Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 3 Jul 1914, p. 7

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f ' i j -- Ayes 'PERFECT HEALTH [= DUE OT THE BLOOD stantly: Ailing and Unhappy. Nature. intended every girl and Ape ates ly tov Brestes thoircblood i is'to Blame. Alt » unhappy girls and women with colorless eeeka, dull skins and sunken, lustreless eyes, are in veins to keep them well and in the charm of health. They suffer from depressing weariness and periodical headaches. Dark lines form under their eyes, their heart palpitates thousand natives have been hired for the work of building' the road. They will direction _ of British foreméen. These natives o of Nightis are noted for Miheir ol eUstiants canni- try frequently nd an to iffdulge in their pec stroy the houses and feast upon the inhabitants. 'Sometimes they take their victims tos lonely part wi the forest, keep them in a corral and fatten them up for a great banquet... Several times © white men have accidentally stumbled upon the hiding-place of these destined victims of the canni- violently after the slightest exer-| bals. tion, and they are often attacked with fainting spells. These are only a few of the miseries of bloodless- ness. Nothing can rescue girls and women from the inevitable decline that follows anaermi& except a gen- erous supply- of new, rich blood, and nothing has ever proved 80 successful in creating r as Dr. Williams* Pink Pills for Pale People. Thousands and thousands of girls and women owe their good health and charming complexion to the use of this medi- cine. Here is one example of its power to cure. Mrs. ~ Toronto, Ont., says: ' vousness and general debility, in fact I was beginning to feel a posi- tive wreck. I tried several medi- cines and emulsions. For a time I would feel better for taking them and then the effect would wear off, leaving me worse than before. The continued drain on my health al- tered my appearance, my friends telling me I had a haggard and worn appearance. This. naturally did not. help to improve me, as you know no woman likes to be told she looks "worn out." Finally Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were suggest- ed and my husband got me a sup- ply. I used them and found the result good--not only good, but the benefit lasting, and I am now enjoying perfect health, have a good color and have regained my natural buoyancy. I trust my let- ter of gratitude may be the means - helping others who are suffering was.' T New health, new strength, new vitality follow the fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You.can get them from your medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or.six boxes for $2.50 from The. Dr; Wil- ff <a : Bs gs Brockilie, ae 9 ' ----------t--___. ; RAILROAD INTO NIGERIA. Will Penetrate Into the Wilds of Juju-Land. A new railroad is being construct- ed by the British through the terri- tory of Nigeria, in West Africa. It will penetrate the regions known as Juju-land," so called be- cause the inhabitants were long en- thralled Pe a horrible idol known as "Long It wil ie 'built by cannibal na- tives who have shown themselves the most intelligent and industrious workmen. It will open up-the last region of Africa where white mer have not yet settled. The new line into Nigeria will be 530 miles in length, and. will take four or five years to build. It will cost about $15,000,000. Itis being ~ built by the colonial government, of which the head is Sir Frederick Lu- 4 Amhoine Many explorers and = scientists have asserted that fhe cannibal tribes of Africa were more indus- trious, courageous, and intelligent than their innocent nei brutal and unscrupulous exploiters of the Congo Free State under King Leopold, took advantage of . this fact by employing cannibals to | and drive the other natives. The white men, it has been asserted, de- liberately encouraged cannibalism and offered portions of human flesh as a reward for bringing in large quantities of rubber. The white engineers and workmen will have to guard themselves care- fully, for the cannibals believe that white flesh is the greatest kind of meat. By eatin it 'they imagine that they will déquire the clever- ness and other qualities of the de- ceased person, Very few natives are daring enough now to attack white men, but there is no knowing what they might do in a moment excitement. Half a dozen white men in a jungle 500 miles from help may be in a delicate situation. Dangers from. lions and other wild animals will be very great. During the building of the Uganda railway hundreds of laborers were carried off by lions, and in recent months the beasts have walked into railroad cars and snatched off de- fenceless travellers. In Nigeria -lions are even more numerous than in Uganda. Their numbers depend largely' on . the amount of food they can find. Elands, antelopes, and other game of various sizes are so abundant in Nigeria that the lions find inex- haustible food. Sometimes as many as 50 or 60:lions lurk ina ape of jungle a few acres°in extent, near a drinking place where the focal ani- mals gather. The new railroad will run along the river banks and will cross the favorite hunting places of the lions. There will be a tremendous dis- turbance among the animals. --_ BABY'S HEALTH DURING HOT WEATHER During the hot spell fhe health of baby must be carefully guarded. Diarrhoea, cholera infantum and dysentry carry off thousands of pre- cious little lives every summer. Baby's Own Tablets are especially adapted to keep the little ones well during the summer. