Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 1 Jan 1915, p. 6

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"THE WAR FORETOLD. A Remarkable Prophecy by a Sixteenth Century Monk Writing in> the Figaro (Paris), Mons. Peladan cays that when his father, Adrian Peladan, who had devoted himself. to.the study of pro- -phecies; ecstasies and visions, died | on in 1890 he found among the-docu- ements a oe oo by Johannes, & whe died at Beancaire at great a In the Figaro, M. Peladan --. extracts from the -pro- vy, which runs as follows: The Prophecy. It will have been thought that he. 'hn 1e ha been 'dentitied, red all slayers of the Lamb have a resemblance, and all evil-doers are found to be typi- cal of the Great Evil. . "2. The veritable Antichrist will be one of the monarchs of his day, a Lutheran. He will invoke God, and claim to be His messenger. "3. This Prince of Liars will swear by the Scriptures. He will represnnt. himself as the instru- ment of the Mdst High for chasten- ing the wicked. "4. He will have but one arm; but his innumerable troops, who will take for their motto, 'God with oad will appear as the. legions sal ell. "5. For a long time he will axitatel TL by ruse and felony, his spies will overrun the world, ng he will be master of great seor '6. He will employ pitieegines: who will prove that his mission is celesti al. . A war will cause the mask to de lifted, This will not be that waged against France, but another distinguished Power, and in two weeks this war will become univer- gal. "Ss: This war will enlist all the peoples of Christendom, Mohamme- dans, and even those from afar. Armies will arise from the four eor- ners of the earth. "9. For the angels will enlighten the souls of men, and in the third week they will recognize that this is the Antichris t, and that they will all be enslaved jf they do not over- throw this despot. '10. The Antichrist will be re- cognized by many indications. He will go out of his way to massacre monks, children voking the name of Ohri "AEE. is pretentious 'eral will resemble those of the. Christians, but his actions will be those of Nero and the Roman persecutors . He will have an eagle in his coat of arms, and another will appear in that of his ally, the other bad mon- arch "12. But this one is a Christian, and he will die by the maledietion of the Pope Benedictus, who will be elected at the end of the reign of Antichrist '13. There will no more be seen any priests or monks to absolve the combatants, for, in the first place, priests and monks will fight with other citizens, and, further, the Pope Benedictus will have cursed the Antichrist, and it will be pro- claimed that those who fight will find salvation, and dying, will be straightway translated to Heaven, hke the martyrs "14. The Papal! Bull which shall vroclaim these things will resound afar, and will give fresh life tothe brave and bring death to the allied monarch of the Antichrist. '15. The defeat of the Antichrist will demand the death of more men than Rome has ever contained. It will need the united efforts of all} the Powers, for the Cock, the Leo pard and the White Eagle will not | make an end of the Black Eagle if) the prayers and wishes of all hu- mane people do not aid them "16. Humanity has never yet known such great peril, for the tri- umph of the Antichrist would be that of the demon of whom he is the inc arnation. "17. For it has been said that twenty centuries after the incarna- tion of the Word the Beast will, in his turn, incarnate and menace the world, with as much of evil as the Divine Incarnation brought of race. "18. Towards the year 2000 the Antichrist will manifest himself. ce army will exceed in numbers hing been imagined Phere will be Christians among his lollewers, and there will be Moham- medans and saree troops among those of '19. For the a time, the Lamb will be all red. In all Christendom atmosphere w: ill be red, for blood will/ ani ane Ml four elements at the "20. The Black te will hurl it- self at the Cock, who will lose many ; fontions, but will use his spur hero- . ¥ e Black apt who will come 'from the Lutheran "country, will surprise the Cock from another Sorder, and will invade half the Cock's territory. . The White Eagle, who will come from the northern side, will surprise the Black Eagle and the other Eagle, and invade the country of ae Antichrist completely from end to the other. onrg3, The Black Eagle will - be forced to rétreat from the Co¢k in order'to fight the White Eagle, and the Cock