youth te maturity so rapidly that on res THE MIRROR THE MIRROR - PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THB FLETCHER JOHNSTON PRESS, 123 ON- TARIO ST., STRATFORD. PHONE [15w FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATR -~ $1.00 A YBAR Stratford, October 31, 1924 TREES AS BEAUTIFIERS. How can the highways that stretch in all directions from this city be beautified? It is true that many of the spots along the roads near this fair centre are incomparable for their beauty, but are there not too many stretches that could be greatly im- proved from the aesthetic standpoint? There is no greater beautifier than trees. These are easy to obtain in this country, where trees of all kinds are abundant, and what is more beau- tiful than an avenue of trees along a highway? There is a stretch of trees, that must be over a mile long, on the * id between this city and Thames- ford. From both sides of the road, i towering maples form an arch of liv- ing green, or, as when the road was traversed a short time ago, or vivid red and scarlet. The cost of planting trees along some of the farms here would not be prohibitive. Undoubtedly, if it was asked, the government would give as- sistance, both in paying for and sup- plying trees. They should be either elms or maples. Elms have in their favor the fact that they grdw quickly and straight, So as to clear the tele- phone wires. Maples have the ad- vantage because they are the national emblematic trees and very beautiful at every season of the year. It would be a signal duty if some 'citizen of the city or country would take it into his or her care to see that a tree plant- ing agitation was started along the highways, SUGGESTS OLD TIME PARTIES AS A MEANS A father makes the suggestion to The Mirror that the social hazards of boys and girls might bé lessened by a revival of the old-fashioned home- parties. Evidently this thoughtful parent has failed to consider how dif- ficult it would be to interest the rath- er sophisticated youth of today in that sort of entertainment. The moving picture, the automobile, the laek of parental, or any other, re- straint, have all combined to bring the average, there is slight inclina- tion to be pleased, far less, satisfied, ~rith the innocent entertainment that - was still fairly popular a few years ago, However, it would be a fine thing if the parents would make an effort to give the children the recreation they desire, in ¢heir homes. If fun is directed toward the parental domi- eile, nothing very harmful can result. Parties given to members of fami- lies, are a fine thing. Whatever the program attempted might be, there is always the restraint of the home that places itself on the party. d Chaperonage has never been an es- tablished custom in this country. Young people have always had a great degree of freedom. Freedom that has run along with conditions that are dangerous in many cases. To at- tempt to establish the chaperon would be futile, not to say useless. But to keep the young boys and girls at home--in 'a cirele of homes--more of ibeir time, letting them plan their own parties and diversioris, would do away with the need of chaperonage. The reason that this is not done more, is that many families wil] not have parties, with their accompanying trouble, in their homes. In fact, this feeling is so general many children feel afraid to ask the privilege of their parents. If parents would "loOsen up" a bit, and throw their homes open, perhaps many of the pleasures which they condemn so heartily would not get their present support. How To Build 'Up a Fortine _ Regular, systématic investment is the basis of arge laying aside a comparatively small amount of Bl HL tag at a peal seed every man may build up a comfortable fortune. For example $10 a beck put by regularly and invested safely at 6 per cent., will amount to $20,000 in a little over 20 years. Study the following table, which shows how small su ' mount up into comparatively large ones in this way: Me a $5 a week In 1 year --4 per cent. Savings........... $ 265.23 In 2 years--4 per cent. Savings............ 541.17 . In 3 years--4 per cent. Savings 827.26 1,656.61 In 5 years--4 per cent. Savings. 1,432.50 2,875.39 We would be pleased to open an account for you Che British Mortgage Loan On. <7 Downie Street. J. A. DAVIDSON, Manager. oY $10 a week $ 530.45 1,082.33 $25 a week $1,325.28 2,704.10 4,138.62 7,183.86 ------------------ Great West Life | | Assurance Co. | M. J. McCAFFREY, Mgr. 161 Front St. Phone 788w ANCRUM BRAE PRIVATE HOSPITAL Stratford, Ont. Overlooking Lake Victoria A quiet, restful place for those in poor health Comfortable and home-like rooms First-class Service a SOME JOB The old gentleman was in busi- ness for 30 years and got down to work at five o'clock every morning. He engaged a new office hand and did not tell him what time to start in the mornings. The first morning he came to work at 8.30 and found to his sur- prise the proprietor at his desk, Next morning the new-comer made up his mind he was going to beat his boss and got there at 8 o'clock. Butstill hisemployer was on hand. The day following he got to the office at 7, but even then the old business man had him beat, but made nocomment. "Beat him out, I will," said the new clerk to himself, andthe next morning he reached the office at 6--but it was of no use.