Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 25 Dec 1914, p. 8

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The season 4 gnoet: cngs lo all. Baur Fray ff. fhoson Our graduates write'as follows.-- I am glad that I took a few months training at Listowel Business College three years ago before I started out foremyseif." "Iam not sorry that I took a course in. the Stenograpby Depart- ment of the Listowel Business Col- lege three years ago; am still in the same office and like it fine." "I have got along fine with my work since coming here, I can take dictation almost agsthey can Rive it to me. So much for the L. B. C." "TI wish to congratulate you on the way the Listowel Business College is deyeloping and I am sure that it-will attain a positition unequalled. by any institution of its kind for many miles around." One mother ssid--"I wish to thank you for your kindly interest on be- half of my daughter in getting her started in a & position after graduating from the Listowel Busi- ness College." Another says.-- 'One of my girls graduated from Listowel Business College and has done so well that I. am going to.send another. Mrs. E. Greensides and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Greensides spent last week at Brussels. Born. -- In Monkton, on Friday, December 12th to Mr. and Mrs. G Weber, a daughter. Born.--In Monkton, on Thursday, Dec. 10th to Mr. and Mrs. J. Me- Donald, a daughter. Messrs. E. Gilmer, L. Ballantyne and M. Robb of Toronto University, are home for the holidays. Born. -- In Trowbridse, on Wed- nesday, December 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edgar, a son. A masquerade ball will be given in the Music haflon Tuesday evening, Deo, 29th. Ifvitations are out for the same. = SomE Goosk ---Mr. Harry Brown, of this village killed a goose last week whith tipped the scales: at twenty pounds. For this year's bird it was a dandy. }* The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Charch will sell home-made baking and candy in the W. C. T. U. rooms on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec- ember 23td and 24th and Wednesday and Thutsday, Dec. 30th and 31st, afternooms and evenings. Listows! Business College opens for. New: Years -term on Monday, January 4th. You should enter with thé others on that day and prepare yourself for a better position in Can ada's Coming Prosperity, which will be'h greater Canada than ever. i MEETING POSTPONED. Owing to the 5 sacle of the weather the annual meeting of the Elma Conservative Association has been postponed to the second week in January at adate to be selected to suit the convenience of the speakers, Mr. Morphy and Mr- Torrance. Date announced next issue. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Elma Cheese & Butter Manufacturing Co., Limited, will be held at the Factory on Saturday, January 2nd, 1915, at one o'clock p.m. for the purpose of receiving the Treasurer's and Auditors report, the election of officers for the ensuing year and any other business that may be brought before the meet- ing and also Tenders for the supply of Ice to fillice house seven feet high 'blocks 20x20 inches pure and clean, and not less than eight loads of ice to be delivered each day when drawing) will be received by the undersigned up till four o'clock p.m. on Saturday, January Ind, 1915. Jas. Newbigging, President. Geo. Lochhead, Sec.-Treas. An investment that pays large dividends--a course of study at Lis- towel Business College. New Years term opens January 4th, 1915. Township of Elma MUNICIPAL ELECTION The Municipal Electors are hereby noti : lst.--That the meeting for nomina- tion of candidates for the office of Reeve, Deputy- Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Elma for the year 1915 will be held in the Music Hall, Atwood Monday, Dec. 28th, 1914 at One o'clock P.M. Qnd.--That should more than the necessary number of candidates be nominated the proceedings will be adjourned until Monday, January 4th, 1915, when polls will be opened in each electoral division of the town- ship at the hour of nine o'clock in the morning and shall continue open until fiye o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. 