should follow the Blac Kagle into the territory of the Anti- christ to help_the White Eagle. ~ "94: The battles - which have ta- ken place up till now will be insig- nificant beside those which will take place in the Luthéran country, for the seven Angelg will pour out the fires of their vials of wrath on the impious land, which signifies that the Lamb will.ordain the extermi- nation of the race of Antichrist. "95. When the Beast finds that she has dost she will become i ie 6 and for some months the beak of the White Eagle, the talons of the Leo- rd, and the Spur of the Cock will bodies, will divert the course of the waters. Only the way distinguished will be interred--the generals and "the princes--for the cae of the war will be heaped together with the vietims of plague and hunger. "27. The Antichrist will, on sev- eral occasions, sue shall only be accorded on condition that the Antichrist is @tvshed in the resher. hy "28. The Three Animals, agents of the justice of the amb, cannot stop fighting whilst there remain soldiers of the Antichrist. "29. What makes the decision of the Lamb so implacable is that the Antichrist has pretended to be Christian and aa acted in His name, and if he does not perish the fruit of the Redemption will be Jost and the gates of hell will prevail against the Saviour. "30. It will readily he seen that the combat which is fought in the places where the Antichrist forges his weapons is no longer a human war. The "fhreée~Animals, the de- fenders of the Lamb, will extermi- nate the last army of the Anti christ; but the battlefield will be made a charnelhouse as large as the greatest of cities, for the will have transfigured the place, making of it a chain of pages "31. ha wih dla ine will lose crown, and wi insanit; an army, ora shi "39. The White Eagle, by order of Michael], will drive out the Crescent from Europe, where there will re- main none but Christians. He will establish himself in Constantinople. "33. Then will commence an era of peace and prosperity for the world, and there will be no more war, but each nation will be goy- erned by its conscience and will Ties in -- There will be no more Lu- therans nor Schismaties, -but the Lamb will reign, Try happiness will dawn upén the race. oes 72 they whe shal] escape ie perils of this marvellous period, wh shall taste of the fruit of the ign of the Spirit and the holy celebra- tion of humanity, which cannot take place until after the defeat of the Antichrist.' Notes on the Propheey. (From the British Journal of As- In the Prophecy it appears that the symbolism applied is as follows: The Black E os e-- Germany. tend ile War Rome eae eentury had a pupae of abo 2,000,000--a fact whieh must have. rack known to Friar John, who was obviously a Romanist. Paragraph 16 puts this war on its proper spiri. tual level. creed of the German cult. are or the comin eace aeneatises among seen so also hay rs who are < i s 4 daminated by by the he Father of Lice and . e 8 noth- ing specific in thedate beanie the ar 2000," but diss fact that we are} > 9 the twentieth century, while the writer of this mecebes lived in the' sixteenth, appears esti n ph, 19, for the hated incendiary hag spared neither palace nor cottage, |. SAC: edi nor common: hostel, ed; while women and children. haye been slaughtered as ruthlessly. ag the most active troops, whose blood}. has mingled with the waters in The Rain-filled Trenches, where it has not soddened the earth ' It is a war against the} tyranny of the autocrat, materialis. | tic philosophy, and the one-man} t res} gards all humans.as embodiments of |. spiritual yee which, at this time, | tribulation." Ad af Truth and Equity, }.-- P. Justice have their repre} ee}. fice - All have been burned.and devasiat-} about them, or been spilled in mid air in the course of some adventura} peg pursuit of the enemy's air-craft, 5 or the "severa occasions" on which the Antichrt sues for peace must be sundered great battles and even whole cam- paigns. The Spirit has entered into our troops and has impressed the minds of our rulers, so that it is a fixed determination that this war is to be one of finality, need be, of annihilation, so never again shal! the ambition and arrogance of one man threaten the peace of the world. Have you put the question to yourself : What if Antichrist should win? Claiming, as he now does, to be subregulus dei, he gwould then claim to be a god himself, and his blood engorged brain would present him to the world as the "Man-child ruling tha nations