The Darkest Hour ; Wes Or, The Hope That Still Lived. CHAPTER XX. "If you don't hurry up, Timothy, I ehall to find som I've ond 'sous the whle the money?" The butler had tarted back a a Faces grins A Jog ev videate ot hie ow ¥ u've "eet. *touthe five, Soodred However did you get it? That is, 1 you'y 6 really got i It'e 'ard to believe you} next but one the mother who ave. You gee, I've alwaye I re- | eup to have cast her off f apectal n, and a respectable man I * pat » ean ! ite nothing short mean to be right th h to the end of the women guests had ex- my days, and I'd rather go to t work- bie ot me A ig her husband on first house, m1) you've been so kindly offering folaf nk the e k e out of, sooner than I'd tak 6 it is," the gentleman thus ad- one out of a thousand pounds pet. Sed had elowiy admitted, gazing at that haven't been come by honestly." Christine from convenient distance. The ench maid e &/ "But ehe isu't any less lovely for it shadow of Gragg ool clouded' her face; all. Lf you want to see a chan at is that sallow face, in dark rat' really for the worse, look = her moter tails hair, which "ane herself appeared. I would --s dng MW my income that 60 to consider 50 eames. hing worse n her anuahter's folly eas was a6 good 6 you make soursey ered ceorediy to Dare within out to be, Timothy Nobbds, ouldn't | the last six mont jive in a world where there'e Hes a lot Many besides himself felt that myster of sin and sinners. You ought to be put! ious clouds of trouble we in e into a big giaes bottle, stopper and | Chrietine saw that her lover had n sealed, *o that th ickedness that's in! pale. Yet he looked very strong, stalwart the aim shouldn't get at you. The ey6' and handsime then; so strong, stalwart, not come by pe eg jent it? Well, it') and handsome that the girl who loved come by honestly e ugh for me. And! him forgot for moment now that which that's all that matte ma she never forgot at other times~ ely, Almest to his own surprise, the elderly | that he was a man dogged and persecuted butler went close up to her, and seized her, by some mysterious, unguessed enemy; ... | abwaye at other ames she pt euch know as well I do that I'm} watch over him as her work would allow. ze, that if you've got that| In these moments her watch had relaxed. at must have been given to YOU! She little dreamed that even al a , and it muet be pa for | here to-night- a hand was upraised our tongue about some-| wrike bim. ee rboen suspecting 1d--~ | All through the evening Christine had our tongue, you fool iis ide! heen asking herself why she had come to oleet interrupted sharply and contemptu-| this dinner party to have unsympathetic | y. that . what I went out a5] Joo bent upon her and the man aehe No maid Hikes ha be with 4] loved. ery clearly had she foreseen that hasn't got a sect he Earl of Yoxford would ent Brian's mny Nobbea opened hie small Yes) presence at the same table with him; she wide had even thought that he and the others : Well, you are a deep lun, wae les sol') might resent n presence there r comment 'Mr. N wanted wpstitirs for the pa ten minut the house ceper announced re-en ing he 'OO! unl manifesting eurprise that y to put up with being CHAPTER XXi od many que ut the ure things in a go of what to do with your mone The public at Ja might thing, if it looked in on us now, that we have only one millionaire present at. this table," Her he speaker glanced admiringly at rs. Grook ho sat. opposite half screen from his gaze s like mass of amilax, erantfutieaved fer aud wondrous cut erm, ° -- h it white in Whereas those us who are,in the know are aware that such # not the case. ' ire a mil itire, too and yot° you live--except n festive ooca- sions Iike the present--exactly in the man ner of uw eareful bachelor hose income never exceeds fifteen hundred w yea The Jatd person who coolly and eas' ty eave utierance to the abace quit un endled tor remarks wie th ar! of Yox ford, and the occasion to which he re ferred and whieh he at thi momen eruqead th hes aristocratic presenee, wits | dytiner party whe he host, Mr. Wim- | pole Sturge he eminent golicito was giving af the Saveyw rte The company p mt wa aried sand diets nguiehed; be gatee Lord Y maith Mrs. Crookenden, Just ne the foret t emlebmty and social} favorite on Lee ne poe he ad de igaicd to et ant the a vw verfeeting sect € ' t 'ies ' nt e th. Litt! neved and eat for ilr are rele " have done better st making hameelf 'he ap, and in he present nee that he objected to. hi at the came