Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 11 Dec 1914, p. 1

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Th Bee ' Vol. 25. No. 40. ATWOOD, ONT. FE 11, 1914. ~ &. H. Swine, Proprietor. a ee ee _ [Perth County Council f Robert Simpson. ** PEEEEREEEEEE DEP PE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE Pee tt Es Grants Over $32.000. ¥ $ b 4 Rein toons cdl ss jcc «: mea ATWOOD SHOE STORE | kee id Ai Perty county council, by a vote of No '98, atin oe he i z . 4 person of Mr.| + oA Are you interested in our [22 be 6, a8 Hedy niorning's soaps RabatMoneco, aged 92 year. Tho Wedoa Large Business and are 32 § the home of his son, | 3 Pri oa the rateable property of the county if : 2 i Doll and Bear Contest to be given to the Canadian Patriotic -- E pebeon, Sesdiees BS + content with small profits ty Fund Association, for the assistante b F cha sarie' to Oanada + : + Christmas Cards, Booklets, Calendars and Stationary. of Capennacts es soldiers ie Rane anda Pownship 69 years ago.|+ We take much pleasure in showing goods as we know + We have a fall line of these ranging from 5c to 0c. the council's donation will amount to Hs 7 ata ee Regret eh i that both the goods and the prices are right. = We also solicit your order for Private Greeting Cards. about $32,000, payable ae sg, hag Sik last fow yours he had + is i instalments of $1,400. is wi : A + All ri * OUR CALENDAR OFFER. form the nucleus in the county of the ~ else des facet g 3 + te a sewed free. * fund which will no doubt soon as-| ii) 5 ig: wild pre deceased | + a One of our beautiful calendars will be given away with every 50c sume proportions creditable to this, ining deo and five children| ¢ purchase of Na druco goods. the banner county of the provinee. atl ve. There aré three sons| £ D. WATTE RS : : M al n st. + s ------ ao ghters, Dr. D. M. Simp- SAB FE IC Leaders in girls--Margaret Porter, Mary Hodge, Mary Harvey. ; F the ad, Downie ; Miss Lizzie Leaders in boys--Garnet Husser, Jack Hamilton, Mbrris Ovans. "There died at London on Friday, |} #f Detroit, and Mrs. Harry . y : . Noy. 27, Jane Boyd, relict of the| Th iat Downie. One brother, - late Wm. Shearer, in ber 70th year. | Mr aid Simpson, of Atwood, YAR N S { N The deceased was born in Scotland | af ies. The deceased was E. CG. COCGH L 5 and when a child came with her pav-| P and was one of the moat Sn a . ' e r ents to Canada, settling in Garafaxa. Beail-known men of the For almost a month it has been next to impossible to secure even EPR CLIO EG IC IODA I The family afterwards moved to El- ; ordinary, every-day Canadian Factory yarn. . ------ {ma township, then called the ye : mien aveiskcacaiiaiiain "Queen's Bush", and settled on the 0 We Have All Colors Now Lauq]ES]SS SS fourth concession. In 1865 she mar- s Patriotic League ried Mr. Wm. Shearer, who prede- of Elma Centre.|@ Black, White, Greys, Grey and White, Black and White, Scarlet, Minto Tea can't be beat real money in every pkg. Call and see our new stock fl of pipes from 5c to $3.00. The Star Grocery Buy your Christmas Groceries here and then you will be sure you get the best. Our new stock of Raisins, Currants, Peels, Dates, Nuts, Figs Oranges and Lemons have just arriyed and are of no one quality and prices are low. Our Confectionery is high classas we only buy from the two best firms in Ontario which is the C. H. Doerr Co., of Berlin, and the Wm. Paterson & Sons, Brantford, it comprises high class Cboco- lates from 20c per |b. up and fancy Bon Bon boxes at all prices. Our mixed candy and creams cannot be beat, try them and secure | a ticket for the Big Goose that is to be given away Christmas eye. Eyery 50c worth of either nuts, candies, oranges, banans or grapes entitles you to one ticket, why not try and be the lucky one. For your hens we have grit, oyster shell and ground bone. Meats Ia 'meats we. have Rolled Bhoulder, Back Bacon, Breakfast Bacon, Spare Ribs. FISH iy As Fish is the cheapest meat you can buy at present, we expect to have a good supply of all kinds, but at present we have-- | Finnin Haddie, Ciscoes, Smoked Herring, Salterwater Herring. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs--Cash or Trade. - it Goods delivered to any part of the Village. Ki E. T. Greensides & Son Hi Phone 5 il Ce S55 SS SS SS SS SSS SS SS SS PEt C8 TIEN PLE St) EFS) (OSS LITA Clothing New Clothing in Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats all sizes. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Suits. Men's, Boys' and Youths' all wool sweaters. Men's and Boys' Winter Pants. Underwear We bave a complete range of all kinds of Penmans underwear for Ladies' and Gents' Boys' and Girls and Babies. In Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannets, Woollen and Cashmere Hosiery, Flannet and Woollen Blankets our stock is complete. é Produce and Poultry Highest Market price paid for Butter and Eggs Cash or Trade. Live Poultry taken any day. We supply crates. W. R. ERSKINE, Main Street, Atwood Dealer In D. L. W. Scranton Coal Wood and Tile Draying in Connection. 'ATWOOD Phone 2-12 ceased her seven years ago. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Shearer, all of whom survive, name- ly: Mrs. J. Dick an@ Miss Shearer, Listowel; Thomas, Edward and William of Elma. L. O. L. No. 630 Atwood Elects Officers For 1915 | held i in the lodge room with a good | attendance. | were elected. a} | W. M.--J. R. McKee. ay Dep. M.--J. B. Wilson. Chaplain---Rey. J. M. Shaw. - * Rec.-Secretary--H. Willoughby, Fin.-Seoretary-- Jobo. Joynt. -- i oughby. Smith, W. Middleton; G. Dickson, Wm. Sweeton. Auditors -- J. Hatherley, Geo. Thompson. 7] --_---- -- _S. S. No. 5, Elma. . The following is the report of S. S. No. 5, Elma, for the month of November. Entrance Class--Total 100. exam- ined in History and Spelling.-- Nellie Vipond 100, Bertha Leslie 96, Pearl Struthers 94; Charles Curtis 94. Fourth Class -- Total 150, exam- 'ined. in Spelling and Arithmetic -- Roy Anderson 125, Willie Gray 100. Sr. ITI Class-- Examined in Liter- ature, total 100--Edith Holmes 93, Clarence Smith 86. Jr. IIT Class--total 100 -- Exam- ined in Geograph y--Agnes Inglis 100, St. Clair Newhbigging 95, Frank Car- son 85, Kenneth Barton 73, Audrey Ducklow 59. Second Class, total 100--Examin- ed in Geography --- Eyeline Holmes 100, Erie Ducklow 75. First Class-- Fair --- Lloyd Barton, Mary Curtis. Sr. Primer-----Excellent-- Mary Car- son, Willie Smith, Mary Haryey. Good, Isabel Wilson. Jr. Primer, Excellent -- Vermet Barton, Gordon Dickson,.good, Ken- neth Barton. Prize winner in spelling -- Agnes Inglis. No. enrolled 25. Average attend- ance 20.--A. B. MCMANE, Teacher. a Clubbing List For 1915, Family Herald with Bee Weekly Sun Farmers' Advocate...............65 Canadian Farm Daily Free" Presz.......0s0ve stewes ° Star, Toronto Ween eee ceeeee eee nee eeweeee oe eeeeee Hee eeeee wenn eee Globe, The Sunday World, Toronto . --_----_----- ------ St. Alban's Chord Notice. 3.7 . 2.40 ' There, will he service in St. Al- ban's Church, Atwood, at 3 p.m. on _| Sundays until further notice.--J. M.} | Shaw, Priest-in charge. 1 | Tuesday evening of last week the jregular meeting of December was} © After the usual routin® | 4 lof business was done, the followings ; 0 i 7% Cominitteemen -- H. Brown, "FT -- r's report of money contri- work done by members a izers, of the Women's P. ue of Elma Centre. p fees & collection " 60 donation ........... 0.00 Y oe P; Peeolien mitts...... 50 -70 wd pin | ooks ....... 1.00 Huétons............ 