Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 25 Dec 1914, p. 1

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ast od Bee Vol. 25. No. 42, The Atw ATWOOD. ONT. FRIDAN, DEC. 25, 1914. _ E. H. Swine, Propnieror. Pate Merry Christmas 1 > all our Readers. '* THE NYAL STORE "' Christmas Suggestions For All Perfumes, all prices 10c to $2.50. Nylo Chocolates 25c to $2.00. Waterman's Fountain pens $2.50. Toys, Dolls, Games, Books, Manicure Sets, Toilet Cases, Ladies' Hand Bags, Ebony Hat and Cloth Brush, Stationery, Military Sets, Post Cards and Booklets, Novelities, Bibles and Hymn Books. OUR VOTING CONTEST Closes Ten p.m., Thursday, December 24th. Remember the date antstime as no votes will be accepted after that time on that night Leaders in girls--Margaret Porter, Mary Hodge, Mary Harvey, Helen Porter. Leaders in boys--Jack Hamilton, Garnet Husser, Morris Ovans, Kenneth Baker. E. G. COGHLIN, Call and see our new stock of pipes from 5c to $3.00. The Star Grocery Buy your Christmas Groceries here and then you will be sure you get the best. Our new stock of Raisins, Currants, Peels, Dates, Nuts, Figs Oranges and Lemons have just arrived and are of no one quality and prices are low. Our Confectionery is high class as we only buy from the two best firms in Ontario which is the C. H. Doerr Co., of Berlin, and the Wm. Paterson & Sons, Brantford, it comprises high class Choco- lates from 20c per Ib. up and fancy Bon Bon boxes at all prices. Our mixed candy and creams cannot be beat, try them and secure a ticket for the Big Goose that is to be given away Christmas eye. Eyery 50c worth of either nuts, candies, oranges, baranus or grapes entitles you to one ticket, why not try and be the lucky one. '. For your hens we have | grit, oyster shell and ground bone. i ae vonage aati " Minto Tea can't be beat real money in every pkg. : \ 4 { } {i \} the rerimke: tia es Tg 4) In meats we have Rolled Shoulder, Back Bacon, Breakfi i Side Meat, Bologna, Cooked Ham, Pork Sausage, Weiners and Spare Ribs. } FISH As Fish is the cheapest meat you can buy at present, we expect to have a good supply of all kinds, but at present we have-- Finpin Haddic, Ciscoes, Smoked Herring, Salterwater Herring. Highest price paid for Butter and Egas--Cash or Trade. Goods delivered to any part of the Village. E. T. Greensides ®& Son Phone 5 SSS S= SaaS S= SSS | ------y} Clothing New Clothing in Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats all sizes. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Suits. Men's, Boys' and Youths' all wool sweaters. Men's and Boys' Winter Pants. Underwear We have a complete range of all kinds of Penmans underwear for Ladies' and Gents' Boys' and Girls an@*Babies. In Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannets, Woollen and Cashmere Hosiery, Flannet and Woollen Blankets our stock is complete. Produce and Poultry Highest Market price paid for Butter and Eggs Cash or Trade. Live Poultry taken any day. We supply crates. W. R. ERSKINE, Phone I. Main Street, Atwood eS Dealer In D. L. W. Scranton Coal ATWOOD Wood and Tile . Phone 2-12 -. Draying in Connectiou. -- "| Vice President, D. IE. Hodge; St. Alban's Church Will . Hold Anniversary. The Anniversary of St. Alban's Church, Atwood, on Sunday, Jan. 1915. * Sermons will be preached o Sunday, Jan. 3rd, by the Rev. T. Farr, of Blyth, once Rector of A wood, at lla.m.and7 p.m. An EB tertainment will Music Hall, on Tuesday, January at 8 p.m. Don't miss Robt, Clark new and ol Punch and Judy, by local talent. Admission, ° adults; o.------ COUNCIL MINUTES. Township of Elma met in the Ag cultural hall, Atwood, on Tuesda Dec. 15th, 1914. oe Members present--Reeve, Willi Scott; Deputy-reeve, Samuel Smith Councillors, Wm. Coates, John man and Wm. McClory. Minutes of last meeting were approved and signed by the # and Clerk. a Moved by McClory---Smith--tha Messrs. Crowley & McDonnell t paid the sum of $1,200.00 less $1000 paid by the county, as part paymer of the contract of the Ellice Maitlan Relief drain as per engineer's cert ficate. Carried. a Moved by McClory--Smith--tha the resignation of John McCallut as Fence Viewer be accepted and thi By-law No. 642 be amended accom ingly. Carried. 3 Moved by Coates--II]man--th , By-law No. 654 repealing the @ |pointment of John McCallum Fence Viewer as now read a thi time be finally passed. Carried. | Moved by McClory--Smith-- the council do now adjoura to m asa court of revision on the Be champ Creek and Extension D By-law. Carried. -oO ae ; is a gas Drains By-law havik council met for genera! Moved. by Coates --B the collectors time for re Roll be extended till the fir: of council for 1915. Carrie! Moved by Coates --Illma the Reeve and Clerk issue ord a number of accounts. Carried Moyed by McClory--I I man-- the council do now adjourn sine GEO. LOCHHEAD, CLERK. es imp Literary Society Held Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Atwood Literary Society was held at the home of Mr. T. G. Ratcliffe on Monday The minutes of the last meeting were read, also the financial report | for the past year, both were adopted. jas follows :--Hon-Pres., Dr. Husser }Revy W. A. Amos and Rey. J. M Shaw; President, Geo. Lochhead } Treas., M. R. Morrison; Executiv Committee, John Ballantyne, W. EB) McBain, Wm. Donaldson and J. Hi Lowry, Miss McIntosh, Miss Ada McMane, Miss Annie Lochhead, Mr. McNaughton. held, the first on Jan. 8th, and other to follow every second Friday. Following are the leaders-- Morrison. \ Jan. 22nd, Mrs. Ratcliffe and Mrs. McBai evening, Dec. 7th. The oflicers for the coming year or Sec. Ratcliffe; Lookout committee, Misg A series of six meetings will be Jan. 8, J. H. Ratcliffe and M. R. eBain. Feb. 5th, R. A. Thompson and A. R. Terry. Feb. i9th, D. E. Hodge and W. R. Erskine. Mar. 5th, Marion Mitchell and E. Hammond. Mar. 19th, Geo. Lochhead and H. Porter. . ee) St. Alban's Church Notice. There will be service in this church on Christmas Day at 3 p.m. Sermon and special* Christmas hymns and carols. . : All members are asked to make a special effort to be present on this |""day of days." » We have had students' from thir- teen to forty years of age at Listowel Business College during the past four be given in the the ventriloquist of Toronto, the Musical program, songs, recitations ; 25c; children 1c. H Mm 3 The Municipal Council of the} icers and Ladies of the entertained by Mr. Jas. New- ing, president, and Mrs. New- hded, after which the evening was phalf of those present made a few opriate remarks, thanking Mr. eMrs. Newbigging for the social ' i e and honest characteristics of 6 who had labored with them for welfare of the company, when 'A. Willoughby requested Mr. bigging to accept from Mr. Thos. Shearer, on behalf of the directors, rof driving mitts, as a remem- ace of their labors together during past year. Mr. Newbigging, iy replied, assuring those present he felt undeserying and that it F unexpected but would ever be y prized by him, 'after which all bd in singing " Auld Lang Syne" Fin the 'wee sma' oors' parted, ang that the night was well spent. DIRECTORS MEETING. Pmeeting of the Directors of the pa Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur- p Co., was held in the Secretary's ce, Atwood, on Tuesday the 15th mmber, 1914. Ail the members be Board were present. The putes of the last meeting were read 1 confirmed. Mr. Shearer report- p having settled the McNnight mnt for $835; Ed. Collis, of Grey, sented a claim for $10.60 for dam- Mt to his house by lightning on Wember 13th, 1914, and Horace well, of Elma, claimed $25.00 for pace toa 2: year-old heifer by lightn- meurance rT 'to $129,600.00. "The following ac- | counts were paid -- BE. H. Swing, for H balance printing $8.00; T. G. Rat- cliffe, rent of hall for meetings $11; J. 8. Cowan, meeting mileage and j adjusting'claims, $19.00; -- Jas. Mof- } fat ditto 26.7 ; S. J. Loye, ditto 15; iJno. McClory, ditto 32.40; J. K. be the annual meeting to meet in the o'clock p.m.--J. R. Hammond, Sec. ------ McMane--Seelhoff. A quiet but p when their elder daugt Howard McMane, of Elma. Blunck, performed the ceremony in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. father was tastily attired in a gown of white satin with an over dress of shadow lace and carried a boquet of cream roses. The bride and groom were unattended and the ceremony took place under an arch of ever- greens and white roses. Miss L. Mc- Mane presided at the piano and play- ed the wedding march. The cere- mony and congratulations over the guests repaired to the dining room which was prettily decorated with pink and white carnations where a sumptuous wedding dinner was ser- ved. The happy couple left on the eyening train for a wedding trip to Stratford, Galt and London. On their return they will take up their residence on the groom's farm on the 10th .of Elma. > Clubbing List For 1915. Family Herald with Bee assvenes $1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmers' Advocate................- 2 25 Canadian Farm .........-s20. 000005 1.75 Daily Free Press...........0..0266+ 3.25 * Star, Toronto ........ -..00+ 2.75 PRUNBWES . dwatapebesonnts 2.75 Sie SNOEIG, sev vvesoesdacee 3.25 "Mail, SF cepensenlaen ies 3.75 tima Factory Entertained. © Officers of the Elma Cheese &| + fer Mfg. Co. Ltd., and their ladies | ; ing at their home on Friday}; 'ing last to an oyster supper, fully | ° * We take much pleasure in i - & enjoyably spent in social re-| + P showing goods as we know scences, story, games and song. |° bre parting, Secretary Lochhead, | + bing so thoroughly enjoyed by all| % ent and reminding each officer to| = et the wrong" and remember the| + n Nov. i3th, 1914, both claims Baker, ditto 25.70 ; Geo. Cleland, dit- | « }to 23.20; D. B. Grieve, ditto 15.20; | 3 : T. E. Shearer ditto 23.40 ; A. Steven- | + son ditto 17.80 and S. S. Rothwell|< $1.00 for adjustibg claim in 1913.|% The meeting adjourned till Tuesday | + the 26th January, 1915, which will |; Agricultural hall, Atwood, at two|- retty house wedding | + took place at the howe of Mr. and/} Mrs. Frederick Seelhoff, Milverton, | 7 at high noon on Wednesday, Dec. 9.| + Julia Bliz- |< abeth was united in marriage 'o Mr.|/F Rev. A.| 4 iJ. ROGER, The bride who was giyen away by her| 3 + HARDWARE and TINWARE eo ake sBeceolecle le Sele sBaclacKecBec¥e eclack. eee eee ee eee ee ee Ee sere ee ee ey We do a Large Business and are content with small profits . Se sfeck S08 SO errr se that both the goods and the prices are right. All rips sewed free. . baie Be ae he aoe Boho de Ho choco dhe Boole he Solo checke Be Rockeche Be cZechecks he clockecks sfecbecbosle cheske Zooks Bo ce chocks Bucheckecd o.08. 2.3... 5 Secfe hard, che he we ah aie Nae) a OEE SEE TS eee Oe rr a cc ate hc oat Mic aie Sie Wik Dt Se ee vai oo ake she aoe e's Christmas Times | Best Wishes to You and Yours ! ~ f The Store for all the People Bese Be ole Be sBeoleclle olbe occlelbe she Bealbe cSe ulleallnclacle ole clea Re Eee a eee ESE Eee eS Ee eee EY SOR prveege eat ergy ay ere e perry a Gifts for All ¢ Our line comprises gifts suitable for father, mother, " _ brother, sister and children. + The line we show can always be depended upon not ~ only for Christmas day, but every other day in the year Easy Chairs, Couches, Kitchen Cabinets, Extention tables, Buffets, China Cabinets, Secretaries Sectional Book Cases, Music Cabinets, Parlor Suits, Rocking Chairs Pictures in Frame. FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER Bese cBeaBe che cba cBeaBe Zacbes¥e cle ole checBecle cEecBe$ooke ale Backs cle he cBeclaclecleclecn. ub Atwood: SB Ooh ve ie) ee ie) rer 2. Be Ma cBocBe Ze Bee cfe Bet. 2.2. 9 5 he wie sie ie SE ie he aie he he She bie Se ie owe) ee er ee ee eS Sas Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital, Paid-up, $3,000,000 Surplus 3,750,000 BUSINESS TRAINING Many men have fallen short of business suc- seeg because, as they grew in experience, they neglected to cultivate habits of economy Every yourg man should keep g Savings Account cause personal economies train the mind to' use' capital wisely in business. Start now. | A, M. ROBINSON, Manager, Atwood ft years. You should enter January 4th. BMOUG i. ngsccashcans ses 3.75 The Sunday World, Toronto ... 2.40

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