table wi wh Brian H ardy. young cortor and it \ J How, the name of Mr. Wi: e Sturgets rg seoundrel, mpudence, ae he said to would injured mother win ore-laginmn Wimpole Stu ainly e "lech | t bungier tn in aeine te th world had ever seen or waa ever likely to see. the undutiful daughter--or, sghe bes om -~ blind world called undut aleo of the party; yes, act nally 'Soristine Dare in tho flesh, sitting to th had been which her yout been n But the thought that she wou neet her mother had been more than she could turn fre He vart yearned towar the un ther who a ve elmed = la pant of his native' gentlem now | a atleo?" Stil Ped brave, trustful eyes of never rience pls hard labor ae exper'," she Lord Southport Sooked into her ale Lge llo silently for a moment 4 "aro going. bar all say thin th tor's life o now ee n Absolute canta ' Chrietin gs on ot co gunk he be b= ought Eo < erty soon, eae bs the ye oTKings x5 a iot of a . 2 bac. cal ge can a a wor. the way of business," Sirty wor ed with a hard, bitter la A new trouble had come eyes. diner mt ¢ mo cine she autre A 4 he ardly knew wh: was saying. must help them can Tag the | cia '6 i all," Southport emal qrinilenne | The moved away. A ct Mre. Crookenden could Sie. e ° you would be pleased to have my n low that old Bilohester on your cirecte ore of the Good Fortune Mine," he ea --, strong impacsive face af Queen looked positively evil jan fleeting mome "Certainly," she "I cannot give you. "4 much mo nee gave the duke. Five thousand. a | would be mood © nough payment for vou." she added with deolsion Hie ey mye middie-aged complexion fluched a deep red. For the second: time that evening a torrent of disr isngange surged up owithin hi e ou our brother, Lor Bernard 4 | Gatti, stall i for his wife?" ghe : sudder | wis wife?" Sarah Crookenden nodded. | "Yes," ehe affinmed, still in tbat: low, strange, cautious voice. "T am aking arried many years ago, e 2 All the color was elawly ebbing from his unattractive face B | eyes that held this own demanded an an- ewer. =~ gave it against h ) "Tt ue that t | when he was very young, od { jerky volee. "He sencind * raenik hin the girl waa penniless, and a congeleed, ven a lovin daught r might n it! te seemed, be told. So she had taken out seers a oo died-"and ta ae met cis rom the bottom of her bax the only even- unishment as most m ad ing frock which she bad brought with | that fatal blunder. Tho w her in the new life, and this ehe had) grynkard, a h to b oy a brought only to wear at euch time &3' one of the institutions that rece' when her sweet, well-trained voice was en-! 2 rt of person. There, by gr listed to win money for her poor at ch tune, she died, thus setting h ity concer had arrayed herself in| 4 terrible incubus. He was fool en a to a. at e -- ippes! of . ve for her, all urgess th e wot end what & 4 api called the loveliness: one pada of her | aa ee ee ae presence to ornament hie" table, "Ho is coming home §00n-to be mi: tae 'follawed her, 'the: pee. 7p agitated ~F fn that , | etill fixed "on ' Christine! Tell t it 'is not true!' from him. he cried, | "subde ed "voice, as, al- "lo be married?" The calm grandeur most against her will, oy drew her to @/ of the illionaire woman's ou atward Dear r- corner apart where they might be for aj jn been momentarily shaken as by moment alone "Have you forgotten what | ven 6 cool he is--a ei a mongrel wet " the gut- ter, a cur. aking hypoc » a felon?' . I do oot zee how pred e best of we men could poesibly OO OOK the love of a good min," Christine angwerec him, meeting his eager 'ook with aeetnch. ing aud fre hl uplifted eyes, Then it is true?" he gasped. wi ie genu- ine horror altering his countenane ron are happy?" 'The word. cemied to break of thomeelves from th oung vis- saunt's helpless lips Christine Dare's pal ng lps parted then fo oa frank. dreamy sm) of whose ten- derness and witehery she. Was quite un- CODSCIOU Happy ? she clits no d anid nuielasped in th , abe mur: plain, im Meorod WE She ae Perolin, _the -poller Metal Treatment: . » looeen scale already formed - 'n "the pollens by ite meohanical action To prevent new ecale from formin 'o protect eae boiler metal agsinet pittin corrasign. = © aotion. regard) ° Kind of water used i s bolting oo ret troubles caused by vil and grease getting into the at Pe olin is _-- boiler compound for water treatment, , {ndepend water conditions. - addin The establishment o scale formation and corros PEROLIN OOMPANY OF DANADA, LATED, 76 niiielts sired West, Toronto. in