\f if . i at y : se et SET FS THE MIRROR HERE AND THERE S¥°*Doc:" ~ nt a A Happy Eastertide to all. "Have you heard the latest jazz song entitled: I never wronged an onion, So why should it make me cry?. We read where some authority claims that a grape-fruit is just a lemon which grasped the opportunity to expand. Hon, Rodolphe Lemieux was a dis- tinguished visitor to the Ontario Leg- islature recently, and in addressing that body, said that it was a great thing to bexa British subject. They had one king, one flag and one system of government. -- Ee 38a pity that all citizens of Que- bec are not as broadminded as Mr. Lemieux, but unfortunately many of them act in a manner which suggests that they do not freely concur on Mr. Lemieux's opinion. The farm owned by the unfortunate Phipps' family, who were lost on March First, while returning in their "Ford sedan from Peelee Island to Leamington, was sold recently along with the stock and implements. This | Was a government farm and interest and principal were paid up-to-date. We had the opportunity of visiting the home of the late unfortunates and it was a sad sight to see. Eatables were left ready for the evening meal, the children's bed-covers turned down and their nighties laid out ready for them, and everything else left in readiness for the return of the fam- Hy. It is just possible that they may never be located. The approach of the fishing season recalls to our mind the Jew who went fishing and the first fish he eaught was a three pound bass. Ikey didn't like the idea of throwing the fish back but being closed season and seeing the game-warden approaching, he tied a string around the neck of the fish and let it swim around in the water. The warden asked him how his luck was and-he replied: "By my woid Meester Vorden she is not any good." The Warden seeing the line moving about started to haul it in and when he pulled in the bass he said: Ha, ha, catching bass out of season. "No, no! said Ikéy, "I not vant I should catch heem," but that bass he already steal six baits so I just tie him up while.I catch some more feesh." And that's that. Phone 1580 Residence 1330J FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. {Beacon Building) SPORTING NEWS An exciting basket ball game was played at the Y. M. C. A. on Monday night at 8 o'clock between the Pir- ates and Maroons. From the check-off the Maroons had the best of play. Neilson went up fast and shot but it hit the boards at the back of the basket and fell down. Burgard went in fast-and scored, making the score 2 to 0. The Pirates called time and both teams were off for two minutes. The next quarter was fast and both teams showed good playing. Burgard went up fast for the Maroons and shot but did not go in. Drinkall got in on it and shot it into the basket; making the score 4-0 for the Maroons. This time the Maroons called time. HOCKEY An interesting game of Gym. hozk- ey was played on the floor of the Y. M. C. A. on Wednesday at 4.30. The teams were: goal, M. Burgard; 1.d.. C. Drinkall; r.d., B. Neilson; c., Shiek Pigeon; l.w., M. Burck; r.w., B. Car- son, for the Brownies. Goal, C, Hanlon; l1d., J. Bart; r.d., E Bart: 3c, Rage Hanlot Ew. 1. Cohen; r.w., L. Pigeon, for the Rats. Referee: Mr. Bedonebyasyoudid. FRED HERN Dry Cleaning & Pressing No. 2 George St. Phone 781w FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES ALLOUS - OF A 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or callous without leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness, On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company STRATFORD, ONT. Public Stenographer Prompt and Efficient Work Moderate Charges The Fletcher Johnston Press 123 Ontario Street Phone 115w Old Shoes We take them in look- ing old and send them out looxing new. Superior Shoe Repair 119 Ontario Phone 941 Subscribe for The Mirror Beautiful Shoes For Spring In all the new shades priced at $6 and $7 NEIL D. McEWEN 45 Downie St. Phone 1182 eel --- = Central United Church Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B.A., Pastor : Phone 51 166 Church St. SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 1926 10 a.m.--Men's Brotherhood. 11 a.m.--Baptismal Service. Reception of menihers and Sacra- ment of the Lord's Sup, er. 2.30 p.m.--General Sunday School. 3.30 p.m.