i Heart Throbs THE MIRROR'S NEW FEATURE _~. a a3 Tell me, dear Heart Throb Editor what doesa girl gain by getting married these days. The young man who is keeping compaiy with me could not possibly keep a house and buy me clothes on what he is earning. Then unless he could buy a car where could we spend our evening unless we go to the picture show. He wants me to get mar- ried now, but I think with the oth- er girl who wrote you a few weeks ago that married life is nothing but responsibility and worry. I'm only 24 and think I'm too young to start house keeping, besides I'm having a good time the way I am. To tell you the truth I'm not what one would call desperately in love anyway, and cannot picture myself caged in through being married. '* DOUBIFUL." By all means if you are not in love do not get married. For to sit across the table from someone three times a day, and associate with all day Sunday, that you do not love is atragedy. You need love to start the fire, but how much more to keep it from going out. But your idea of married life is purely the shell, the outside. The letter with- out the spirit. <A girl of your age, of course cannot possibly fully ap- preciate in youth, nor is it expected | | | | / i | { that you should, just what married life means to those who are happily married; not only to themselves but to society. Every happy home is a pillar and a power in the world pointing heavenward and upward, but unfortunately the sacredness of home and marriage is being lost sight of in this day and generation. While your letter to this depart- ment may have been written in a spirit of levity there are thousands. who have no higher idea of a mar- -- riage than you have and will not change their names lest they should be deprived of some pleasure or be called upon to make some sacrifice. Ifa girl has an opportunity to marry the man she loves and re- fuses to accept the responsibility it may involve she has ranaway from | the most sublime position that she | can attain in this life. Ask the mother who has prattling children | around her if she considers herself | change for it. caged in. Certainly it is a mon- otonous life without love, but in a home where there is one whom you love to see come in and hate to see go out why there is no place in the world that any girl would ex- Let us hope that some one in the near future will enter into the precincts of your heart that will put color and atmos- phere into your meagre mental pic- ture of married life. The Cleveland Sunday News-Leader This Week: Complete Book Novel "'The Man She Married" by Mark Allerton At all News Stands 10c -- Stratiord, Ont. That's it---quality is the thing that counts in food stuffs---remember to order McLEOD FLOUR McLEOD MILLING CO., LTD. ; a a Se ee ee er ee a Let a ee te a i a a A a Telephone 89 == y racers ii Washes gently and rapidly. 12 Ontario St. Sunny Suds Electric Washer & Wringer It is the most perfect in mechanism simplest to operate and adaptable to all kinds of materials. Our guarantee goes with every mache. Call and have us explain. PETER & SYLVESTER Phone 210 Registered Architect Phone 266] J. S. RUSSELL Gordon Block mo SS) Assurance Co. 161 Front St. Phone 788w SO a a a Great West Life M. J. McCAFFREY, Mer. er er reece fp --------S Specia Women's Patent and Smoked Elk Cutaway Strap Slippers-- $4.95 Misses' Patent Strap Slip- pers, sizes || to 2...$2.35 Child's sizes 8 to 104 $2.00 NEIL D. McEWEN Tel. 1182 Shoes 45 Downie St. Fleet Foot Tennis SS | : ee -- at ANCRUM BRAE PRIVATE HOSPITAL Stratford, Ont. Overlooking Lake Victoria A guiet, restful place for those in poor health Conifortable and home-like rooms First-class Service Moderate Charge All classes of patients received ex- cepting tuburcular and mental 'Phone 755w or 423 for In- formation LOOP Nt NL tl Oa Nall all Nal Natl nN ------ ANTHRACITE BOULETS Save $3.00 a ton on your fuel bill. Once tried always used. N. R. FIEBIG ee ee, Patines P---- STR Alig a le gener es cS ne Read The Mirror Ads. oat att att att at ne amt or that the fish is prime. el -- a - Established 1855 Dinner--- --= RY What counts more than the Meat or Fish on the table? What is a dinner without prime Meat or Fish? It is important to all housekeepers that their joint of Beef, Mutton, Veal or Pork is of the best quality in taste and cutting, Superior Quality and Sanitary Handling--and above all, Government Inspected Beef and Pork. UBELACKER'S Phone 33 Falstaff St. ; aol osname angen mn THE MIRROR ~ Am UUITNUAUUQQ00UUAUAQQ000 0000 0000000040000CH00OOUASEOOUEOOOOUUGLLUOULEUUOUAOOOUUE SOAS AUCTION SALES OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS IN STRATFORD On Saturday, June 14, at 207 St. Patrick St., corner of Church St. Consisting of 4-piece parlor suite. oak extension table, oak sideboard, diners, parlor rockers, leather rocker, parlor table, morris chair, hall rack, couches, checker table, beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, stands, foot stool, carpet, electric reading lamps, writing desk, wicker settee and