Lt. 2 eae aS THE MIRROR THE MIRROR 5 W.B.ROTHWEL INSTRUCTION JN? os PIANO - VOCAL Studio--90 Coburg Stree PHONE 374w Death Of Miss C. M. Mallion. ey Miss Charlotte M. Mallion, a former Stratford girl, who was greatly respected by all who knew her, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Mallion, 117 Douglas street, on-Sunday, The late Miss Mallion had a dry goods store in Detroit. The father of «the de- ceased, is Robt. E; Mallion, of this city, and she is also survived by three sisters and three brothers. They are Mrs. Alex. Wilson, Mrs. W. T. Oman, of this city, Mrs. J' ony, in British Hast Africa, is Ma- |. Wickham, of New York, and gadi Lake, a vast natural deposit of | Messrs. W. H. Mallion, R. E. soda. The lake is ten miles long, nti : . ; two to three miles in width, and seen Mallion, jr., and 'S, J. Mallion. from the mountains that surround it, has the ap, 'rance of an immense ruffied white suneet, Borings have failed to reveal its depth, and as new deposits are form- ed after excavations the supply would appear to be inexhaustible. A rail- way has been built to it, refineries |. opened, and every year something like 150,000 tons of soda are shipped from this wonder lake in Hast Africa. White Island, off New Zealand, contains another of these remarkable mineral deposits. It is sixty acres in extent and about fifteen feet deep. Its water contains a high percentage of hydrochloric and sulphur acids. On account of the deadly fumes it is possible to live on the island only between November and March. Then large quantities of gypsum and sulphur are mined and exported. Be- tween these dates the wind blows in One direction, making it Possible to get at the valuable chemicals. Dancing Greatly Appreciated Great praise was heard on all sides for the three little lassies who delighted the vast' crowd at the Fair-last evening with interpreta- tions of Scotch and Irish dances. 'They were Misses Vera Pounder, Marian Hanna and- Martha Mc- Intosh, who are by no means un- Nature's Wonderful Stores, In Trinidad in the West Indies there is to be found a most wonder- 'ful lake of mineral pitch. It is gq patural reservoir of a hundred acres in extent, from which 200,000 tons of asphalt are exported annually. Although the asphalt appears "soft,'"' one can easily walk about on the lake. Any excavations made dur- Ing the day are mysteriously filled: up at night by nature, although the general level of the lake is slowly sinking. About half-way across Kenya Col- = | FAIR NOTES | All Records Broken. | Once more all attendance records | at the Fair are broken. 'To date | 25,000 people have passed through | the gate and it is quite probable | that by Saturday the aitendance | known to Stratford audiences, and 1 | will have far exceeded thatnumber. | their fame is spreading to other cities. - They have the grace and ' Congratulations poise of professionals, and many a Avon school carried off the first | native of the old land's heart was | honors for the best represented | thrilled as they witnessed these | School in the annual school. child- | young dancers. , ren's parade to the fair Wednesday _ afternoon. This prize is awarded ' by the Fair to the school with the ieee ee te cent) Ole Elid Shoppe: | STRATFORD BAKING (2 | | The prize consists of $40 cash and 165 Downie St~Phone 90. | isto be used for the purpose of- a [| LAURA KRUSPE--Teacher of Piano, Theory. Pupils prepar- ed for examination. Call 1204] 189 Douglas St. You'll enjoy the rich fla- vor of our Bread. SCH nt Workmen's SHOE SPECIAL DRESSMAKING | beautifying-the school grounds and inet DAL) | ont ne { mas ! | buying flowers for the decoration Phones--Day, 1273F, Evening 1298F ' | of the front walks of the school. eee nere Bt -- SS || ORCHESTRA: SPECIALS for SATURDAY | )e-o228°2 0 |||Stratford, Casino OCTOBER 3rd $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 AND TAX Central Methodist Church | SPECIAL SERMON - BY REV. J. W. MAGWOOD Sunday, September 21st The Coming Plebiscite and What It Means w MMM TTT TA 4 Greb's Famous Work Shoe for Men, black an brown, all size "" TS only natural for us to want your first impressions of this store to be favorable. But we are much more interested in the impressions of the future than we are in those of the present We are pleased with the business that we have done since coming to your-city, We want 4 you to get acquainted with our store, with us and our method of doing business, We are goin to try hard to give you as good value and as good service as we possibly can. : OQ. 2) Skulls as Scarecrows, ; Mai D' Or Tale Vi } is The word "scarecrow" usually REV. J. W. MAGWOOD, Pastor tance Vivadon, Pepsodent