with a rod of iron." Pluto: crat and autocrat, the blaspheme# would bracket his name with that of the Most High. enslaved to Eten " the earth, a the pant would sal given over to destruction, "Here s the patience and faith of saints."' Patageank 30 of the prophecy tells us of final victory over the Anti- », and that the tarbulation is not in vain, Paragraph 31 con- firms our belief in the ultimate des- tiny of the Kaiser and his kingdom: But it also informs us that Russia will drive out the Turks from Eu- rope and become keeper of the gates of the East. Finally, in para- graph 34, we learn that b pens will be no more sectaries but that the Spirit 7 Christ wil animate the nations and induce & period of happiness and prosperity over the work, Another Pro Prophecy. Dom Bosco, a riest at Turin, founder of the Salesian Order, who died about ten years ago, also pro- phesied the war. His prophecy was published in Le Matin (Paris), in June, 1901, as follows: "A European war will break out in 1913 or 1914. Germany will be dismembered; not, however, before jheart of France she shall 'have penetrated into the There a mighty farm will hurl her back across the thi i Rhine. The man of pride will see German Recruits Learning to Use '"Bayonets."" The Germans have eome to have a wholesome respect for the bayonet since the allied armies showed them it was not an obsolete wea) any possible injury. squad of recruits are here ; seen learning to fight with long pon _ padded sticks of the length and weight of rion, rifle with bayonet fixed. They are well protected against Fadded to the The world. would sod to bak ste to f cges ponte stiff and finally the al- vis tree shattered and crushed to }the roots and trodden under foot} j by The White Eagle-- Rus ssia The other Fagle--Austria-Hun-! gary. The Cock- France The Lecpard -- Belgium, The Lamb- Symbo! of the Chris- | tian faith, repres ented by Great Britain, under the sign of aries. The Antichrist--The Spirit of Evil animating the Black Eagle, and generally symbolized by the Dragon or "winged Beast." The Kaiser is the embodiment of the "Blood and Iron" cult, as op- posed to that of the peaceful arts and federation. He belongs to the Lutheran Church, while many of his subjects are Roman Catholics. Attention is called to paragraph 4, in which he is said to have only one arm (the Kaiser has one arm wi ered and also a short leg, and he mounts his horse by the wrong side). Paragraph 10 is quite des- criptive of the German method of combatants. The mention of Pepe Ben 8 apieerent 12 ip re- markable ; his Holiness of that name has but recently been elected to the Papal seat. The fact that there are many priests fighting, most brave pt Rg the ran Allies is a tlle oft sine Oe ee ci iritual" ce i ° fig! a some tadeS. In the Course of the 'War we find striking examples: of this fact in the many priests who go under fire the greatest cour- age, can t slay ip the <% the awful carnage ut. will. at- and d Sighting oe all. The great battle will take} | place between the two days of Our! You may double the recipes Lady, namely, between August bth two squares, and make a nut and Se ptember 15th, w hen the Pope is real and alive again. Belgium will undergo great suffering, from which she will emerge increased in strength and admired by all. Po land will regain her righta. ae --_--_--*.____.. Household Hints. The secret of boiling rice is put it into plenty of boiling water at the start To remove stains from ag rain- proof coat rub with a little eucalyp- tus oil on a piece of flannel. If one or wee reg nfuls of su- gar are added turnips whea cooking they will" be improved. Oarbolic acid is a good disinfect- The most obstinate coffee stains can be removed by a solution of lukewarm water and the yolk of an Then toilet, eens of various sorts get spied on dresser covers benzine quickly removes them and BF a ha vege hind. ter, none is more palpatab' bre n, which le than the econo- '| mical buy by the piece rather than}: by the pound. A stale-loaf can be made as fresh | h as new if" wrapped in a damp doth for a couple of minutes, and then s needed for win-| thy ha placed in the.oven for half an hoor. Cake Recipes. White Fruit Cake.