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, the dreaded summer complaints, or if they do come on suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will set baby right again. The Tablets are- sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents 4 box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, gard. The country which is to be| Ont opened up is rich in palm oil and ERUPTION ON HEAD HAD 10 CUT HAIR Formed Pimples and ples and Matter Spread, For Three Months Did Not Go to School. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment Cured in Ten Days, €9 Ruo Derazilly, Ville Emard, Montreal, Que.--* Cuticura Soap and Ointment cured my little girl, oan eleven, of itch of the head. formed a pimple and that aeaole broke and the matter a eee SIGHT-SEEING UNDER SEA. Kiosk-Hydro Introduced at Eng- lish Seaside Resorts. '"'Come down and see the fish," may be a greeting this summer at come seaside resorts. Several Eng- = watering-places are negotiat- the a of the kdosk- hydro new invention, which enables sightseers to descend into the se. The kiosk. hydro, which is the in- vention of an Italian engineer, con- sists of a circular steel observation chamber, in the walls of which'are double watertight windows. Above these windows are electric lamps spread and wherever the mat- ter wentanother aye She | bad and at night he. scratched ct) around the eruption. For three months she did not Ho to school and I cared for it during that time without result. "I was told to wash it'and to make an ~ -@intment of . but after washing it _gshe was worse, One evening when reading the paper I saw the advertisement of Cutl- cura Soap and Ointment and I wrote at everywhere. post-cart'to Potter Mi Bg it Dept. D, Boon, 0.8. . of 10,000 candle-power, fitted with reflectors and capable, it is claim- ed, of projecting light a distance of head |) 500 feet when the water is clear. The chamber has a sloping roof, }through which two staircases, i fore deseent, ahd: the -other™for as- cent, lead to the water level. The upper part of the kiosk-hydro may either take 'the form of a floating kiosk, rising ard falling with the tide, 'and connected with a pier by @ gangway, or it may be part of the pier. itself, withthe observation chamber suspended just above the bed'of the sea Glass ae an inch thick is used far the windows, and the steel shell is of the same thickness. SP neni Miss Wyse--And I. may really keep this photogr. aph of.you, Mr. Simpkins? -. Simpkins - (flattered)--- Delighted, I'm sure! Miss Wyse take Cater. to her maid)--Marie, _ this photograph and <wheuever the Bt original of it calls, tell him I'm not in. hey attack an isolated village, de-| ighbors. The] { and an occasional! dose will prevent |' : Good: Bye, ld Backache Nerviline Will Fix You!) Stiffness Is Rubbed F Right Out; Every . Sign of Pain Disappears. regs id gengeads by od old "Nee No other Hniment can do the work 80 quickly, can penetrate so deeply, can bring ease and comfort to the back-weary peters as Ne e in- variably doe Backache "isn't the only DODDS » KI D N EY: Z malady Nerviline is quick to cure. For lum- bago or sciatica you would go far to find relief so speedly rviline aM dl ae chronic rheumatism there are pi troying properties in pl itn t Ty give it first rank. The it Hmbers up a stiff joint 'and id soreness out of strained or rheumatic muscles fs simply a wonder. If you have an ache or a pain any- where. if you have a sore back, a stiff neck, a stiff joint, a strained muscle-- f you have lumbago, congested chest or-sore throat, just try Nerviline. Rub it on plentifully it. won't blis- ter, it can't do anything but cure you quickly. The large 60c family size bottle is the most economical, of course, but you , from any déaler, also get the 25c. small size of Nervi- line, the king of all pain-relieving re- medies --_k__ NOTES OF SCIENCE Spain exported 4,000,000 'pounds of paper for cigarettes last year. t water will cleanse willow- ware and prevent it turning yellow. In Tasmania dentists are forbid- den by law from any form of adver- tising. The governments of Italy, Bel- gium and Uruguay have officially "\ adopted 24-hour time. Motor-driven windlasses bey been invented for raising poles circus tents quickly, There is a telephone for 16.2 persons in Canada, acco: to official figures. Sixteen new railways are being built in Switzerland, some of which will be completed this year. A kerosene torch has been invent- ed for thawing frozen ground into which post holes are to be dug. The inside bark of a tree, with no other preparation than cleaning, is for blankets in have emus no breakfasts for twenty | and credit their robust health every ing on highways. Several French - artists have agreed to sign all their works in the future with thumb prints to. pre- vent