Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 1 Jan 1915, p. 8

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ee Te ee ~~) wwe we OO OOOO OOOO OTC OCCT CCC CCC CCC CCCCCCCCCCT ~ kuditors Abstract Statement of the Treasurer's Accounts of the ELMA CHEESE & BUTTER MANUFACTING - COMPANY, LIMITED For the Year Ending December 3ist, 1914 _ CInconroRaTED, APRIL 28TH, 1879) " Board of Directors. Jas. Newbigging, President. A. 'Willoughby, Vice-President Thos. E. Shearer Jas. Donaldson; Jr. Jas. Mitchel! Geo. Lochhead, Secretary and Treasurer. Jas. Donaldson, Jr., Salesman Ben F. Howes, Maker BUTTER ACCOUNT. . RECEIPTS : aig a! Mr. -"--" to address the}. To Balance from last audit . 23 39|large audience. r. Scott gave a 11424 Pounds butter, wholesale:........... --..... $3180 80 brief, but a good account of the past 91} Pounds butter, patrons and others ceeeeuees 95 year, touching on the Hydro Electric 173} Pounds butter, maker ...........0+-eseeerese - 4832 * 3254 45|/Scheme, the Patriotic Fund, the ap- pointing of an Agricult urist Re- $ 3277 84 paaentvs and minor details of the . township affairs, closing his address D E : rl -- EXPENDITUR es nl coe ae was ina Paid Patrons by cheques Rg nancial 'condition. Patrons by butter 24 62 2882 43} Mr. Smith was then called on, his Ben Howes, maker, by cheque ........2. cecsereeees 185 45 remarks were brief as was also the. ag ile es 24 nag -A stone seneaviessscceten 48 32 233 a ope sean nes They all announ- . Murray, dividing skim milk ...........0.-eeeseeee 5 ced themselves as-candidates for re- Geo. Hamilton, dividing skim milk ...........++-+ 11 40 election if their was an election. Butter boxes and tubs ceeeeecenee aeneeeees 51 00} Mr. Jus. Donaldson was called to DeLayal Dairy Supply Co., repairing separators. 36 08/the platform and gayé a stirring ad- R. M. Ballantyne, Ltd , parchment paper......... 3 13/dress, be took sometime discussing Robt. Harrison, 140 brick 2 00/the Hydro electric railway, the Pat- Freight, express and teaming.,...... Disnaesenoeenaases 5 55/riotic Fund and also the appointing Insurance ......... 10 50/of an Agriculturist Representative of Jas. Donaldson, pt, salary as salesman............ 10 00/ which he approved of the action taken Geo. Lochhead, pt. salary as sec.-treasurer...... ' 25 00) by the council in not taken any steps Balance on hand 1 58/1n these matters, except the granting $ 3977 84 of one mill on the dollar by the county council for the Patriotic fund CHEESE ACCOUNT was a just and proper thing, he also made comment on the action of the | RECEIPTS. local board of health during the past To 325445 Pounds cheese, wholesale..........-.... .- $44372 14 year that caused much laughter, and 5372¢ Pounds cheese, patrons and others... ..... 733 70 critized the large expenditure which 26604 Pounds cheese, maker 348 97 45454 81| had been placed on the township. Interest on deposits in bank 60| Mr. Stevenson then \gaye his ad- Invoice books sold.......... + 40 =m ha touched on some of the M horrowed on note 100 00| Work that had been done in ward No. °F. Howes, one-half telephone contract........... 7 50|1 and = by agers os: hee ipti i 's Patriotie Fund....... 188 00| seemingly was not approved of, to Bubseriptions to Dairyman's Patric --_______|this Mr. Coates made a reply, that $ 45784 31 | made a warm discussion. EXPENDITURE Mr. Thos. E. Shearer and Mr. -- by eb same <3 -- Vallance also made short 'aid Patrons by cheques ....... ' speeches. Patrons by cheese..........-ccecesssscsenserees eoseeeee 690 72 89513 19] Mr.Geo. Adams of Trowbridge then Ben Howes, maker, by cheque ..........005 eseeeeee 1651 . took the platform in regards.to the Ben Howes, maker, by choese ........ wxaareswexees . $48 97 2000 80} service the Bell Telephone Co., was Milk drawers : 1947 55} given the -subscribers was not satjs- Cheese et aa ; 716 80} shat sce ae 4 should try and get a free servicg Oye Total oa "eae on cheese account............... $ 45779 30 the township. Coneiderable dicuss. an ing took place over the matéer and Total balance on band....s+0+e:ssseeeerevee vrereseees $ 6 59 the feeling of all who had telephones Recapitulation. was right in line to try and have the be. -- - 3934773 same extended and no doubt further Total number of pounds chcss¢. action will be the outcome. The Total pouolis milk made into cheese.......... 3659845 meeting closed by singing the Nation- Average pounds milk to pound cheese........0.0:seceeeesererer ceereee on 10.97 |a] Anthem. Average price per pound cheese .........ssccceesesesseercneeeeereserenees 13.63 ae Ayerage tes} for. CHODOG 6 ccc ciarcueeansevewssewes everecacee Secenvereceaues 3.494 Tons of chdese during the season 166 tons 14772 pounds St. Alban's Church Notice. Total posi of.pounds butter ae __. Total 'pounds cream made into butter ..........2.semeeceacneee seeeeeeee ; . Total pounds milk made into butter 136836 |* There will.be a watch-night eervice i in this Church on Thursday, the last Average pounds fat per 100 pounds cream ......-..+..+.sseseeee eeeeees 26.655 'A ds fat 100 ds milk 3 529 day of the old year at 111i pm A yerage ges ies per a short informal service with an address Average potudds butter per pounds of fat....... Aeiiensewiexeseeee sxeews 1. will be given. Average pricé per pound butter...... 27.842 : , Assets. oe "whee . F * JOHN Bi KESSO & SONS To: balance'on han . ) Obeese béxes and scaleboards on hand ..... 00. ...05 ceeeeseseseeeenes 55 00| Are prepa~ed to buy logs and to do Value of ands 250 00 | custom sawing in Atwood. Logs to Vatue of buildings and plant ... 7600 00|be delivered in the G. T. R. yards $ ----_----_| north of the section house. All cus- $ 7911 59} tom logs will be cut first. : Liabilities. <=> Borrowed dn 'note, Geo. Lochhead .......... ...- $ 150 09 ANNU AL MEETING Borrowed on note, Jas. Donaldson, Sr...... 200 00 ' The Annual Meeting of the Con- : : . $ 850 00 | servative Association of the Township +e speas of Elma will be held in the Music Total assets over liabilities ...........cccsecsescsscecdenteeeeees senees $ 7561 59 Hall, Atwood,' on Monday, Favudty Hamilton. : No. 8 -- Orange Hall, Britton, D. R. O., Thos. J. Sproule ; P.C., Samuel Jobnston. No. 4-- Morrison' s blacksmith shop, (upstairs) Newry, D.R:O., Wm. Bell; P. C., A. M. 'Sweeton. No. 5--Orange Hall, Donegal, D.:'R. O., Wm. H. Gilmer; P.C., John S; Cowan. No. 6-- Geo 2 Golightly: Implement shop, Monk- n, D. BR. 0., Geo. Ellacott; P.C., Gen A. Golightly. No. 7--Lambert's School House; lot 32, con. 16, D.R.O. Mag Ranney; P.C., Jos. J. Lambert. No. 8--Township Cierk's Office, At- wood, D.R.O., Alex. Morrison; P.C., John R. Hammond. GEO. LOCHHEAD, CLERK. Atwood, Dec. 14th, 1914. Township of Elma MUNICIPAL ELECTION The © Muniotpa Electors are hereby noti = ot thal the meeting for nomina- tion : of candidates for the office of ve, Daputy-Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Elma forthe year 1915 will'be'held in the { Music Hall, Atwood Dec. - 9nd.--That should more than the necessary. humber of agen - n the proceedings wi sonjoateg Monday, Jen anuary 4th, 1915, when polis will be opened in "each electoral division of the town- ship at the hour of nine ome | in the morning and shall continue open until fiye o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. ° n3rd--That, the polling places and ANNUAL MEETING. oink Annual Meeting of the Done- 1 Cheese :& "Butter Manufacturing fo., will be held on Saturday, Jan. 9th, 1915, at éhe o'clock for receiving " -elerks Fi 1 gy ese ene yan the auditor's statement and trans- as follows :-- Pollowing sub-division acting any general business. No. 1 -- Place, Cosen's work Ws. Littiz, © BE. Vironp, idge, D. R. O. Chas, Cosens ; President. Secretary. P.C., Benj.' McCormick, ~ No. I-- School House, No. 2, lot 21, con. 3, he Bee to January Ist, 1916, for, "~~ D.B.O., Jas. Mitchell ; P.C., 'Goo. A. ONE. DOLLAR. | NOMINATION ON MON. DAY LARGELY ATTENDED. Monday afternoon the ratepayers of this township in large numbers turned ont and when the hour for the nominations was up, the Music Hall |. was filled to the doors. _Mr.