THE MIRROR BAKER & ANDERSON Room No. 2 21 Downie Street Phone 824 Stocks -- -- Bonds Direct Wire ~ TORONTO, NEW YORK Quotations given on Listed and Unlisted Securities With The Scouts The Scout's Shake. There has been a great deal of ar gument, between Scouts as to whether they should always shake hands in the Scoutts way, that is, with the left hand, or whether the left hand shake Should only:be used when greéting a Stranger Scout for the first time. Scouts use, as I.dgQwthe-tétt hand shake at all times amongst them- Selves. It is the Scout's own way of greeting another Scout. : The left hand, you know, "is near- est the heart." --Sir Robert Baden-Powel. Ragging Boy Scouts. I have been asked by Boy Scouts how they could practice endurance when they never get a chance of suf- occasionally hear of cases where an- other form af endurance is being Phone 1580 Residence 1330J shown by Scouts, and that is, being chaffed and ragged by other fellows who are. not Scouts, There are a good many cases of this, as there are sure to be. But the Scouts must stick it out and take the annoyance cheerily. They must remember that a little I should like ¢o see all Scouters gn" fering dangers or privations. Well, I | Contributed by Scouts J. W.and A.C. | game the freeze signal was given, the | troop formed up in the Horse ets | Formation about the flag andy; ne eeting | the Wolf Patrol] cleangfup the room | and left everythin place. The $end Stratford Troop. J EX@¥" Monday Evening at 7.30 p.m. at 17 Douro St., upstairs. The meeting of April 17, opened with inspection, points being award- ed for dues, attendance, and general appearance. Following this the Troop was divided into two patrols, the White Throated Sparrows and the Hawks. After this the patrols the Hawks under the leadership of George Killer. After this the patrols retired to their "corners" and a re- view of the Tenderfoot work was tak- en. . Patrol competition running throughout the meeting. After this blind-fold boxing Was 'ndulged in, which proved very exciting and laugh- able. After this there was a talk by the Scoutmaster and then the troop was dismissed. 2 : In the patrol competition the White Throated Sparrows took the lead with 33 points, the Hawks only having 28. In the contest, in which great interest | break took place. After thea. n Enchanting ~ Collection of -- Lovely New -- Things in Jewelry It will be a treat for | you to see them in our © store anda pleasure for us to have you call whether looking or buy ing. GILLIES & EMM Diamonds Watches 23 DOWNIE ST. Jewelry 'THE MIRROR That's what people say about shoes that are repaired by our workmen. ---------- Superior Shoe Repair 119 Ontario Street Phone 941 ANCRUM BRAE Lawn Mowers Sharpened Leave your order now. Lawn mowers called for and delivered to any part of the city. Wm. E. McCarthy " THE SCOUTS Leaders have started in the city un Laer the personal supervision of Broth er Suv are held ev®hy day evenings «ts lumbus Hall on Ont a is an enrolment of about 26 -Tenn., US. 285 (Continued from page 6) Fred Jesson--12 points. Alex. Salt--10 points. Scout Leaders' Classes. 'Classes for the instruction of Scout 'win of London. The classes ; Wednesday and Thurs- "as. the Knights of Co- yrio street. There members. Scouts Help Tornado Victims. =~. Nineteen victims of the recent torna- do disaster have been the special charges of Tfoop 1 of Galilatin, 'In the confusion, that followed the big storm the boys mobilized to help in any way they could. A large unused residence was whipped into order and promptly converted into a temporary hospital by this energetic group. "Nineteen of the injured townspeo- ple were brought to the comfortable quarters, where they remained prey a week. The scouts, in co-operation with the Red Cross, served their pa- tients from 7 a.m. until 9.30 p.m. They worked in squads of four. One squad relieved ane every three hours. The youthful helpers were also subject to calls fpr service any minute between bedtime and 7 a.m. On the Sunday following daily. 