rockers, grass rug. Happy Thought range, vacuum sweeper, 2 eight-day clocks, bedroom screen, hammocks, gas range, gas plate, wringer, pictures, kitchen cupboard, linoleum, McClary heater, kitchen chairs, blinds, garden hose, sealers, chicken coops, kitchen utensils, kitclen table, Nelsoh camp stove, and numerous other articles. TERMS--CASH. MRS. BRICKMAN, Owner. Sees al roomed Samat eed Eanes aw a csteeiadl eee aes permeate neal eersn ene Scented Me ees S abeaell Rome one emery eves Cael Oren those renee mie ated enact Seana Seema A cas eomane ceed Seanad meena Cail Pe s catiented sactreiie = 'Panera aso mee sae ames mene pence rosa meant raceme omens meres etme cease 'aavasacd al ars Consisting of parlor rockers, electric power gramo ter cut oak dining room suite, (large round extension t bed in satin finish with spring room rocker, kitchen cabinet, kitchen range, andchairs and numerous other articles. and mattress, heavy iron bed with spring and m On Monday, June 16th, at 48 Blake Street These are all high-class goods. phone, axminster and congoleum rugs, oak hall mirror and seat, heavy solid quar- able, large buffet with plate mirror and diners with wide leather seats), brass attress, light iron bed, large mahogany dresser, bed- couch, parlor table, large silver-plated parlor fixture with shell shades, kitchén table TERMS--CASH. ROY STEINBERG, Owner. Cohsisting of parlor table, 3 McClary range with ner cupboard, arch curtains, and other articles. = = = = = t= | oaueand = = a = & reservoir ail ; stair and hall linol kitchen table and chairs, pictures, mirror, TERMS--CASH. Se eee ee Se ae ipa yin" ge" SRE a AUCTIONEER a ol gE NIE TY --eers eee sg AUT TT RT On Wednesday, June 18th, at 84 Inverness Street piece parlor suite, odd rockers, extension These Sales Commence at 2 p.m., sharp table, diners, couch, beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, stands, d cupboard, 3-burner coal oil stove with oven, complete set carpenter tools and tool chest, large cor- eum, step ladder, good small grind stone, work bench, electric iron, washing machine, dishes, hammock, paper-hanger's board, blinds, gem jars, patent ash sifter, kitchen utensils, MRS. G. McKELLAR, Owner. AUCTIONEER Mi | UUULLLLLLQQNUOOOULUL4QQQNO0ALULU4UQQO0EOOLULUUANGOOEU ULLAL They Surely Would. Church--I see that every policeman in Berkeley, Cal., now has an automo- bile. Gotham--If that happened in New York people would say: "Where did he get it?' Not a Necessity. "Reggie is well provided with the wecessities of life." "yes. It is fortunate for him that the necessities of life do not include brains," 2 atte Important. "fre seems to consider himself very {mportant here." , "Yep. Spends most of his time won- dering how the rest of the world gets along without his help." Named. Patience--Would you call a phono- graph an ornament or a toy? Patrice--Why, I'd call it a play- thing. Calling His Bluff. 5 "Yes, sir, I'm proud to say I don't owe a dollar to anyone." "So I hear. Debts all outlawed since your credit was stopped, eh?" ---- Pd The Idea. ; | "we must give until it hurts.' ' @Y think I get the idea. We must ct as though we were giving money to our own wives." : What She Objected To. Parson--Cheer up, sister; your hus- band is now in heaven. j Widow (sobbing)--Yes, and so ts hi» first wife, whom he fairly y 5} 13) o DR. LOWRIE. F.R1:s.| REGISTERED NATUROPATHIC (DRUGLESS) PHYSICAN Hrs.7to8p.m., phone 95 for appointment BEACON BUILDING } \ { ! | David Burns HORSE-SHOEING Wood Work of all Kinds 20 Years' Experience Stratford Next to Arlington St. Hotel, Erie Phone 1580 Residence 1330d FRANK P. GIBBS Chartered Accountant 102 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. (Beacon Building) See Our Stock of BALLOON TIRES Harold A. Heuther Next Carter's Garage Tel. 1113w W.B.ROTHWELL INSTRUCTION IN PIANO - VOCAL Studio--90 Coburg Street PHONE 1533w See New Star Cars| ALL MODELS ROY BROTHERS & CO. Cor. George and Downie ' Che Royal Guardians MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. J. M. STEWART, Mgr. Room 5, Bank of Montreal Chbs., Stratford PHONE 413w PEELE We'l! Save Y ou Money Before discarding Your = Old Battery Bring it to FULTON Stratford's Expert Battery Man 122 ONTARIO ST. Phone 800 TTT ELPA LLL MPT LULL . F. Le SOUDER FRESH - FRUITS - IN - SEASON Bargains in Nearly Everything Bargains in VIOLINS of all kinds. 119-123 Downie St. SPRINGS AND AXLES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sole representatives best makes. Springs delivered within 24 hrs. after we have received your order and often carried in stock. Stratford Auto Accessory House JOHN PFEFFER, PROP. HAQUUUUUULLALOAAAAAUUAMULAUUUUUALUUUUUUUUUUU ELT AEA 94 Shakespeare St. Phone 1317w Have your old car- WEAVIN pets made into new rugs in your town. We bear compar- ison with the best. J. H. ASQUITH Phone 1090w 312 Huron St. SPECIAL FORD POLICY Public Liability and Property Damage. $15.00 Premium H. JOHN BUTLER 72 Ontario St. Insurance Broker Phone 349m DR. A. L. BAKER DENTIST Gordon Block, Phone 1533]