3rd--That the polling places and deputy-returning officers and poll clerks in each electoral division are as follows :-- Pollowing sub-division No. 1 -- Place + Loses : work shop, Trowbridge, D. R. 0. C P.C., Benj. reboncateke --No-o School House, No. 2; lot 2], con. 3, D.R.O., Jas. Mitchell; P.C., Geo. A. Hamilton. No. 3 -- Orange Hall, Britton, D. R. O., Thos. J. Sproule ; P.C., Samuel Johnston. No. 4-- Morrison's blacksmith shop, eget Newry, D.R.O., Wm. Bell; P.C., M. Sweeton. No. 5--Orange an Donegal, D. R. O., Wm. H. Gilmer; P.C., John 8. Cowan. No. 6----- Geo. '. Golightly Implement shop, Monk- , D. RB. O., Geo. Ellacott; P.C., Geo. A. Golightly. No. 7--Lamhert's School House, lot 32, con. 16, D.R.O. Wom. Ranney; P.C., Jos. J. Lambert. No. 8--Township Clerk's Office, At- wood, D.R.O., Alex. Morrison; P.C., John R. Hammond. Gro. LOCHHEAD, CLERK. Atwood, Dec. 14th, 1914. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE - NEWRY CHEESE FACTORY - FOR THE YEAR 1914 Average per cent. of Butter Fat... ;|Miss Myrtle home tortie ho The Bee to January Ast, 1916, for for ONE DOLLAR. ~ A number of young men have qua fied themselves for positions in 4 by taking a course in Listowel ness College. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bohan spent the past two weeks at Hamilton' and other points, deal with Mr. Leonard Orth of: the Qnd of Elma. Mr. Moore exchanged his homestead in Alberta for ' Mr. Orth's fifty acre farm in Elma. ° All cement sacks that are out rust be returned not later than Dec. 26th. 8. H. Mitchell, Atwood. For S8aLeE.--A fow fan cutters for sale at a low price. Pibase call and see them. -- Alex. Morrison,} pai wood. 4 Young Indies who graduate from Listowel Business College ha practical, workable knowledg business that is a means to an i pendent livelihood in pleasant roundings. j Born.--In Elma, on Thu Dec. 17th to Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLean, a son. ay, der Born. -- In Elma, on Tues "f Dec. 15th to Mr. and Mrs. Marks, a son. : Miss Marie Wolfe and Miss Smith of Port Hyron, Mich., visiting at the home of Mrs. Ge vmne Smith. Mr. Wellington Peebles is au from the West. { Mr. W. D. Linebam of Oko' rks, Alta., is visiting in town and yici Mr. Alfred Issard is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Baker, Main sf. You should make use of your spare time this winter by taking a course of study in business, at Listowel Business College. It will be worth maoy times its cost in after yd@ars. New Years Term opens on January 5. Born.---In Elma, on Friday, Dec. llth, to Mr. and Mrs Jas. Hender- son, a daughter. Born.-- In Monkton, on Monday, Mr. W. A. Moore has oftecisde al gual cis ae Listowel Business COLLEGE tent Teachers. For sscdicalace address Edwin G. Matthews, Gay Lisrowet, Onz, J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan Office--Main-st, Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physicign, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of Health Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to dl GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario _) CENTRAL Kf yy, <*TSTTOID, ONT, Ontario's Best Practical Training hool. We have thorough .COUTBER and experienced instructors in each of our three departments. Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates suceced and you should get our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once D. A. MeLachlan, Principal. Cl Thorough ucts taught by Com-/|f ¢ ANTEED for fin Bm style, mee Mia of material an workmanshi Absolutely stat less. Will wear 6 months without a holes, or new ones free S OUR SPECIAL OFFER ' to every one nore: us $1.00 in 4 currency or sees ca ceer fl advertising and shi ippi we ei Toe "dese pase Pett wittion errr by 2 five million Har paces either. 3 Pairs of our 75¢ value American Silk Hosiery or 4 Pairs of our 50c value American Cashmere Hosiery or 4 Pai value American Cotton-Lisle Hesiery or 6 Pairs of Childrens Hosiery Give the color. size, and whether Ladies' or Gent's hosiery is tdesired DON'T DELAY -- Offer expires when a dealer in your locality is se- lected. THE -- HOSIERY x 214 P.O Bo DAYTON, onto, U. 8. A. treatinget Tonoline Tablets. 'I have been Gains 40 Pounds In 40 Days, -- Results of the Lyd Tissue toon ys of bac yor Menand Wen wed Tablets "By Geo I never saw anything like | the effects of i that new treatme ; nk todie. line Tablets, for pees up a weight rve force. acted more like ae man or woman who is thin can re- rmal weight by the best new ears and brought about by use of Tonoline Tabs, so I decided to try myself Well, when I look at myself in the mirror now. I think it is somebody else, I have put on just forty pounds during the last fort rty days, and oe felt stronger or more 'nervy' in onoline Tabs area yomerte inducer to nutrition. increases cell-gro , in- creases the nang = a8 A necessary t bu up mus- cles, and solid healthy 'ine, and rounds out the figure. For women who can never appear sty- lish in anything they wear because of their thinness this remarkable treatment may prove a revelation. It isa beauty maker as well as a form bnilder and nerve strengthener. Tonoline Tabs cnet or ae Synopsis Of Canadian North- west Land Regulations. HE sole head of a family, cr any male over 18 yeara old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, peng he or Alberta. | press. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands ares or Sub-Agency for the District. airy Ge proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency | be (it not Sub-Agent ), on certain con- itic Duties--Six months residence upon and cultivation of the. land in each of three . omesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions. A habitable house is uired except where | Ta residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a oe anaes in standing may t a quarter-section alongside his Ldmestent. Price $3 per acre nties--Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead tent; also 59 acres extra cultivation. -re-emption patent imay be obtained as December 14th to Mr. and Mrs, Boy Golightly, a son. Mr. Uria McFarlane of 3% to University, is visiting wil nd Mrs. Thos. McFarlangs Miss Alma Hike REZISTOL holid? Many young men who are nowfre- ceiving a salary of. from $50.00} to $125.00 per month. got their startjat Listowel Business: College at frpm two to four years ago... We can give you a start too! New Years Term opens January 4th, 1915. - AWARED THIRTEEN PRIZES. -- Be: sides winning first prize with "Gippy" in the Dairy test at the Guelph Win ter Fair, Mr. Andrew Stevenson won 3 prizes on his sheep, 4 on dregsed carcasses and 5 on hogs. Mr. J. J. Williams, con. 2, lot 11, Elma, has negotiated a deal with W.H. Peppler, of Listowel, for fine residence besides a cash conpid- eration for Mr. William's fine bund acres with a brick house and food barn and out buildings. MARRIED.-- At the Methodist sonage, Atwood, on Wednesday, 23rd, 1914, Alice, oldest daughte Mr. and Mrs. James Thorndyke Mr. William Buchanan by the Rev. ra] 285 Rebate on 1913 cheose.............ccccecce:ccevcscorscagestececs:seeeeesons $ 10 81} Dr. Husser. 2 el ene eet Tene are Bi |. Miss Rosella Childs of Harris joo be 5758} « 12 11-16 .. ners 730 64 has a very creditable standing in fier July....... 20 " 123 . 9 55 studies and practice at _Listg rel July 7821 " 12 eee 977 62 Business College, haying written Ina July.icccccccsccccssse cesses sessed 8052 «gg T1016 57| Remington Typewriter from reaging Act... 67973 " 13t........... 892 99 | Matter which she had not previogsly August...cccccccc cesceseesseesesesees 7103 st) re 1029 93 |seen, at the rate of 39 words qper » September......c.cc0<cceeesesesee---16754¢ ns Yt a 2471 97| minute. Miss Childs has only iBen October .....sssescceseseee veseees 14833} MB vccssseees 9994 g4|i9 attendance at Listowel Busigoss November ....csccscccessesseseseee 987 cn | eee 148 05 | College three and one half montht Noyémber deceuscccsvcccdheed genseuse 114073 7 14} caine ewe was 1682 66 Milverton, Dec. 19.--Chief Uprt- Interest on account......-.... 7 75 mier would like to meet a man hin- --_--_--_--"--> ed Buchanan, who was recently up- 993583 13711 87 posed to have bought a farm hear Monkton from Mr. Shade, paying a certain sum down. The money ee By Amount paid patrons and maker for 1913 cheese.................. $ 10 81/20 paid, but Buchanan and his. 7 Menufasturing 993584 pounds cheese ab $1.15 per cwt. ....... 1142 63|ily_ moved in. Ono ips reconlas the Pastuerizing and elevating whey at 75c per ton of cheese...... $7 95 | Dew owner negotiate with a Milver- 1050 Boxes at 16 cents seesessore sersevee 168 99 | 000 Dank for a $100 Ioan, int saa feneaane Gm eheme 8 75|%0 queries as to credit citing his own Seale Board 10 00 ership of the farm, and as his fame Boxing and shipping cheese hemceBStazaeenmnantiasenumsnnesanserdtetocs 97 00 |happend to have got in the voters' 'hesiians' aulare 2 00 list the banker supposing all was Becretary's ane 50 00 right banded out the money. The Printing and Stationery 2 50 banker supposing all wag right banded Paid Sodrons tn hace 902 99|0Ut the money. Tho banker, goon Paid Patrons in cash .. ..-.....0..0 nneiagen Siisai-spycerunsigass 19012 99 siter bappened to meet » ines and ; pg result of warning received, set Balance on hand to box sccount uinGUESOXeUSURince Tpiaaer. evererse 87 92 off to get his money bask, Sima: 7 |ing as to all but about five doMars $5. $ 13711 87 The resourceful borrower, however, not discouraged, visited the other Milverton bank, where he worked the rm merit wth ee ee eee eae same pleas and got another $100, im- Average pounds milk to pound of cheese 10.71 ara vacating the treba pon - | His family remain on the rm, bu -- -- a re Ser minny osreb laanens nto apts: the doting busbaiid wha fathasmer ai rorage heese 3.54 | Parts unknown. F >and sure remedy in ull cases df over stimulation ; also indicated/in all cases 'of Brain "Fatigue, 'Nervous Exhaustion caused by overwork or wnalnutrition, unequalled for nausea or general depression. A general tonic and body builder, Mail orders fiiled by Rezistol Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. soon as homestead patent, on certain con- ditions. A rettler who has exhausted his home- stead right may take a purch home- stead in oats districts, Price ort per = six man' of tutes seers, cultivate 5C acres and erect 'a house w The area of "cultivation i is subject to duction in case = rough, scrubby jor stony lan Live stock may be substi- --_ for cultivation under certain con- dition W. W. CORY. CM.G., hs ee of the Minister of the Interidr. B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement w il not be paid for. 10c gets the Bee to Dec. Bist, '14. Read the ads. ¢ ---------- ST | C8 | | Al A Merry Christmas to All 1OL =) ) (« \ IOL ---- eee SU For Next Week \" Saturday, Dec. 26th, all balance of toys left over will be sold at half-price. friend you wish to give a gift. Furs For New Year's gifts, next week, we will give from 10 to 25 per cent. off furs, fur lined coats, fur coats and 25 to 50 per cent. off all ladies and misses coats. 10 to 20 per cent. off all suits and overcoats. Our stock is large and you can have a large assortment to choose from. Special values in all fancy goods next week. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON Listowel a 50-days' treatment, at druggists, or mailed by American 'Proprietary Co., Boston, Mass. Can't Lose Hair. Twenty Years from Today a Baldheaded Man Will Be an Unusual Sight. One of the most prominent druggists of America made a estatementa few weeks ago which has cau a great deal of dis- cussion among scientists in the medical He said: "If the new hair grower, Mildredina Hair Remedy, increares its _ as it has during the past year, it will used by nearly every man. woman and child in America within eight years. "When Mildredina Hair Remedy is used almost universally, ¢ disappear and with ite departure bald- nese, itching scalp, eplitting hair and al! scalp diseases will follow and twenty years ete now a bald head will bea There is only one way to cure yan and that is to kill the germs. 'There only one hair preparation that will kill the germs and that is MildredinaHair Remedy. This unusual hair restorer with its record of ope of cures will grow hair on any hea re there is any life : it will cure danatuit, 'stop falling hair and pate of the scalp in three weeks or ith ia the most pleasant and invigorant- iit tonic. is not sticky. or and is tsed extensively by ladies of | Photek to Mera pees nee RS aero ne ariant:* . Bail orders filled by American Proprietary Co., Boston, Mass. tw CUT THIS OUT-@e FREE to show how quickly Mildred-' ina Hair Remedy acts, we will send a' large sample free by return mail to any { ne who sends this ---- to American Progtiate ry Co, be with} their name and address 'end ten cents in silver or stamps to pay postage. You may have missed some Men's & Boys Suits & Overcoats | Prove ae By Buying a box of | . my

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