} ~pf many feet. 50c, & box ; 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you . NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL C0., OF a ADA LIMITED, + Té@RONTC. ; Swollen Hands and Feet At all dealers or sent on receipt of price. et Kidney Trouble, Litiments and urifiers are useless. What you py o is to cure the. kidueys. Take GIN PILLS Gin Pills act directly on these vital organs--correct all disease--neutralize uric acid--purify the blood--relieve the pain and reduce swellingin handsand mention this paper. CANADA'S NAVY RESERVE Atlantic, _Pacific, and Great Lakes the Scene of the Three He adquarters A despatch from .Cttawa says: The Government Bureau has issued & statement which says that an order-in-Council has been passed by the Government and was signed by the Duke of Connaught authoriz- ing the establishment in Canada of a volunteer naval reserve force un- der the Naval Serviog, Department. /A sum is being placéd in the esti- mates sufficient for this year's work There is already a volunteer 1 na- val force at Victoria, B.C., has been financed privately. Ad- mira] Kingsmill is on his way to the coast, and this force will be at once given official recognition. which }' There is a petition already be- fore the department for the forma- tion of a company of naval reserves in Toronto, and steps will be taken at once to organize the force. Mr. Aemilius Jarvis is interested in the Toronto company, and predicts easily the formation of a company of 250 men. The headquarters of ihe force ire be at Ottawa, but it is proposed t organize three divisions, Ltiendie, Great Lakes, and Pacific. The Great Lakés division will likely' have its headquarters in To- rento, and will include the Upper St. Lawrence, the Great. Lakes, an the territory as far as the Rockies. BRITAIN'S NEW AEROPLANE The King Was Enthusiastic After Witnessing a Flight--Secret Will b2 Kept A despatch from London says: is stated that the Government wish- es to maintain the secret of the new safety aeroplane which is the pro- perty of the War Department. While this would give a great ad- vantage to the British army aerial service. it is pointed out by some that it would be against the inter- ests of humanity in the conquest of the air. The King is enthusiastic over the new machine. After wit- nessing a flight at Aldershot he ex- cla:med: "Why haven't you a hun- dred of these in the army?" Col. Seely, Secretary for War, in an interview said the invention of the machine was due to the brains men, Four organizations had played a part, namely: the Na- tional Phy sical Laboratory, the Ad- visory Committee on Aeronautics, ZNEW ATLANTIC LINERS. Two Splendid Vessels for the Cana- dian Pacifle. This season will see the Atlantic service of the Canadian Pacific aug- mented by the addition of two new These two vessels will be cabin type, which Barclay steamers. of the are ming so Curle & Company, cured the contract for the building one class popular. of Glasgow, bece se- of the ships some months ago, and the construction is well under way. They are being specially construct- ed for the Atlantic service and wi!l contain every possible convenience for the comfort of passengers. They will be of the '"'one class' type. with passenger accommodation for , 620 second, and 1,200 third class. These new vessels have been named the "Missanbi" and the "Meta- gama." Their length will be of 520 feet. greatest breadth 64 feet, while the breadth of the passenger deck will be 41 feet. Each vessel will have a dead weight capacity of 7,950 tons, with an approximate cargo capacity for 6,000 tons. The famous cruiser stern, which is the $ Itthe Royal aircraft factory __. The and ex- perimental fliers. new aero- plane,' he said, "is inherently not automatically stable, that is to sa its stability