Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 3 Jul 1914, p. 1

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Vol. 25. No. 17. JULY 53,1914. ATWOOD, ONT. «,. . B. H. Swina, Proprietor. © 1915 for 40 cents. er ' THE -NYAL STORE "' NA-DRU-CO" Eifervescent Fruit Saline A palatable combination of the vegetable acids obtained from grape and lemon fruits. A mild aperient taken in the form of an invigorating refreshing draught for feverishness, nausea, dryness of the. throat, etc, For Biliousness, Headache, Sour Stomach, prickly heat. Rheumatism, etc. it cannot be excelled. This isa summer preparation, especially valuable during th bot months of the summer. A trial will conyinco you. Price 50c a bottle. E.G. COGHLIN, gains the prize. Choice Tobaccoes and Cigars. Pure Maples Syrup 35e @ quart. The Star Grocery Cherries | t This is now Cherry time so if you want the best Cherries leave Hl your orders early and we will do our best to fill them with satis- faction as tho first pick is always the best. Gooseberries aré now iv, Strawberries are about done. Flour and Feed pepe acid. we oxPesk 59 Lane SA ish nde ni yi Wa b BSb OU tis f % - We bave Milverton Flour always on, "the Woods Milling Company to arrive tt Meats Breakfast Bacon, Back Bacon, Rolled Shoulder, Cooked Ham, i . i Bologna, Weiners and Side Meat. Highest prize paid for Butter and Eggs--Cash or Trado, | x i Goods delivered to any part of the Village. | E. T. Greensides & Son l | Phone 5 Hh Cees SSS sey) ------ eS | A Bcientist seye: "If the carth was ttened out the sea would be two niles deep all over the world." After éditating a Kansas editor gave out 16 following: "If any man is caught fening out the earth shoot him on spot and don't'bo too blamed par: lar what spot. A' great many of can't swim." Mr. David Armstrong spent a@ fe days in town last week. fis :. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peter, of Hani- ilton, are visiting in town. Jos. Arlien of St. Thomas, drowned while ewitnming at £ Stanley. Feeding yalue is lost by letting cam get too ripe. Do not delay haying operations. Each cultivation made at this Beas son increases the tons of silage and the bushels of roots. ; Lost.--A silver tip fox robe with, blue lining. Finder please leave. ab this office and receive a reward. 31 4ache or rheumatism. Don't cry. The Empress of Ireland wreck -in-;Tears do well enough i in novels, but quiry was adjourned for the commis- Py are out of place in real life. sion to consider its finding. The day when-a farmer is looked It is not always the man with the i } down upon is past and gone foreyer, greatest opportunities that makes the}@nd the boy who thinks that because best sucéess. The ses ae 'tiller of the soil wears cowhide boots and overalls he is not entitled ~ Learn to keep your own troubles yourself.. The world is too busy care for your ills aud sorrows. to keep the-bad to yoursélf. to hide your pains and aches under a pleasant smile: No one cares to hear Rev. Mr Osborn, Baptist minist@t] city man is sadly ast Th f of Listowel and Atwood, handed in p! io. day ie the Tak ee ed his resignation: as pastor and deft list week for Toronto. Salk crops, weather or soil conditions Mr: Fred Brown has trade his intelligently i is the height of many a preperty in tho village for Mr. Herb city man's-ambition, a point in sup 'Forman's farm on' the 8th. con, (port of this claim. Possession will be given this month, DIED. An orange sermon will be preached {* y.--Mrs. D. Roy, of Listowel, 'in St. Alban's church this Suoday at} aida in Wocdstock, Thursday, June | 2.30 by Rev. J. M. Shaw, L. D. Visit-[95tbh, in her sixtieth year, after a ling brethern are requested to attend} jingering illness of some months' dur- fation She is survived by two sons }whetber you have the earache, head- |- PERRET DALE HEE oberbsrbenhe be hespeodeshocbecbechs sfoobocbondeofecbecfoatechecboobooe che eebecbecfechectocte efecto ATWOOD SHOE STORE Bargains In Spring Foot Wear We have decided to clean out some lines in Boots, Shoes and Slip- pers in Men's, Women, Misses' and Children at freatly reduced ee SHOR UP THE FAMILY Tts ar act of prudence and economy to do so. Ca ee ee ee ee 2. PEE PEPE SS Tees Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for which we allow highest cash D. WATTERS :: Main st. Sevclbe abe Bec he sli ale se Se obese Ba aBecle cle ce oBeclbe cle dhealinelnclbe Be alback of 2. SoS ok 2 ee Tees ee ee ee a to recognition from the well-dressed) 6 Community and to be able to Hl | HOP a Pd I WOOL! WL! <=) > Di - We are in the market for wool in any quantity, washed or unwashed, for which we will pay the highest market price, cash or trade. Since the re--- of the American tariff the prices of wool are considerably ad- moval vanced. Get our quotations before selling. W. R. ERSKINE, Phone 1. Main Street, Atwood J C. BAKER Coal to be dalieaied in indie at lowest price of tl Mr. Jno. Quipp who received the 'contract for crushing stone and place ing ito the road between Atwor jand cid started the work lust ' wee ington will preach in the Presbyter: lo! clock and in the Methodist chi in the eyening. Miteholl cemetery. en aE rth | Wood block paying, tried od dis~ j carded in-many citiés ofthe United States thirty years ago, is now com- ing back into inarked favour, due to improyed methods of treating and | bandling the blocks. Canadian farmers should try to keep on their farms every heifer calf | of present or prospective breeding luge. Don't sell the heifer calyes for |yeal. Keep them to raise more cattle, They are needed in this country. | The marriage of Miss Arnie Scott, | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott, bof Elma, to Mr. A. Davidson, of Co- | balt, took place at Cobalt on Wed- _nesday, June l7th. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson will make their home in | that town. Mrs. Adam Kressler, who resided 'with her son Mr. A. Kressler, of Log- "ah, died there on Monday aged 83 years. Thefuneral took place to Cran- | brook cemetery on Wednesday. Be- 'sides Mr. A. Kressler another son Steve, of Sault Ste. Marie and Mrs. C. Bleckert, of Elma survive her. | If you have anything to say say it, 'and take the full credit and responsi- | bility for it, but do not wait until | someone else makes a statement and |then circulate it, getting the credit | | yourself but hiding behind the other's | name if anything is stirred up. | An old resident of Logan departed | this life on Sunday, June 21st, in the | person of Mr. Geo. Caruthers in his |82nd year. The funeral which was | conducted ly Rev. Ferguson took | place on Wednesday to the Listowel | cemetery. The following are the sur- | yiving sous and daughters: Wm. on the homestead and Pierce in Van- couver, Mrs, A. Henry, Mrs. W. Hol- mano, Mrs. Jas. Shearer and Jennio at | bome. Se ee MARRIED. | Broughton--Coleman---At Mitch- { ; Rev. John Little of North Morn x 'ian church Sunday, July 5th at1lp and one daughter, Edgar, of Medicine 'Hat; David, of Kénora, and Miss Mar- garet of the © peneral Hospital of Woodstock. Th eral took place Saturday in Listowel. ee a ee RESULT OF ELECTION. Conservatives ol EET 84--Adding- 10) igeaees monet Bruce, 'Gican Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. Pay every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. Let us send you acan. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont Aldrich Bros. Managers Central Busjness College STRATFORD, ONT Beconte a specialist in Business. It offers more opportunities than any other calling. To reap the full measure of success you must have the best possible training. This is Ontario's Best Business School. We give in- dividual attention. You may enter our classes at any time. Three depart- ments--COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan - Principal y, North Gre paints Halton, West Hamilton, East Hastings, North Hastings, West Hastings, North Huron, South Hur on, Kenor, West Kent, Kingston, ast Lambton, West Lambton, North uanark, South Lanark, Leeds, Lennox, London, Manitoulin, East Middlesex, Muskoka, Niagara Falls, Nipissing, South Norfolk, East Nor- thumberland, North Ontario, South Ontario, Parry Sound, Peel, North Perth, South Perth, East Peterboro, Port Arthur, Rainy River, North Renfrew, South Renfrew, St. Cath- arines, Sault St. Marie, Centre Sim- coe, East Simcoe, South Simcoe, West Simcoe, Stormont, Sudbury, Timiskaming, i0 seats in Toronto, North Victoria, South Victoria, North Waterloo, South Waterloo, Welland, West Wellington, North Wentworth, South Wentworth, East York, North York, West York. Liberals Elected 25.--North Brant, South Brant, West Bruce, Cochrane, North Bssex, South Essex, Glen- garry, Centre "Huron, East Kent, Lincoln, North Middlesex, West Middlesex} North Norfolk, West Northumberland, East Ottawa, West Ottawa, North Oxford, South Oxford, West 'Peterboro, Prince [Edward Russell, Sturgeon Falls, East Well- ington, South Wellington, Windsor Labor Elected 1-- Hast Hamilton. Independent Liberal Elected 1.-- Prescott. A Good Price For Cheese. At the regular meeting of the Lis- towel Dairymen's Exchange in the library auditorium on Friday, 2053 boxes were offered and the bulk of this sold at 128 cents, which was the highest bid on the board. Buyers present wero Robert Jobn- ston of the Imperial Cheese company > J. Biffin of the Swift Canadian com- pany, Stratford; G. E. Booth of the C. W. Riley company, Ingersoll; J. B. Muir of the Ingersolt Packing Com- pany, Ingersoll; R. T. Ballantyne of Ballantyne & Sons, Stratford, jell, on Wednesday, June 17th. Mr. White | Edward Broughton, of Monkton, to ve bwidad 220 | Miss Matilda Coleman, of "Mitchell. | ima & Mornington 315 | olored j Ethel 143 T Maitland 135 C A S O is | A Molesworth 236 |: ret Sane ee Oe 260 | In Use For Over 30 Years |i, awich 114 | Always bears '} Monkton 68 | Signat {Silver Corners 165 | Blanstnes: of: Ee fins 2 370 Re es by y, South Grey) Less heat in Call and inspect for yourself. For hot weather. Cheaper than wood. the kitchen. You may have one on trial. J. ROGER, Atwood Hardware and. Tinware Watch this Space Full-particulars Later. Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital, Paid-up, $3,000,000 Surplus 3,750,000 AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE When a young man firet makes his alliance | with a financial institution by opening a Savings Account, he should Jook: ahead to the time when his bank book will aid bis advancement. A growing bank balance assu that a youbg man has maste of econmiocal management. & M. ROBINSON, Agent, an employer the principle Atwood

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