--One-half cup of butter, one cup of sugar, one and a half cups of flour, one-half cup of milk, two eggs, one-half cup of nut meats, or more if you choose, cup up fine or rather coarse, as you will, one-half cup or more cf fruit cut fine--dates, figs, a few rais'ns --@ scant teaspoon of cinnamon or not, a fourth teaspoon of almond extract, and whole fruit and nuts to decorate the top. Sift the sugar, add the butter, and rub the tro to acream, to which add the cinnamon or other powdered spices, stirring them in, then heat in the well, eaten yolks of the eggs. Add the milk and flour alternately. A level teaspoon of baking powder may be flour, 'but it is not needed, especially if the eggs are fresh, and the cake is of better tex- ture without, it and perhaps easier ir in the nuts and the hes e. ": } en. the Awhites of the mond flavoring. Decorate the tops 80 as to cover it thickly with fruit and nuts, brush over with whites of eggs and bake for one hour in a slow oven, in a well-oiled and pa- per lined pan of a narrow sort and deep. Use oil instead of butter té grease pan, as it does not burn readily, This cake can be eaten on the day it is made, as it is soft and of good flayor, but is better a day or so later. To Decorate Fruit Cake.--One way to decorate a cake like the white cake and cover the whole top, as is the present custom, is to start placing a candied cherry in the centre and tho others half way be- tween it and the ends of the pan. Place around these cherries whole or the halves of blanched almonds, the smal! points in, making daisy- like figures, the nuts forming the petals. Make a border of any nuts you choose, alternating halves of anuts and pecans, then fill in the space with nuts, bits of dates and figs, or what you choose. Pecan Cake.--With exactly same foundation as for white cake, use half a cup or more lehopped pecans and bake square tin with low sides, £0 the fruit of and fruit filling and icing if you choose. Perhaps it is better to use the bak- ing powder in this case. Bake forty- five minutes. | Chopped hickory nuts. instead of pecans, may be used. Chocolate Cream Icing.---Boil to- ger a cup and a half of granu- ted sugar and half a cup of milk until it forms a soft ball when drop- in water. Great care must taken not to boil it a minute too long. Take from the fire, add van- illa to flavor, and beat until white, soft and creamy. Watch close- lest it get too stiff and spread easily. I¢ it has been cooked a min. ute too long it will stiffen quickly. Boread oth ey ti ke 3 over squares of it. bed in {*8 sifted sugar and half a cup of vut- ter, and spices if you choose--half a teaspoon of several--the beaten yolks of two eggs, and half a cup of chopped nuts and half a cup of floured chopped fruit, and the flour from one and a half to two cups. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of eggs, sift over a httle flour, turn out on a board, roll out and cut, put on greased paper in a large baking tin or on the bottom of same, brush over with white of egg and then sprinkle with sugar. Bake for twelve minutes in qa moderate oven, Mock Angel Cake.--An _ inexpen- sive cake to cut up into little shapes and ice and decorate with different nuts and little candies is the mock angel cake. Sift to- gether four or five times one cup of sugar with three level teaspoons of baking powder; mix with one cup of hot milk and one teaspoon of vanilla, and finally add the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, and bake in an ungreased pan for forty min utes, or divide and bake in two layers. The crust of this will have flavor like the real angel cake half a teaspoon of vanilla and about as much of almond extract is used. This mB be iced with, a * FAMINE FOOD. What Peopld Ate During the Siege of Paris in 1870. In a letter by Henry Labouchere. which is quoted by Mr. A. L. Thor- old in his life of the distinguished journalist, he describes, not without a characteristic touch of humor, the extremes to which the inhabi- tants of Paris were driven during the siege of 1870 I went to see what was going on in the house of a friend of mine in the Avenue de l'Imperatrice, who has left Paris. The servant who was in charge told me they had not been able to obtain bread for three days, and that the last time he had pre- sented his ticket, he had been given about half an inch of cheese. "How do you live, then?' I asked, After looking mysteriously around to-see that no one was watching us he took me down into the cellar and pointed to some meat in a barrel "It is half a horse,"' he said, in the tone of a man who is showing some 1e the oe of his murdered vic- tim. "A neighboring coachman killed him, and we salted him down and divided him." Then he opened a closet in which sat a huge cat. "I am fattening her up for Christmas; we mean to serve her up surround od with