- On this morning, how- ever, the employer said to him: "T would like to know, my young man, where you spend your fore- \ ett noons.: | NOTICE OF REMOVAL | ] have moved to 17 Ontario street, afew doors nearer Court house. SCOTT YS Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing Phone 312 17 Ontario Sit For: Your Christiins Picture NOW Dickinson's Photo Studio ~~ All modern equipment and high-class work. NOW READY FOR SITTINGS Phone 1218w 17 West Gore 1 Room 5, Bank of Montreal Chbs., Stratford Moderate Charge HIGH-GRADE ' COAL AND WOOD | Phone 755w or 423 for In- All classes of patients received ex- cepting tuburcular and mental G. W. Heagy --e PNP NLP PP Yard & Office, 198 Nelson Phone 176 ; : A real friend has =e the priceless quality of wear- ing well --- ---- Reduce Y our Coal Bill BY INSTALLING CHAMBER- LAINS METAL WEATHER STRIP inexpensive, durable, no incon- venience. Estimates given on application. H. WHEALY Phone 1452J 296 Erie Street WE MAKE OLD FRIENDS OUT OF YOUR SHOES = Tv: Le Che Royal Guardians MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. J. M. STEWART, Mgr. Superior Shoe Repair 119 Ontario Street Phone 941 ny gta « : Res ie moth N nee Be ilies att salah to a futie ee eae eR A oR: etait 7 or ia i a : RS b: _-- : bs = enn i a woe ak s aa SS eS aii _-- " ~ PHONE 413w Fire- Place Fittings A a he ele at) Maybe there és nothing in the home that makes it so home-like as a nice fire-place fitting. 'We have Electric Logs--efficient and inexpensive, Spark Guards and Folding Spark Guards at special prices. PETER & SYLVESTER 12 Ontario St. Phone 210 Read The Mirror Ads. -ynder Government control, of wines CPP 5 sass "yy ee CE THE MIRROR Discusses The Liquor Question In Ontario The Situation Is New As Well As Hard, Says An American Newspaper. In 1919 a referendum was held on the Ontario Temperance act, and it was upheld by a majority of more than 400,000. It has again been sus- tained, and the proposal for the sale, and spirits as a beverage rejected, but by a narrow majority. The rural dis- tricts slowly overcame the great anti- prohibition majority of the cities. Thus the Ferguson Government will have to deal with the essential diffi- culty of prohibition enforcement such as exists in many regions of the U.S.A." says the New York Times, "It will not be so bad as it is in some of our States, but the minority comes so near being the majority that the situation is new as well as hard. Thirty years ago Ontario gave a ma- jority of 80,000 for prohibition, though no action was taken by the Provincial Government. Wednesday's vote in "the stronghold" of Canadian prohibi- tion marks a significant change of opinion and may be regarded as @s- sentially a defeat, Three great religious denominations and, apparently, most of the provinci- al press supported prohibition. The somewhat sophisticated argument was made that liquor might be sold py the glass and the bar restored, in spite of the promise of Premier. Fer- uso and the general tenor and ob- ject of the restrictions adopted in the Provinces where Government control prevails. The possibility of the fu- ture return of the saloon was urged. The Toronto Globe asserted that "on oderation' is just another name "for 'more,' however its advocates "may deceive themselves." The old arguments and something of the old fervor were displayed. Besides, it was necessary for the Drys to make a desperate rally. Since 1919 the four Western Provinces had proken away. Tf Ontario ranged herself with Que- pec prohibition in the whole Domin- jon was doomed. It is likely enough that the growth of urban population will in no long time reverse the pres- ent verdict in Ontario unless clear and permanent abuses under Goverment control bring about a general reaction toward strait and narrow prohibition, The ill repute of Ame,rican prohibi- tion enforcement the multitude of American tourists spending their money in Quebec and avoiding envi- ous Ontario, the fat revenues accru- ng to the "moderately wet" Provinc- es, and especially to Quebec, the al- leged prevalence of bootlegging, were among the arguments of the Moderate Wets. The "moral" consideration prevailed over the economic. B also satisfy you that the goods are right. You'll enjoy the rich fla- vor of our ee 163 Downie St~Phone 90. STRATFORD BAKING C2 | Roberts' Drug Store completely restocked our store with new Ines for your money and In order to prove to you we offer the following We have practically goods which will insure you the best va that our values are what we say, (Specials For Friday and Saturday Hydrogen Peroxide 4 oz. size... 15¢ 8 oz. size... 25¢ 16 oz. size,..40¢ Guaranteed strength. Castoria Reg. 40c 29c Fireside Chocolates The Week-end Package Regular 50c ---39c ROS PT EY PARKER'S Duofold FountainPens The pen with the oversize ink capactity and the 25-yr. point. Guaranteed. Robert's Syrup Tar and Cod Liver Oil a Reg. 40¢ 29c Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Reg. 1:25 $1.09 - Waugh's f Witch Hazel Cream Reg. 25¢ i 5 hotties" $1.00 Duofolds in Two Sizes Pepsodent Tooth Paste Reg. 50c rae = COTY'S French Toiletries The New Paris Odour Pinaud's Lilas de France $1.25 Lifebuoy Soap 3 Cakes for 25c 3 British Lysol Reg. 40c. 29c Face Powder Compact Toilet Water Perfume % oz. size... $3.00 Taleum Gold Plated Gillette Razors Reg. 1.00 59c fice Rg ES a ee Mai D'Or ipti Te use the purest and best B® Try our Prescription Department. We use ae pte? sins buy. Our dispensing 1s done only by Gi aduate Druggists and carefully checked. WE NEVER SU BSTITUTE. Let Us Do Your Developing and Printing. | A.P.Roberts Phm.B. Where quality is first, last and always » HOW $1000.00 for Secure a pair of tickets at Five Dollars and hear the brilliant and varied series secured by the Y. M. C. A. Lyceum Committee. 400 TICKETS MUST BE SOLD Don't Wait to be called upon-----Phone 218 $2.75 MANY !! 36 Ontario Street Telephone 521 Just Phone, we deliver anywhere at any time. <a '--------o----oororw~ BEAUTY PARLOR | Flowers for | MRS. J. H. DICKSON | All Occasions } For Appointment Phone 1022J Calice Phone '. , Pequegnat's Music Store | Phone 1598 BEACON-HERALD BLDG. STRATFORD ONT. 97 Downie street ' + po ASE ee 4 wy a