PS Se PEL SE LETS ae & Reape otk EP SR aR Sy, teen hacigdiatape Bae, Mag ER SRE ie ek seating 4 THE MIRROR Taxation Is Burdensome (Continued from page 1) from low wage countries. Sheffield is hit pretty. hard and so is Glas- gow and Belfast. There is a con- tinued succession of strikes for higher wages and better living con- ditions. Taxation is burdensome and the people are restive. Withal, there is a grim determin- ation to see it through and all men of authority and position are exam- ining conditions as never before to correct, if possible, the causes for unrest and content. Anyone who studies the history of the British people knows the difficulties they have surmounted in the past and have faith that they will come out on top in the future. Meanwhile, unless one examines 'onditions carefully, there is no in- dication that they are not happy ; | tion and prosperous. Every available hotel and board- ing house in London is crowded. The seaside resorts are having a In. Glasgow 1m one good season. ; 200 trainloads of day there were known as workingmen ; when trades and professions and all who | work will be equally intelligent and joyriders leaving for their holiday. | | All the golf courses, tennts courts, football and cricket fields are crowd- ed with players and'visitors. They | will have their play and pleasure in spite of their difficulties, so let | oe ck | gether to restore the old land to its us hope that the time is not far dis- tant when they will resume their former prosperity and happiness-- when the burden of debt and taxa- will be better distributed ; | when the desire for hard work will go hand in hand with their capacity to play ; when the passion for know- ledge is rekindled ; when Ireland will have decided to quit warfare and get on with their work ; when politicians will be turned into states- | men or retired : whenall who labor by head, hands or hearts will be | who was here some years ago. responsible citizens and good will prevail amongst all of these good people in that cradle of civilization, which has guided the best things in the world for many centuries. If they fail in Britain we all will fail and the world will return to savagery. I think responsible men in allclasses are about to get to- former eminence and power in the love of labor for the comfort of man and the Glory of God. Let us, in Canada, give them a hand. F. O. Hovey Visits City Many will remember F. O. Ho- vey, the obliging U.S.A. Inspector Mr, Hovey motored from Port Huron the other day to spend,a few days with his former friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Babb, Shrewsbury St. LIBERAL - WOODSTOCK - Wednesday, Aug. 20 Te tie die tiie dined ADDRESSES BY ate ai a ate RT. HON. MacKENZIE KING, Premier of Canada HON. GEO. GRAHAM, Minister of Railways HON. JAMES MURDOCK, Minister of Labor Transportation will be provided and cars will leave the | City Hall at 12.45 o'clock. Those having cars kindly meet at City Hall at 12.35 EVERYBODY WELCOME ! DR. P. F. QUINLAN, President MR. W. H. GREGORY, Secretary | F, A. Power Promoted F. A. Power, who has been with Bell Telephone Co. for a number of years, has been promoted to the position of Commercial Supervisor at London. He occupied the posi- tion of. hie -cherk® shere ~ for about a year, and not only the office staff of the Bell will regret his departure from the city, but all who knew hiny. He is a most faith- ful and courteous employee of the Company. Mr. Power teft the lo- cal office today. A Fact Worthy of Thought The "Old Boys' Home Week" is over and parents should Jearn some- thing from the fact that among those who were with us are Manu- facturers, prosperous Merchants, ~ both wholesale and retail; Business Managers; Warehouse Superin- tendents ; successful Brokers ; Rail- road Officials and other successful business men now in positions of responsibility and trust, who quite recently were students in the Cen- tral Business College. They had selected the greatest of all protes- sions--Business, and after taking a Business College training have made good in the business world. one BEAUTY PARLOR. MRS. J. H. DICKSON For 'Appointment Phone 1022] BEACON-HERALD.BLDG. STRATFORD, ONT. L x e= & TUTTLE UEC LELECLLU CUULCU LOLOL SEEING | BELIEVING Our complete stock of Women's and Children's WHITE CANVAS STRAP SLIPPERS All sizes in the lot. Away they go-- 1.00 NEIL D. McEWEN 45 Downie St. Tel. 1182 Fleet Foot Tennis Shoes TEELEEREELEDPLELLERELLE ATTIC PTT CCUCECUUCUCCCUCCCCC CCC WL TRLGRURUREEGELDEREEELEEAL ' 'bett, THE MIRROR | SPORTS | STRATFORD FINALLY BEATS ST. THOMAS Dishing up a much better brand of ball than they have been playing lately, the Stratford Bards, in the Southern Ontario Baseball League, defeated St. Thomas here on Wed- nesday by the close score of 