THE MIRROR THE MIRROR PUBLISHED EVBRY FRIDAY AT THB FLETCHER JOHNSTON PRESS, 123 ON- TARIO ST., STRATFORD. PHONE 1|15w FLETCHER JOHNSTON, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATB $1.00 A YEAR Stratford, August 22, 1924 First Steps Most Important We read in the newspapers the other day of how achild walked in- to death by its first steps. little child of about a year old would likely have been saved had its first steps been more carefully guarded. | The first steps of a child should be watched with great interest, and earefully guarded -- and usually they are. This is just as applicable to the formation of their character as it is This Long Live The Prince The Prince of Wales sails for Canada and the U.S.A. next Satur- day. Itis said that every passage on the boat on which he is a pas- senger, has been spoken for, and twice as many more could have been utilized. This shows the pop- ularity of the Prince of Wales. The distinguished visitor has a_ heart that is like the sea, ever open, brave and free. It is these qualities that calls forth the admiration of all in his own land and elsewhere. The world will never forget the true story that is told of his visit to | the incurable ward of a hospital wherein is sheltered the wrecks of humanity. He spoke akiudly word | to each of those men who had been | made helpless in the Country's ser- | vice. While he was visiting. he missed one of the patients w vhom had been removed to another room. When it was explained that it was thought best that he should not see him, he quietly said that it was his desire to.see him. When shown to their physical well-being. Many parents figure that when their chil- dren grow up they will then give them more time and thought. But the first steps are the ones that map out the boy or the girl's destiny. As a rule, when at the beginning they are rightly directed, parents need not worry about the finish. The serious mistakes that | are thought to have been made in | later years were not then began, but are only the climax to a series of others which were likely began | by the child early in its life. A little more personal direction at this side of the trip will save many a fall along the journey of life. -- "" Watch your step" is an old maxim, but for parents to watch their children's first steps may save both the children and the parents a lot of worry in after years. | | i Not Yet Time For A Change. The other day we sent ashipment of printing to a customer outside the city and in some way or another the wrong street address was put on the parcel. It was sent by mail on a Monday and on Saturday it was returned to our office with the in- formation that we had to pay the return charges and re-address the parcel. Governments are the servants of the people. They have the largest clientelle of any institution in the world. The men who are placed at the head of each department are supposed to have more grey matter than we ordinary individuals. But to send a parcel back, causing dou- ble expense, instead of dropping a card to the sender informing him that it was wrongly addressed--for The Fletcher Johnston Press was on the label--seemed about as sen- sible a thing to do. as to cut two holes in a door, one smaller than the other for the accommodation of both the cat and her kittens, which it is said someone once did. 'The chances are that this is the practice ofacentury or so. No doubt it hasn't been thought yet time for a change. | ed the patient's bedside. ; moment he stood silent into the room the Prince approach- Fora and then bent down and tenderly kissed the tian's forehead, w hich was a fine impulse of a perfect English gentle- | nan. What greater thing could be said of the Prince of Wales or any other man, than that "His outstanding trait is humanity." The opportunity comes to those who have made preparation. We filled three positions this week and have now three more applications for male stenographers where the aver- age initial salary exceeds $900 per an- num. We assist graduates to posi- tions. The demand upon us for train- ed help during the past year was over five times the number graduating. Call at College office and let us ex- plain our work. Write or phone for free Catalogue. Fall term opens on Sept. 2nd. PHONE 246 CENTRAL VMS STRATFORD, ONT. ------ BEAUTY PARLOR MRS. J. H. DICKSON For Appointment Phone 1022] BEACON-HERALD BLDG. STRATFORD, ONT. | slctieeeteetineasienetieestetieatinaatieedieeaieeiaatenmadinal SS r Keep Fit =: Established 1855 Eat More Fish TENROOS, the Finnish runner, S won the Olympic Marathon over the world's best runners, trained on a diet of black bread and fish. on that food and its virtues are such that this middle-aged man, who had not run a race in 15 years, testants in the most gruelling of the athletic contests, UBELACKERS FISH AND MEAT MARKET who at the age of 4@ years, He has always lived was able to defeat all con- t oe ee ee ee Phone 87 | ANCRUM BRAE PRIVATE HOSPITAL Stratford, Ont. seis se ted Lake Victoria A quiet, restful aes for those in poor health Comfortable and home-like rooms First-class Service Moderate. Charge All classes of patients received ex- cepting tuburcular and mental Phone 755w or 423 for In- formation NF ON PON Nt Nn lat | Goods Called For and Delivered eter -- "Phoas 312 37 Ontario Street Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing Ladies' & Gent's Garments Called For and Delivered Try Scotty' S , Goods Ld a We Specialize on the Installing of Piumbing and Heating In new and old residences. The very best materials always used. ANGUS MacDONALD Phone 228 11 Ontario St. PETER BORMAN City and County Auctioneer Inquiries Answered 115. Downie St. {7 =, ae Great West Life Assurance Co. M. J. McCAFFREY, Mgr. { i! 161 Front St. Phone 788w == -- --SS-- THE MIRROR wW DIAMOND HALL DIAMONDS There are few things that people purchase where the integrity of a store is such an im- portant factor, as in the purchase of dia- monds. Ask any of your friends where you can be sure of this quality and they will undoubtedly say-- GILLIES & EMM The Gift Shop Diamonds Wedding Rings 23 DOWNIE ST. ' HIGH-GRADE COAL AND WOOD G.W. HEAGY Yard & Office, 198 Nelson Phone 176 my as STRATFORD AUTO WRECKERS 79 Erie Street All kinds of Auto Parts in Stock We pay cash for everything and are in a position to sell at lowest rates. Phone 1796w. B, STATTON How To. Build Up a Fortune | Regular, systematic investment is the basis of 1 laying aside a comparatively small amount of money eé every man may build up a comfortable fortune. put by regularly and invested safely at 6 per cent. Study tthe following table, w mount up into comparatively large ones in this w: little over 20 years. In 1 year --4 per cent. Savings $ Ps Cov bew ek: 265.23 5 ROR « 'In2 years--4 per cent. Savings............ 