Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 9 Oct 1914, p. 7

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TWO YEARS OF TORTURE. =| FROM STOMAGHTRONBLE Cured by the Tse of Dr. Williams ~ Pink Pills for Pale People There are two ways usually adop- vee in trying to cure indigestion or trow' ne, the wrong wad: by using purgatives and other drugs which only act locally' and which in the long run cause more distress by w ning the whole system. The other way and the right way is the Dr. Williams' man- ner of treatment-that is to nourish and build up the stomach by sup- plying plenty of new, rich, re blood. Give the stomach this mmuch- needed supply of new blood and distress will disappear and stay banished forever. The new blood strengthens the nerves of the sto- mach and gives it the necessary power to digest food. Thousands bear witness to the value of the Dr. Williams' treatment through 'he b] Among them is the Rev. P D. Nowlan, of Summerville, N.S., who says: 'eq certainly have great reason to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as they were the means of saving my life. Till I reached the age of-thirty I never knew what pain or sickness meant, but after that my stomach failed me and food of any Kind caused untold distress. I became constipated and was forced to use injections daily.' This went on for about two years; I grew weaker and weaker; my weight fell off from™ 185 to 125 pounds; I had a hacking cough and appeared to'be going into a decline. All this time I was being treated by the best doctors but without the least benefit. Night after night I could get no sleep the pain and agony was so severe. On consulta- tion the doctors decided I was suf- fering from cancer of the stomach, and advised an operation as means of saving my life. This I re- fused to undergo, and began to look forward to an early death. Just then a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had no faith in any medicine and at first refused, but my friend was so persistent that finally I gave in and purchased half a dozen boxes. By the time these were gone I felt much stronger an the distress was not so sévere. continued their use and each suc- ceeding box wrought a marked im- provement in my condition, till by the time I had taken a dozen boxes, every pain and ache had left me; my strength increased; my weight was back where it was before I was ill; I had a good appetite and, was " completely eured. In the years:that have elapsed since I used the: -_ not a twinge of the trouble has r turned. To me Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest medicine on earth, and I never lose an oppor- tunity in recommending them to other sufferers, for I feel that were it not for their use I pier have been in my grave long ago."' What Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills did for Rev. Mr. Nowlan they have done for thousands of others and will do for you if ailing. They not only cure cases of stomach trouble, but rheumatism, partial paralysis, heart palpitation, St. Vitus dance, and all other troubles that have their origin in a bad condition of the blood and nerves. The Pills are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. -------- kr____. PUSSIES DRAW PENSIONS. Cats Used by Governments to Ex- terminate Rats. A suggestion made that the rat nuisance should be fought by means of armies of cats has already been tried elsewhere. In Hong Kong, for instance, dur- ing the epidemic of rat-borne Bu- bonic plague,-some few years back, many hundreds of cats were im- ported, and set to work to exter- minate the rodeuts. They proved, however, to be very poor. rat- 'catchers. In France, too, cats are used by the Government authorities to pro- tect niilitary stores from the depre- dation of rats, and in order to train them, and to ascertain their fit- ness for their work, they are sent for a sea voyage. If they are found equal to killing the rats always found in the lower holds of vesse a], they are given a similar job on} shore. Malta also has its Government cats. They are kept in the great subterranean reserve granaries un- der Valetta, and, like the pit ponies once they are taken below, they seldom ascend to the surface again At the London General Post- Office, a similar staff of cats is maintained. It is their duty to pro- tect the mails from rats, and when