frauds upon purchasers. In a tank car built in Saxony to transport living fish long distances an electric motor is used to keep the water aerated: A railroad bridge in Switzerland is being given the largest masonry arch in the world, 205 feet high, with a span of 330 feet. Argentine telegraph companies are bringing into general use a sys- tem whereby messages are receiv- ed automatically with printed type. Anger, fear and other forms of mental excitement, it has been learned, may stop digestion entire- ly and"catise serious kidney dis- eases. "In a London church tower there is_a clock which strikes the hours and quarters, but has no dials nor other visible evidences of the time. For stringing beads quickly "an ingenious German has patented a Grandmother Didn't Know but she co in't.. have cooked the Indian Corn, rolled and toasted it to a crisp brown, wafer-thin flakes, as we do in preparing Post Foasties - They are delicious with cream or milk, or sprinkled over fresh fruit or berries. From the first cooking of the corn until the rar air-tight packages of deli- cately toasted flakes are de- livered to you, Post Toast- jes are never touched by. human hand. gta would have Post Toasties --sold by Grocers. x * Pibetes P6305 Cereal Co., bea, Winds¢r, Ont c= crank-operated machine which feeds a pos the point of a threaded " Boglish society women have es- ed an institution in which given three years of ing in the Cea of dogs a r animal sanitary bat canis fitted with permitting its contents to be potred out, but preventing the en- trance of anv liquid after it has sea prove that a parachute of his invention was an improvement over former types a Frenchman dropped 1,000 feet from an aeroplane with ons and landed safely. 'Two novelties to aid gardeners are a hoe with a seed box near the blede with which ee may be done and a ahovel "wi a nd | & < & o grip part-way down Pte ae In France there has been invented an electric furnace in which all the operations of making and refining glass are carried on continuously with the same source of heat. What are believed to be the old- est printing blocks in the world, dating back at least 800 years, re- céatly were discovered in an old besiegny back of a Buddhist monas- tery in Corea. Motorcycle cars are being tried for delivering mails in rural dis- tricts in England and it is predict- ed that the horse soon will disap- pear from the postal service of the United Kingdom. e Australian states concerned arid the commonwealth have agreed on a locking and storage system for the Murray river that will open vigable waterway 1,000 miles into the heart of nroducing Australia. ener sat -- 3 Thinks Swearing All Right Providing the provocation equals the ofence of Jones stepping on Smith's to use Putnam's » Extractor--it does cure corns and r without 'pain. Try itnam's," free from acids; and pain- 4 price 350, et at ah Fearne! "Wha is th best reps improv Pp oe. more free "has a ainhavch " '*Because he can choose his own subjects." '"Why is the author ueerest animal in world?' Be- cause his tale-comes out of his head." * She--"Don' t = a ny dress is very becoming to He-- "Tm thinking of the bill "Thich will be coming to me. "ask for Minard's and take no other _ "Moral Suasion." "Bless me,!" said Tommy's great uncle. "Do-you mean to say that your teachers never thrash you?" "Never,"' replied Tommy. "We have moral -suasion in our school. 'What's that-?'" "Oh, we get kep' in-and stot up in corners, and locked out and locked in. and made to write one word a thousand times, and scowl- ed at and jawed at, and that's all," I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by MINARD'S ee a MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, Pipa I wi red a severe attack of Rheumation uy MINARD'S Mae. )Mahon OHN MA I was caret ofa severely apeitned leg by MINARD'S gre HUA A, WYNACHT. s Bridgewater. gestion. leeches, cu ings, and sng aaa ty tha law to order or prescribe "Every barber must 'abtend ~ course of Bg cig of th: pointed by the public eee depart- : ment as tte resentative, sanitary barbers, and among their its rep 'arbere 80 special duties, are the owing : Vaccination, examination of deaths, issue of permits of burial, render reports of deaths involving suspi- cion-of infectious disease. "Tf the sanitary barber is un- able to read or write, the work of registration is: done by the village tax collector.' nd| Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. "When I was "working around the = last winter, I = an.attack of in- mation," writes Mr. H. P. Dawkins, oe 'Port Richmond. 1 was weak for a long time, but. well enough to. work until spring. But s wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physic all the time. stomach kept sour, and always after all the oeine of intestinal indi- Nothin elped me until I used Dr. Hemtttns Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and sdemed to heal = bowels. I did not eaune large dose to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. 