5 boast | Society Brand Clothes for the man who believes that appearances count Rather it indicates Care in dress does not imply foppishness. Sev GHG ide i judgment of values. e in appearance and keen judg fi thy Fis choose Society Brand. Its exclusive fabrics, smart ilori oise and confidence to the tailoring and correct cut lend p igs pec aie or wearer. Models for every taste. dressing a profitable investment. $29.50 to $55.00 Cumming -- The Clothier Billie Y. Donaldson, Mgr. is being shown, the standing is as follows: Herb. Parker--39 points. George Killer--34 points. Sam. Ogilve--20 points. Bob. Hunter--17 points. the disaster the entire troop aided in keeping away from the hospital ine vast crowds of curious sightseers. The boys also helped direct traffic along the congested highway. Notice Owing to the absence of Father Jordan from the city, who is the Scoutmaster of number 3 troop, La regret that we are unable to publish the account of the hike taken by his troop. This article will appear next PRIVATE HOSPITAL Stratford, Ont. offers first-class care and nursing -- by experienced nurses. Comfort-. able and cheery rooms. chaff, though it is very irritating at the time, makes no difference to them ten years hence, and they can afford to laugh at it. As Scouts, they are members of a big brotherhood which includes all the best men of our race in the differ- ent frontiers of the world, men who have smiled under far worse circum: | (_ypuupepueemeeessmemmmmemmermemenmeme stances than being chaffed by a few ' es rotters, men who have smiled in the N EW When Renewing Your face of death at the hands of savag- Spring Hats Eavetrough es, Or when alone in gq _ waterless | desert. So a young Scout can afford to be sure that it is made from , ARMCO Iron. We make it For Men, Young Men and in our shop from ARMCO Men Who Want to Keep Young 71 Wellingtun Street Phone 781J FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 12 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont (Beacon Building) } Special rates until April 1st. 'Continued on page 7) DR. A. L. BAKER DENTIST Phone 1533] W.B.ROTHWELL INSTRUCTION IN PIANO - VOCAL Studio--90 Coburg Street PHONE 374w Gordon Block, | 203 40 Wellington St. Phone week. j PlayUp! PlayUp! and Play The Game ! Smile at the feeble attempts of "slop- sheets. Hand-made in ten foot lengths. pers" to annoy him. --Sir Robert Baden-Powell. 1t willlast twice as long as the or- dinary iron and is cheapest in the' long run. a ea Angus McDonald & Co. Phone 228 11 Ontario St. Che Royal Guardians _ MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE Co. J. M. STEWART, Mgr. Room 5, Bank of Montreal Chbs., Stratford rs | Have You : done | that | } } viounists = COMING - musicians THE BIGGEST EVENT OF THE SEASON! That's you father, isn't it? Well, here is where you can. get a Hat suitable to yourown style and beauty. ' That's right, father, keep upvourappearance. Youare just as old as you feel, and you will feel a good deal younger wearing one of our new Spring shapes in a hat to suit your general appearance. Come in and look them over. Sizes 654 to 7%. $2 50 to $7.50 jae omens see oe & Vivian Soft and Hard Hais. P. J. KELLY |]|"" testes tee | Phone 1533F Gordon Block | Leave your order now for eavetrough. Only i} best grade of copper Wi --scbearing galvanized iron trough used. | L. COOK -- Phone 175 Equipment for every GOOD TURN kind of sports. PHONE 413w To-day? Mme. Estelle Gray-Lhevinne World's Greatest Woman Violinist KNOX CHURCH CHOIR CONCERT Big stock at little prices. LIGHTFOOT'S BOOK STORE Downie St. Phone 296w The First Stratford Troop. The First Stratford Troop held their usual meeting at their head- quarters in St. Paul's Church. In- spection was held as usual and foi- Phone 314 MR. DOWN Tel. 308 lowing this, camp was discussed and * : ING Tel. 311 the final arrangements are about to be drawn up. After this the troop Played Scout Law Base Ball. The Scouts divided up into two equal | teams under Danny Fooks and' Wil- fred Gregory. The purpose of the game is to teach the Scout Law and develop quick thinking. Wilfred Gregory's team won the game by a score of two to nothing. After the DOWN & FLEMING Funeral Directors and Embalmers HEINBUCH'S Funeral Home Phone 1798 110 Downie St. Residence 198 Nile Wed., May 13th 60 Voices Tickets 15¢ SEER PS The Fletcher Johnston Press for Good Job Printing _ Greenwood's Funeral Service Telephones--Office 1760 Mr. Greenwood's Res. 251 When you want fast telegraph service 93 Ontario Night Phone 805J w. J. GINGRAS, Manager TIRES SEE US BEFORE BUYING Harold A. Huether | Next Carter's Garage Tel. 1113w CALL 112 Canadian National Telegraphs