Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 29 May 1914, p. 7

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SUFFERERS FROM PAINFUL RHEUMATISM Liniments, of 'No Avaii--Must be Cured Through the Blood wos Seats 2, uamalaeet (Why are-so many sufferers to a life, of pain, despairing of a rmanent cure? uild up and purify the blood. The poisons of rheumatism are in the bl and it is only through the blood that the disease can be fought suc- ceestully. Unless the blood is weak and impure rheumatism cannot get a foothold. When it does the thin and impure blood is not strong enough to overcome. the ons alone. It must be strengthened and purified. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are the best can 'every dose and poanges check fur- jther progress of the disease. ey make the blood so pure and strong 'that not the lone trace of rheuma- itism remains. Mr. R. J. Sinclair, oshen, N.S., says: "About two years ago I was laid up with rheu- 'matism. For two months I could inot walk and' had to stay in an invalid's chair. My feet were bad- ly swollen and my arms seemed to be paralyzed. I had been using 'doctor's medicine for a long time, - but it did not seem to help me, and the doctor finally told me that the only thing that would cure me would be a change of climate, At this time I decided to give Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a trial and got a supply. After I had taken them for a while I found they were help- ing me, and I gota further supply and they completely cured me, an I have not been-sick one'day since. I strongly recommen Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for this trouble."' fou can get these Pills from any dealer in medicines or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. : oo BRIDAL PARTY WAITING. What Became of the Bridegroom and His Party. . Twenty years ago, in one of the Shetland Ydlaadi, a bridal party was anxiously waiting the arrival of the bridegroom and his friends. e hour arrived and -p » but no bridegroom came. He was com- ing by boat from an island at some distalfte, but although bright-eyes} scanned the ocean no eign of the boat could be seen. After waiting for some time 'the patty broke up with a deal of anxiety. The bride, with a cad heart. put off her bridal dress, and her brothers set sail for the bridegroom's home, to find out the reason of his non-ap- 'pearance. When they got there they were told that the wedding party had left the island in good time, that the sea had been smooth 'as glass, and that no danger could be apprehended. ~ | Weeks went by, and months and years, and never a word or sign of the lost bridegroom. The event was forgotten by all but a few intimately concerned, until a short time ago. 'A party of tourists went to explore a rocky, barren islet, and as they walked along they came upon a number of bones in a hollow in the island. From 'certain signs there could be no doubt that this was all that remained of that bridal party. Finding themselves too soon for the ceremony (and it is bad taste to ar- rive to soon) they had gone ashore on this rocky islet, and their boat had drifted far from the "usual course. Thirst and unger had done the rest. Every Stiff Joint Limbered, Rheumatism Cured ! . = Old Family "Remedy "Nerviline" se Guaranteed for the Worst CURES NEURALGIA, BACKACHE, ' LUMBAGO. Rheumatism to-day is unnecessary. It is so well understood and so read-|° lly curable that every day we have re- ports of old chronics being freed of their tormenter. "T can speak 'confidently of the Ner- ville treatment, for the simple reason 'that it cured me," writes Albert B Cornelius, from Kingston. "You can't imagine how stiff and lame and was. Nights at a time I couldn't sleep ell. I followed the Nerviline direc- 't ons caréfully--had it rubbed into the or py een four or five times eve tas 4 rubbing helped to reduce he swelling went down. I r meéabure of relief in a week. : ee took two Ferrozone Tablets With my meals. They increased my 'appetite and spirits, purified my blood 'and toned up my system generally i "I am as well to-day as a man nate I give ! A jarge family size bottle of Nervi- line costs only 60c., or the trial _ 25c., = is useful in a hundred ills fa: eee it's toothache, uralgia, lame back or a ye Nerviline will . cure ust es readily as-it will cure rheuma- sm. For family use eothing equals -- Rcenaneersess Weenie fest Belgian Serra pit discovered | in Congo 'extensive deposits of coal 4 'cents for another box of Baby' 'THE CIGARETTE FIEND. Foe of the Home, School, Church and Nation. It is in the high school; it is in the college; it is overwhelming us with the pestilence of ite destructive effects among mere children. Teachers see the havoc it is making with the minds and bodiesof boys, | and sound the note of alarm. The testimony of the heads of reform| ~ schools is to be had freely as they }:,; tell us of the way in which the ciga- rette has brought case after case bo their institutions. Yet men smoke cigarettes between the courses at their banquets, and it is very diffi- cult to arouse public sentiment against the, plague. Boys emoke cigarettes~ because they are cheap, because they can learn to smoke them generally with- out the attendant sickness by which benevolent Nature seeks to shiel her children from