THE MIRROR Nearly 2000 Attended Picnic. The annual. picnic of the Im- maculate Conception Church on July ist drew another bumper crowd. The Queen's park present- ed a lively sight, and amusement for both young and old was pro- vided. The St. Marys Kilty band provided attractive music during the afternoon, and the various com- mittees in charge of this popular event are to be congratulated on its success in every particular. Fred Thompson Convalescent. Fred Thompson, who recently underwent a serious operation in the Stratford General has returned to his home on Grange street. We are pleased to be able to state that Mr. Thompson is improving and his many friends hope that he will Soon be aroud agains His son, Waldo, who holds a responsible position in Detroit was home for a few days during his father's illness. Expects To Return This Week Miss Loretto Quinlan, who has been making a rather extended visit to her parental home expects to return to Chicago this week, where she has an important posi- tion in the office of a_ public accountant in that city. Miss Quin- lan came home to attend the Ordin- ation Service of her brother, Rev. Father Quinlan, who is another one of North Easthope's brilliant young men. He will be located in Windsor, Ont., and that city is | most fortunate in having this fine type of young manhood as one of its citizens. -- . June Excise Report. The excise reports for tbe port of Stratford during the month of June showed a big decrease. The customs returns are about normal. The total receipts for excise and customs amount to $49,875.87, a decrease from May of $4,174.34, and a de- crease from June of last year of nearly $15,000. The decrease is accounted for by the changes in the sales tax regulations. David Burns || HORSE-SHOEING Wood Work of all Kinds 20 Years' Experience Next to Arlington Stratford Hotel, Erie St. See New Hudson Coaches Balloon Tire Equipment ROY BROTHERS & CO. Cor. George and Downie Che Royal Guardians MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. J. M. STEWART, Mgr. Room 5, Bank of Montreal Chbs., Stratford PHONE 413w COMING--- HOT WEATHER BE PREPARED! Straw Hats Our styles the latest Our prices the lowest New lot just received--now on sale from $1.25 to $2.95 FURNISHINGS Silk Broadcloth Shirts 300 only Shirts, plain, colors and stripes 250 only Shirts, plain, colors and stripes R. T. McCMORRAN Outfitters from Lad to Dad Phone 84w 56 Ontario Street SEE Ginghams Ratinees Doilles Dotted Swiss and DUNCAN FERGUSON COMPANY, LTD. Cooler Dresses For Warmer Weather Smart, Colorful, Becoming Dresses -- Yet Withal Moderately Priced Priced from . Sw PCRS CCH TPE TES HEC LES RECO C eC TAK OC OTe OH Foe Normandy Voilles man, smart trimming of embroidery and lace. Plenty of navys and blacks, sizes to 46, at $10, $12 up In soft shades of blue, pink, red, yellow, black and white, trimmed with inti Wit eee Bh ee ei os ok 98c, $1.50, $1.95 up In excellent styles for practical wear, newest effects and color combinations, very moderately priced at ee ME pe ees Rise ee sited ane $5.95, $6.95, $9.00 up In a host of summer shades with hem stitching, hand-drawn designs and beading-- $7.50, $9.00, $10.00, $15.00 up Specially designed for the mature wo- Besides these there are racks of assorted numbers of Linens, Voilles, Silk Crepes, Silk Tricollettes, Silk Puckerettes and Tub Silks at............00660. $10.00 to $25.00 our assortment of wonderful knitted Sports Suits in all wool and Silk and Wool Fabrics at ee eeene COCRHEEE OOS 66660466 66 6 666 4 6 66 oH 48 6 OREO HEOKCHHTOM aoa wees e POKHEEHHL SEF OR CHE Ee OHS 0 46 $15.00 es ae RP Pt cae heen ae ee eee aoe a ae See Pe Ny ee Se == SSS eee é ie a ia a " a4 a, osm aq it ag al il ia sea cia ig ie Tae Bets: ae Pi 4 ee bt ache o> Pai aa a i be bs ce .