THE MIRROR 4 ! oblige hnlaba Loh gt sch Aba t cure Mdenlae TE YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR Ex-Mayar John Stevenson Mayor for 1926 A Happy New Year to All SITIES I appreciate the confidence placed | in mein former years and ask for a | continuance of your support for ALDERMAN for 1926 and wish you one and all a happy | and prosperous New Year. H. C. CLARK The Peoples' Candidate | If re-elected to the Council of 1926, | I will endeavor to do all in | power to reduce the mill rate. PETER WAHL aary. ~ Their faither THE RADIO BUG. A'weel, A'weel, alack a day I ken'na hardly what to say, But I hev got a tale to tell Of what has to this hoose befell Oor Will as douce a-chiel and quiet Bit hold a wee, I'll gie the lie o't. Well, Will went oot the ither nicht To hear some sangs and get a sicht Oa doon-toon neebour's whirmagig Athing they ca' a wireless rig; But he came hame, oh! quite dis- tressed, Guid Faith! I thocht him deil-pos- sessed. He got bitten wi' the radio-bug Hhe sours are seldom frae his ug, His talk is a' 'bout variohms An hoo to catch the thing roams, The ether, an' from pole to pole Moves onward, while the worlds roll. The weans, they hardly dare' to cheep For in a voice to mak' ye creep shouts: "Oh! haud that yer row For fine ye-kin I'm tryin' now; To fin' wh's Pell if it be KU DK. Accor WB: - It seems to me th cetey hrdla ,m It seems there's no a thing that's. done But ower the air to Will will come; The method hoo to do it Hoo to cook and hoo to knit Hoo to claithe the weans _ for . school An' hoo to shear a sheep for wool. Ower sangs his mither used to sing He'll greet, I wager ye could wring The moisture frae his handker- chief aie Then "Will", says I, "Awa'- wi grief : Jist turn the dial; let us hear Words of hope an' songs of cheer." A'Weel, A'Weel, I aften think While standin' lone on sorrow's brink If like the radio listener-in We could by carefw' tunin' bring Songs to oor lips in place o'-sighs, We would be actin' unco wise. For life itsel' is- but a plan An instrument frae God's ain han' We only can improve reception By listenin'-in wi close inspection - Rejectin' the low, the vile, the mean Choosin' the high, the bright, the clean. "JAS. H: SKENE."' Dec., 1925, ~~ Your Vote and -- Solicited Robert J. Easson FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION My Policy--Immediate relief for congested conditions at the Colleg- iate at a minimum cost to the ratepayer. 5 years' experience as trustee on the old Collegiate Board. I am a New Candidate and will endeavor to give you new service if elected to the 1926 COUNCIL Robert urst sa BE A MIRROR SUBSCRIBER IF YOU ARE TOO BUSY To spend any time with your family, To-play with your children. To kiss your wife in the morning or take her to a theatre in the evening. To go to church and interest vour- self in charitable, © educational' or: community work. To exercise health EVERYBODY WILL BE TOO BUSY TO GO TO YOUR FUNERAL. and preserve your An ounce of gold wilt buy 17 hours of skilled labor, in America, 50 hours in England, 95 hours in Japan, 117 hours in France and 901 hours in Ger- many. -- The bird at whom I'd like to fling A very deadly rock, Is the bird that doesn't do a thing, But stand around and knock. Within the past six months 86 per cent of the crime in the United States conmnitted by first offenders. do you account for it? was How oe There are Christmases and Christ mases, as everyone knows. It 1s~ highly doubtful, however, if there is any less popular December 25 than the one that happens to be "ereen." "A green Christmas means a full egraye-yard,"' is the gruesome saying that -has been hung on the neck of the season's happiest holiday. Christ- mases of this type are fortunately, if only for the peace of mind, very rare. It is now more years than the average person can remember, since there was no frozen blanket for old mother earth, i The origin of the rore-mentioned statement is obscure. The reasoning seems evident however, and seems to justify cold blustery old King Winter A green Christmas of course means milder weather. Now the only con nection, if there is a real foundation | for the old saying; is that the later in | the year mild weather continues, the less healthy is the air. So, three cheers for. cold, snowy Christmas weather. FROTH "You don't need a sharp voice to make cutting remarks." "Take home more candy and less taffy." "He who waits a minute for a an, becomes the man of the hour." wom- When there is not color in a growing thing, when kindness does not beat out its way; When I can not feel the warmth of sun, or smell the preath of grass, When there is no music in the rainfall on the leaves, when the tough of flesh to flesh gives birth to n0 thrill; When Children's laughter is but nois®, and daylight fails to double life within; Then happiness is gone, then am I dead. : --Helen F. Kasson. 