HOUSE DRESSES © Much better value than usual at this made of dark print " $1.00 } Fj / » ff pale a = ds. Size up ° 44 i measure are >i. Just th mi and $1.75 each. . ing forthe boys an gir Of the many better po ee cotton values that our spite Sol Grocery Corner |! "bc offers dina Teak ee ies hose, that we sell at 25c pair is a HERE ARE TWO: winner. . _ Try a pair. Always to be had here at the prices , We Buy Corn starch 4 packages for 25c PRODUCE Extracts 4 bottles for 25c eed : Full size. Put up especially for our- Cash or trade selves under our own label and seal- Butter 20c Eggs 21 trade ed with our guarantee of quality. - 90 cash Gowdy & 60., Limited as The Store for all the People' x Listowel D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of Health Special ties-- Eyé; Har, Nose and Throat Dissases of women and children. 'GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood J-CECIL HAMILTON -- | Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Barrister, Conveyancer -- hee Money to Loan. Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan ENTER Office--Main-st , Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. Listowel Business Braoch office, Main-st., Atwood COLLEGE any time and grow with us. For particulars, address, Edwin G. Matthews, Principal in samé building as the Clerk's | office. Will yisit Atwood every Thursday afternoon. _| within three nights, both evidently of football team will be on Thursday evening. On LISTOWEL. Listowel, May 2 92. a wo 6 ech TWO! incendiary origin, have aroused the ne of Saturday's match between that bids fair to result in the captu and prosecution of the culprits.. The latest fire to occur broke out about 2 o'cloock this morning, the. alarm being turned in at 2.20. T blaze was at Mr. Mathen Calder's: planing, sash and door mill, valued at $4,000. The- mill had been idle) for the past two und a half years, but' Mr. Calder purposed returning froin Medicine Hat to resume operations At seven o'clock + eree Bamford, of Listowel, had atie toa teams lined ub for play and im- 'modiately the struggle -began,; which S Pahge to be very even, neither teams 7 able to get away until about Stanty minutes had elapsed when 'Atweod got a corner kick on which they scored. The rest of the match was played without scoring on either this fall side. Both teams need more team -- | jractice and more combination be- Fas NORTH PERTH re good football will be realized. Conservative | DIRECTORS MEETING. Association a 'A meeting of the Directors of the | Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur ance Co., was held in the Agricul- The Annual Meeting of the above Association and Nominating Conyen-jtural hall, Atwood, on Tuesday tho to select a Candidate to contest}A9th May. All the Directors being Riding for the Provincial Legis-}present. Communications from H. lature will be held in iB. eee and W. H. Day were read Zimmerman's Hall _|#0# fle The sain Alba Grom Milverton Village, at 10.50 a. mil over from Inst meeting was again Wednesday, June 3, 1914) brought up, Mr: McCloy report being Local Associations for the yarious' ble to settle same for $4000. The municipalities will meet at the cull)' ~ 98 again laid over for further of their Secretaries to elect delegates fpfo.uation. A claim was presented for the above convention. Signed from Albert Gallop, of Mornington, - Ghildren Cry | FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA FOR FLETCHER'S T 'Ghildren Cry 'for-damage to his house by fire but in G. L. MONEY, jthe absence of a claim paper it was Sec-Treas. N.P.C.A:|ilaid over till next meeting. A claim for $225.00 was presented from Jno. 1(McNaught, of Grey, for loss of his |- iouse by fire caused from stove pipes Administrator's, Notice To pb Kind You Have Always Bought, cad which has been so has. born use for over yeas, 'and has been under per= sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-ns-good " arc but Experiments that trifle w ith and endanger the health "3 Infants peng Children--Experienco against Experimeni What is CAST ORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor O!], Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For moro than thirty years it hus been in constant usc for the relief of Constipation, Flatuiency, Wind Colic, all Tcething Troubles and rrhoa. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, - assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacca--Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA aALways Bears the Signature of rnc the signature of - a 3 \n Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Creditors. hich was. paid in full. Wm.G ts . Bell, of Grey, presented a claim for Administrator's piel tee itents of house destroyed by fire - Catherince Gray ute of the Town- * ship Elma, in the County of Perth, ' ich was epee at $361. 00 and widow, deceased. id. Applications for insurance re accepted amounting 40 $63,300. once is hereby given pursuant-to The nee meeting adjourned till Tuesday istee Act and Amending Acts tithe 16th day of June to meet at the that all creditorennd athe rs having claims usual time and place. -- J. R. Ham against the tate of. Catherine Gray _-- soe deceased who died on or about the 5th /MEOND, Secretary, -- ae day of May, 1914, at the said nly ---- of Elma, are required on or be the 20th day of June, 1914. to deliver t to A. J Gray, of the Township ot Elma in oa County of Perth, of Atwood P. Administrator of the Estate of the said J. Cecil) ' Death John Nethercott. Mr. John Nethercott of the sixth Catherine Grav, deceased, or to coneéession. of Hilma, passed away Hamilton. Barrister, ty istowel, Ontario, gjust before miidnignt on Saturday, solicitor, for the said Administrat®, a bs 16th. About two and a half p ads written statement. of their names. ac iio. Mr. Nethercott. was taken dresses and occupations, with full parti- culars of shale ren and of the secariting ith a> paralytic stroke, and for sev- (if any) held b é | months was almost a total in- pad patie Torther giver suet hier Sl And_hough he teres (ally. Administrator wil distribute the & vere SWas ab "get abou of the said deceased, tie te regard on with some measure of jek ea Wed- to the claims of which he.may then have meeday evening last, he was siezed notice, and that he will not be liable for with another from which he scarcely chs proceeds of the Estate so distributed toany person of whose claim he did not al revered consciousness until he pass- ave notice at the time of such distriba- e aw tion. ; The late Mr. Nethercott was born | Dated at Biatowed, Ontario, this 28rd day of May, 191 Arehbald James Gray, Administrator By J. Cecil Hamilton, Solicitor. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAS to Devonshire, Eng, over sixty four years ago, and came to Canada when quite 2 young man and settled near the village of Fullarton. About forty years ago he became united in marri- age to Miss Louisa Gimblett who Pstill-surviyes. About thirty-five years ago they moyed to Elma and settled on the property, where he resided s ------ SS == = AOL OL So till his death. Besides his wife Mr. - Corset Sale SCHINBEIN a 00 superba corset Son 79c and Men's Hose LISTOWEL i Neshercott has left two daughters, Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Hanna, 'both oi sig ima, and one son Clarence at home. For years Mr. Nethercott was a con Bistent member of-the Methodist Men's fine cashmere hose, soft finish, all = "Friday und Sat- urday, made by D & Friday and Saturday A., beautiful new . . model, 4 hose sup- A special sale on Ladies' Suits and Coats, porters. Get a pair. and Boys' Clothing and hats. church, Atwood. Mrs. Nethercott will have the sympathy of a large community and espocially eo as she has been practically an invalid for a long time. pure wool, a 34c hose for 25e. Special : value in silk hose, Men's black and colored. - ------ oe Ladies' Suits 13.60 for 10.00 Act quick if you want one, made of extra fine all wool, broadcloth in navy brown and black. 20 to 25 per cent. off all other suits and spring jackets, now is the time to buy if you want a gain. off. Ready-to-wear Clothing 10 to 25 per cent off for cash on Fri- day and Saturday. Many lines at 1-3 We have a lot of Boys' suits, broken lots, which we will clear out at 1-3 off regular price. 33 MONKTON. Mr. Wm. Erskine is making prep- farations to build a new cement bake oven at the rear of, his shop for the This a Recommends JBPALAL because it gives a "finish" to any household article that no mere var- nish 'can give. JAP-A-LAC-- the Furniture-Saver HEN you start on your campaign of / home-beautifying this Spring, don't just ask for "varnish" -- ask for JAP-A- -LAC; and don't be content with anything but JAP-A-LAC. Always put up in Green Tins, bearing the name "GLID- DEN.*: Made in 21 beautiful colors, providing for every possible requirement of the housewife, JAP- A- is indeed a wonder-working aid in ee furniture, floors and woodwork "'spic and span No matter how badly scratched or marr. np a piece of furniture may be, a coat of JAP-A-LAC wih pane it look like new, It covers up the scratches and p 3 a beau- tiful, brilliant, durable finish. Quickly sed ee applied. No 'ee required. ur local hardware etore for the aes LAC color ast? an book entitled "A Thousand and One Uses o JAP-A-LAC, In ATWoon Jap-a lac is sold by JOHN ROGERS El caen The Glidden Varnish Co., Limited, Toronto = of Mr. Hays too confined. : Two of Mo Cain's aged citizens Mrs. W. Gill/and Mr. John Sanders who have been ill for some time are jmaking but little progress towards Sizes 22 to Special values in Ladies' silk under- skirts and White Shirt Waists. Men's Suits Sizes 33 to 39, broken lots, tweeds recovery. What looks like another Elma \ drainage case is looming on the hor- izon, Some time ago the council projected what is known as the Ronnenberg award drain, An appeal whose business has so increased of date as to render his present quarters |, ° ity and make. vie close priced. New Ties. New Ties special for the 24th. Call and see them. Men's Shoes' and navys, all well made. Call and os tibia by Mr. Sea, Bromgeion when Judge Barron was brought on € ios getone. He sustained the award." "Some of . We have just received a new line of ; ee pie to me oe et not aoe C hoes tan \|plete their work when the counci --s 7 in Log } 8 al \ called for tenders and awarded the = newest last, t of qual- contract to Mr. Wm. Connolly who PRODUCE WANTED Cash or Trade started work on~Monday last. Mr Broughton served notice on Reeve Scott and Contractor Connolly on the morning of the aforesiid day, threatening .that he would prosecute for trespass anyone: who entered on his lands to enter on the work. Mr ¥} | Broughton's opposition to the scheme is based on the claim that there is no proper outlet and that the proposed J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON Listowel LU} | i 2. SSS SS SSH =i\drain angles his fields from two to six rods from his fences practically i} | rendering a large. portion of his land valueless. Reeve Scott, however, does not anticipate that any force will be used in preventing the con -- tractor entering Mr. Broughton's lands. Bank of of Hamilton |' Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital, Paid-up, $3,000,000 Surplus - 3,750,000 READY MONEY It is often said of a man. that he owns valu- able property, but is for the time "tied up.' If you. vronld. be reaty for every business 'opportanity--or eme rt of your |] savings should be held for immediate nee. Such funds can be safely deposited at interest in a Bank of Hamilton Savings Account. Agent, Atwood | A. M. ROBINSON, ' eae ; Presbyterian Church. -- "A meeting of the Conservative As- | The Sacrameut of the Lord's Sup- | sociation of the Township of Elma will be held in the C.0. F. Hall, Atwood, ou Friday, May 29th,, 1914, at 8 p.m. to appoint delegates to. at- tend the convention in Milverton on June 3rd, for the purpose of nomin- iting a Candidate for the Provincial Legislature.---Geo. Adams, President. C.J. Wynn, Secretery. per will be dispensed on Sanday , May 8ist at 11 a.m. On Friday at 2.30 p.m. a prepata- | tory service will be conducted by | Rey. D. T. McCulloch, of Cranbrook. The Sacrament of Baptism will be dispensed at this service. | -