IRROR , Kenner's Bookstore .. a NOW Is THE TIME: | po aa ee 99 - pity | | 4 _ To Look Over Those _ sh Doc 5 Column Phone ae Gordon Block | SchoolOpening |) SS | | eos |l oR Ay | i 'ae .) One old timer says that one reason # G M. Bicycles i ' We make allkinds of Angles .. sete) es ous ° , | Elbows, T's, Tapers, Etc. ng occasion| the girls of today are so headstrong WE HAVE ALL Y Lk SPide of the best tron. is always suitable. is because they got the shingle in Joycycles Bee Aiinsidaidins * * « the wrong place. . B s KINDS OF ; a "Caught rod-handed!" as the small e SF ¢ aby Carriage Tires ae : ' Be CO O K boy said when found fishing on Sun-| We have often wondered why so Bicycle Repairing day. many women rest their chin on their H , "10 oedey S Phone 175. a ate hands when they are thinking and we Gordon E. McCarthy ( (() | | Plamber and Electrician Many a man who seems to be on| just decided it must be to hold their The Bicycle Man Hasy street is only on easy paymenc|mouth shut so that they won't dis- Phone 1497w 37 Ontario St. street. turb_ themselves. OPEN EVENINGS . * * * ss * Down & F : emin g An ex-pickpocket says he used to} A movie star who recently won her work 12 hours a day. Just to keep! case in the courts says she is going JUST ARRIVED ig ; id Service * . his hand in, as it were. to demand a new trial as she isn't sat- E 94 Ontario St. hcl -isfied with the publicity she received. | a |} Phone 314 ME DOWN Tel. 308 Mrs. Henpeck (sarctstically) I BB 1927 ME N ee, i) -- thoes * aot | *spose you've been visiting a sick} When the time for ostrich eggs to ia : == friend, holding his hand all evening. | hatch is nearly due the hen bird . ae Mr. Henpick--(sadly)--If I'd been deliberately breaks one. The insects Hu ad S O nm holding his hand, I'd have made some which swarm for a feast on the con- A -|| | money. ' : tents then supply her chicks with sut- pec i a Is : ' vei od ae ficient good to keep them going until z : Those people who think conversa-| they are able to prospect for them-} Brougham i itera rns EQUAL | | sity. inceaoabel oe || tion is a lost are surely art are sure-| selves. 8 Scribblers for , || POCAHONTAS, Eg She He hee ee ae : oe eRe $25. 00 to $35.00 Red Jacket, Egg Size . It is prophesied that America wi s s 2 5 Cc Solvay Coke We know a sweet young thing who | some day sink into the sea. She has, : We sell more of these gUuaran- Y ° : '}}| thought that J "ge. as Noah's| however, enough company-promoters . teed Blue Serge Suits than Cornish Coal Co. he cen es STUDEBAKER SALES wife. to float her again. any other suit at the price. * * ® hahah ' R. A. INNES They are marvels in style and 100 Sheet Foolscap ay: Single or double- Pads, 15¢ Roy Reynolds Co. Phone 1423 47 Downie "The store that service built" reper ee oe ai ears creed eee be saps ae os eas eat Phone 44 "T'll tell your fortune, sir," said the! "This is just the place for me, Service, Gas, Oil, Accessories gypsy. Said the husband at the shore, 5 and Repairs. "How much?" "For here when'er I crack a joke, Waterloo St. Phone 219 "Half a dollar." ' 'The breakers simply roar." DR. S. H. SUTTER |} «corece: pas L.DS..D.DS, Ce ety We To a Jewish ex-service friend we There Is Fa DENTAL SURGEON Aviator--The engine's stalled-and «| remarked: . . . . . \ . 9? Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry | | wing is off. "So you were in the army, Ikey? ms S Majestic Apartments, 93 Downie Nervous passenger (on first flight); "Oy, I was in the army," was the f air of hoes pHones { OFFice 602 --Thank goodness! Now we can g9! proud response. é - . RESIDENCE 1051w Pee Tg ; 'Did you get"a commission?" I was just going to throw ae : "No: only my vages." away, but a friend of mine According to one Alderman there hs 4. @ told me about the Superior are likely to be more "sparks" regards | A local man is said to be suing the Repair Sh op. Now I would- the chief's car as the "fire" still! C.N.R. for theft. He claims one of 1 teade tees 4 smolders, but we presume the chief is| their locomotives lifted the spare tire n arses viogeed inet iai*? ee new pair I ever owned. not "alarmed." off the back of his car. = * * * * " The first intimation in the Bible of 5 S 7 Sh broadcasting was when Adam gave 4a/ Mary has a little-skirt,- ne Uper lor 0e spare part that developed into a loud Knee length and mercerized, speaker. And when the-wind with it does flirt, R ee O Boy! You'd be surprised. Cpa [ po ieene ae Hi i | | § § & 4 oe Velvet Lead Pencils a é a SSS a aa ae, eres EET 2 Vebetes UL Vase . ' j | yy has lett it to its desolate caverns and | people are taikmy avuut us we -- he Ga 50c oz Vick I iat adhe ae A s '1ckers: : surprise t e ho"s : oo towers, shunning it as aj|ed envelope and stationery vending : ; been A al cr ia Me : ore 4 °. . | te Ft : : ? 