poisons of every ind, and begause theré is a preva- lent idea of smartness connec with the use of the cigarette. Once formed, the habit grows, until the result is commonly described in the familiar words, the fiend.' . The' condition is so serious that words of the strongest warning must be spoken by parents, guardians, and ali friends of boys. While the question of the use of tobacco in all forms by adults and adolescents is involved in the issue, the peril is so great to the growing boy that the specific item may be made the prin- ciple of a ca ign. The poison from the' cigarette simply carries disaster to the body and the mind of the growing boy. There is only one verdict on that point. Teachers know too well the dopy mind _ the enfeebled body of the boy wh smokes cigarettes. It involves the ---- mature aleo. The cigarette the common foe of the home, school, church, and nation when it is used by the growing boy. We must have a line up against it and fight it oe weer or mercy.-- Zion's Her: a WHAT MOTHERS SAY OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Thousands of nothers use no other | °° medicine for their little ones but Baby's Own Tablets. Once a mother has used the Tablets she will use no other medicine. Concerning them Mrs. Geo. M. Binns, Clifford, Ont., writes: "Enclosed find twenty-five without them. When baby is cross and ailing I give him a tablet or two and he is soon well and happy again. I know of no other medicine to equal them and find them far superior to Castor oil," The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. MANY Ww ARS IN 60 0 YE ARS. One Is Precipitated Every Three Years--Partial List. In spite of the progress of civili- zation man remains a fighting ani- m eace societies begin to think they are making progress to- ward taming his instincts, and they are confronted by another war. Here is a partial list of. the wars of the ~Northern Hemjsphere in the last 60 years, exclusive of the minor revolts in Northern South America, in Central America and the West Indies, and in Africa: Crimean war, 1854-56. Sepoy mutiny, 1857. 7 _Italy and France against Austria, 1859-- Civil war in America, 1860-5. Mexico invaded by Austria and Allies, 1861-67. Prussia and Austria against Den- mark, ~ 1864. Seven weeks' sian, 1866. Franco-Prussian, 1870. Russo-Turkish, 1877-78. Servo-Bulgarian, 1885. Japanese-Chinese, 1894-95. Greco-Turkish, 1897. Spanish-American, 1898. Filipino-American, 1899. China against the Allies, 1900. Boer war, 1899-1902. Russo Japanese, 1904. Ream States against Turkey, war, Austria-Prus- "Balkan States against Bulgaria, ~~ 2 MisScan war, 1914. This, as has been said, is oui a partial list. England has had sev- = oat emall il wart including the im- portant conquest of the Sudan, which are not included, and there have been numerous minor distur- bances of one sort and another. But the list foctadee 20 fair-sized wars, years, Perhaps there'is some encouraging "cigarette I 'yariation in the dietary beverage Instantly. 5| tins. Every Town And Sent Him Back to Work and . Saved Him Much Money. the sure cure for sore back is Dodd's | Kidmey Pills. That man is Mr. E. this place, friends that saved him much lost time, and fering as well. "I was laid up with sore back,"' Mr. Handke says. "At timés I was not able to get up in the morning. But by the time yr had taken one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills I found that the pain was getting less, a by the time I had taken six boxes [ was all right and able to go to fwork again. "T'want to say to-any man who suffers from sore back that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only remedy would recommend. They saved me a large doctor's bill and much lost time. Sore back i is one of the symptoms of Kidney Disease. The natura 1 way to cure it is to gure the sick Kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure sick Kidneys. If you haven't tried them yourself, ask your neighbors. Every neighborhood in Cahada has some man or woma cured by Dodd's _-- Pills. and he is telling his WANT TO BE HEALTHY? Then Eat Lobster--Novel Advice Given. tables and frujt for people over-active stomachs have just been roundly denounced by a ~ famous British officer named W. Soltau Fenwick in a lecture on indigestion at the Institute of Hygiene. He put in a good word for the lobster, and remarked that the over-active sto- mach, apt to produce an over- secretion of acid, was a serious en of indigestion, and was pos- by many Londoners. advice to busy and energetic men who suffer from this cause: disagree fruits, though the such as potato, _ kale, and asparagu jectionable. food tion of salt-beef, veal and pork, are easily digested by the over-active of bread, biscuits, porridge and the a materials such as rice, tapi- . Fresh cheese is 'easily dissolved by the acid gastric juice, the much maligned lobster el an agreeable and wholesome " The use of tonics and stimulants was strong- » condemned for all over-powerful stomachs such as are to. be found among city men. --_--_--_ t--____. . LIVING ADVERTISEMENT Glow of Health Speaks for Postum, It requires no scientific training) to discover whether tea and coffee disagree. Simply stop both for a time and use Postum instead, then note the beneficial effects. The truth will appear. "Six years ago I was in a very bad condition," writes a lady. 