past work they are pensioned off, just like other Government em- ployees. -- ---k#_--__ Hard, Soft, or Bleeding ? No matter what kind or where located, any corn is promptly cured by Putnam's Corn Extractor; being purely vegetable it eauses no pain. Guarantee with every bottle of "Patnam's" uee no other, ec. a: All dealers &®/ more of a hermit than ever. CZAR LIVES HERMIT LIFE AUTOCRAT OF RUSSIA LEADS A CURIOUS EXISTENCE. Nicholas HI. Hides Himself From the Outside World--Fears Assassination. Rasputin, the priest of Mystivsn, led by the Czar of all the Russias, who has shut himself off from nearly everybody but the spiritualists who have the ear of the Czarina and himself. Nicholas II. is having a new wall built to the north of Peterhof Park, where he dwells every summer, an he will shortly have the high gates of Tsarskoe Selo made still aoe These are signs and symbols of latest hermit-like phase. recently returned, were other her- mit innovations, such as sound-proof doors in the west wing where he works, and for this he brought all the way from France the architect Robert Chaudet, These operations mean that Nich- olas:II. is withdrawing more thau ever from human life and ~realizing the nickname given him by his oe jects after the massacre of January, 1905, "Schimnik Nikolai," the her- mit Nicholas. For three years Nicholas ventured only twice out of his palacéjcell, and then to St. Pe- tersburg. Later he made some cen- tenary journeys, showing himself to few, and fugitive tours through Italy and Germany. This qualified return to the world got a_ bad check by the assassination in 1911 of Stolypin. ince then been When the Romanoff tercentenary was cele- brated last year only a few thou- sand frightened subjects saw their autocrat's frightened face over the heads of menacing soldiers. Now even the motor car tours around the alace have been curtailed, and Tsarkoe Selo becomes more and more a monastery of gloomy people, who are allowed small communica- tion with the outside world and who keep their mouths discreetly shut. Nicholas has Angers the Diplomats. Diplomats, high officials, and the chiefs of the army regard the imper- ial seclusion as a scandal. Angriest of all are the diplomats. Some. of whole decade, and during that -|eade there have been ied two court entertainments. The levees, draw- ing-rooms, and court balls have en- tirely ceased. St. Petersburg, once Europe's liveliest city, is now the dullest. Big nobles without official positions have taken to living in Moscow as the livelier town. This is reflectéd in the reports of the police building department, which show that since 1905 there have been seven times as many large villas and good-class apart- ment houses put up in Moscow as in St. Petersburg. High politics are sericusly affected. Under Alexan- der III. and his predecessors the foreign diplomats had opportunities of talking to the Czar every week: and Bismarck, when Ambassador at St. Petersburg, carried on his most important negotiations with. Alex- ander II. direct. Such a thing is no longer possible. Ministers also have cause of com- plaint. Twice during the present reign their opportunities of talking politics with the gutocrat have been curtailed. Up to 1905 every Minis- ter had one weeklyaudience, when the Czar was at St.) Petersburg or at either of his suljurban palaces. He was further summoned for spe- cial audiences two or three times a month, and he had the right, when affairs were pressing, to demand special audiences . After 1905 the weekly visit was all that was left. Weekly Visits Cut Short. During the last year the weekly visits have been cut short. On the days appointed for audiences Czar's aide- de-camp telephones to the Ministers' quarters, asking if there is anything pressing, as, if not,- the audience may be delayed r a memorandum may be submit- ted, on the margin of which the Czar_will write his views. All this is the result of Nicholas' now chro- nic dislike of seeing the human face. When Minister of Education Sasso went to Tsarkoe Selo, immediately after the restaurant scandal, in which he was publicly boxed by two young men, he was not received. Sasso thought this was a hint to re- sign. In reality, it meant that Nicholas was in one of his anti- human moods. Even Premier Gore- mykin was sometimes turned away. When Witte was Premier he' audiences three