-George Lochhead, acted -as chairman and} conducted the meeting in the usual} way. At two o'clock he declared nominations closed and gave the lowing names that were nominated. Donaldson, Jr.;, Deputy-reeve, Sam- uel Smith ; Couneillors, Wm. Coates, Jobn Ilimas, Wai, McClory, Andrew |. Stevenson, Thos, E. Shearer and Chas. Vallance. the Clerk by acclamation; he then llth, 1915, for the Election of Off cers aod other general business. Ad- dresses by H. B. Morphy, K.C.,M.P., James Torrance, M. P. P., and ather prominent speakers. Chair taken at one o'clock. Geo. L. ADAMS, C. J. WYNN, Secretary. President. For reeve-- Wm. Scott and Jas.4 Mr. Smith was declared elected by Be om i naber of young men have quali- fied themselves for positions in banks by taking a course in Listowel Busi- ness College. -An investment that pays large lends--a course of study at Lis- eal Buainess College. 'New - Years opens January 4th, 1915, "You should make use of your spare i i th this Winter by taking a course study in business at Listowel Business College." - It will-be worth times its cost-in after years. Neéw Years Term opens on January 5. Young ladies who graduate from 'Listowel Business College have a practical, workable knowledge of ess that is a means to an inde- pendent _livelihood -in Pleasant sur- suandings. « Many young men who are now Te- siving a salary of from $50.00.to ais 00 per month got their start at. istowel Business College at from two to four years ago. We can give you a start too! New Years Term opens January 4th, 1915. s -Listowel Business College opens for New Years term on Monday, January 4th. You should enter with the others on that day and prepare soureelf for a better positiom in Oan- fida's Coming Prosperity, which will be a greater Canada than ever. » Miss Rosella Childs. of Harriston fis a very creditable standing in her tudies and practice at Listowel Business College, haying written ona Remington: Typewriter from reading mattér which she had not previously seen, at the rate of 39 words per minute. Miss Childs bas only been a attendance at Listowel Businoss Pollege three and one half months. «Our graduates write as follows.--- t ain glad that I took a few months training at Listowel Business College three years ago before I started out for myself." "I am not sorry that I took a course in the Stenography Depart- ment of the Listowel Business Col- lege three years ago; am still in the same office and like it fine." "T have got along fine with my work since coming here, I can take ae almost asthey can rive it ome. So much for the L. B. C." { "I wish to congratulate you on the key the Listowel Business College is fleveloping and I am gure that it will reo @ positition unequalled by any np tation of its kind for many-miles round One maother said--" 'I wish to thank Brot my daughter in} getting hearts : ted in w# good position after aduating from the Listowel Busi- fess College." Racther says.-- One of my girls graduated from Listowel Business Goilege and has done so well that I am going to send another. We have had students from thir teen to forty years of age at Listowel Business College during the past four years. You should enter January 4th. A Happy and Prosperous New Year ---- (caerweed Tcramarmewaera (6) iIVUL shoes and slippers. St. Alban's Church Will Hold Anniversary. The Anniversary of St. Alban's Church, Atwood, on Sunday, Jan. 3, 1915. Sermons will be preached on Sunday, Jan. 3rd, by the Rev. T. H: Farr, of Blyth, once Rector of At- wood, at lla.m.and7 p.m. An En- tertainment will be given in the Music Hall, on Tuesday, January 5, at8p.m. Don't miss Robt. Clarke, the ventriloquist of Toronto, the Punch and Judy, new and old. by local talent. Admission, adults, 5c; children ldc. for sale at a low price. - Please Musical program, songs, recitations |} For SaLE.--A few fancy cutters | one ser. 