fle mw nt gt ee eee art THE MIRROR A HOME-LIKE PEN PICTURE As I write I see from my window a pict- ure which makes one ask the question why is there not more written about the aged lovers. Just across the way sits an old couple who look as though the years have carried happily along life's highway. They are cOnversing with each other with the in- nocence and simplicity of childhood. I can see the old man smile and the benighted acquiescence of she who has been his lover all through the years. His daughter joins them and here comes toddling along a little one who climbs on granddad's knee. It's such a happy little crowd. As you regret the passing of the years think you its only the fleetine of time that makes for great- ness. We love the bloom of youth but the | ripeness of years may give equally as much joy to many with their pleasant reflections | and associations. Love on, sweet lovers. Of delight and joy ! Sing on sweethearts Your sweetest songs. eave not your fancies And more clinging They will entwine-- Love on dear hearts For loving is divine. What a pity more young people do not take a greater interest in these old people | that have optimistically come up through | the years of toil and struggle. Mother's apron strings may not be strong. It may be that it would be impossible to be tied to them always, but if you knew just how much she needed you you would hang on | to them more often and longer. She's lone- | some. She wants you to tie your arms | around her, but not likely has ever told you | So. | Then the old man. Whereis there anoth- | er old man just like dad? Where is there ' an old man who would buck wood, shovel coal, stand the scorching heat of the sun to feed and clothe you and send you to schooh like this good' old dad of yours? The old man and old woman that you speak so flip- pantly about and so disinterestedly to-- Listen ! will you boys and girls and will you remeinber it too ?--sure you will, well they are now and always just dear old dad and ~ dear old mother. OFFICE HOURS : PHONE 926F io to 12, 2:30 to §:20, 7 to 8 DR. K. H. BRUCE CHIROPRACTIC SPECIALIST GORDON BLLOCK STRATFORD, ONT. HATS CLEANED : QUICK SERVICE SENATE : 95 ONTARIO ST. TONY DE VINCENZO, MANAGER READ THE MIRROR'S ADS. ee -- See NE aa chaieeetciacaneaabeterenantieeeabartenoement owe Se RNY Oe ma eee a a anaes ieee = sentence a White AS oat ES A a Pf aes ate.) @ x i EN-AR-CO MOTOR OFL W hite Rose' Gasoline P=-0 42O-" PpZO-4DzZ For Power Kastner Service Station Cambria Street Just Off Erie Rose Gasoline Quick Starting OZC00K0.) DEMO CowyZM and Speed Scientifically Refined. WHITE ROSE GASOLINE ~ Acceleration. --s t i '. Pure, free from Moisture POWERFUL TORONTO, ONT. COPYRIGHT !917 CANADIAN Oi COMPANIES LIU, een TE _ The Place is Kastner's, the Oil En-ar-co, the Gas White Rose THE MIRROR "REMADE SHOES" é " j would be a better name than "repaired shoes"' | for that's practically what we dotothe old and } worn footwear sent here for repairs. To know how thorough our work is send a pair of slip- pers, pumps or other shoes as.a test. Then you'll know how to cut down considerably _on your shoe outlay. Superior Shoe Repair I, W. WICKIE, Prop. 11g Ontario St. Phone 1I113m ™. > € |\> 3¢S RUSSELL Phone 266J Registered Architect -- Gordon Block Phone Ooh eae - Piano Moving a specialty H. HARTUNG Trucks for Moving and Cartage 133 Ontario St., Stratford McMILLAN & CO. = FRAME SHOP 122 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. PHON. SOF » f} a BA2 ALBERT ST. _ The early bird catches the worm, but the late fish. misses them, and the hook too. THE SOCIAL LEADER | (Continued from Page 3) with the sweetness fast being driven from her own face, she uses the stick to proclaim herself a new-fledged simpleton. The country hasn't gene mad. In mad- ness their is a certain pitiful dignity. The -| country has turned fool--simpering, mincing jabbering fool. Its brains are locked away with its old-fashioned ideas of honesty, virtue some inquisitive meddler unearth these things and shame it with the proof of its former wholesomeness and sanity. I have heard men say that whiskey is a good thing if men knew how to use it. The fault in whiskey is that men may drink have what one needs is a blessing.. That is not prosperity, but comfort. To have more than one needs is folly. The exhiliration of the, first silly purchase prompts us tothe second and the third, each larger nad more silly. than the other as the practice loses its kick, and in the end we are uproariously jagged--irresponsible soaks grimacing at the God of Reason. hear There is a cure for such madness. It fasshions its own eure and leads us at last to the saving gutter, where shame-and remorse teach us a new liking for decency and com- mon sense. GRAND ORANGE ~ CELEBRATION It is Estimated that over Seventy Lodges were Present. There were crowds and crowds and then some came to Stratford to celebrate the 12th of July. ribbons and regalia glittered in the sunlight of a perfect day. Men, women and chil- dren seemed glad they were alive to cele- brate on the 12th. More happiness and niirth was never so profusely expressed. The drums, and a variety of other instru- ments, including the bag pipes' resounded thro the streets from morn tilleve. 'The Stratford lodge bands met all trains and the locaf lodge and committee did everthing possible to make the visitors' feel at home. The W. M.'s of all primary lodges met in the afternoon at the city hall at onep.m. { | { { | | Park the program was carried out. "the following: Mayor Brown address of ' welcome, R.W.G.M. A.A. Gray, M. W. P. G. M. D. D. Ellis, "M. D., Revs. Bros. R. C. Caper and Plant, and other members of the order. : _'Phe members of the nianageiment - com- Splendid addresses were delivered, by -- | and industry. and it has hidden the key lest it and get drunk. So with prosperity. To~ The orange and blue | | Stock of | and shortly after 1.30 the procession was | | formed. On-their arrival at the. Queen's | -inittee were Bros. R. G. Murdie, county | , secretary, A: Brethour, C. M., Kirkton, and G. W. Heagy, Chairman of Celebration "Committee, "Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much; Wisdom is humble | that he knows no more."--Cowper. ' "Progress is the law of life.'--Brown- ing. i | "Knowledge advances by steps and" _ | not by leaps."--Macaulay. See Our New SUMMER HATS » and You Will be Wearing oneSunday ~ FLETCHER JOHNSTON'S HAT STORE 123 ONTARIO ST. 7 ae cra gga erin Ps OIE AME te TE GR