3--2. Youngs, pitching for Stratford, al- lowed but seven hits, while Morden for St. Thomas, allowed nine. Stratford's chances of winning the the second half. of the schedule are very slim, but cther teams in the group had better wateh their step or some of the dope may be upset before the schedule is finished, STRATFORD WINS PROTEST During the past week Stratford lost out to Kinburn in a semi-final W.F.A. game, but immediately pro- tested players Armstrong and Tay- lor on the grounds that they had already played with the St. Col- umban team in an Ontario Cup game. At a meeting of the com- mittee, the protest of the Stratford Club was upheld and the games were ordered to be replayed. The 'first game will take place in Strat- ford on Tuesday next, with the re- turn game in Kinburn on Friday night. - SOFTBALL GAME With nothing but the errors re- sembling the big leagues, the Bea- con- Herald would-be softballers just managed to duck the white-wash pail that the McLagan Orioles, the unbeaten leaders of the City Soft- ball league, endeavored to tip onto them last night. In the scheduled match which was played at Queen's Park the furniture makers won 15- 2, both of the typemen's counters - being tallied in the ninth. During the first seven innings the losers got worse and worse, so in the eighth and ninth they strength- ened themselves with the addition of Hamilton, McKeown and Boyd Lavelle. The Southern Counties' player scored the first run for the vanquished. Tonight the Orioles are playing No. 2 team of the C.N. A.A.A. and if they win will be un- disputed champions of the Indus- trial Group. The score by innings last night: Beacon-Her.--0 00000002-- 2 McLagans --35034000x--15 Beacon- Herald :--Dolan, Camp- bell, Johnson, Sinclair, Smith, Cor- Robinson, Cowan, N. Bell- wood, McKeown, Lavelle, Hamil- ton. McLagaus :--_Chapman, Prohl, Jordan, McLatchey, Bernard, Pal- mer, W. Bellwood, Easson, Mc- Graw. Dickinson's Photo Studio All modern equipment and high-class work. NOW READY FOR SITTINGS Phone 1218w 17 West Gore HISTORICAL RELIC (Contigued from page 1) tor of. a livery business and the Worth hotel. Shortly after bring- ing the sleigh here from Toronto Mr. Worth sold it to the late Mr. Wm. Easson, who conducted a planing mill and saw mill on the property that is now known = as Waterloo and William streets. It does not require a great stretch of the iniagination to picture the fiery leader of the Liberal party, racing around from one meeting to another, stirring up the followers of the party to the issue at stake, in what was then one of the fastest sleighs in the country. We must stop and remember that at that time nearly all travel was by either horse and buggy or by cutter. Mr. Easson told the representa- tive of The Mirror when he called, that he intended to take the sletgh from its present resting place and put it where the elements would not have snch an effect on the lon- gevity of this valuable historical asset, SPECTACLES & Shur-o Ride, drive, swing a racket or a midiron--AU-Shelltes Shur-on spectacles are al- ways comfortably in place. 'Different spectacles and eveglasses--essentials of good taste and style bee cut of gown, tilt of hat and wave of hair, you seek to express good taste and capture style. But glasses, too, must be appropriate! 'They must agree with face and occasion as completely as the rest! And they can, quite easily--if you will let us fit you with spectacles and eye- glasses designed for dress, sport and semi-dress. Besides a perfect fit, we can offer you quality beyond question and absolute scien< tific precision, Peauegnats Jewelry Store STRATFORD AUTO WRECKERS 79 Erie Street All kinds of Auto Parts in Stock We pay cash for everything and are in a position to sell at lowest rates. Phone 1796w. B. STATTON | Another Shipment 250 Columbia Records, double-sided, all the latest songs and song hits, in- strumental and vocal. 3 for $1 PEQUEGNAT'S MUSIC STORE Opera House Block You'll enjoy | the rich fla- vor of our Bread. -------- STRATFORD BAKING (9 163 Downie St.~Phone 90. hi "YEARS YOUNGER LOOKING" That's what the continued use of soft water would do for everyone. Make them years younger looking--it's hard water that hardens the skin and makes people years older looking than they really are. It is now possible to have it running from every faucet in your home. For full information about installing the wonderful Permutit Softener, phone or personally consult-- PETER & SYLVESTER 12 Ontario St. Phone 210 "We Made It Good" ---The Kids Made it Famous ! SOLD ALL OVER THE CITY. Look for the Sign. big, modern, sun-flooded dairy in Stratford by. STILLMAN'S CREAMERIES LIMITED Makers of Choicest Pasteurized Butter Distributors of Stillman's Scientifically Pasteurized MILK, CREAM, BUTTERMILK ~ PHONE 770 9 Ice Cream Made in a