Brogorvative e eff{fo! the i Berclln Proloest ve Fi in NEw boilers will prev ion, thus keepin iquid Film ia a good heat conductor, of the bollens nt all rated capacity. boilers to fu oa 4, SOS O'O PACKAGE eg SUGAR Why take chances Yi by asking for "A Dollar's Worth of pe 100- 50 + 20 ANC IO LB. BAGS CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, « Buy REDPATH in Original Packages highest quality -- absolute purity. S AND 2 LB. CARTONS MONTREAL. Dee ae? pi whom 'is he ed in a voice at once faint and eharp. The earl Jooked at her curiously, "To a widow--the Marchionesa of High- had ¢losed e curious question poke his. tharriag: that fell from her lips when e again, Lord Yoxford started then in hie turn. The child? What child?' Th» child of the at other marriage with is iy doing 'n Iam eure I dont know, eit ' the ear] an- swered impatiently the er Ber- does eyes of the woman before - had nan inetant grown hard. 'The or had ebbed from her lipe ial: hon as hloodless e nee! Lord Bernard doesn't know--Lord Ber- nard, the father?" ehe asked in @ . tenee voice Thie time the earl covered his impa- { =~ e with a laugh. The child or the young man now, I suppoee he must ar better ont of hig wa He could only remind hig father of the mad ma a Mrs. Crookenden, the rich Mrs, enden, who w as | supposed to have no soft- ness ir her nature, and no pity in her some mome nt in *, Rn silence which conce. thoug rh few enough would have rere it a ehuddering agony within whi known to God alone. 'f again it oan only to say briefly Lord Yexford. will you please give or- carriage to be called?" epoke quickly and occurre those present that night as Mr, gueste will eo y. "tl eta ze Crea 222) s R £ 34 floor with a groan. Every person in e room rushed to him, mink (Bg wakes, | ceasing to smile and to talk in the pre- sence of this unforecen stroke of calamity which h ad fallen rn a tae a o | were surely hover'ng near; thoy could } an pownced her re of the night e Dare sat white of him whom a nd her ther was w er, "Did yon not hear what the doctor. anit nother--that he had been poiso: attempt a been made pois nine Wihebher it igen a whether it br is in God's ha ads alor This is the second attempt to take his ti fe since I have be been working with him." 'Great Heaven! But who? But why?" e questions were all that Lady Dare could: utter. She sank upon a chair again a hi ym hard betnveen blanched and aren mile the deadly still ae eolemn hours succeeded each other, tked only ty the looking in ror the Ghacer" and Mr. 4] Wimpole Stungens: at t intervals, Christine dak by th ith her. 'by the eo w Saari ok rs shan't forge' e second 'time he | mm | be tie family move @ manorNhouse was ndeed QQ m eyes fixed upon the tered features of the man she loved, pray- ing , Silently. is reaching oe P sesy? in "Grosvenor been sent from the eteamship Orisaba, of the Orient Line, which had left Tilbury at pth that afternoon, bound for Aus ie is the meséage that the pink- per board, . just stacting for erie. Children all here, well. Will kn pager when rer arrive. cy quit resolved t ide ial to the death. You praala "my "alttle eS Jig 'ae "Well, 'Tim othy" Nobbe. ning, have to a. nick, about fixing 'that date ariivon ber h ladyuhip ice ed ven her ae !" exclaim the butler in ma tion and dismay. "You're poem a too fas ga * you a ore shot at him then a sharp glance ay Jove ou on about it!" ehe exclaim- ed ecornfully, "Men are alway gi '2 I ehall get © same whe- an I stop here ae her ladyship"e maid or mothe butler opened his sue? eyes to their wide possible limite "How's that?" The small, aeiliee head of | oman was eignificantly incli 6 "Well, ey see, there's more risk of my {seeped eecret that I know when aoud wey rom the person it belongs A > than wien: I'm with her. from her ladyship's service do s! does the French- ned to one about certain End of Book L (To be continued.) am paid a 2 fixed price every year for keeping on hold- tongue things. ring Them On Mother Doesn't every boy love Griddle Cakes! with delicious Send for the Edwardsburg ing sauces, And sister says it 8 Free Recipe best ever for candy-making. Book. Made In Canada. Sold by All Grocers, Manufacturers of the Famous Edwardsburg Brands, Especially when served CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP Mother knows it too, for she likes CROWN BRAND SYRUP herself, and uses it to make delicious pud- the THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY, LIMITED Montreal, Cardinal, Brantford, Fort