Tooth Paste Robey s Syrup -- Tar and Seats at Heintzman's, 131 On- conjures up the vision of a tattered sa Musie Choi of SO Solves Moarviowy elec § ae | Reg. 50c¢_ Cod Liver Oil. Reg. 60c, tario St., Phone 769, Mail. or "guy," stuek upon a stick in the mid- Special Music ioe th. sa yRORY haya aturda hon s dle of a field; but far stranger bird- ¥s 49c Saturday, 44c For 33c P he ¢ orders taken. scarers have sometimes been used. - S For example, one Ceylonese culti- yvator guards his vegetables from bird pests by displaying two skulls on . poles. One is that of a woman and When asked } j } Gainsborough Powder Puff ) All-wool and Velour in pink The Cleveland Sunday News-Leader Waugh's Iron Pills ULL Mai D* Or Face Powaer 4 Reg. $1.00 8 = | sac = the: OCHSr Gf een : . A Complete Book Novel "Out- At all News Satur 5 Boxes $1. = | I to explain the presence of these grue- : : ; 1 Oc hopes es 1S to $1.00 Sterday, Gc $1.00 = some relics the man becomes silent. NEIL D McEWEN This Week Laws and Outlands"-P. & H.Casey ---- = One of the cleverest scarecrows a : : = ever used was made by a Belgian Dr. West's Tooth Saunders. & Evans Per- = ~ farmer. He set up a number of poles 45 Downie St. © Tel: 1182 Brushes i fumed Talcum | Woodburys Shaving Cream = in the cornfields and conducted a wire e The | i ; = from one to the other. A bell was : 1 lar oS sera plea Poa hs 5c a Tin | 35c Tube = hung from the top of each pole and | MUIMINUINININIIINIIOIIIMHIIIIMI eC a : | = connected with the wire. The end mended by dentists. = of the wire was then fastened to a Rage ear hes Child's size..... 25c Moir's Chocolates el : = small "waterwheel, and as this went A Show Down. About installing a Permutit Softener in your home. Soft:water - Youth's size 35€ | 2 § en = rae Italian Balm--Reg. 40¢ = ail $a ea roel? samt waft bh ek ces hc a ri ge it_plain from every faucet is now possible. You'll be delighted with its Adult's size 50c adas finest confectionery. | F = ers. at she has learned her biz; ; Sinol 1j so : Peat ) Gat or 29c = "No man shall win my hand again use. Simple and inexpensive. Each brush guaranteed. | 40c to $1.50 per box Ideal for chapped hands = To anyone buying 4 or more - ed agate Point. ee Until he has shown hts." PHONE OR SEE US -PERSONALLY | ! ; Sah a4 le Agent: course, you gallons Gas, we will give 1 no children? A Suit of Mail, Probably. gal.Gas or 1 qt. Oil Free. 69c, or 2 for $1.25 1-3 Off Regular Prices | a good preventative for dandruff Telephone 521 36 Ontario Street UU ii iri tl r One Pint Oil Free. ABRA-KERR. Ltd. | Pee one a aeeainne Read The Ads. in The Mirror "No; but I'll tell you what. I've "Yos, he married her, but he has "Perhaps," returned the "but I have a grater," Nutmeg, And sure enough, it did. The man strong. subscribe to the Liberty loan the more money you'll have." PETER & SYLVESTER | | Reg. 30c for 24c ° got a fountain-pen that squeaks OT * if Tir S nd ] every time I use it. Hope you won't hadn't worn it two months till it < | Bathin B ies i r aa } br een ee e€ pecia object to that!" looked rusty. fe Se ----<---- ) | Weir Sadatad tk AS en Wien) | King Cores sree 1 Tire $6.45 , fer on your windshield and Tar : S ps Sigh vhs See ene ees : A Natural Conclusion, } - 1 3 for 25 Cap 2 Tires.) oc. Shroes 3 8 Bs A Lonely Life. The Gullible Guy--I see that the 4 ® Ss or c 5 Bottles for $1.00 | "Flubdub always seems so lone | doctors have declared that a hot bath 3 for 25c | SATURDAY ONLY some." will weaken a person. Bring uS your Films for develo i d inti . "Why, he married a fashionable The Skeptical Fellow--aAccording to ) C = a S t ping and printing. We guarantee satistaction and good service beauty." that theory, no bath will make one | ommissioner OW iON : . . IF YOU CAN'T COME, PHONE--WE DELIVER never succeeded in getting into the set | Head of the Salvation Army in Eastern Canada ghe belongs to." Time Values. P "Time is money," - remarked the Will Address All Meetings on that date A. Zz ROBER S hm B ne es wins In the Kitchen. ready-made philosopher. ad e- @ 203 Waterloo St "T have a grate trouble," sighed the "That's right," replied the gentle c Range. punster. "And the more times you Sz EVERYBODY WELCOME ' ae Se : rile Beef, Iron and Wine : Peng ete oe es The Prospective Tenant: No. "My dear sir," said the suave sales- | : | French Ivory Mirrors and | Lambert's Pine Tar To anyone buying 2 or 3 gals. "Dogs or cats?" man as he handed the customer his 15 Ontario St Phone 210 A good fall tonic reg. 1.00 i Manicure P Sh : é SG oF " R ere : . sa DIC HTS £3eces ampoo gas, we will give % gal. Gas ae package and no change. "You will o - Piano or gramophone? find that your suit will wear like iron."