THE MIRROR Local Interest Mrs. Albert J. Stubbs, 38 Falstaff Street, is visiting friends in Torontc. Mrs, Selby Corman, Water Street, Was called to Hamilton on Tuesday. Owing to the death of her nephew. Many citizens have been heard ad- vocating the use of the "stop street" System in some sections of the city. Mrs. Harold Watsonand daugh- ter Beth, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Watson's mother, Mrs. C. Smythe, 219 Queen St. Miss Ella Leggat is in Mitchell, having been called to her parental home through the illness of her sister, Miss Bella Leggat, whom, we are pleased to say, is improving. At the last meeting of the city council it was decided that hydrauli- cally pressed fibre board could be used in the construction of frame and veneer dwellings. It has been decided to consecrate St. Paul's church on May 3. The Bishop of Huron, David Williams, Will officiate at the ceremony. The mortgage will be burned at a special Service the following Monday. Mrs. J. Tedder left for Toronto this week to join her husband, Rey. Ted- der, who has returned from Peterboro where he has just finished a most successful evangelistic campaign. Welcome news came to the city this week from Brantford, that Mr. E. W: Brown who met with a serious acci- dent while tobogganing last winter, is improving and is soon expected back to the city. Mrs. John Snedden, Nile street, is in Windsor spending a short time with friends there. Accompanying her is little Betty Bell, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ae Snedden, and who made many young friends while in the city. Despite the temporary set-back in the shape of an unwelcome snow Storm last Sunday, city gardeners are again working at top speed. The sea- son has as yet been too cold for much growth. mer CO. Ws Nasmyth, who met with a motor accident some time ago, is now able to sit up. This will be noted with pleasure by his host of friends in the city, and The Mirror also wishes one of its numerous out of town readers a speedy recovery. Mr. Nasmyth was not only a splendid druggist, but his quiet and affable manner in waiting on customers was @ trait of his character that was most commendable, particularly in his chosen business. The clerks who had the opportunity of serving under him were most fortunate. . 2 Home Again. a PP sop Mr. and Mrs. C. Mellhargy and REE WITH EVERY BOY. SUIT i | daughter have returned to the city aft- | ' F p er spending three months in the r f South, ."and its good to get back to | A Belt all pr, uff Links the oid town," said Mr. Mecllhargy to The Mirror yesterday. *"When a fel- low is away he misses the familiar faces and the friendly greetings." In fact, to hear him tell how glad he is to get home again would remind one | | | | away for thie purpose of getting the | ae ee a $4.95 pee $8.50 greeting that 'his lady friend gave him Two Bisémer Suits *... thle gelesen stata ap the aah | Gar Blue Fox Serge Suits with two bloomers, FES, OMY thOOSOld ew enee ea are the best value in Stratford........... ...... $9.95 drives myself and. family #35 the South, said Mr. Mcllhargy. Next winter he had better come back a M little earlier for the hot weather us- e & C : ually starts in again on his return. We neglected to ask him what he had brought home by way of a dona- tion to the acquarium which the Park 64.66 Ontaris St. Phone 84 Board have had in their minds for some time, Formerly Thornton & Douglas and Scott and Holmes. the great equal of them in values. DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPANY, LTD. _ New Hats Now Showing IN SPRING MILLINERY MODES The modes of the hour! These are the styles we are now showing. They come to us direct from the foremost millinery creators in New York. | We cannot recollect when we have ever had so many new ones at one i time to offer you to view; nor can we recollect either, when we have offered | | TWO BIG VALUES FOR SATURDAY i 24 only Ladies' Trimmed and Banded Hats, 25 only Ladies' Trimmed Straw, Taffeta and Georgette Hats, nicely trimmed with flowers, || navy, black, flesh and orchid. | Special $1.25 yard POINT CREPE Poiret Crepe Suiting, 54 inches, Navy' blue, beautiful weave, suitable for dresses, chil- dren's wear, etc. Regularly $2.50-- Special $1.50 yard | in black and all colors. Regular 4.50 3 00 ribbons and ornaments, black and colors, regu- || to 6.00. Saturday, choice........0...... 8 lar 6.00 and 8.50, 4 15 | Hi PORUIMEPEROICG ® i CREPE-DE-CHENE , i 300 yards extra strong quality Crepe-de- SILK HOSE.---Extra j| chene, 40 inches. Colors, white, sand, red, 25 dozen Ladies' Art Silk Hose, extra spliced heels and toes. Silk to the top. Colors black, pongee, aitdale, peach, atmosphere, and nude, sizes 814 to10. Special Saturday-- 7Sc pair |