cigs uns Rc BER MU UULEUUELOLOSUUTENNEOQUOUEUQUGEENCUOGGUUHURRUOOQUONSECUGQUEUENNOUOEGEUNGOUORSUOEOOURINEEE THE MIRROR style and fabric. Wilcox 121 Ontario St. Tailor Phone 1400w Ms Well - Dressed Men | Are Welcomed Everywhere Retain your welcome by letting me make you a suit of the latest SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SATURDAY. Coal Prices Down Nut Coal $15.00 ton Stove Coal $15.00 ton Egg Coal $14.50 ton . We guarantee these prices to be the lowest this year and these prices may advance at 'any time as it is possible there there may be a strike Sept. 1. We advise you filling your bin NOW. Terms cash. Phone 44 and leave the rest to us -- we guarantee quality and service. Lennox Coal Co. . i I 3 Phone 1976w 37 Ontario Old Cars BOUGHT FOR CASH Good Parts at Half Price AUTO WRECKERS, STRATFORD Read The Mirror Ads. J gore SHS . BOio Soiprset f Hy james Nose ey | bl Reese in your kitchen will brighten and lighten your housework. See about your furniture, curtains, and floor cover- ing needs this week ! R. White & Co. Home Furniture Funeral Service 80 Ontario Phone 33. Night 376 Stratford Auto Accessory House "Everything for the Car" JOHN PFEFFER, - Prop. 94 Shakespeare St. Phone 1317w <4 i! FISH ---A Food For Brain and Body Fish is a splendid food--tasty, digestible and nourishing to a marked degree. A well balanced diet is made possible by the daily use of fish foods. Rich in many of the most vital body building elements, fish is truly the real health food and is rapidly becoming recog- nized and appreciated as such. Eat more fish for Health's sake. Ubelacker's Fish Established 1855 and Meat Market Phone 87 GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY (Continued from page 1) that this preacher everywhere met the answer, "I ain't good enough." But in order to get those who were afraid of being called hypocrites to go to church, the preacher sent out a post card almost broadcast. The card read: Sinner's Service. The morning service at this church will be for sinners only. Will the saints and _ righteous people please stay away? The church was packed. When lL laid before them an appeal to forget their sins and work together to build | a community building to furnish the village with clean recreations, every sinner in the crowd pleadged his co- operation. ly, but he goes on to say: And yet when all is said and done. my critic was right. most of my substance in riotous or- ganizing. I was helping to make the earthquake, wind and _ fire--forget- ting that the voice of God is not to be found in these but in the gentle stillness of the human spirit. He only knows how many people came ta my church hungry for spiritual brea and received a stone. I am not re- pudiating my five years of ministry in this village, but I am wishing wist- fully that it had been a wiser and a deeper service. AUCTION SALE of Household Goods on Wednesday, April 29, at 2p.m. sharp, at 58 Strachan St., near West Gore St., Strat- ford. Robert Heideman, owner, Jones, Auctioneer. Work Shoes -- for MEN Black and Brown Chrome standard sewen soles, solid leather insoles, all made by GREB. Many styles 4 00 all sizes Black and brown Elk Police Boot, double Goodyear Welt sole, a boot that can't 5 50 be beat, all sizes : a NEIL D. McEWEN 45 Downie St. Tel. 1182 TEE EEE EEE EEE EEE Reliable Footwear mT EEUU I was wasting. Children Well Cared And Comfortably Pla ea Department of Immigration Colonization Inspector Here Miss Agnes M. Middleton, of th Department of Immigration a Colonization; Ottawa, has been this district recently in connection | with her duties in this department | Miss Milier when interviewed by | The Mirror said, "that she foun things most satisfactorily in h tour of inspection in this part of The children in near- the country. ly every instance are happy and well placed." fy "Did you find many childre having todo work other than house- | work ?"' And it was done reverent- | "Very, very few," replied Miss Middleton, "and in such instances | it was only doing some light work." Miss Middleton said she met some unusually interesting children So many of them are really very promising children, and seem to | almost instinctively have a Knack | of getting the best from their en- vironment. SATURDAY ONE Touring Car $45.00 FORD GARAGE 203 Waterloo St. Fhone 868 Beautiful Song Birds From $6.00 to $12.00 Parrots, Gold Fish Canaries