depends on the abs, not on any mechanical attachment. The secret can be applied to the monoplane as well as to the bi- plane. The new aeroplane, . which is-all British and all the product o British brains, except the engine, has been put to all manner of trials. It has been flown in a gale, flung at air pockets and eddies, and banked steeply, and has proved stable in all ways. novice can quite safely control it in the air, but still the preston problem of all remains to be solved--that of eafe landing. "I| have flown hundreds of miles, vond know that this is one thing that is ichecking the advance of fiying."' é -- of the new Empress recent- y placed on the Pacific coast, is be- rd introduced, and the new ships will also have six complete stee! decks. In order ta ensure safety the hulls are to be sub-divided by water-tight doors and bulkheads, so as to be capable of floating when terior of the vessels, each second- class state room will be fitted with a wardrobe and chest of drawers, folding lavatory with mirror, and other conveniences. The public rooms will be iy dining saloon, smok ! ing room, lounge and drawing room. The refri- gerating plant will be capable of making 300 Ibs. of eight hours. eee ie ~ ae = esr ice per The vessels will be heated and yenticlated on the thermo - tink system changing the air eight times each hour. There will also be a _ printing plant on beard each ship. three compartments re open These water-tight bulkheads and doors will be automatically con- trolled from the bridge. The speed of each vessel! will be 15 knots, with } a draught of 27.5. As for the in-| " ty) us and statistics office in a Ontario has teen winter killed, this | percentage reprecenting a reduction of 132,000 acres, i.e.; from 694,000 acres, the area. sown, to 562,000 acres, the area expected to be-har-| veste In Alberta the other large fall wheat province, Yall wheat, has been killed to the extent of 15.6 per cent., representing 36,000 acres, which will make the area to be har- vested 193,000 acres instead of 229,- 000 acres, the area sown last fall. The total area estimated to be sown to fall wheat, including be- sides Ontario and Alberta, 3, 000 acres in Manitoba, 78,000 acres in Saskatchewan an British Columbia, 1,003,700, now reduced by winter killing in Ontario and Alberta' to 838,700 acres, The condition of fall wheat on May 6 was in Ontario returned as 81.3 per cent., and in Albe 7.3 per cent. For all Canada the sendition of fall wheat.on May 6 was 83 per cent. of the standard, or 103 per cent. of the average con- dition of the past five years répre- sented by 100. The. condition of the fall wheat crop this year is, in fact, superior to that of any year since bulletin ates that according to re-} turns from its crop correspondents, made on May 6, about 19 per cent. rta as) ---- 10, when the record was over 89 cent. of the standard. fpon the whole, spring seeding "well advanced, excep ritime pér cent. of spring seeding was re- fo. to have been done by May 6. Ontario at this date about 24 per ent. of wheat, 43 per cent. of oats, ig 41 per cent. of barley had been got in, and 40 per cent. of the to- tal seeding was reported as com- pleted on May 6 as against the came pe portion last year on April 30. Manitoba 57, in Saskatchewan (79, and in Alberta 88 per cent. of the spring wheat 'crop was. reported as. seeded by-May 6, these propor- § comparing favorably with the gress reported last year on il 30. For the five provinces of Qhiebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Sas- ewan and Alberta the propor- of seeding reported as effected on|May 6 was about 48 per cent. for heat, 23 per cent. for oats, 16 per . for barley and 37 per cent. ut°14 per cent. of the area in 'and clover meadows is pce | ? IN BAKIN OR SULPHAT PHATE