'them. -- Alex. Morricon,-At Special values in all kind of felt Silk Underskirts in all the differ- ent colors, reg. $5 to $6 on sale at $3.50. . U} 25 per cent. off on ladies and children's sweater coats. ENTER NOW at the Listowel Business COLLEGE Thorough Courses Bes by Com- petent Teachers, For particulars address Edwin G. Matthews, LIstowEn, Ont, J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of : Canada. Money-to Loan Office--Main-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. D. A. KIDD, M. D. . "Main. ut., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of Health Specialties-- Eye, Ear,:Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. . H. B. MORPHY, KC. . Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices; Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario ) CENTRAL "hone "TRATFON -¥ ONT. Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We Cee thorough courses and pera instructors in each of ar three departments. Email, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our gradnates succeed and you should get our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. REZISTOL A safe and sure remedy in ull cases of over stimulation ; also indicated i all cases of Brain Fatigue, Nervous Exhaustion eaused by overwork maloutrition, unequalled for nauseg or general depression. A general tonic and body builder. Mail orders filled by Rezistol Chemical Co., Boston, Mass; low priced goods. OUR SPECIAL OFFER to every one sending ns $1.00 in currenc y or postal not advertising and ohigpin charges, we will send post- fh written back te five million tee, Solar ase pe ip ei 3 Pairs o Sc value | hapten Silk Hosiery or J Pairs of our S0c value American ones Hosiery or 4 ps f our 50c value Atherican Cotton Lisle Heueer" or 6 Pairs of Childrens Hosiery Give the color, size, and tat mene Ladies' or Gent's hosiery is \desired DON'T DELAY -- Offer expires bh a dealer in your locality is se- THE aime" Na HOSIERY P.O Box 214 DAYTON, OHIO, U. 8. A. eeneeene Of Canadian North- Fas sole head of a family, cr any male quarter-section of available Benicia land Applicant must ap Dominion Lands Arency for the ee made a bu iti t cultivation of the land in each of three rea nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain poner A habitable house is bey residence is performed in the vicinity. In ona genio a wy mestead in sta alongsi of tent; also 49 acres extra cultivation. re-emption patent may be obtain soon as: hom: ditions, A aailer who has exhausted his pame: Land pebt red take a perehesed inte ditio edvociamnent will not be paid for. --64388 each of three years, rel fate 50 acres and eféct a house worth $3 0 The area of cultivation is subject to re- Sac in case 0 west Land Regulations. over 18 yearn old, may homestead a tchewan or Alberta. rin person at the or Sab Agony Manitoba, Saska ions. es--Six months residence upon and omesteader may live within ired except where ndin Buy pre t a quarter-section e his cmeateell. Price $3 per acre ix months residence it in each three years after earning homestea.l = estead patent, on certain co! eo il eeix momthe tn rough, scrubby or land. Live stock may be substi- gs cultivation under certain con- W. W. CORY C.M.G., Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. B.--Dnauthorized publication of this Read the ads. This week we ring out the old and ring in the new year with special We have some extra fine Lidies Coats in dine fur lined coats, fur collar coats, Hudson seal coats, Astrachan coats: A big range of fur sets, muffs and stoles. The above lines we are selling from 25 to 50 per cent. off the ald price. Over Coats--300 Overcoats for men and boys. ~ Cleaving out all odds at at special low prices. ee $5 to $25. All going at reduced prices. _ Fur cape from $1.25 to $10.00 Persian Lamb caps from $2.50 and upwards, extra values. t all odds and ends of Christmas and New Year Gifts 'Try our Roasted coffee special at 20c per Ib. Try our special Japan or Birck Tea at 35¢ per lb. J. M. SCHINBEIN . SON -------- OS) OS) Men's overcoats from é

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