and Supplies. Birdland Store 141% Downie Street Phone 1261w Subscribe for The Mirror. THE MIRROR Police Nagistrate Makins Addresse Neate Club Advised Them To end Money 'In Their Own Cik: Police Magistrate Makins\8°Ve avery interesting address to cha Rotary Club yesterday and made some timely remarks. He referred totsome of the members spending money out of town. For instance,said the magistrate, a Stratford Rotarian was caught speeding in another place the other day. If any of the members want to speed, let them speed here then the city will get the benefit of the fine. Well, we did not hear who laid the complaint against David, but there is one thing sure his name wasn't Jonathan. Medical men should be exempt from a fine for speeding, particularly in their own city. A COMMUNICATION Dear Mr. Editor: I wish to draw the attention of the reading public to a recent enactmen* of the Ontario Legislature. Despite all efforts to secure fair and reason- able treatment, the text of 'the Amendment to the Ontario Medical Act reads as follows: "Any person not registered pursu- ant to this Act (Medical Act) who takes or uses any name, title, addi- tion or description implying or calcu- lated to lead people to infer that he is registered under this Act, or that he is recognized by law as a physic- or licenti- or midwif- ian, . surgeon, accoucheur, ate medicine in surgery ery or assumes, uses or employs the title 'doctor,' "surgeon' 'or "nhysic- jan" or any affix or prefix indicative of such titles aS an ocupational des- ignation relating to the treatment of human ailments or advertises or holds himself out as such shall incur a penalty of not less than $25 nor more than $100." Only persons possessing the M. D. DR. GORDON (Continued from page 1) a day with God I have got, said the speaker, the secret of mental keen- ness as well as physical vigor, but the experiment is rather embarassing. Its no wonder that we often leave the Old Book alone for it sometimes cuts 8. There are many bargains made tat would not likely be made io- "we are trying to spend tke "On the other hand, 2 realization of morrow if day with God. there is a fragrance, an unseen friend and a stexdying of your steps by trying this experience. Dr. Gordon made his subject very real. He had called on an old lady one day, whose form was bent and hair as: white as it would ever pe, and asked her if she lived all alone. To which question, she re- plied: "Just me and God." » That is how conscious you can be of His pres- colored ence. The spending of a day with God was just as real as spending a day with a friend. - In closing his address, he said that. it was not so much those in his presence that he was thinking about as the crowd outside. It's the crowd | Out there that they would meet to- morrow that he was then thinking of, and asked the congregation to try degree and meeting the favor of the Medical Council of Ontario are per mitted to be registered pursuant to this Act). Is this not a case of class legis!a- tion? Your truly ONE INTERESTED IN FAIR PLAY. ; SEE OUR NEW STOCK MEN'S Top Coats uits { } Buttons Buttons Buttons We have them, all kinds, styles and prices. Call and see them. Hemstitching Pleating THE Stratford Button & Pleating Co, 28 Ontario St. Phone 1311m fe FOR SPRING Do not fail to see them. WALLY HERN Everything for dad and his lad Dry Cleaning, Pressing, Repair- ing. Goods called for and delivered. . 47 Downie Phone 217 walking with God tomorrow. af I te fo and tell a man how it goes. A special vocal number at this ser- vice was a duet by Mrs. L. Bowmaa and Miss H. Dickie, which was great- ly appreciated. The piano solo by Miss Grunart was also a number well worthy of special mention. i eo Reid is the leader of the choir, as well as the organist. wire a VIOLA DANA 9 THEODORE ROBERTS 3 B RAYMOND GRIFFIN 9 " THREE LIVE GHOSTS " Comedy -- News Weekly The best picture since ' i | | Classic Orchestra WNNIUUUUNUNUIUUGUCO COUTTS 4 i | -- & N.R.FIEBIG) COAL | AND OOD 33 Falstaff St. © Phone 535 ) | 97 Ontario St. | MASON THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS ONE on PRACTICE. vngssuangncs vente terse 03" $22.50 cone 990.00 ONE. GOOD PRACTICE PIANO, sweet tone ......-- UPRIGHT GRAND AND BENCH--a wonderful buy... We have several wonderful bargains in Gramophones. | BEST OF TERMS TO ALL Mason & Risch, Limited RISCH = | GF _.. $259.00 Phone 171 sn Fl SLSR TEN