'I suffered from indigestion, nervous- ness and insomnia. "T was then an inveterate coffee drinker, but it was long before I co out the truth," (Tea is just as in- jurious because it contains the came drug, caffeine.) "The first morning I left off coffee cided_I must have something to take the place of coffee." (The head- ache was caused by the reaction of the coffee drug--caffeine. 'Having rd o through a friend who used it, I bought.a.package and tried it. I did nof\like it at first, but after I learn w to make it right, ac- cording to directions on p I ack to coffee for an ; ' "When I began to use Postum I weighed only 117 lbs. Now I weigh 170, and as I have not taken any tonic in that time I can only attri- bute my present good health to the use of Postum in place of coffee. husband says I am o living ment for Postum the Canedian Co., Postum now comes in two forms: -- Postum -- eh be well boi Se and 25c p Instant Postum--s a apie, pow- der. A teaspoonful dissolves quick- ly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a dilicious 30c and 50c The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same "There's a *S Bashoa" for Posium. --eold by : Village a Handke Tells "How ~ They Handke, a well-known resident of; Dodd's Kidney Fils n who has been} Agd Cuticura Ointment. They da pure, sweet and economi- "method of preserving, purify- and beautifying the skin, scalp Mair, For distressing eczemas, es, itchings, inflammations | chafings of infants, children ar fadults Cuticura Soap and Cuti- cura Ointment are most effective. 4 ira Boap and Ointment are sol . the A liberal sample of each, with 32-page Rent dress Potter Drug & Chem, by Dept. 7K, Boston, U.S.A. The Yellow Peril. . schoolmaster, wishing to im- | Dr. Fenwick gave the following} substances which almost eas Z All forms of bere: : , with the possible single excep- |, stomach, and the same may be said} > I had a raging -headache, so I de- a Postum : press upon-his class the great popu- Istion of China, said: "The popula- i tidn of China is so great that two Peptonized milk and pancreatized | chinamen die every time you take cereals for children and green Vege | 4 breath."' This information made a deep! impression upon his young pupils, particularly one smal] boy at the foot of the class. His face flushed and he was puffing furiously. 'What is the matter?" enquired the schoolmaster with alarm. 'What on earth are you doing, To . " #4Killing Chinamen, sir," was the Taking Advantage. Have you come to an under- | ® ding with my daughter ?"" ot € "me do you mean, sz by ar- ' = happ ened to be such a good ince that I thought I'd ask- you get that much out of the way. Lt hate to have things on nd when they can be disposed well as not.' the best, 25c. per bottle. He Was Curious. i had my fortune told last Bia you? How much is it?" Iiniment Lumberman's Friend Not Long. Is your wife going to be away fm some time KY don't think she'll be gone for J-e than a week or two. She k only three trunks and a couple witcases. « GIVE CHILD HEART DISEASE. Rheumatic Microbe Causes-850- Out | i] Wales, once : Se i Cases. the beginnings of it in an infection with a micro organism --a minute streptococcus or diplo- coccus." He showed lantern slides to prove his contention. Then he went on to point out that these lit- tle seeds of future trouble were sown everywhere in our great cities, and that the first effects they pro- duced were on quite young children, mostly in the form of disease. Of course, rheumatism is not the only cause of heart trouble in chil- dren who are less than twelve years of age, but Dr. Poynton's notebook shows that The infection seems to be every- where, but there are certain condi- tions that make a child.very recep- tive. First of all, Dr. 'Poynton puts poverty, for the disease is much more frequent in early life amongst the poorer classes. Next comes heredity, and after that cli- mate. He does not think that diet has any bearing upon the causation of disease in childhood, though pos- sibly later in life it may produce some alteration in the behaviour of the infection. on Se Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. j "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- lammation," writes E. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went. wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physic all the time. stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of Intestinal indil- gestion, Nothing helped me until I = Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other piils, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the . I did not require large doses te-get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have wre a mild yet certain remedy. T well--no pain, no sour touiabhy a good annette. able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good ped one medi do, cine and. °k ean Hamliton's ills are the 'Seat: pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Bitteraut sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers or Phe. Catarrhozomp Co., Kingston, Ont. = 4 +_~---- Prince Led Blind. Apropos of the recent anecdote of one of the British Cabinet Min- isters leading a blind mdn across a crowded street, it may be recalled that the late King, when Prince of perform: the like charitable pelle for 3 a blind fiddler in Pall Mall. Perceiving that the n was desirous of-getting to the other side, the Prince, who was about to cross from the Marlbor- ough Club to his own residence, quietly took him by the arm and convoyed him safely to the pave~ ment opposite, bestowing a coin be- fore parting with him. Of Course Not. "J can't find my wrench," bawl- ed the umber. 