mice-like sausages. On Ji anuary 6th, Labouchere a: "Yesterday, I had a slice of Pollux for dinner. Castor and his brother Pollux are two elephants that have been killed. The meat was tough, coarse and oily, and I do not recommend English fainilies to eat elephant when they can get beef or mutton. Many of the res- taurants are closed for lack of fuel. They use lamps, but even French be | Cooks when they are called upon to cook an elephant with a spirit lamp find the thing almost beyond their ingenuity. . Castor's Pollux's trunks are sold oe ; foi -tivy francs @ pound ; the rts of the in- toverting twins feta ed about ten rancs 2 pound.' Not allt the strange foods eaten r two of unsweetened or sweeten- y; ra chocolate over boiling vane and nkey' is infinitely apread over white icing. e so]; ; iced and out in smal! squares is iaceed, . oe ena my y meat y and sa S "Fruit and Nut bin e8.--By prac- a -- bake than small ones, and the larg- doubts the excellence eo cold on pod slay one of these weak-mi mals, cook him, and eat him.' a Mouse holes can be filled up with putty, but putty alone is not likely to do much good. The mise soon make a Bape a i; themselves through it, but if the underside of the putty be covered with cayenne pepper or mustard you will find an immediate improvement. €r ones easier yet. Creani-a cup of Young Folks LOBOS S68SD F230 The Seeing Eyes. Eleanor had always hoped that some day a fairy would grant her a wish. She had a wish all ready and waiting. The wish that she had saved for the coming of the fairy was this--that she might have the Seeing Eyes. Eleanor was net blind. If you have thought fairy thoughts, you will know that the Seeing E yes are eves that see bve- hind, and beneath, and into every- thing. Anyone can see an apple; but the Seeing Eres look straight through to the heart, and back to the pink and white blossoms. and forward to the orchard that might grow from the seeds. ; The fairy never appeared, but El- eanor"s wish came true.without any fairy, and she came to have the See- ing Eves. The first time that she was able to use them was. at a child's birthday party- Eleanor was eight years old, and eyes. would have said that bh there waa "years old: but strangely en acti cyt a saw that tthe larg- est boy of all was only six, and thati he wished he had not come. No one could have discovered it without the Seeing Eves, for that big young boy ran about, and laughed londly, and said many silly things. The other children made fun of him, and they supposed that he liked it. be- 'eause he-laughed. Only Pleavor saw that 'he was ready to ery, and. that he was movring- nearer and nearer to the dvor. Eleanor of the Seeing Eves gan to run about, tou, and to make all the children laugh, until they, forgot the boy; when the Seeing Eyes saw that his tears would not fall, and that he had stopped look-| ing toward the door, Eleanor chose a game that she knew he liked. he other time that Bléanor pr v be- ed that she Seeing Eves was! when she mang the door-bell «of the! Castle. The Castle was a dark,! stone house, in which lived an «ld man. To common eves he locked cross. Because he looked so cross, and the Castile so dark, the children of the town ran past: and if one saw a face at the window, he would ery There he run even fa the dee out to the others, and they.would abl Eleanor dared*tu ring : molt was Di ted fer in his f l-tan 1 dog r hela up one foot, and moaned with pain. The old wee bent forward eager- ly, and all the children shut their ordinary eyes, for fear they should see him hurt the little dog But they opened them again when they heard the man say. "Come, let-me see it"' His voice was wonder- fully gentle, and the dog held out his sore paw, and kept perfectly still, while the man drew out the, splinter. The old man amiled at Eleanor. "Come and see me some a said, day., I should like to talk with girl who loves animals.' With ordinary eyes a child would never have done these two things, that Dleanor did; but Eleanor be-, lieves that the child who wishes with all his heart for the Seeing | Byes will find that the wish comes true.--Youth's Companion. ----_--_--_ Fr a When pouring boiled: milk or. water into a tumbler or glass dish' stand the tumbler or dish on knife and the alas. will neither, break nor crack. ' Venetian blinds can be made to, look like new if you rub the la'hs with a piece of rag dipped in wann linseed oil, and then yall polish the'. wood with a soft duster,

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