2 a er w men-- Symbol of wickedness and ruin, and | machines. This probably is one of the his wife simply dotes on him. . women have run from it in terror,| most welcomed devices on the market ! Wickers: I guess maybe he wants t COUASANSCAESUNCOGUCELOUAEROEOAUSORSODERODUEENOER believing that its one purpose in life | today. It requires time ang effort | Lead Pencils 25c doz an i? wie om mee Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Heating ie "a Gs entangle itself in the human' to write a letter. In former years) In order to improve the morale of ap if i = i ; ' ; Te = ale o 4 This (1 stationery was not always at hand -- his student body, a staid old high monk is little creature has never | and by the time all conditions for writ-| school teacher decided to have his Electric Phone 210 12 Ontario PODEEPEUEEUCEEREEEEEEE EEE, oS. em eg ~ _ Known anything from mankind but | ing were favorable the stimulus may | Hi h | pti students search through the literature __ unpopularity. There is, however, | have lost the power or been entirely | ig [0a Dictionary eta Daa ae for choice proy- _ -Shohter creature of the night which | forgotten. But now stamp--envélope| gly ix amaerer to tho geil can 'e men loathe even more, the mosquito, |--paper and post cards can be had | 35¢c One morning a dapper youth gave _ and here the bat has found a chance 'from vending machines which are | the following Chinese proverb: "We to redeem itself. When bats have! known as the "Big Nickel Service." | eigen re ab from flying in thea 14 manip ote 3 NLP Si lige 5s * 4 ¢ | Pi | 1 i 4 -an keen t] 6 j + ae | | Fire heck ie ee ae Canadian} ing nests th our hater Bieta. Phone 1580 Residence 2198] | town who don't worry a particle about On Tuesday evening while ae a 119 Ontario St. Phone 941 stroll we noticed the many pleasures have been people who at first de ire i { fi rofess looked | i 24 presentative, Mr.-Geo. E. Harron.| . é The professor looked at the boy : IBBS a little thing like a carbon knock or j 3 W ' C 1e@ boy ' ¢lared they would rather have 'the/100 Avondale ave., he informed The | € give Book Covers with a8 3 supercilious air and rubbing 1 F RANK P . G a flat tire so long as the muffler cut-|the people were participating in. insects than the animals but later,| Mirror that Stratford st Ee & 11s bald pate said, "John! I don't see 1 right enjoying the fine band , , people are| ali Lext Books. ech anig BLA Sona out is working all right. Some were enjoy e any mora: to that proverb; take me Chartered Accountant tpn be concert at Lakeside park, some Ca-|j . FOR YOUR it is said, they changed their minds; among the company's best patrons. for example I do not have to worry 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. ; ; (Beacon Building) ' Isobel--No, dady, I won't need any) noeing, others bowling on the greens, When aware of the 'Tesults of the| These machines are located in var- about birds building nests in my hair." ' P| i work. ious hotels, cafes, and the Y. M. C. A.,| thon eed eee 2 moment ang cs Aegan i ea = cadmg Lacimgd ech ere um bing then replied, "Yes, professor--but--- os Father--Ye Gods! I was afraid it) short distance, and eanlier in the It was some years ago | g0 when Dr./as well as the General Hospital here. K F N K\ ia rR | S but--what if the bird were a wood. 7 acne like ts that 'evening many were enjoying, playing. REQUIREMENTS Charles A. gi Campbell, an employee} The nurses and convalesing patients pecker?" ng, playing 'or watching others play ball a e ; BOANI BOYARO See ee ee different parks. It was an ideal ev- Pe hone 459 ye ve Health Department of San| would undoubtedly fing these ma- ntonio, set out i 2 i ; to find a way to les-| chines a great convenience. aieel atid he reepivee thd note Ce Sa ewer: dk ten wie "Ale sen danger from malaria by eradi- | 7 B i Eavetr hi Ity : 7" Beg eee , 2 --- 2 in his dio- cating mane eas a 4 lences. Time should bring improve- - from the vicar of a vilage k of the near future when all " . 8 Mosquitos. His idea was to Champions Plus. -- Notre Dame is zm 00 K S OR E all old ; = = he arber cese: : eet agate: will soon have to vetroughing a Specia investigate th } J 7 | ng ment--but not things are : { : : hd comme i gue a rt ag a a great basketball record worthless. We are served by both : 1 7a at your service "My lord,--I regret to inform you of 'sh, Hiincniiael Nie mbke wey foe the -- lives on insects 'catching th ee i hee agndbaomm Reb | : the moderns and the ancients. The 1 = Cleanliness aud no long waits ga ged a ae! wreaths roy winter. However, life is just one sea- ': E. Commer for d ne Pig 6 ieee fig: tha 2. on| Irish cage squad has won 56 out of 52 _ 76 Ontario Street balanced man is he who clings to the : ae ime s me a substitute for the week-end? son after another but' we could enjoy 5 e ° F * Sareg rf . nd sts show/ games in the past three seasons.-- best in the old and appropriates the | oa 118 Downie St. | aig a ices ak Sa cote Lea | hove Want Gd tone' ett: 199 Ontario St. that when mosquitos a a4 GR VURTEDETD sueegeannedens say UL |