PS OI, 0 te ANE RRD N ibt c a Me th ni hth lalla Patti ae a ee ee ee gee or ; bai as pei aes SN I a alt > Bi hae a \ een Ga =, --_ 4 are a , THE MIRROR PEs: ee mee \ | COMING ix SUNDAY, SEPT. 21st Commissioner Sowton Head of the Salvation Army in Eastern Canada Will Address All Meetings on that date ME EVERYBODY WELCO | EEE 5 a JUST RECEIVED--A Big Stock 1925 Wall Paper AND ARE PLACING IT ON SALE FOR FAIR WEEK FOR 10c A ROLL There will be a big rush--Come early to get the first choice. GEORGE CORDELL 52 Albert St. -------- SS as \ Painter and Decorator ow How To Build Up a Fartune ey _ Regular, systematic investment is the basis of most large fortunes. By ae laying aside a comparatively small amount of money each week or each month ES: every man may build up a comfortable fortune. For example: $10 a week, put by regularly and invested safely at 6 per cent., will amount to $20,000 in a little over 20 years. Study the following table, which shows how small sums mount up into comparatively large ones in this way: : $saweek $10aweek $25 a week | in 1 year --4 per cent. Savings........... $ 265.23 $ 530.45 $1,325.28 In 2 years--4 per cent. Savings............ Saf 17° 1,082.33 2,704.10 In 3 years--4 per cent. Savings...:....-... 827.26 1,656.61 4,138.62 In 5 years--4 per cent. Savings.. ........ 1,432.50 2,875.39 7,383.86 We would be pleased to open an account for you. Che British Mortgage Loan Cao. 27 Downie Street: J. A. DAVIDSON, Manager. | | Get The Particulars About installing a Permutit Softener in your home. from every faucet is now possible. use. Simple and inexpensive. _- PHONE OR SEE US PERSONALLY PETER & SYLVESTER 12 Ontario St. | Soft water You'll be delighted with its Phone 210 F. G. Seaton Painting, Paper-Hanging and Decorating 20 Cambria Phone 1951J TULLE Greenwood's Funeral Service Telephones--Office 1760 Mr, Greenwood's Res. 251 : ; i The Fletcher Johnston Press for Good Job Printing y. | the Furness-Withy Steamship Co. Paul Whiteman's Orchestra Entertains Prince of Wales Another evidence of Stratford's progress is shown in the fact that we are shortly to have a visit from Paul Whiteman and his famous or- chestra of twenty-five musicians-- the best of its kind in the world. While an American orchestra t# played for some time in London, Eng., aud its popularity there is proven by the fact that the Prince of Wales, on his present visit, spec- ially requested that this orchestra play at the functions given in his honor, and while in England, on several occasions, sent his personal equerry to Mr. Whiteman to book up engagements for social functions there. Mr. Whiteman brings to Stratford the identical orchestra | which played with him for the } Prince of Wales in London and his | ' | visit Should be an education to all LAURA KRUSPE--Teacher of | ** ° : i Puna Thea. Pucils preper- who are fortunate enough to get ; : accommodation and hear him. The _ed for examination. Call 1204] | ¢ : " f: ; : ane : s 189 Douglas St. act that he comes here shows that | Stratford is right on the map, mus- ically. A Surprise For Mr. Armstrong Mr. Chas. M. Armstrong, gen- eral passenger manager of the Fur- ness-Withy Steamship Co., of New York, accompanied by Mrs. Arm- strong, visited his father, Mr. E. J. Armstrong, Supt. of the Beacon- Herald, recently. This was a very pleasant surprise to his father, hav-_ ing taken him entirely unawares. Mr. Armstrong was pleased to see his father in his usual good health and spirits and as young looking as ever. He motored from New York to Ottawa to visit his brother and sisters who reside in the Capital City. Mr. Armstrong is the young- est passenger manager holding such a responsible position in New York | City, having the control. of six of | ' lines. WAGUOGAGGUUGURORUGHOUEOUUGEAOUOGERUSEGUGUGHIUAEEES Spats DIAMOND HALL OnePrice To All Praia ~ a ie] | fo) Z ig] © [om al : = oe ~ hig DEEEERE REE EEEEEEE EERE DEED EGEE English Spats, a shipment = direct from England just = URS is a one price received. In Fawn, Grey = Jewelry Store. The and Ajirdale shades of sliding price meth- tr aadelath. od of doing business will not stand the wear of time. You are sure of value here --gure that you are paying no less nor no more than | any other customer. $1.85 $3.00 NEIL D. McEWEN 45 Downie St. Tel. 1182 TERETE Well, that's the only fair method after all, is it not? {GILLIES & EMM The Gift Shop Diamonds Wedding Rings 23 DOWNIE ST. ---- | e TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH : Waterloo Street Sunday, September 15th, 1924 11a, m= 'OU LT: FOR BUSINESS." 7 p.m.