times a week, and Stolypin had two weeks audiences. Now the head of the Government contents himself with one weekly audience "and with occasional tele- hone messages communicated by irresponsible underlings. _ An excise is the only thing that's easy to find when you're looking or it. The assassination-by a woman of : calls attention to the curious life|?! At the 'Inew palace at Livadia, whence he them have been in St, Petersburg a| How a Sick Woman ~ Can Regain Health READ THIS very CAREFULLY. r years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches ri my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought ny skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite ailed. I v weak. 'Various Hamilton's Pills. ced sane upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen--my blood-red and pure--heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward from Mrs. J. Y. d, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. CHINESE HOMES. letter They Have No Windows and Furni- ture Is Absent. The absence of furniture and of what we should consider the bare necessities of life is ~he outstand- ing impression of any visit to a Chinese house or palace, writes Miss Violet Markham in the est- A Chinese palace is mere- ly an exterior with magnificent painted beams and a tiled roof of many colors. The desperate .dis- comfort of these places as living houses judged by our standards jumps to the eyes. A Chinese house has no windows, only trellis work pasted over with paper. The Chinese eat, sleep and conduct the business of life whenever the fancy takes them. They have no special rooms set apart for special pur- poses. They eat on their beds and sleep on the floor. For heating pur- poses they have evolved what is known as the stove bed, consisting of a raised platform at the end of the room, which is heated with hot air in winter time, the only warm spot in the house, for there are no fireplaces. They have no beds, only bedding, and the Emperor would sleep huddled up in a quilt on stove in the same way as his hum- blest subject. ae" Cee. LIN ee "The new Take" Bitte as cf the O.P.R. has been used for pas-| senger traffic since June 29. A freight business is also being carried n. This new line gives practically a new route between Montreal and Toronto, and greatly facilitates in handling the enormous traffic, pas- senger and freight, passes through this territory. was commenced about two years ago, and entailed a cost of nearly twelve millions of dollars. That it will create new business is confi- dently believed ; but a consideration which is not directly associated with profits, yet is not alien' thereto, is: that by the duplication of the tracks | there is set up a closer communica- tion between the two great centres} of population in | in the Dominion. That "That Settled It. "Willie," said the teacher, "give me three proofs that the world is actually round."' '"Yes," said Willie, cheerfully; "the book says 60, you say so and ma says 80.' Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. Heard His Daughter. A professor who prided himself on his correct English, heard his daughter remark: "I intended to tell Jane to bring a fresh pail of water."' "You doubtless mean a@ pail of fresh water," corrected the "T wish you would pay attention to your A few minutes later he said to his wife, '"My dear, that pic- ture would show to better advant- age if you were to hang it over the clock.' "Ah,"' replied the daugh- ter, "you doubtless mean if mother were to hang it above the clock. If it were hung over the clock we could not see the time.'? And the professor suddenly became very much interested in his boo SAN - Sa XN YX RUFF AND ~~ FALLING HAR Earning, iris Irritated Scalp. opt Awake at Night. Used uticura Soap 'and Cuticura Oint- ent. Now Head Is Well. = Salaberry St., Quebec, Que-- ¢ years ago dandruff began to : scalp. At first I didn't notice it, ; hair began falling out gradually and it kept gettlag worse. The itching and burning were so bad that I scratched and my scalp. I was kept awake at by the irritation. "used ------ and Oil, also a oils and they did no good. I then wey been months and my head is most ical it: Gently smear the affected parts with Ointment, on the end of the finger, 'do not rub, 'ash off the Cuticura in five minutes with Cuticura tof assist in on, , and