William. Admiral Von Spee. Who ------ the destroyed erman squadron LITTLE ISLAND OF HERN. House of' Commons, "One of the strangest stories that has been given birth by the great war is that of the Island of Hern, the leasing of which to a German company was recently discussed in the House of Commons. The lease has been terminated, and British troops are billeted on the island, but the question is still being ask- as a submorine base, £ thing of the kind appears to have been attempted o along here tilt you : the yey Mace, win or ter three cheers for the Kaiser.'" "So your husband kept house and cooked his own meals were says he did; but I notice that the parrot has learned to swear during my though no- are hungry. ages completely c days by simply joining a ance society." "Got what, child "Certainly not; cad while you that silly action Did he enjoy it?" "He away. ning from morning till nig " absence Don't eat soup with a fork if you x B g promises is the best thing a eek man does. Told the Way. - is 'It, was Josh spines who said he awful bad throat' ured in three temper- "Ma, has your tongue got legs ?". 'Legs, ma?' why do you ask 'Well, I heard pa say your tongue was run- ht.' 'Do you subscribe to all the ar- ed, why was England so lax as to tiel * the Athanasi dy" rent for a song an. island larger '"'Balloa Sandy ? Thinking of the icles Pa iy as mi -- = . than Heligoland, within an hour's| future, eh?' "No," replied the dontes T cans afford ik: here's 'a steaming of English shores. Scotsman. "To-morrow's the wife's collection next week for the eonvatl Hern is one of the lesser Channel birthday. and I'm thinking of the aie "4 fund and IL can't 'deo any! Islands and at one time supported | present. | one cs," was the re sly ba a considerable population. It is a = : ee ply: 2 beautiful spot, with an attractive shell beach. In 1889 it was leased SHIPPING FEVER by the Crown for $70 a year to the ry, Infiuenza, pink ¢¥e, epizootic dist emper, and all nose and Ki ra Bank aa Limited,' throat pioeaaes outa. ® pat alk ag ne matter rr which in turn lease it to Prince posed," rom thece d eeees wit SPOHN's ; 20UN Blucher von Wahlstatt, a descend- | deus. g EtgeiD nip ot tle gunrapiced te oa ae ant of the illustrious Blucher of Bist thing for brood mares. Act te "on p the blood. puss iste Waterloo and himself a German. and harness shops Dietri butore--AL A DRUG. The Prince and his jamily lived SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Coshen, Indiana, U.S.A. quietly for years in the manor * house on the island, incurring the "= great displeasure of those who sought to ramble over the place by closing all save one narrow path- way on the beach and plastering about many warnings to trespass- ers. Children were born to the Prin- cess there--she is of the Russian royal family--and one of these, a boy, became a naturalized British subject. At no time was the Prince suspected of using his home in any operations against England, but when the war broke out the matter became one of natural agitation, culminating in the Home Secretary being asked for an qepansion by Sir William Bull. The explanation was brief. The government knew the name of the German company holding the lease. It knew, moreover, that the rent was about five shillings and six pence a week: that steps had been taken to cancel this document; that for some weeks British troops had the island. Whether had not made clear. The popular outery against. the Prince, in the opinion of the Lon- don press generally, is unjustified but The Times remarks rather sar-}\ castically that the public might be told a little more about the Ger- man company which was able to ac- quire so cheaply so much good farm and pasture land, together with nu- merous cottages, not to mention the manor house. It also is point- ed out that the island is in the heart of the English Channel, with- in 'sight of the coast. of France, about 70 miles from Portland and 40 from Cherbourg, it could be used EXTRA HEAT, JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT TH a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater in the house you ave safeguarded when accidents happen to your heating system. Cold snaps have no terror for you, either--for the Perfection supplies just the extra heat needed to make bedroom, bathroom and sitting room warm and comfortable. SMOKELE Perfection heaters are -- heat oueey poe ate rigs and odor! At and farni dealers ogg Me Look for the Tranele a Made ROYALITE OIL is beet best for all uses