--Young People's Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--Pasior will give a dramatic Recital of "Love Trium- phant," a tale of the first Eastertide, by Morse Kingsley. e Talman J. M. Gotby, L.R.A.M., Organist and Choirmaster. A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL MITTEE CCC CCC = It Took Just 6 Minutes! to clean the floor and "straighten up'? this bedroom with its nice looking Congoleum Rug. How easy it would be--to have new lin- oleums and rugs --never to say "vou'll have to excuse this untidy bedroom or kitchen." Bring in the size of your floor and get our prices Oilcloth, Linoleum Anrt-Rucs Congoleum and Inlaid R. WHITE & CO. Home Furniture--Funeral Service 80 Ontario Street Phone 33, Night 376 » ------S So a Moir's Easter Boxes The OASIS. ORDER EARLY--The supply is limited EASTER NOVELTIES, without shellac The OASIS 20 WELLINGTON PHONE 564 THE MIRROR Communication SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE To the Editor of the Mirror:-- Noticing a communication in your paper dated March 26, signed "A Workingman Taxpayer." I would like to ask him what he expects. Surely a city must collect taxes to pay running expenses which I must admit are heavy, without going to the bank to borrow and pay interest there- on. You ought to be thankful that you have.a crust of bread left after the action of the council this year. Cheer up, old horse, the grass is growing and will likely be growing on. the pavements in Stratford soon, T notice a number of American cap- italists were entertained by the council on or about April Ist, possibly with a view of building steamships to ply between the island and the main- land on Lake Victoria. You are evi- dently not very well informed about municipal affairs. Please let me en- lighten you on a few subjects. After the election when the two by-laws were defeated, you probably went home rejoicing as did many others never suspecting the parties selected to look after your interests and the interest of the city and to respect your wishes to immediately turn around and set you at defiance, treating you with contempt by ap- plying to the legislature to submit an- | other by-law for the gas works cost- ing you fifteen hundred dollars waste of money after being defeated, nearly two to one; also. selling a nineteen 'thousand dollar mortgage and claim for ten thousand, five hundred dollars without ever advertising it. Giving grants to other parties creating. an- other vacancy for a relief officer in the person of Mr. Bernie Waugh, with no doubt a substantial salary and an overcoat with the name _ in emblazoned letters of gold. "Relief Officer,' on the collar. The council evidently considered they were en- titled to some recompense for their inestimable services, so they purchas- ed for themselves club bags, valued at $18 to carry their candy grab bags. I would advise this literary tax-payer to stop grumbling until he can get his hand out the lion's mouth, as the council does not approve of it. Just grin and bear it. you will soon' be dead. KEEPING TAB. COAL ANTRACITE COAL POCAHONTAS, Egg Size Red Jacket, Egg Size Solvay Coke Lennox Coal Co. Phone 44 Read The Mirror Ads. { Old Stairs Covered Refinishing Oid Floors French Doors ee ea Sa and every kind of Wood Repairing. We can give you special prices on hardwood flooring, as we buy material direct and save A you jobber's profit. W.R. BRADSHAW 186 Water St. Phone 748 ---- Children Who Are Fighting Eye Strain Aresometimes disobedient, slow to learn, victims of headaches and below. par generally. It has been found that supplying such children with glasses that remove the eye strain results in an almost im- mediate and complete removal of the undesirable conditions. We can tell you about your children's eyes. * J. Welsh & Son Jewellers and Optometrists 83 Ontario St. Stratford WOOD HARD WOOD HARD SLABS HEMLOCK SLABS All first-class wood Cut any length. N. R. Fiebig PHONE 535 We handle A Complete Line of FURNACES All styles and sizes. at prices that are right. Phone 175. L. COOK Plumbing Heating Electric 110 Downie St. Phone 175 Spring Is On The Wing! How much better will the outside or inside of the home look with ts PAINT a new coat of EVERY SALE IS BACKED BY THE JAS. K. MYERS GUARANTEE JAMES K. MYERS 51 Downie St. Phone 162 Fa rene i RO Na eT wis«ccits. They cost no more and last twice as long. Angus McDonald & Co. Phone 228 11 Ontario St. 1S, RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533F Gordon Block A Monthly Income Assured at Age 60 peo ai oe sem tore IE, BRANCH MANAGER Continental Life Insurance Co. 104 Albert St. Phone 1499J We can meet your needs in Insurance oN SUFFER EZO | Will positively relieve the worst case of ECZEMA STANDARD DRUG STORE DR Aa, DAKER DENTIST Gordon Block, Phone 1533] W.B.ROTHWELL INSTRUCTION IN PIANO - VOCAL Studio--90 Coburg Street PHONE 374w Peter & Sylvester Will do your Repairs in Plumbing Electric Phone 210 12 Ontario PEPUREEREREGELE EEE EEE EEE. Heating GR LUDLURRULDARARARERLLELILL Try a Hamburg Sandwich AT THE QUICK LUNCH 20 COUNTER, 52 Wellington C ------ Let us call for and deliver your TIRES right now and avoid the spring rush STROMBERG CARLSON RADIO SPLITDORF RADIO Have your N. V. 199 Tubes and 20! A Tubes reactivat- ed--puts pep in your radio, 50c. BILL KEIL = omc s Phone 140w