SS THE MIRROR THE MIRROR. PUBLISHED BVBRY FRIDAY AT THB - FLETCHER JOHNSTON PRESS, 123 ON- TARIO ST., STRATFORD. PHONE 115w FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATB $1.00 A YBAR Stratford, October 10, 1924 Crime Considered a Disease That nearly all crime is the re- sult of a diseased mentality is grad- ually passing from the theoretical Stage. The scientist and psychiar- . trist have been gathering 'in their _-Tesearch work evidence which veri- fies the fact that crime is the effect of a diseased brain. When this has become a recognized fact. many criminals will be treated as sick people in liospitals instead of crim- inals im prison. : 'Karly in life'? says Mrs. Mary Hamilton, one of New York's hun- dred policewomen, "childrén come within reach of the law through conditions for which they are not responsible and of. which they are the unfortutrate victims. As a matter of fact, she says that nearly all shop-lifters are women in dis- turbed circumstances, and as for adolescent children we treat them asso many chairs and tables. _ A few scientists and physicians are awake _to the need. 'Ihe whole _ thing is a medical problem, one for psychiartry and pathology, but it takes a great calamity to makea dent in*the human mind." sikalainallt? A Majestic Sign The word majestic always hada _ ring to it, but the new electric sign "just erected at the Majestic Theatre makes the word stand out most brilliantly. This scintillating and dazzling new sign should-be a sym- bol of how the qualities that this word representsshould shine inthe heart of man. No doubt the management of the new theatre -will endeavor to give the citizens entertainment that will hold up ideals on its stage which - - willcorrespond to the beauty of _ the theatre's new electric sign. _ Human Nature Much the Same "What a difference there is in the feminine sex now and the fem- inine sex of years ago," is an ex- - pression that is often heard. But human nature is pretty much the Same now as it always was. It -hasn't changed to the extent we imagine. Things have changed of course, but human qualities have changed but very little. | _ The statement,that the feminine sex have less sense now than they ever had is somewhat superficial. Girls always knew the right cue to give the opposite séx to start them on their lines. They well know there is method in their mad- ness when they do not "look too good or talk too wise." These are not the kind of girls who get the hand from the audience. The som- bre dressed and serious looking girl may be on the stage, but she is sel- some reason or another, , Hither fortunately or unfortunately men very much resemble the fish that is attracted by the bright bait, and don't youthink that they do not know that a little nonsense is an +attraction when common. sense is not a drawing card. Rosalind in Shakespeare's "As You Like It," conjured the women to kiss as many as had complexions that they liked, but today, without this conjuring to men they are mostly attracted by nice clothes, coquettish ways and complexions that please. These are the things that men are inter- and after all, what woman or girl is 'so little interested in herself who.does not like' to be admired ? It is questionable if they are any more interested in looking beautiful than being told that they look beau> tiful. Anyhow those who say that the girls today have less sense than they had years ago, will be inter- ested in reading of the find of an ancient tomb : . A number of ancient Greek tombs have recently been unearthed 'in Russia by the distinguished archae- ologist, Semenov Zusser. Among the articles found in the tombs was a stall linen bag containing a lady's mirror and believed to be the forerunner of the present-day van- ity case. In. the bag there also were a rouge stick for the lips and a charcoal pencil for the eyes. The bag placed there overtw6 thousand years ago was found together with tufts of false hair and a number of silver bracelets, earrings, beads and other jewels. DIAMOND HALL You Know It Is Good Dalue A purchase -made in our store gives you - just that assurance, aud giving you good value includes every- thing that makes us just as proud of servy- ing you in this way as you will be in get- ting our service. GILLIES & EMM _ ~The Gift Shop 'Diamonds Wedding Rings 23 DOWNIE ST. < = dom the centre of attraction for, ested in, either today or long ago, STOP AND THINK of the advantage there is in making yout purchases from us in- stead of someone who is here today and away tomorrow | We have been in business here for years and stand back of every sale we make. That's worth a good deal. PETER & SYLVESTER 12 Ontario St. Phone 210 Great West Life | Assurance Co. M. J. McCAFFREY, Mgr. 161 Front-St. Phone 788w -- -- COAL AND WOOD G. W. Heagy Yard & Office, 198 Nelson Phone 176 STRATFORD AUTO WRECKERS 79 Erie Street All kinds of Auto Parts in Stock We pay cash for everything and are ina position to sell at lowest rates. Phone 1796w. B. STATTON i. Che Royal Guardians MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. _J. M. STEWART, Mgr. | Room 5, Bank of Montreal Chbs., Stratford PHONE 413w _ HIGH-GRADE - i ANCRUM BRAE PRIVATE | HOSPITAL 