustration. $149.50 Heintzman & Co., Limited 3 Jas. Anthony, Manager. 12 equal monthly payments. Phone 769 93 Ontario St. MONEY i Why pay $2.00 to have your car washed when you can do it for your- self for ten cents? Auto Dry Cleaner, the new product for all vehicles has been thoroughly tested and has been in use in the U. S. A. and in Canada for several years. Try it for yourself. For sale at Tamblyn's. "I've eaten beef all my life, and now I'm as strong as an ox!" said he. "That's funny," replied she. "I've eaten fish all my life and I can't swim | a stroke."--Tit Bits. NEW CROWN HOTEL Now Open For Business The New Crown Hotel is a most desirable place for commercial men or boarders. It's home-like and spotlessly clean--every room has hot and cold running water. In connection with the hotel is a quick lunch counter. Dinner without desert, 30c. ALBERT A. FELTZ Proprietor. Downie Street,Opposite C. N. R. Shops. How Are You Plowing ? "How are you plowing?" This is a common everyday question that you have often been asked. If the same question were put to any contestant for honors at the plowing match, he would reply: "I am doing the best I know how." In other words he is doing all in his power to win able to say at all times, Plowing is like many other things that humans try to do. It looks easy, and most people think it does not re- quire much skill to be a good plow- man. If you try it you will likely quick- ly change your mind. In order to be a good plowman there are certain cha- racteristics that are essential in every Vocation. Such things as application, concentration, skill and practice. Some- thing is said in the Good Book about the man who puts his hand to the plow and looks back. Looking back to see where mistakes have been made and endeavoring not to make them again is only when anything is gained by spending time in this way. Whether we like it or not, however, we must keep on plowing. Eave Troughing and Furnace Work Done promptly and efficiently. JAS. E. COMMERFORD 199 Ontario St. ol A Word of Appreciation To Old and New Customers i. We have taken this space in The Mirror to thank our customers for helping us Our modern and up-to-date service station on Ontario street is simply the result of your patronage, while doing business at our former Since moving to Ontario street our sales have greatly Our increased sales is because of the fact that former customers are still with us and new customers have been added in numbers far beyond our most to build up this business. _ station on Huron street. Increased. Sanguine expectations. We truly gratefully acknowledge this tangible expression of your good will, and shall continue in our endeavor to deserve a continuance of your patronage. In next week's Mirror we have another announcement to make which will interest the people of Stratford. Watch for it. Again thanking you, one and ali. Albert Wood's Service Station 179 Ontario Street h: Shell Products--Oils, Gas, Grease, Firestone Tires. GASOLINE a aad Pa T.V.B. BREAD is made of the best ingre- dients that we can buy. This makes the flavor dif- it the easiest digested, and the ferent -- makes most agreeable to the taste. Best of all its an Energy Builder. orm Order today for tomorrow's serving, T.V.B. Bread Co. Makers of the Best Bread 2 Albert Wood, Proprietor. and Cakes Phone 2345 56 Huron St. 74 "Inat over the river." honors, and what a great thing to be. THE STRATFORD MIRROR * : Z Here and There (Continued from first page) or Mamie, suggesting petite trimness of figure, usually tip the scales in the néighborhood of 180, while those equip- ped with solid, ponderous nomencla- tures like'Hannah or Wilhelmina usu- ally are of vest-pocket size. All this leads one to believe that the | best plan would be to wait until child- ren grow up before bestowing upon them the handles which they will _ have to carry {pr a lifetime. teas * # * Hie Ne And now names like Haines, Gelbert, _ Harnshaw, Cochrane, etc., which a few days ago were in everyone's mouth, are forgotten, as the eyes of "the public are turned towards the grid- _dron. The World's Series is over, and the Rugby season has begun. The fren- 'zied interest in hits, runs and errors of a few days ago has been commuted into a similar zeal to keep track of touchdowns, rouges, drawbacks and the like, as the big teams of Canada and the United States swing into ac- _ tion. _ The strange feature of the whole _bugjness is that the people who possess the greatest interest in these things are personally acquainted with neither the participants in the world's series or the stout lads who are being | 'slaughtered on the gridirons. | WhyPay More 7 Your suit properly cleaned and pressed, called for and delivered, returned to you absolutely free from any disagreeable odor. Call 323. and give our service a trial STRATFORD $ CLEANERS & LAUNDRY CO. (over Whyte Packing Co.) OH! TAKE ME BACK TO CHILD- HOOD. To those happy days of childhood. Well they were happy days, but you will be just as happy now watching your kiddie dance with glee when given a "Cuddle Down," Doll. Pat sells them, and Pat is a great fellow to make friends with the kiddies or the | grown ups for that matter. We need | scarcely tell you where his store is on Downie street for he has been adver- tising in The Mirror ever since he bought out Lightfoot's Bookstore. No- thing like getting a good start, and by the way he says our paper is a busi- ness getter. An explorer says that Eskimo child- ren very rarely cry. We believe they have a little blubber every day. Mechanics That Know their job are at your service at our Garage and Repair Shop. We simply will not turn out a car uness it is running perfectly. Give us a trial. That's all we ask. Our garage islocated at the rear of 172 Ontario Street, adjacent to Stratford Transport. Repairs on all makes of cars. Batteries Charged. : Cars washed and polished. Tires Repaired. RUSSELL'S GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP C. L. Russell, Prop. Phone 986 The Fletcher Johnston Press For Fine Job Printing KEEP THIS NIGHT OPEN! Friday, October 31st FOR YOUR BIGGEST FUN NIGHT OF THE YEAR! It's the Night of the Annual HALLOWE'EN FROLIC ~ In aid of Crippled Children and Boys' and Girls' Work undertaken by Stratford Rotary Club | 66 Prizes For Comic and Dress Costumes Buy Your Tickets on the Grand Prizes Now! 1930 Essex Sedan. Chesterfield Suite. DeForest Crosley Radio. $50 Suit or Overcoat. Four tons of coal $25. of Groceries $25. of Meat. $25. of Milk Tickets. make whoopee! Feature Attractions at the Great MIDNIGHT SHOW at the Majestic A bigger and better program with loads of fun! BE THERE AT 10 O'CLOCK DRESS UP! LET'S GO! _ THIS YEAR THERE'S GOING TO BE A Biggerand Better Crowd! Come! Young and old will join in the fun Hallowe'en Night. Make your plans NOW to don the glad rags -- secure noise makers, etc., and LINE UP WITH THE BANDS ! Frolic Time Table 4.00 p.m.--Distribution of noise makers to children. 7.00 p.m.--Bazaar opening in Market Building. 7.30 p.m.--Judging of cos- tumes in the armouries. 8.00 p.m.--Dance in Arm- ouries. 8.30 p.m.--Dance in Winter Gardens. 10.30 p.m.--Midnight Show, Majestic. 11 p.m.--Drawing for prizes miele _Silverwood's Milk is safe because it's pasteurized