THEM, ALUM" "GREDIENTS CIENT. THE BAKING WINNIPEG' TUPTTASIDADSSSATIS EUSTACE RTA 6 Ss GUARD AGAINST ALUM THAT ALL INGREDIENTS ARE PLAINLY PRINTED ON THE LABEL,AND THAT ALUM OR SODIC ALUMINIC SUL- 1S NOT "ONE OF WITHOUT THE 1S NOT SUFFI- MAGIC BAKING POWDER COSTS NO MORE FOR ECONOMY, BUY THE ONE POUND TINS. E. W. Gittetr Company Limitep 'TORONTO, G POWDER SEE E OF ALUMINA WORDS "NO ORDINARY ONT. MONTREAL UOLUATAOYCSDTCOULCEDFAUESSTCONTECLCEUELTS 12 TO HUGE FINE. Big Seizure of Skins at a Hudson Bay Company Post. A despatch from gone William, When nt., says: e Provincial Police searched the Pinter Bay Company's post at Long Lake, about one hundred miles north of Jackfish on the C.P.R., last Sun- day, 424 beaver, 86 otter and 1,324 muskrat skins were found. All the animals named are protected by law. The manager of the post, Wil- liam Thompson, when brought be- fore the Magistrate at Nipigon pleaded guilty to unlawful posses- sion of the skins, and asked to have his case remanded. The entire number of pelts are valued at $10,- 000, and figuring the- penalty for each skin the maximum fine would amount to $117,000 ee ae In Apprehension. { "I gave her a plush album on her wedding anniversary. It was one I had had about the house for some time, but. it looked like new "Well? "'Now she has found that IT have an anniversary "Well, no doubt you expect her to reciptocate. "Reciprocate is not the words I'm afraid che will retaliate."' winter-killed, as last year. ith 22 pef cent. " The Tage condition of these crops on May 6 was 86.7 per cent., as com- pared with 89.6 per cent. last year, an! 74.6 in 1912. PRICES GF FARM PRODUCTS) : REPORTS PROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERIOA. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. Broadstuffs. Eo - eg ere at nie '85 to $3.90, Manttobas "First patents, 5.6 . Seconds $5. 107} nto, --No vateide and 31.06, on trac 2 Ontario outs, 29% to 40c, at 42c, on track, Toronto, 434c for 2, 3, wat "05 outside, ta soars y----Good malting barley, 3 tye--No. 2 at 6 Sic, outalde. Buckwheat--s to 'tbe, outside. American, ktln-dried, quoted a: Tsace Toronto. Bran-- Manitoba bran $24 to $26 a ton, in_ bags, Torento freight. Shorts, $26 to $27. - Country Produce. Butter '- nals dairy, 18 20 n- ferlor, 15 léc; farme sep tor prints, 21 - 904 : " amery prints, fresh, 23 to 24c; ck prir to solids, storage, 20 to 2le Eggs--21 to 23c per dozen, in casé ts. Hloney-- Extrac ted, . tins, 104 to lle » 83. 50 per doz- to "L4ic for for twins. 2h to $2.30 o $2.20. 19e¢ =per 1b; ducks, 20c; geese, 20 to 230. $1.20 to $1 re, and Ontart os at $1.10 one bag. on track Provisions. LB acon- --Long clear, 15 to l6c e lots ei = nu, 8c; rolls, 15 t 18 to 19c; backs, 13c; j heay Cc; breakfast sacon. ao 23c. surd--Tierces, 123c; tubs, pails, 133c. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled hay--No. 1 at $14.50 to $15 2k here: No, 2 and clover at $10 to raw lots, $8.25 to $8.50, 'Toronto Winnipeg Grain. 'ash :--Wheat-- mi inniper, 2 2 94§c; : _Mo., § May 1 No rthern, & 0 Wes Oo 3 Mige The: "No. 2 2 feed, 363c. Bariey-- No, 3, 49)c; fesd, 45c. 2 Cw., No, 4, 483c; Flax--No. No. 3 do. $1.36; ao an Markets. n--Amerie Moentreal, Ma rejec ted, 45)c: -W a $1. 368; an No. estern, wheat pete ie strong bak: cholee, 38: = ed. els Ibs, $2. 6. Millfeed-- og middlings, ¥Y----No. 2 $15.50. to - 2ke. 24c peelected, 26 to 27c; No. 1 stoc 0. 5 United States Markets. Minnea Us, .. May 26,--Wheat. 34 ates: No. 1 parts 994c; Ne Northern 258 to 9$$ic; . 2 or. nn./ May 26.--Linseed, Sen ae Close wheat, No. e. 1 Northern, $6%c; No. 94ic; July, 96 Live Stock Markets. onto, May 26, eee ty a but- $7.90 to $8.30; ood, $7.90 to 7.60. aay ves--Good veal, $8.75 to $10; com- $4.75 fo $7. ockers and feeders--Steers s090 Tbs., $7.25 to . 