2 Stratford, Ont. Overlooking Lake Victoria A quiet, restful place for those in poor health Comfortable and home-like rooms First-class Service Moderate Charge _ All classes of patients received ex- cepting tuburcular and mental Phone 755w or 423 for In- formation OL ONL Ligh A Stitch in Time Saves-- 9 But whether its 9 stitches or 29° Your shoes require Our repair shop always gives reliable service and quick service. ~ Superior Shoe Repair 119 Ontario Street Phone 941 little over 20 years. In 3 years--4 per cent. Savings In 5 years--4 per cent. Savings.. Py 27 Downie Street. How To Build Up a Fortune Regular, systematic investment is the basis of most large fortunes. By laying aside a comparatively small amount of money each week or each month every mdn may build up a comfortable fortune. put by regularly and invested safely at 6 per cent., will amount to $20,000 ina Study the following table, which shows how small sums mount up into comparatively large ones in this way: & y In 1 year --4 per cent. Savings.......... In 2:years--4 per cent. Savings.......... -- $__ 265.23 We would be pleased to open an account for you. Che British Mortgage Loan Co. A For example: $10 a week, $5 a week $25 a week $1,825.28 2,704.10 4,138.62 7,183.86 $10 a week $ 530.45 1,082.33 1,656.61 2,875.39" 541.17 827.26 1,432.50 J. A. DAVIDSON, Manager. ey Very Special--Pat- ~~ ent Leather Under ae tenons 2. 75 CLOCKS ~ Every Clock or Watch Guaranteed for one year against defect in work. manship. Pequegnat Clock, qnarter-cut Oak, Regular 25.00 Saturday Oak Clock, regular 30.00, Peque- - gnat Movement. Saturday . 14.95 | Magis. Sthlsd 32.50, with dou- icmcn. Satine 1 'gp 50 a re ee Clock, Mahogany Satutday 62.50 7, Sy Clocks, regular 7.85 Ivory and Ebony, Half Price Corner Ontario and Downie Sts. Sporting Interest The great fall sport of rugby is | evidently getting more firmly es- tablished in Stratford this year than ever before. There are two fine junior teams in the city this year. The Collegiate Institute team is en- tered in the "Wossa"' league, being grouped with Woodstock College and Woodstock Collegiate. The C.N.R. Apprentice team has been placed with St. Jerome's College, Kitchener, and Dundas. The two teams have difficult groupings in good leagues and both should pro- duce games that will be worthy of a following in the coming season. Starting at three o'clock on Sat- urday afternoon, the first O.R.F.U. game ever to be playedin Stratford will get under way at the Collegiate flats, when theC.N.R. Apprentices of Stratford, will take on the fast travelling Dundas team in the open- ing clashin the Kitchener Junior O.R.F.U. group. This is the first year that any organization in this this city outside of the Collegiate Institute, has fielded a rugby team in a good many years and it is hop- ed that the fans will support the game in this city. The Apprentices have been practising daily since. Sept. ro and are in great condition for their battle with the team from the hotbed of the great fall pas- time. + Pequeg . Ariethes | Silver Salt and Péppers Old Dutch, Regular $3.00, Saturday New tall Salt and Peppers, reg. 5.50. Saturday Butter Dishes with Knife, regular $3.50. Saturday.. $1.79 Fountain Pens, regular $2.25. Saturday. Wonder ---- $1.29 Gent's Wrist Watches, Reg. 25.00. Saturday 15-jewel 12 size i filled case..... 'Do not delay in having 'your Furnace Pipes overhauled and worn out ones replaced with pipes made from Armco Iron. ARMCO iron lasts twice as long as the ordinary iron by tests, and costs no more. ANGUS MacDONALD Phone 228 11 Ontario St. -~ _ Butter Knives Values to 1.75. "Saturday ..,. ......46 Table Spoons Saturday Saturday Forks Reg. 5,00 half dozen. Saturday ..2.45 Reg. 8.50 half dozen. Saturday ..3.45 Knives SAhsed ay si casas ioc eels 2:75 Reg. 1.35. Reg. 1.00. Reg. 5.75. EXTRA SPECIAL -- PEARLS 24 inch Indestructible 1 95 Saturday He 30 inch Indestructible Saturday 2.95 nat's Jewelry Store Silver' Plated 3-. piece Toilet, reg. Satie ODD are White and Green Gold rist Watches- Regular 16.00, Saturday............... 8.75 Pequegnat Movement in fancy cases. Regular 25.00 Saturday DIAMOND SPECIALS And many other great reductions é on Diamonds. if -- / BEAUTY PARLOR MRS. J. H. DICKSON For Appointment Phone 1022J BEACON-HERALD BLDG, STRATFORD, ONT. A ell Do You Need Another Bed? A Special Simmons Outfit consisting of a 2-in. continuous post Bed, walnut finish, a Simmons coil spring and a Simmons felt mattress. They are guaranteed by the Simmons Bed Co. as well as by us. This Re unit complete for >... $26.50 TO SHOW YOU WOULD BE A PLEASURE ps Oe cine w Greenwood & Vivian House Furnishings LIMITED The Daylight, Furniture Store 26 Ontario Street Phone 19 Brass Ware, Half Price Corner Ontario and Downie Sts. ~"¥ou'll Get It At Lightfoot's _Bookstore'"' See our assort- ment of English -Newspapersnow on sale. LIGHTFOOT'S BOOK STORE Downie St. Phone 296w LAURA KRUSPE--Teacher of Piano, Theory. Pupils prepar- ed for examination. Call 1204] - 189 Douglas St. Reduce Y our Coal Bill BY INSTALLING CHAMBER- LAINS METAL WEATHER STRIP Inexpensive, durable, no incon- venience. Estimates given on application. H. WHEALY Phone 1452J 296 Erie Street