165 $ 108.85 of two bales sent to Red ty, 77 King st., Toronto. socks, 36 flannel shirts, 47 sts, 1 pr. double mitts, 38 handkerchiefs, 3 scarfs, 14 hospital shirts. a on fe Express on sécond ba Amount ment to Red Gres S'y 165. pie Cash' on .78 we of material donated...... 5 95 $103.84 Death of The Late Mrs. Samuel Love. There died in Burton, Mich., on 'Friday, Noy. 27th, Mary Jane Cotter, widow of the late Samuel Love in her 70th year. The remains were brought from Burton on Monday via G.T.R. to Listowel and on arrival the cortege proceeded to the Methodist church where Rey. Dr. Barber con- ducted seryice after which the cortege proceeded to Elma Centre cemetery, where interment took place. The deceased lived in Elma town- ship for years and a few years after the death of her husband, the late Samuel Love who died about 23 years ago, she moyed to Li&stowel where she resided for four years, re- moving from hereto Detroit nineteen years'ago. The deceased made her home with her daughter, Miss Effie Loye; of Duluth, Minn., and was vis- iting in Burton when she died. She is surviyed by seven daughters, six of whom were at her bedside when her end came, namely, Mrs. Robert Hay, Mrs.. John Burrows and Mrs. Charles Cummings, of Detroit; Mrs. Walter Strickland, of Minneapolis; Miss Effie Love and Mrs. Hawes, of Dul- uth." The one absent was Mrs. OC. Rose,~of London, England. Two sons atrvive -- Charles Love, of Al- berta, and John Love, of Minneapol- is. The deceased is also suryived by three brothers and two sisters: John Coulter, California. James Coulter and Yeung Coulter, of Elma; Mrs. Wynn, sr., of Newry, and Mrs. R. L. Alexander, of Alberta. Going to Swansea with the object of adopting a Belgian refugee child an Abercynon couple found that there were two children, brother and sister, who-could not.be separated. They resolved to adopt the two children. Great was the wife's astonishment on Undressing the little girl, t2 fird upon her a locket containing a por- trait of her own dead 'ister, who went to Belgium years ago as a jgovergess, and was the mother of the two children. Cardinal and Royal Blue. Excellent quality, 2 or 3 ply. 60c a pound. Special Hand Bags Fingering yarn Clearing at 3 or 4 ply, first one third quality, Black only of the regular 20c skein. prices. We want Dressed Poultry It is evident that their is an unusal large supply of poultry this year and not a very brisk demand for it in the cities. Only No. 1 birds, dried picked, find a ready sale. We will allow (in trade) the very best price possible, but owing to the unsettled market conditions we cannot quote prices here. . Call us up by 'phone. Eggs---35c. Butter in printed wrappers--25c. Limited ee a ee a a Sale of Enameled Steel Wares We have received a shipment of enamelled goods A No. 1. ples in our window. Never had such bargains. J. ROGER, Atwood HARDWARE and TINWARE. Call and examine for yourself. See sam- eeeeedstaeeeeeessettieet PEE EEE be EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE FEES EE EE PEPE PPE PEP PEP EEE EEE beef olefebeoh oboe EEE PERE EEE EE EEE EEE EE EE EL EE EE EEE EEE EEE EE EET PP Bank of of Hamilton | "Capital Authorized $5,000 000 Capital, Paid-up, $3,000,000 Surplus 750,000 THE MEN BEHIND A Banking institution gets strength as much <a from the men who ane its affairs as from ga. the actual capital jnvestec ies Money deposited in the Bank of Hamilton is | TEL et gua by pod well known for business | Pend aie a \ integrity, and ac --men who valuese curity more than 'high profits. To this policy is due a Surplus which is one quarter larger |||) than its Capital--the result of over 40 yeara conservative management. A. M. ROBINSON, ------ Hanager, Atwood

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