clogging of the pores, the com- m cause of th facial erup- Sold by druggists and dealers here. Liberal sample of each mailed with 32-p. Skin Book on the treatment 4 the skin and scalp. Address post-card . Dept. D, Boston, U. 8. A." \ ) Wal THE CANAL COST. Mean Enormous Time-Saving for Vessels. ow that barges are going right 1915, when the official inaugu- m is to take place, draws near, few figures of wonderment will be interest, says London Answers. The total length of the canal is Hy 50 miles, but it will mean a 840. miles, and through the canal rom other parts of enormous time-saving, too, will be effected. A vessel leaving Liverpool] for San the | Francisco, and going from the Mer- passage through the Qanal is"put ab 8 to 10 hours, and through the series pf wonderful locks at 3 hours. The total number 'of men employed on the historic work has been 40,000. Other figures are equally astounding, including the estimated total cost of $375,- 900,000., --------"r--_--_--_-- INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, na, Pigeon & Davis, Patent Solicitors, Montreal, report that 82 Canadian Patents were issued for the week ending Septem- ber 8th, 1914, 58 of which were granted to Americans, 14 to Cana- dians, 9 to residents of Great Bri- tain and Colonies and 1 to residents 4654 were issued, 7 of which were gran ted to Canadian Inventors. en Nothing Couldn't. Reggie--Can nothing induce you to change your mind and marry? 'Miss Keen--Evidentlv not, Reg- 'gie, haven't you tried and failed? Minard's piainent Co., Gente, tomer of o bad case ot "diet temper io. a valuable nowie by the uee of MINARD'S LINIMENT. Youre ny VILANDIE FRERES. A Hard Bump Coming. Her Dad--Does that young man you've been keeping company with intend to get married or to re- main single? ; Daughter--I think he's on the fence, papa. ' - Dad--Then throw him over. . Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Battle Without Powder. "'Pa, what is a militant suffrag- et " "A militant suffragette, son, is a woman who wants to vote so badly that she forgets to powder her nose.' It Has To. She--It must be great to be a man! One dress suit lasts you for years and years, and a woman must have a new dress for every party. He--That's why one dress euit lasts a man for years and years. ISSUE 40--'I4., Minard's Lintment Reileves Neuraigta. BORACIC ACID FN FOODS. Tracing It In Many Articles Of Consumption. The presence of boracic acid in canned foods is by no means con- clusive evidence that it has been placed there by the canner. The label may omit mention of it~with- out any violati ri ofthe food laws. The fact is, as M. Gabriel Bertrand has shown, like arsenic, is one 0 the most widely distributed of chemicals. He has found it in apricots, cherries and many other fruits. He has recovered it tron a host of vegetables and identified it in the flesh of the rabbit, the lobster, the horse and the ox. Tt is in cow's milk as well,.and-even in the egg of the hen. There are very few foods in which it. does not occur. Under such conditions it is never found in quantities sufficient to in- jure the consumer, however. In most instances it exists simply as a trace. Nevertheless it is there. and easily to be detected in the laboratory. Very evidently, then, as Ber- trand points out, it is not the mere presence of boracic acid, but the quantity in. which it exists, that determines the source from which it comes and the probable purpose for which it has been introduced into the food. The qualitative an- alysis affords no light whatever up- on these questions except in the case of the few foods in which no boron exists. It is this quantitative analysis alone which can decide whether the acid is from the laboratory of Na- ture, and entirely harmless, or in- troduced by a dishonest manifac- '|turer for the purpose of rendering unwholesome food palatable and slightly Nerviline Ends Neuralgia, Brings Relief Instantly No Remedy Like Old "Nerviline" to Cure Pain or Soreness. That terrible. ache--how you fairly reel with it--that stabbing, burning neuralgia--what misery it causes. Never mind, you don't have to suffer --use Nerviline, it's a sure cure. Not an experiment, because nearly forty years of wonderful success has made a name for Nerviline among the peo- le of many different nations. "There is nothing speedier to end Neuralgic headache than old-time 'Nerviline,'" writes Mr. G. C. Dalgleish, from Ev- anston. "It is so powerful and pene- trating that it seems to eat up any ly Bet. in a minute. My family couldn't get along without Nerviline. We al- ways keep the 50c. family size bottle Bars t on the shelf, and use it to end .