sasail ae Ae i IS i RA I a mmm as no a a - traveler, of London, ~The late Miss Watson, x 'THE MIRROR LOCAL INTEREST -- How the old earth holds one down vas realized by a pedestrian the other _ day on Ontario street, when his rub- bers stuck to the sidewalk. Mr. John H. Grierson, commercial wag a visitor at the Rotarian luncheon today as the guest of Rotarian P:. J. Kelly. Mr. Grierson has become famous for being instrumental in having the special C. 'N. R. train put on between London and Palmerston. "Mrs. A. Hoffman has returned to Toronto after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Weir, Nile street, be- ing a sister of Mr. Weir. Mrs. Hoff- man was in former years recognized as one of Stratford's fine-looking girls, but the years haven't by any means changed her very much in this way. Death of a Popular Young Girl -The death of a popular young Stratford girl, after an illness of two months, occurred when Margaret K. Watson passed away at the home of her parents early Tuesday morning. who was a particularly brilliant young woman in her 20th year, was well known in the city. She was employed at the Strat- ford Chair Company until the time of her death. Educated in Romeo and "Hamlet Public Schools and the .Col- legiate Institute, the late Miss Wat- son had a host of friends in the city. She was a worker at St. James' church, being treasurer of the Sun- see, school and singing in the choir. The late Miss Watson is survived by her sorrowing parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. G. Watson and two broth- ers, Horace of Toronto University and Jack:at home. Owen Sound Sun-Times: "Albert Pequegnat was the first to make his appearance when the pro- gram opened, .rendering "There's a Land," Allison. Mr. Pequegnat is a very fine bass singer and has a per- sonality, that combined with his sare gift as a soloist, quite takes his hear- ers by storm. His part im*the pro- gram included the selection "Light house Bell," a descriptive song, which was very fine with organ and viclin accom animent by Mr. Harle, former- ly of Stratford, and Miss Schultz. A popular number, "Tommy Lad," to- gether with several encores, conclud- ed Mr. Pequegnat's all too few con- tributions to the evening's entertain- ment, "It was not Mrs. Hodgins' first ap- pearance in the city as she had been heard in Knox chureh on previous oc- casions and her solos, rendered in a contralto voice of beautiful quality, with exceptional control, were the source of much pleasurable anticipa- tion. She was gowned most becom- ingly in pink taffeta with a chiffon searf.. She gave four fine solos, all being particularly suited to her voice. They included "My Ain Folk," and "Lassie O' Mine." They were accompanied by Miss Stumpf, reader, of Kitchener, who took part in the entertainment in the Ontario street Baptist church rec®nt- ly. Miss Stumpf is one of Canada's versatile elocutionists, and will al- ways be welcomed back wherever she has appeared. Business Change A. H. Alexander, popular propri- etor of a book store in this city for the last 28 years is retiring. His place will be taken by Mrs. H. Innes, who will manage the store. Mr. Al- exander wil] enjoy a well-earned rest in the city. He was known as a tel- egraph operator in this, a feature which he carried on as an adjunct to his store, since 1884. Mrs. Innes, the new proprietor, will carry on the bus- iness under the name of "The Alex- ander Book Shop." She is well known, and has many friends in the city. The Mirror wishes her success in her venture. Great Crowds at Stillman's Thousands of people visited the Stillman Creamery on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, when a recep- tion was held by the management: The scrupulous cleanliness of the big white dairy impressed every visitor Iee cream, drinks of milk and sam- ples of butter were enjoyed by all who attended. 54-56 Ontario St New Spring Suits For Men and Young Men--Specially Priced from 15.50 to 29.50 A complete range of cloths and a variety of models, from the extreme E;nglish to the more conservative R. T.McMORRAN Formerly Thornton & Douglas and Scott and Holmes. Phone 84 sete re eee ------ ' \ : Mn dobiiier S Saale Dresses at a Crepe- -back Satin, Canton Crepe, Be ase dark colors, including sand, henna, rust, ental embroideries, hand-made ornaments, lace and braiding. effects, circular flounces, godets and flares, newest sleeve finish. DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPARY, LTD. AMPLE DRESSES a ry new oe sage Sizes mostly 16 and 18, with some models up to 42 bust. Regular values $25.00 to $39.00 One of a style DUNCAN FERGUSON on of their real worth. Materials are | Satin, Wool Crepe, Tricotine in light and blue, handsomely trimmed with Ori- ib Newest straight line | Sacra: