{ _The Vol. 25. No. 31. Sere ATWOOD, ONT. FRI 1 Bee ~ E, H. SwinG, PROPRIETOR. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, a Bae: The Atwood Bee with A War Map For $1.50 ' THE NYAL STORE "' Coghlin's Corn Cure salves, awkard and cumbersome bandages for a place where no bandages can be comfortably ap- plied, try our own corn cure. Then' you won't have to wrap up the toe for this remedy forms a coating over the-corn while it is being removed. A glass applicator is attached to the cork which aids in applying the liquid. _ Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25c a bottle. E. G. COGHLIN, ' f you are tired of messing or mussing with corn Try Minto Tea, real Try Quaker Corn Flakes the money in every package Grapes Grapes should be higher, but we are still selling | them for 25c a hasket or 5 baskets for $1.00 qual- ity was never better the bulk of the crop will be off this week. Flour and Feed ' i sar of can supply any person. tom prices. We haye also plenty of Milverton Flour at Meats Breakfast Bacon, Back Bacon, Rolled Shoulder, Cooked Ham, | Bologna, Weiners and Side Meat. Highest price paid for Butter and Egg¢s--Cash or Trade. Goods delivered to any part of the Village. E. T. Greensides & Son Phone 5 best on the market 3 pkg 25c | The Star Grocery ~ | 1 | Monday is a public holiday. with friends at Harriston. list suffering with blood poisoning. Rev. Dr. Husser will occupy his pulpit at both services on Sunday, fall's effort. make her future home. PATRIOTIC CONCERT.-- In. the Music Hall, Atwood, on Oct. 28rd. Watch for further notice. for Los Angeles, Cal. where she will Albert J. Hammond, -a daughter. . Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Erskine and' Mr. and Mrs. John Graham spent Monday with friends a, Mitchell. Smith took charge of the butcher shop here, having rented it from Mr. Mills. Diep.--In Wiarton, on Tuesday Oct. 6th, 1914, Elizabeth Katin, be- loved wife of Mr. Wm. Forrest, in ber' 85th year. Mrs. Donald Murray and Mrs. Jos. Hanna returned home on Tuesday evening after spending three months: in the West. \ 'é Rev. S. S. Bates, D. D., of Mee Master University, Toronto, "will preach in the Baptist Church -on Sunday afternoon. : Mr. Archibald Holmes, 16th con, / has sold his farm to Wm. Phelke, : 'purchased Wm. Pseulbergs confec: | tionary store in the village of Monk i ton. i | Stratford Temperance and Reform Association has decid 4 | postpone the submission of a | {option vote in Stratford until: FALL AND WINTER Not withstanding the fact that the great Euro~ pean war is in progress affecting the market values of the world, we were fortunate in hav- ing our Fall orders placed and most of the goods forward before the beginning of the war. New Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannettes, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Woollen and Flannelette Blankets Cashmere and Woollen Hosiery, etc. Special this week in men's and boys' pants and overalls. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Delivered at Atwood station, Friday of each week. We will pay the following prices : Chickens, 10c cash, 11c trade. Fowl, 8c cash, 9c trade. Ducks, 9c cash, 10c trade. Geese for Thanksgiving 9c cash, 10c trade. We will supply Empty crates. W. R. ERSKINE, Phone 1. Main Street, Atwood 1 , ss > Dealer In ( J ' (, BAKER D. L. W. Scranton Coal ATWOOD Wood and Tile Phone 2-12 Draying in Connection. | tea AG nounce the marriage of their daugh Estella Winnifred to Mr. John Maa well Smith, Wednesday, October t! Fourteenth. Norice.--aAll Twine bills are da and it easier for a farmer-to pay fo 50 or 100 Jbs. than for me to pay) for 8 tons. 'So please call. -- ALEX, MORRISON. . A number from town haye enlisted with the Listowel Volunteers and are now being drilled. They will par- ticipated in the sham battle at Strat- io on Monday. | MARRIED.--At Monkton, on Wed |nesday Sept. 23rd. by Rev. J. Fer- |gusson, Miss Dell Catherine, daugh- jter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bannerman, }to Mr. Clyde C. Reavely of St | Thomas. 31,200 Canadian-troops, 7,500 hor- | ses oleven batterics of horses and field lartillery of six guns each, four heavy i(sixty pounders) and other machine | puns, constitute Canadas first conti- | gent to the European war. | Mr. James Hiles, of Minniapolis, 'fourth son of the late Samuel Hiles, | 14th con. Elma, who with his estim- | able wife haye been spending their {honey moon with friends in this 'township have returned to their home. | The anniversary services of the | Donegal Methodist church will be 'held Sunday, Nov. lst, and on Mon- day evening following there will be a |fowl supper served. The Rey. S. | Anderson, of London, will conduct the Sunday services. Patrick F. Hogan, of Logan town- ship, receiyed the contract for the cleaning out and putting in new tile in the Award drain that commences at John street and runs down King and Main to the outlet at the Hanna drain on the Grayel road. The work is now in operation. . PRIVATE SALE.--Of the following property in the village of Atwood, viz:---oak extension kitchen table, chairs and rocking chairs, conch, sideboard, bed room furniture, carpet, dishes, Happy Thought range, good heater, lawn mower and garden tools. App'y to Miss Angus, Main street. At a directors meeting of the Elma Cheese and Butter Mfg. Co.. Ltd. held on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. | Oliver, cheesemaker, of Donegal, was lengaged for the coming season of | 1915. Mr. Oliver is a practical and jexperieticed man and is recommend: |edas one of the best cheese and but- | } Mrs. C. Ersman spent last week) Mr. C: W. Harvey is on the sick a Autumn is no time for loafing. "A Next year's crop depends upon this}" Miss Pearl McKee left last week} Born. --In Elma, on Tuesday, Sept. 29th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs.}) M ethodist General Conference }four-year pastoral term un- 's should be left in the field 'as possible, but they are in- j hard frosts. - ding of cream leads to better hy is it that Ontario does her cream. weight of snow causing the two motor garages at Calgary in accasioned $25,000 damage. tempt was made to wreck a . train near Guelph Junction ing telegraph poles across the Methodist General Conference to incorporate certain por- the ritual in the new Hymn On Wednesday morning Mr. Max}; 4 'watching the judging at the 4 ions; more than eyer are we that feet and legs are a alf the horse. 9 Ward, grocer of Grimsby sixty-seven years old, was .to ten years in the peni: y for manslaughter. week three vessels unloaded | bushels of wheat, 19,000 of barley and 17,000 bushels ' 'at Goderich harbor. ada is patriotic, and those left by her soldiers at the front well provided for. Those who ; gO to fight are good giyers. siderable corn has been ensiled ly this season. It is difficult 6 the best quality of silage out stalks which contain too much lin contributions to the Cana- Patriotic Fund amounted to ban $40,000 hy noon of the lay ina three day's campaign, n Waterloo they reached $19,- Mormons around Lethbridge, "have given 40,000 pounds of othe Belgian relief fund, and Patric AG Bund s S e 'The British Government will glad- y accept donations from farmers of ats, beans, potatoes, apples, cheese r butter, and the Canadian Goyern- ent will send forward these ship- nts without expense tothe donors. By an amendment to the Ontario surance Act passed at the session 1914 eyery insurance agent must va fee of $3 before the 30th of fin each year. The penalty for 5 paying the feo isa fine of not less o $20 nor more than $200. n times of peace some ofthe sol- rs in Europe are pretty highly id. A Russian private gets $3.78 a vr; Austria $8.12 a year; Germany 80; France $20.40; England 6.15. Canadian privates in the pipsent war receive $1.10 a day. ARM FOR SALE.