541,17 f ae #1 Say In 3 years--4 per cent. SAVINGS s.,...5.4;., 827.26 1,656.61 ide ie In 5 years--4 per cent. Savings.. ......... 1,432.50 2,875.39 7188.86 7 We would be pleased to open an account for you, Che British Murtgage Goan Cu. 27 Downie Street. nost large fortunes." By ach week or'each month For example; $10 a week, 4 , Willamount to $20,000 in a hich shows how small sums ly: $5 a week FlOaweek $25 a week J. A. DAVIDSON, Manager. ON cetlee-etpe: WE ARE SURGEONS TO OldSoles Every operation well performed. Superior Shoe Repair 119 Ontario Street Phone 941 KING'S TARIFF POLICY CLOSING OUR FACTORIES AND UNEMPLOYED ARE WALKING OUR STREETS (Continued from page 1° ship them into our country. The less said about the King Govern- ment the better. Givethem enough where they are at. Hon. Hugh Guthrie Mr. Guthrie said it was a plea- sure for him to be in Stratford. This demonstration in honor of Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, was a splen- did recognition of Mr. Meighen's services to thecountry. Providence has done all for us, but the King government was 'doing all they could against us. The statement of the King government showing a surplus was camouflage. How did he pay the debt of the Canadian National Railway ? Not by taking the money out of the treasury as Hon. Meighen had done, but by floating the bonds of the Railway and giving them the governiment's endorsation, and then reporting a surplus of $30,000,000, instead of showing a deficit of $42,000,000. The statement made by Mr. King about the, large increase in the Mas. sey- Harris business since the change of the budget was without founda- tion. A letter was read from an official of that company which shows Duggan Plumbing and Heating Co. 60 Huron Street Bus. Phone 529 ~=Residence 662w SHOE SHINE PARLOR HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED Let us clean your Suede Shoes and make them look like new. cS) -- that this information was never given Mr. King. and is incorrect. His worship Mayor Tom Brown conveyed in a few well-chosen words, a welcome to the visitors. In a humorous way he declared rope and they will do the rest. Our | Liberal friends belittle the home | market, but we believe in its pro- tection. Since the Liberal regime | | | | himself a "Conservative today,"' which brought. forth a burst of ap- | plause. Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen W. Harold Barnum of Aylmer, | in introducing the Rt. Hon. Arthur | near his old haunts, | Meighen, said that he was going to manufacturers today do not know | i+ oduceto you not the ex-Premier but the next Premier cf Canada, As Mr. Meighen rose to speak, Dorothy Brown, the little fairy-like granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. King, Ontario street, gracefully presented the speaker w ith a beauti- ful bouquet. Mr. Meighen expressed himself as being unusually happy to be back which were | very dear to him. Mr. King, said the speaker, is | professing boundless optimism and 'claims the people do not want an election this year, and because of this he does not want to disturb the serenity of the people. At the pres- | ent time there are five electoral va- | cancies, and he has only chosen to contest one which previously gave a Liberal majority of 6,000. Mr. King, at the present time, is not even sure of the Province of Que- bec. He tells the people that he found the country in an awful mess. (Continued on page 1) | Automobile, Fire, Life, Health and Accident Insurance F. A. MITCHELL District Mgr. Merchants Casualty Phone 1497] Room 2, Gordon Bik. b L oe one gallon FREE. 203 Waterloo Street, S. FREE GASOLINE Last Saturday we gave one gallon of Gasoline FREE to each purchaser of gas at our pump. owners took advantage of the offer and were so well pleased with the gas they are coming back for their requirements. We are extending the offer for another day and on SAT- URDAY the 23rd, each ear getting gas at our pump will be given | Get in line for a trial of this High Test Gas. ABRA- KERR, Ltd. FORD DEALERS A good number of car oe eee ee Stratford, Ont. és. | el -- T Flowers for All Occasions Call or Phone Pequegnat's Music Store 97 Downie street Phone 1598 boeuoresersas ee Se a te T TEEPE ETE EEE You can safely entrust the Cleaning of Your Palm Beach Suit and Flannel Trousers to Le Bon French Dry Cleaners and Dyers We call for and deliver. 17 George St. Phone 934F F. A. Johnston, Proprietor enn isEQUCUGLEUTEOUEDELUCUECHEURAULASUULEDEAEREEEOL EDDC Office Open Evenings PUREE CEDURE CPREED UPD REEEERDGEDUROVEE DEER ERE BR CLANENENE FIRST-CLASS WORK In all branches of Amateur Photography DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING 24 Hour Service We turn out the snappiest work im the city. Gregory &Jury J. S. RUSSELL} Registered Architect Phone 266] Gordon Block Phone 1580 Residence 1330J FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. (Beacon Building) Che Royal Guardians MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. J. M. STEWART, Mer. Room 5, Bank of Montreal Chbs., PHONE 413w Stratford