ee es THE MIRROR Local Interest 'Priends af Trustee Harry Burgess will be pleased to learn that he is recovering from a recent operation. It is sincerely hoped that he will soon be around again. Trustee Harry 'Wieglesworth spent the week end with his family who are holidaying at Normandale. Harry caught a lot of fish and says he hasn't seen them bite as good in many a day. But "there is a sucker born every minute." Mrs. (Rev.) A. C. Wahl, -of Pitts- burg, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H.. Killer, 156 street. Mornington Tom Maltby, an employee of the Stratford Dairy Co., met with a very painful accident a few days ago. He slipped while getting into one of the delivery wagons and unfortunately his elbow went through the gluss Tom cut his arm so badly that it re- quired several stitches, but he is still going his rounds, and rising with the birds. Stratford is this week welcoming a new medical man, Dr. Thomas Rus- se] Nichols, a native son. Dr. Nichols "has started a practice in the Ontario street home of the late Dr. . Daisy Macklin. He is well and favorably known in the city as he is a son of Mrs. William Nichols, Norman street. The new doctor has been a member of Grace Hospital, Toronto, and is a graduate of the University of Toron- to. Further honors to the lodges of the city were brought by Stratford I. O. O. F Canton, No. 15, whieh took a sub- stantial lot of the prizes offered fer lodges at the recent Hamilton con- vention. The New Service Station Corner Erie and St. David Sts. re Oils and Gasoline that represent the highest standard available Peerless and Navy Gasolines Mohiloil--A. B. & E. Polarme--ight, med., heavy Also Chatterless Oils for Fords S. BRICKER Proprietor HOTT MTT TITTIES See tet aeration streets, Wednesday evening. It was in honor of their daughter Elsie, who is a general favorite with the young girls of the neighborhood. There was a nice little party held | at the home of: Mr. and Mrs. Snedden. corner Nile and John Douro old Scotch lady on Brock street. The following week I got a job at a small mill where I worked for my board. All that winter I walked, back and forth to my work bare-headed and bare-footed. ed four dollars a month, and the fol- lowing Christmas I had saved up four pound which I sent home to my fath- er, and although I am not wealthy I have never really wanted for anything from that day to this. success to- my father's blessing when I was a young lad." JOTTINGS BY CYNICUS. Continued from page 5.) The next year I receiv- I credit my Special For Cotton Crepe and Striped 2.7 5 Gingham Dresses... One lot: of Broadcloth, A C 5 Flannel and Voille Dresses R.T. 54-56 Ontario St. Saturday McMORRAN ormerly Thornton & Douglas and Scott and Holmes. Phone 84 HOT WEATHER DRESSES FOR WOMEN MISSES AND GIRLS Women's Oversize Voille Dresses Regular $18.00, for 1.95 Normandy Voille Dresses, especially designed for large women. Smart styles with effective trimmings of lace and ribbon. Colors, navy, white and black and white. Sizes 40 to 48. eee eee we weeeenens eee. ee - Saturday Special Porch Dresses for Matrons Extra Special cee eee ee Heme eee Tub Dresses for the older women, of Chambray in black and grey, stripes. Good styles for matrons, soft collars and long sleeves. Sizes 36 to 50 bust. Womens and Misses Porch Dresses 1 98 Values to $4.00, for Ce ee ar ay The cost of making is all we ask for these smart Wash Dresses, made of "Sun Resista" Percale, Scotch Ginghams and Chambrays, Voilles and Ratines. Colors and sizes well assorted. att Women's and Misses' Broadcloth 4 5 Dresses, Extra Speed 1 _ Pub Dresses of English Broadcloth in plain colors and varied Stripes. Tailored styles that are pronounced the biggest val- ues of the season. Big assortment of col- Women's and Misses' Summer 9 00 Dresses, values to $20.00 for * Pretty Dresses in soft dainty colors of Crepe, Voille, and Novelty materials, some French dresses, hand-made, beaded, hem- stitched and embroidered. Colors sky lemon, sand, green, orchid, flame, 5086. Sizes 16 yrs. to 42 bust. eteeee ors. Sizes 16 years to 44 bust. . 2.38 ' Tailored straight line dresses of Eng- ish Broadcloth and Linene, in very pretty styles and colors. Fashioned like the Girl's Broadcloth Dresses Extra Special... er ee a DUNCAN FERGUSON CO., LIMITED grown-up girls. Ages 6 to 14 years.