75; good. quality to 800 Ibs., $7 to $7.50; light, $6. 25 $7 25. theep and lambs----Lig ht 7: rhe avy. $38. 3b; Spring irling lambs, $9 BORE, -385 to $8. 40, IN to ewes. $6. 30 ed and water- > $8 to $8.05. me $.60 to $8.65, off car 26.--Pr be eves $c each; oa ost LITANTS ARE BLAMED. » Broke Out : Near Where King and Queen Were Staying. d, 'says edly of idnesday, feckes out in the long Jey close by the Royal pavilion, pre King George and Queen ry are staying for the manoeu- s. Their Majesties had left the rilion when the blaze was dis ven The fire was extremely ult to combat and was not ¢x- rushed for a considerable time. en the King and Queen left the lion two suffragettes were seen at ihe entrance waving women' banners. BEARS AT STURGEON POINT. Several Have Been Killed and Others Have Been Seen. MS despatch from Minden says: Be | "votes for hrs seem to be particularly tame just now in the North Country. It 1s seldom that a bear is seen at Stikrgeon Point, yet one trotted | pagt a lady pekentie and. disappear- ed;in the bushes.- A big black bear. welighing 250 pounds, was shot by , Ezra King, of Belmont Lake. d, of North Harvey, shot a pear -- he had previously trapped. he pelt was jet black, and valued at $18. The bear was a ge one. FpUr MEN KILLED ON SHIP. Vessel Was Participating in Nayal Manoeuvres at the Time. r despatch from Bizerta, Africa. sags:~ Four men were killed and on¢ was badly scalded through an ac¢éident in the stokehole of the French destroyer Renaudin on Wed- neaday The Renaudin was partici- res at the time in the annual inayal manoeuvres. j THIS INV half yearly a aced on market 10 yea 'vestment SEAS, ter one ye ny time af NATIONAL SECURITIES CONFEDERATION LIFE HAS PAID 7% PER ANNUM the Securities of this be tioulars and booklet gladly furnished on requ CORPORATION, LIMITED, BUILDIN: ESTMENT Shacorese® wer ess established whole ull par- ars ago. -- drawn 'in par a morteuce, TORONTO, ONT. HOME TRADE CATALOGUE GEER th When you buy HOME TRADE knowing that you are receiving the good quality. You Cannot Lose on HOME TRADE Catalogue goods Economy and absolute Satisfaction BUY AT HOME. Merchant Near YOU. Consumers' Cuide lished by hundreds of progressive Retatil Merchants in a united goods they buy. necessary articles of money saving prices. "are prepared to give you The kind of service it is im: ble receive through a rat Sich means. They will handle your orders, look after ship- ments, adjust complaints, f y arise, nd at the same fime save you middle- man's profits, since they Buy Direct from Factory merchandise you have the satisfaction of You get the latest in every Iine and will be delighted with the splendid quality and value received. Money refunded without question when not satisfled. Make the HOME TRADE Catalogue Your Buying Guide, - Every dollar spent at home through the HOME TRADE Catalogue means for yourself, and benefit to your district.-- There is a HOME TRADE To Economy This HOME TRADE catalogue is pub- effort to give eir customers lower prices on the It Mists thousands of merchandise at These merchants Personal Mail Order Service lowest possible prices consistent with HOME TRADE Goods are gunranteed to give tisfaction. sa This Trade Mark Assures-- Consumers' Satisfaction. Better goods at lower = Highest aoe Bervic Efficien Simeutie a Local District. YOUR SUNDAY. ROAST Your Sunday roast is best done ona New Perfection 'Oil Cook-stove' Its steady, even heat preserves the rich, natural flavor of the meat. And you can regulate the heat just as you want it--ideal for baking, broil- ing, toasting--every ki 4 nd of cooking. ' Made with 1, 2, = -_-- 4 'baroess, also riew stove with Fi ire- sass Cooking 'Royalite "oe Gives Best Resales = if THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited Toronto SAS * Wienipes Halifax Montreal Vv r