'To-day I am well--no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the _ pills, and my letter, I am sure, prove Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. . All dealers, - The Catarrbozone Co., Kingston, nt. eee ee ee Pat's Will. An elderly gentleman; who knew something of law, lived in an Irish @| village where no 'solicitor had ever, penetrated, and was in the habit of arranging the disputes of his neigh- bors and making their wills. At an early hour one morning he was aroused from his slumbers by a knocking at his gate, and, putting his head out of the window, he ask- who was hace: "It's me, yer hon- -Flaherty. De could not matter with the 'will?! amateur lawyer. isbn eicait al replied Pat. "Sure, I've not left myself"a, three- legged stool to sit upon.' TELL YOu Weak, eee J just Eye Comf by mall Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Panaceas. Mr. Kelly--An' how are ye this mornin', Mistress Flyn? Is 'yer rheumatiz any better? Mrs. Flyn--Well,. yis; I think it is, I thank ye koindly. The new doctor's treatment is doin' me 4 worl' av good, I belave. He ad- vocates me to take Queen Anne eternally, and to rub anarchy on me j'ints. So I'm doin' it, an' think it's helpin'. me wonderfully, Keep Minard's Idniment in the house. fa SS She Heard Him. Mrs. Black woke her husband one night and whispered, "There's' a burglar downstairs. I heard him bump against | the piano and strike several keys." "Is there?' said move that piano fromthe house without help, do you?' Hler Lost Pet. A lady who kept a curly poodle dog lost her pet and' ¢alled upon ifs. Sausly--"Are you aware, Mrs. Shinbone, that your dog has just bitten miy little Willie?' Mrs. Shinbone--"What, your little Wil- lie, who has just got over the. scar- let fever? Oh, Mrs. Sausly, if any- thing should happea to Fido Id never forgive y '| Etinerd's Lintimbnt Gumberman's Friend a en THIS BARBER IS VERSATILE. In Eeypt He Vaceinates ¢ as Well-as Shaves, Some interesting facts are con- tained in Lord Kitchener's report on the condition of Egypt and the Sudan during the last year. This is from the section on barbers: "Phe ordinary village barber of bears a certain resemblance in 80 far as his profession goes to the barber-surgeon. of ancient-times He is authorized by ig senate ie ter-having passed an 'exami- to perform the operation ite es Ree the police to find it. The next day one of the force brought her the dog which was.very.wet.and dirty: The lady was overjoyed. "Where ~did vou find the dear little darling?' she cried. ew hv. ma'am," said the officer, "a fellow had him tied to a pole and was washing windows with him." -- What do we live for if not to make life -less difficult for ~each other. - ea omething went) Banff, eating there was pain and fulness, ant: Agen Qe UNIVERSITY the husband, "Tl go down at once. "Oh," whispered the ex- ree wife, "don't do anything y' "Rash?" replied the hus- etl "Why, I'm going to help him! You don't suppose he can! Dr. Morse's Indian Root cia cman i pein A the blood, In the same : enacts ailments. In the Tallest sruee of the words Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are 7 ED. 4 "ISSUE 26--"14. Flavored with delicious sauces, They have noequal. =; Lucky Grace. "Grace has found her ideal." at so?' 7 "Yes, sand he also owns an auto- mobile.' service. For ders; time tables an ticulars, adjress, B. H. Bennett, General " 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, On- ario. _The human hand from the wrist to the end of the middle finger is one-tenth of the total height of a man of perfect proportions. Minard's Idniment used by Physicians. Not Worth the Bother. A schoolboy was given a sum to do... When it was done he took it to the teacher, who looked at it and said: 'This answer is wrong by two: cents. Go back to"your seat and do it correctly." "If you please, sir," youngster, fishing in' his said the pocket. "T'd rather pav the differerice."' rr rer am Buk H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. + F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SBLL A Fruit, Stock, Grain or Dairy Farm, write H. . Dawson, Brampton, or 90 Colborne St. Toronto. mow: W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. STOCK SALESMAN. ANTED FOR BEST ALBERTA W Oi proposition yet 1 Apply opr Stiawa Bb to W. Ea, %* tawa Building, Syontpeal, NEWSPAPERS FOR ---- G°g2 WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery Oras Book Business in connectio ce only 000. Terms liberal. Wiso on Publish- ing Company, 73. West Adelaide Street, Toronto. ¢ ANCER cs) L a ° / internal and external, ed. with- out pain by home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bell Medical Co., Limited. Collingwood, HOME STUDY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS APPLIED SCIENCE EDUCATION inctudin MEDICINE ENGINEERING -SUMMER SCHOOL *. JULY and AUGUST pe] G. Y. CHOWN, Registrar, Kingston, Ont. ee te a A TREATISE 0" + Call for it at your cat druggist or write us, KENDALL'S | A Houscheoid 'Remedy SPAVIN CURE borer tat bad | was Brarin Cure ix padded agian of we If you can 'our local druggist's, Dr. B. J. KENDALL cumank: Enosburg Falis, Vermont 6&1 sold at the uniform price ent E get it oF Our OF INVENTIONS. « '> 3re@. , FIGs & DAVIS . . is Jeanes Bt. Montreal. " Write for Information.

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