ee THE MIRROR THE MIRROR. PUBLISHED EVBRY FRIDAY AT THB ®LETCHER JOHNSTON PRESS, 123 ON- TARIO ST., STRATFORD. PHONE 115w FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR << o SUBSCRIPTION RATB ¢ $1.00 A YBAR Stratford, May 15, 1925 The Garden of Ontario Whether everyone who comes to Stratford looks above with gratitude or not, we are safe in saying there are few who come here who do not look around with pleasure for beauty is everywhere. But do we appreciaie this beauty as we should? Are we cold and indifferent to our environ- ment?. There is one thing almost certain familiar scenes do not al- ways lend the same enchantment as the uhcommon scenes, In fact, it seems as though we need the strang- er who comes within our show us the value of our sions. gates to posses- Just the other day a commer- eial traveler who was .an. entire stranger to The Mirror, said to us: This is the garden of Ontario. I have travelled thousands of miles within the last six months and this is the prettiest place I have seer. Mr. Ludlow, in his address the other day, spoke of our Park Sys- tem and how much it meant to the @ity. Because of his years of exper- fence as an assessor whose duty it was to define values, he is eminent- ly qualified to pass an opinion. He 1 ealled attention to the great value such a park system will be to the city in years to come. The .Mirro> and its readers, we are sure, are indebted to Mr. Ludlow for his contribution to the long list of distinguished visi- tors to our city in this regard. and should cause the citizens to reflect before unduly criticising the expendi- tures of the Park Board, while the work is under construction, aS no work that employs manual labor ard skill can be completed without cost. Of course, we must keep in mina the fact that Stratford cannot afford to thoughtlessly expend money in view of the present tax rate. In fact, econ- omy should and must be the watch word for some time, but there is the equal danger of the aesthetic side of our nature becoming undeveloped. his is much harder to regain when fost than either silver or gold. Objects to the Name "Gloomy" For some reason or other Dean W. RR. Inge, of St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon- don, has been named "The Gloomy Dean." The other day, however, he fold some newspaper interviewers in Wew York that he disliked being call- ea "The Gloomy Dean." Well, who wouldn't object to that? He is re- ported to have said that after having 'gpent three weeks under prohibition | boxes, waited after laws he would be glad to return to his own cellar. It is to be hoped, however, that he has not spent so much time in his cellar as to have for that reason been given the name "Gloomy." But, one could easily im- agine there not even being '"'moon- shine" in his cellar. Time Makes Some Difference A really few short years do change the complexion of human nature, even if that interesting commodity remains basically the same. The march of progress has possibly wrought more striking differences in the last three generations than it ever has before in such a period of time. Standing on Ontario street one sees a motorcycle "cop" after a motorist who has "breezed down the main drag at 40 per.' Three decades ago On- tario street merchants were more con- cerned with the fact that it was hard to get the city council to add to the civic equipment a water sprinkler for the same street, than they were with parking bylaws and speeding motor cars, The bicyclists and those with high- stepping horses came in for public condemnation, not for speeding, but for "scorching it," as the phraseology of other days had it. A bicycle te- day, going at full speed attains a rate that is mere nothing. A spgeding bicyclist then was considered a more or less important menace to publi2 safety. The traffic question which then stirred the city was not restrict- ed parking areas, which were wn- known, but as to whether or not bi- cyclists should be allowed to us2 the sidewalk or not. Then, to return to Ontario street Some of the shops which still face that venerable thoroughfare will re member when that street, at this time of year, had just emerged from the morass stage, and was develop- ing a propensity for raising clouds of dust. It would have taken a man of more than ordinary courage to at- tempt 40 miles an hour in any kind of a vehicle on it. The Saturday night throngs were attired differently then. The Jads wore suits that today would seem like a weird development of the present popular "English" style. But the same lads bought candy in fancy choir practises and were just as foolish, and in many ways similar to those of today. (Just as Dad). The ladies knew hvw to vamp, only they were more or less handicapped by voluminous dress. One could wander for columns through the not-too-distant past. The years make a gap that is large, yet small, umspannable, yet spanned and almost incomprehensible, but still living in the minds of the majority today. Sam--What am you doin' now? Bo--l'se an exporter. Sam--aAn exporter? Bo---Yep,the pullman Company just fired me. ford. % half-yearly on debentures. OFFICE HOURS--9 a.m. to 4 p.m. z7 Downie Street. WE SERVE The first aim of this Company is to serve the people of Strat- We provide absolute safety for your 'money and try to meet } your convenience in every possible way. ay 4%, paid half-yearly on deposits, subject to withdrawal by cheque. rf Open Saturdays 7.30 to 9.00 p.m, {Established 1877) W. H. GREGORY, Manager. Che British Martgage Loan Co.