| chest colds, fore throat, coughs, ear- , tootha and po in the back. My wife swears by* Nerviline. For pas its effect 'bef -artonishing and e' believe it is better and ansenier a any other household family rem- e : ----__kr_____. Best Regards to Science. "Science attacks the sandwich,"' is a headline. Here's hoping it has better luck with it than we have had with some purchased at rail- way lunch counters. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. One Thing Leads to Another. Employer -- What! I've just agreed to give you every Saturday off as a holiday and now you want an increase of salary. Employee--Yes, sir, so I can en- joy my holiday. YOUR OWN, DRUGGIOT. WIRY, ERM, 1OU Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Sma jog a Comf k of the ye ust ne pe 'ort. Write for tyme Free. re a malar Chicago. Might Have Known. After the bride had inspected all the fresh vegetables in the store, punched a few, and inquired prices all round, she said to the. patient clerk--"These tomatoes are just twice as dear as those across the street. Why is it?' "Ah, yes, madam, to be sure; but, you know, as I] see you are a judge, these"-- and the grocer smiled--"these are hand-picked." Of course,"' she said™*hastily, blushing, "why, I might have known. Give me a bushel, please.' ' Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious saudwiches. picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. FaRMS FOR SALB. a. W. DAWESOD, Minety Colborne Street Toronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL 4 rete, t Stock, Grain or Dairy Farms, v. Dewace, Brampton, or ¥@ .. Toro H. W. DAWSOR, Colborne St.. Toronto WEWEPAPERS YOR SALE. in Se ananaal MOOV WEEKLY LIN LIVE TOWN Yerk County. Statloutry and Book Bastness in vr ice only 4.0 Terms liperal oO Witeo Publish- ny. 78 Weat Adelaide Stree SEED POTATOES. EW BRKONSWICK SEED~POTA On scconnt of the war, this fall co be probably the best time to buy your pota for next year. Write me for price of Varietive. OC. Faweett. Upper Sackville, N.B MISCELLANEOUS. Sa ern MOKS, LUMPS C Dr. Bellman Medt mited Calin newood, Cini yATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON & DAVIS gia St. James St.,- Montreal Write fer lngsietion / FACTORY CLEARANCE S A fan E we tions are tortion ra canna. These chances come only once ina} long time-- when they do come it pays to act qu WALL BOARD Wall Board takes the visce ber ¥ Cents both lath and plaster ts a finished wal srithout further or" fpoctatn ra 7 can p on. 'ow sel tops 4 a special rice. SAMPLE FREE. ROOFING nm record. Genuine ere vcinnd Felt Roofing tains no tar or paper. fa full Sq.Ft rolls of 108 square feet ith ile" nd AMPLE FREE BUILDING PAPER A great snap at iy big a Coats Full a rolls . Useit Blea rr this 1 prick, SAM EE. Sar Ft 'mitre ANLEY NOLS & Si LTON 'tse CANADA Tipping Her Off. The Old Boarder--Don't let any one beat vou to the first table. The New Boarder--Whv? Lon"t they leave enough for the second 'table ? The Old Boarder--They don't even leave a clue as to what they, h Some men will get out of bed at midnight to runto a fire who can't be induced to get up-at 7 a.m. and start one in the kitchen range. Regularity of the bowels is an absolute neces- sity for Ith. Unless. the rpg there i bw got ie of at -- ence a it decays and poisons the whole body ya a indi- gestion aches. ts and other hank mineral purgatives irritate the cate lining of the ° bowels. Dr. Pills--entirely etable -- regulate the bowels eflectively. without weak- ening, sickening or griping. Use Dr. Mors &=s Indian Root Pills be r=" Time-Tried Ingredients-- combination of approved r materials exist. Your 0 owe Boo judgment wil te tell you is xp to "hand paddling Sony aera for ike ae Pestle for -the'odd jobs hip dew Necsbayd get the right are the bulwark of RAMSAY QUALITY In RAMSAY PAINT you get the most accurate and thorough terials. er paint better ers will tell you no t scientific macal bsid sid a - A. RAMSAY & SON CO. (Established 1842) MONTREAL, Que. |

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