1 geen a good deal of time | looking for your tools,"' eriticiz inard's Liniment Co., Limited, Yai ata N.S. loy by ves da h the use of wit mately cured and able to return "to SA bg DUVAL. in Road, L'islet Co, Que. ee The Plot That Failed. ear Old Lady--My good man, i on earth are you doing on my ni ratty Old Fraud--Bless yer, ki eat grass. ear Old Lady--If you go round the back you'll find the ows much longer and thicker re. 4k for Minard's and take 'no other. uZIne, rs. yE last, Francis lady! I'm that hungry I got grass " exclaimed his wife, sharp- " , "That's a seed catalogue. What re looking at is a picture of a Tiniment used by "pnysictans. the bookkeeper of the establish- ment. "Now, I always "know where to find my pen "Well, a fellow can't stick his monkey "wrench behind his ear. "| Try Murine Eye Remedy Yi If you have §| or Granulated E elids. Red, Weak, Watery Eyes --Soothes Eye Pain. Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, Murine Eye. Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Breet by Mail, An Eye Tonic Geed for All Eyen that Need Care Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago 'Phe disease rheumatism," he| dsaid, "I look upon as essentially Highest grade beans kept whole 'and mealy by perfeet baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. ' "They have no equal. : PARMS FOR SALE Be Scatter att achat . Ww. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne inated Toronto. he Ag WANT TO BUY OBR SELL & Stock, Grain, or amd Parm. n, Bra P | Daweo pion. oF Sathorn Bt.. Toronto u . W. DAWSON, Golverke St. Toronta ; NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. { coD Shen 2 IN LIVE TOWN IN 00) Busin in c¢ ce $4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publishes} ze aa 73 West Adelaide Street. 0 S@ISCELLANSOUS Cis TUMORS, LUMrs,) Erb, f al and caternal. cured with out pain by cur home treatment. Write us hefore too late ii Medical Go.. Limited, Callinewond. Ont PROWESS WITH THE SWORD. Corporal- Baie Grainger Showed | King a Few Tricks. * 34 Among sce who displayed their prowess bef. recently was © Corporal - Major Grainger, says the Yorkshire Even- ing Post. He has won the title of the best man of arms (dismounted) in the army. Perhaps the best -of - the size of a broomhandle, and sus- pends it resting on two slips of thin paper. The rolls of paper are by his assistant. major, with one clean sweeping cut, slices the roomhandle" in two and leaves the paper uncut by the' razors. Equally smart is another feat." ng three or four bars of lead, about ten inches long and ~ an the Sit, em Bh facility of a grocer cutting cheese. He has acquired a sence of balance ~ and weight that is quite wonderful, as is instanced when he takes a@ eavy cavalry sword and_ neatly "slices inté strips an apple held on the extended hand of an uncon- cerned trooper. ~--__ Piano Maker Praises Zam-Buk BEST FOR STIFFNESS AND SPRAINS. - As an embrocation for stiffened muscles, sprains, rheumatism, etc., there is nothing like-Zam-Buk. Its penetrating powers are so great that it gives almost instant relief. Mr. D. R. Gourlay, of Messrs. Gourlay, Win- ter & Leeming, the well-known piano manufacturers of Toronto, used Zam- Buk, and this is his experience: "I have much pleasure in stating that two applications of Zam-Buk entirely cured me of a very severe strain of the back. While not given to the in- discriminate use of, or belief in, patent medicines, I can cénscien- tiously recommend Zam-Buk." -Buk is used by the world's foremost athletes, Why not give ita trial. Price 50c. per box, at all drug- sts and stores. Zam-Buk is also best for eczema, cuts, sores, 'bruises, ulcers, piles, and all skin injuries and da ee Safe to Ask. "Do you think I can safeiv ash your daughter to marry me'"" "JT am>sure of it. She told ms she wouldn't marry you if you wer¢ the last man on earth.'"' «. Keep Minard's Liniment in tho horse MARCH pee eee j Near-sighted. Biggest Thing f*Well, well!' exclaimed the alendar nasr-sighted man as he sagk into on the C ¢ an easy oheie, ae fashiops in for Spring women's clothes keep on getting ¥ ; mer around the ankles, don't Aod now fo for the Spring Gpsa-up. yi?' "That isn't a fashion ma- glisten like new. For every, pu' and not fail yo! The } solve y ISSUE 21--'l4. socal 1 hacia dealer will give you splendid service 2 write ones. to the tantoey, for interesting paint literature crs ur paint problems. U A Reliable Name on a sealed can is every- where the Modern Guarantee of Quality 6u will find Ramsay's fr Outdoors in, it will make things y finish, and in every can 3s Paate will rpose there fs a special Ramsa he ot Ramsay's Paint a there is the ideal combination of honest. time-tried ma*erials modern eens: methods-of machine mixing. . Ramsay oe tap youu ro) A. RAMSAY & SON co (Estabtiched. 1842) MONTREAL, Que.

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