--100 acre farm inl good state of cultivation, good barn 6@x60, hen house 16x50, pig pen, d#ving shed, good well, cement. silo, alfout 3 acresof bush, 35 acres seed- ed' down this spring. Apply to W. Pfice, lot 20, con. 8, Elma. Frank McAndless, 19 years of age a pupil in the High School, Lucan, ViS., of Ilderton, was found dead in his father's barn on Sunday morning wie hole through his eye atid @ revolver lying by his side. The boy had been suspended: from the high-school on Thursday last for ir- regular attendance. HUNTING CLUB ORGANIZED. -- Tuesday evening, Sept. 29th, the logal men who compose the Hunting club for the past few years met at the home of Mr. John Sanders, King st. and organized for the coming sea- son. Jobn Sanders was appointed captain, Hiles, secretary-treas. Some twelve belongs to the club and the approaching trip to the Northern woods is being lookforward to with great anticipation. The following willbe of interest to the local sportsmen, who wish to know the open-season for the various game:---Duck from Sept. 15th to . 15th, both days inclusive. Geese, Sept. 15th to April 15th. Grouse, Oct..15th to Noy. id5th, both days inclusive. Plover and Snipe, Sept. 15th to Dec. 15th. Hare or Rabbit, Oct. lst to Deg. 15th. Black spuirrel, Nov. 15th to Dec. Ist. Mink Noy. Ist to April 80th. Muskrat, Dee. Ist to March 31st. No muskrat can be shot or trapped during the iter makers in Ontario. menth of April. with 1913 are as follows : TAKEN FROM THE COLLECTORS ROLL. ". Clerk Lochhead, has completed the Collectors Roll for the Township of Elma for 1914 and the amount of taxes placed on said roll compared ~ 1913 1914 Total assessment..... $3,571,878.00 $3,572,388.00 Total amount of Courty rate............... 7,929.55 7,930.66 . "Township rate ..........+. ; 8,930.12 8,981.37 : ry SPR SAEB, cenesasassce 488.97 489.49 = " Kerr & Crawford damages tax 28.31 28.31 H " Baillie damages tax............ 115.26 115.26 " "Municipal drain taxes.......... 12,652.37 11,615.90 a * Award drain tax ..........060 36.94 463.19 i * Costs &exp bating nuisance 12.00 " " Statute Labour taxes ........ 259.50 227.37 nt " Dog taxes 636.00 579.00 : " School taxes levied by sections 5,233.17 5,779.37 7 " Municipal grant to schools... 4,464 82 4,465.64 Total taxes $40,787.01 $40,625.56 The five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Phenng, employed on the farm of Mr. Schleuter, at Linwood, was the victim of an accidental shooting, when he received the full charge of a shotgun in the hands of his mother. Mr. Phenng had been using the gun to shoot a roosterin the poultry yard and had left it, loaded, against. the side of the door. The child inquired of its mother how the gun worked, and as she picked it up to put it out of harm's way the trigger was re- leased and her little son was instant- ly killed. Trowbridge Cider Mill will run every day but Monday in October.---Jas. McCrae. I have taken over the tin shop of Mr. 8. H. Mitchell, Atwood, and am prepared to do all kinds of tinsmith- ing, plumbing and repairing. Satis- faction guaranteed.--C. BOREHAM. Abraham Kittlehune, the oldest Mason it is belieyed in fhe world, aged 108 years, brought down two birds, and prepared and cooked them himself. and the only son of Chas. McAndless |' {GIL iit erane t + ATWOOD SNOE STORE : t + + + ; From Factory to Foot---No middle-man's Profits. + : Better Goods for Less Money. t + Solve the School Shoe Problem; Good Style, Smaller + : cost, Better Wear. Always guaranteed at = All rips sewed Free. + , + i on e oo ot FEO E PE. SETS BSI eile SE ape eee RACE Q Ee a a oe ae fPitittetitettetiseeses New Separate Skirts Many have the NEW .LONG TUNIC or OVER- SKIRT others are simple tailored stylcs. Made of sorge, black or navy, or fancy tweed, Mcderately priced at Five and Six Dollars each. extra laigs sizes, made to measure 52c extra. We are paying these prices for produce. EERE ecovessoseve 26c Butter......000 000256 Dressed Chicken..........4- 15¢ 2 HOCSC....eeeseeee 138c " ducks 15¢ * turkeys....ecseeeee 18c Gowd y & Go. The Store for all the People Listowel Surplus ty -- or emerge Li Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000 000 Capital, Paid-up, $3,000,000 READY MONEY It is often said of a man that he owns valu- able property, but is for the time "tied up. If you would be ready for every business op- ney -- a part of your Such funds can be safely deposited at interest in a Bank of Hamilton Savings Account. ROBINSON, Manager, savings should be held for imm n te use Atwood" reg