| | The eyes are tools of the mind. When impaired--dull- ed by physical defects--the mind is unable to do efficient work, naturally. Unknow- ingly 70 per cent. of us have eye defects. Know--doun't just foolishly "think" that your eyes are right! Consult us for a thor- ough, honest examination. If glasses are need our "Quality Beyond, Question" Shur-on glasses will becomingly har- § monize with your features. PEQUEGNAT'S Stratford's Oldest Exclu- sive Optical Practice. Phone 584 DOWN & FLEMING Funeral Directors and Embalmers MR. DOWN _ Tel. 308 Phone 314 MR. FLEMING Tel. 311 oe $f Phone 1796w 37 Ontario BOUGHT FOR CASH AUTO WRECKERS, STRATFORD Good Parts at Half Price -- Old Cars | | . A < THE MIRROR SPORTS By The Mirror's Sport Editor Cord Tires Ford Size OUR PRICE $8.00 Guaranteed 8000 miles ABRA-KERR. Ltd. 203 Waterloo St. Fhone 868 Don't Wait Until the Flies Get In--- KEEP THEM OUT! One of our Screen Doors or Windows will do the trick. re Big Stock--Little Prices. wi JAMES K. MYERS HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Etc. 51 Downie St. Phone 162 Ht ford : SOFTBALL. (By Ed. Kneitl.) Additional rules drawn up at the last executive meeting of the Strat- ford Softball League are: All play- ing certificates must be in the hands of the secretary not later than 12 o'clock Saturday noon, May the 16th. The manager of the home team is re- sponsible for the return of the bases immediately after the game, also, he is responsible for a report of the game reaching the sporting editor of The Beacon-Herald or the Mirror of- fice, immediately after each game. The chairman of the Softball League has called a meeting of the execu- tive and a representative from each team for next Tuesday night in the Chamber of Commerce. LACROSSE. Negotiations are now under way with the secretary of the Mitchell La- Grosse Club for a game to be played Jottings By "Cynicus" One of the best movements for fos- tering up sports, especially juvenile, that has taken place in the city for some time, is the campaign for mem- bers in the §.A.A.A. The best way to increase interest in any organization is to sell or give everyone a share and that is just what is intended by the, above movement. Everyone who pays one dollar or more becomes a full-fledged member and partne> in the §.A.A.A., entitled to attend the annual and all general meetings, to have a vote in the election of offi- cers, and other matters which conie before such meetings. A button is also to be supplied to each memver and it is up to everyone to become a member and make the S.A.A.A. a community affair the same as it is in all other towns and cities. If you have not been canvassed, take your subscription to L. J. Long, trea 3urer, H. Bruder, secretary, or H. G. Ran- kin, chairman of Campaign Commit- tee. ' Mrs. Finnegan: Paddy, ye Sspal- peen, come right in here and put your cap on yer head. Shure, if ye hadn't one you'd be wearin' it all the time, yere that contrary. * * * Judge to prisoner: What is your occupation? Prisoner: I'm a mason and build- er. Judge to witness: yours? Pat: Shure I'm a Knights of Co- lumbus and bricklayer. And what is CYNICUS. FOR CORNS & CALLOUSES DR. JOHNSTON'S ™ ALLOUS= OF A 25c box of Callous - Off will dissolve the hardest corn or callous without leav- ing the slightest appearance of rawness. On sale at drug and shoe store or sent direct post paid for 25c from laboratory. Dr. Johnston's Callous-Off Company | | | | DON'T MISS THE BIG DANCE| IN TOWN HALL MITCHELL Tues., May 19 Under the direction of ART SHAW and his 7-piece Ochestra from the Avon Casino, Stratford. Dancing from 10 tol Admission--75c Couple Extra Lady, 25c in Mitchell on May the twenty-fifth. This will be the first appearance of the Stratford Lacrosse club this year and any enthusiasts who journey to Mitchell in the evening of the twenty- fifth, are assured of a snappy game. 0. B. A. SCHEDULE Saturday, May 16 -- London at Brantford; Stratford at Galt; Preston at Guelph. Wednesday, May 20----London at St 'Thomas. Saturday, May 23--London at Pres- ton; Galt at Brantford; St. Thomas at Guelph. Monday, May 25 (a.m.) Guelph at Preston; (p.m.) Brantford at St. Thomas; London at Stratford; Pres- ton at Galt. -* Saturday, May 80 -- Stratford -at Brantford | Guelph; Galt at Preston; at London. Saturday, June 6--St. Thomas a: 'Galt; Guelph at Brantford; Preston at Stratford. Wednesday, June 10--Guelph at St. Thomas; Preston at Brantford; Loii- don at Galt. - Saturday, June 18--Galt at Strat- Stratford at Preston; London at Guelph. Wednesday, June 17--St. at Stratford. Saturday, June 20--Guelph at Galt, St. Thomas at Brantford. - Wednesday, June 24--Preston at Thomas _ §t. Thomas; Brantford at Guelph. Saturday, June 27--Guelph at Lon- don; Brantford - at Stratford. Saturday, July 4--Stratford at Lon- ron, 3. An Unusual Opportunity | --THIS IS YOUR CHANCE $2950.00 Buys a nice part mo- dern cottage, close to Cone $2900.00 with $500 down will handle a nice, small home over the river-- owner will sacrifice. $2700.00 handles well- drilling outfit, including 20- h. p. engine, tanks, pumps and all equip- ment to make a first- class job. Good rea- sons for selling. $4600.00 will buy a 2% storey $4500.00 buys 50 acres good land with house and barn, close in -- will trade or accept easy terms. TO RENT Modern cottage, allom one floor,--over the river. . Look at This $10.00 down and 5.00 per month buys good building lot. ; We have them -- full © lots, half lots, joblots | and any other kind of | lots--all parts of the modern brick, close to C.N.R. Shops. Phone 854 | city. Choose yours now. Pe os 4 J. COTTY & CO., LIMITED MONEY TO LOAN ---- INSURANCE 116 Downie Street