7 'Smith, THE MIRROR 11 SPORT cece teem ET, Defeat Stalwarts From Kitchener Bexon's Intermediates Erb's The best brand of hockey that has been played so far this season was witnessed by a fair crowd at the Arena on Tuesday night when the iwtermed- composed mostly R. apprentices, opened their with the intermediates from ener. The Kitchener team included old-time Senior players and they put up a good fight and tried hard to score, but came out on the short end of a final tally of 7 to 1, their only goal be'mg scored by Schell in the second period.. The game was late team, season several speedy, from the referee to the goal- keepers. Every. one of the = local boys put up a brilliant game. Rustin made several stops which looked like sure goals. Red Hayes made his usual flashes. Les Howes, "Goat" Smith and Johnny Cook showed up best, Howes playing one of the best gumes of his career. Bill Louch nad Clayton Elloitt helped the team con- Elliott 43 a fast skater and for this reason was alone on several occasions. "Robby" Robinson, al- though a little tmid at first, played well when he got going. The team as a whole worked together splendidly and the combination work of Smith, Howes and Cook was a treat to see, and we have seldom watched anything nicer in the bigger leagues. The brand of hockey served up on Tues- day night is worthy of the support of every fan. Kitchener had quite a few followers, and there were several present. from New Hamburg. The intermediates play at New Hamburg on Monday night and will no doubt Siderably. take some supporters with them. The goals by periods were as follows: ist period--Smith, Stratford; Cook, ? Louch, Stratford. Stratford; El- Kitchener. Stratford; Stratford; 2nd period--Howes, liot, Stratford; Schell, 3rd period--Howeées, Stratford. Referee--'Speedy" Oliver, Who gave very good satisfaction. Galt 3 ah, Oe N. 4 Kitch- | at ae Sakae eae ne as Yours * SBBB 1926 cece Whatever you want To make you gay We hope you will have it On New Years Day. Superior Shoe Repair 119 Ontario Phone 941 PECTED EEE CHURDRORGCUACOOOORAUREEDERAEUECUERGEREOREADURCLEAEEAARODERONEORER OD. TUT omen = -- HEINBUCH'S Funeral Home Phone 1798 Residence 198 Nile Formerly with Greenwood & Vivian & st me Phone 1580 Residence 13303 FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. (Beacon Building) === FRED HERN Dry Cleaning & Pressing No. 2 George St. Phone 78lw J. S. RUSSELL Registered Architect Phone 1533F Gordon Block A real man is glad to live and not ' | afraid to die. PRACTICE ECONOMY A simple way to save fuel is to purchase one of our ASH SIFTERS Special Bargains from 40c to $4.00 | JAMES K. MYERS HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Ete. 51 Downie St. Phone 162 -- = SOLWAY COKE es a few tons of our Solway best coke PHONE 44 | Lennox Coal Co. Coke--the a eeneetaneetieresaene scene a made. ---- DOWN & FLEMING Funeral Directors and Embalmers MR. DOWN MR. FLEMING Tel. 311 Phone 314 Tel. 308 Pre ee ee we ARMCO. Let us replace the worn- out smoke pipe .on your furnace with pipe made from ARMCO They cost no more and last twice as long. Angus McDonald & Co. ---- Phone 228 4 ' ! ) } ) ) } | ) } } } Phone 748 Now is the time to get this kind of work done Old Stairs Covered Refinishing Oid Floors French Doors and every kind of Wood Repairing. We can give you special prices on hardwood flooring, as we buy material direct and save you jobber's profit. W.R. BRADSHAW 186 Water St. ~-- ot ag a a ae, sheets. 11 Ontario St. DON'T SUFFER | SKATING EQUIPMENT TUBE SKATES for all sizes of skating shoes Ladies' Skates and Shoes. SKATE SHARPENING oil stone finish, special for artificial ice, 5c. See Our Window for Tricycles WM. E. McCARTHY 71. Wellington St. Phone 781J (i EZO Will positively relieve the worst case of ft PTH Peter & ester t Will do your Repairs in' ECZEMA Plumbing Heating STANDARD DRUG STORE Electric @ cade i Pe me ee ee ee ie se 88 8 @b ene » : % {An Unusual Offer | , FOR ONE WEEK : | 0% OFF : a = ALL OUR FRENCH IVORY § : Barker's Drug Store ; F 36 Ontario Street Phone 521 @ ee te ee a ee