-- "BEATING OUR OWN RECORD." ~-CHURE€H SCHOOI, 2.45 p.m. nA TR, 'We welcome you to the Church of the friendly Hand REV. S. JUDSON KELLY, Pastor __ Bee eon ee alien t | : ; = el So " ise a 8 ip" eo r: is at ¥ vf bee Ee i i ' ' ane ome 4 oh ie: De She # ay Ge ok H Fi } } ' i : THE MIRROR 5 ART DECISION APPEALED. At the beginning of the present week soccer fans in Stratford. were of the opinion that they had ai last succeeded in disposing of -Kinburn in their race for the sen- jor W.F.A. championship race, but Kinburn take their soccer as a religion and die hard. Not con- tent with being beaten on the field they looked around for some grounds to protest the game ahd at last decided that one disputed goal was their best bet eid took their grievance to the protest committee of the W.F.A. and were swocgssful im putting one cver the it ives' 8 eyes and © «Geet, winning the ineeting by the referee himself was in favor of the local team. However, the local authorities are quite equal to Kinburn's tactics either on the field or in the com- mittee room and have appealed the decision of the protest com- mittee to the officers of the as- sociation. It is the opinion of those who witnessed the game that in the end Stratford will be upheld and the Kitchener series proceeded with. EFFICIENT BOY SCOUTS. Rev. S. A. Macdonell, head scoutmaster for the city of Strat- ford, has his scouts once more operating in the city. For the pest three years Mr. McDonnell has been very actively connected with the Scout movement in the city, and through his efforts the city now boasts of three highly trained ahd efficient troops of Boy Scouts. He is looking for- ward to another very successful year with his scouts. Sounds Much Better What's in a name? Quite a good deal. Does not the Collegiate Campus have a more dignified sound to it than the Collegiate flats? Of course it has. Well, it has been suggested by some of the members of the Board of Education that this chatige be made. 'his is the time to make the change, just at the time of the school opening. DOWN & FLEMING Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone 314 MR OW NG Tel StL Ppreenrwreororerererre o-- | BEAUTY PARLOR MRS. J. H. DICKSON For Appointment Phone 1022] BEACON-HERALD BLDG. STRATFORD, ONT. owe ooe owwwwowoe 4 |: aaa 2D eR A they are responsible for the price Despite the | fact that the ewidence given at the | 'up en the neck. see a lot, too, with their many eyes | but don't say much unless they are at the Stratford Exhibition, but it young chickens at the Stratford 'body will be there if they can, and bon The) one People who are good talkers us- ually say many things that they shouldn't say. Some of the things that they are saying are that we are going to have a hard winter. But it won't be much worse than many others we have lived through, and it'stime enough to greet the devil when we meet him. People also say that the coal men are responsible for the drop iu tem- perature, and the same people say of coal going up. People say the swans are down eu the river. True they are, but That the potato crop is big ; they "roasted."' That we are going to have an early fall. Well, the sooner the quicker, and it's better to fall early than late. That there will be many babies won't be long before many of them will be chickens. That the government. buildings got a coat of paint. But it's only the buildings that have a yeliow streak. 2 That there will be some nice Fair, also hand-picked apples and henpecked men. In fact, every- if they can't they won't. 'hat it's better to be married than single, but either is bad when there is no coin in one's pocket to jingle. Che Elite Shappe DRESSMAKING Phones--Day, 1273F. Evening |298F 82% Charles St. ---- BETTER PROVISION FOR THE JUDGING OF BABIES DON'T MISS THE BABY SHOW | PPP OL Oe At The Stratford Exhibition E as Enter the Baby Now -- No Entry Fee } Special at 4 p.m. sharp, Sept. 17, Main Building : igt Gnd = Sed 4th " Best matured child uader 6 months... . $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Best matured child under 1 year...-.-. 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 Best matured child under 2 years...--. 4.00. 2.00 1.00 Best matured child under 3 years....-. 3.00 2.00 1.00 Best matured child under + years...... 360 2.00 1.00 » Best matured child under 5 years ...-. 3.00 2.00 1.00 No Baby Allowed to Compete in more than one Class { For further information apply to A. KNECHTEL, Chairman F 4 th men W.B.ROTHWELL INSTRUCTION IN PIANO - VOCAL Studio--90 Coburg Street PHONE 374w Ene ES SEE THE NEW GERHARD- HEINTZMAN ELECTORA REPRODUCER UPRIGHT GRAND AND PLAYER PIANOS AT: THE Stratford Exhibition PEQUEGNAT'S MUSIC STORE BEAT THIS IF YOU CAN Radius 1,500 Miles--Price, $40.00 Complete This Price Includes Full equipment, soc- ket, rheostat, Myers tube variable grid leak, one head set, A. & B. batteries, 100 ft. aerial wire, 2 insulat- ors and 30 ft. of lead- in wire. Cased in a serviceable little cab- inet. 151 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. MTT CLL CLO LULL LLU BUAUUUULUUGOEUNOUVONGUND EUONAAAUHOSUEQUUOUUOEUAADOUUUUOOCOTATEUEUR EA ETTUTT M. |. HIGGINS : : The Cleveland Sunday News-Leader This Week . 10c At all News A Complete Book Novel "The : ' Stands aa aaa al Millionaire Burglar"--H. McGrath |